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Conda Recipe Manager CLI Overview

This document provides a brief overview of all the CLI tools provided by Conda Recipe Manager (CRM).

All tools are executed by running conda-recipe-manger <tool-name> or crm <tool-name>.

To get a full list of all currently available tools, run: crm --help To get help with a particular tool, run: crm <tool-name> --help

All of these commands should return a POSIX-style error code when they encounter an issue. The codes should correlate to unique error cases.

List of Tools


This tool converts one or more recipe files from the V0 recipe format to the V1 recipe format.

In single file mode, a converted recipe file is dumped to STDOUT or can be written to a specified file using the -o option. Warnings and errors are printed to STDERR

In bulk (multi-recipe) mode, the converted recipe files can written to a recipe.yaml file in the same directory as the original V0 meta.yaml file is found in. Various statistics about the bulk conversion process are dumped to a JSON blob to STDOUT.


Usage: crm convert [OPTIONS] PATH

  Recipe conversion CLI utility. By default, recipes print to STDOUT. Messages
  always print to STDERR. Takes 1 file or a directory containing multiple
  feedstock repositories. If the `PATH` provided is a directory, the script
  will attempt a bulk operation conversion across all subdirectories.

  -o, --output PATH               File to dump a new recipe to. For bulk
                                  operations, specify the file basename only
                                  (i.e. recipe.yaml).
  -m, --min-success-rate FLOAT RANGE
                                  Sets a minimum passing success rate for bulk
                                  operations.  [0<=x<=1]
  -t, --truncate                  Truncates logging. On large tests in a
                                  GitHub CI environment, this can eliminate
                                  log buffering issues.
  -d, --debug                     Debug mode, prints debugging information to
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


As of writing, this tool is a work in progress. Once it reads a directory of recipe files, it constructs a handful of cached dependency graphs. The user is then presented with a custom CLI to examine and render graph visualizations.

Here is a brief example using the conda-forge examples stored in the CRM test data set:

Constructing dependency graph...
Failed to parse 55 out of 2011 recipe files (97.27% success).
Failed to parse the dependencies from 382 out of 1956 recipe files (80.47% success).
Estimated memory usage of the graph: 13.26MiB
Total graph construction time: 2.83s

== Main menu ==
> help
Conda Recipe Manager (CRM) Graph Utility Interactive Shell (GUIS)

Use exit, q, or Ctrl-D to quit.

  - plot (build|test) [depends|needed-by] (<package>|all)
    Generates a visual representation of the requested dependency graph.
    Using `all` prints the entire graph (no direction required).
  - stats
    Prints graph construction statistics.
  - help
    Prints this help message.

> plot test all
This might take a while...

CF render example


Usage: crm graph [OPTIONS] PATH

  Interactive CLI that provides tools for examining a dependency graph created
  from conda recipes.

  Arguments:   PATH - A path containing recipe files to be examined.

  --help  Show this message and exit.


This tool provides a simple interface to for editing recipe files using JSON-patch-like blobs. This primarily exists for proof-of-concept type work and as a simple demo of CRM's editing capabilities.



  Patches recipe files with JSON patch blobs.

  JSON_PATCH_FILE_PATH: Path to the json file containing the patch blobs
  RECIPE_FILE_PATH: Path to the target recipe file

  --help  Show this message and exit.


This tool is used by our automated integration tests to run a dry-run of rattler-build against thousands of recipe files, after a bulk convert command. Like the bulk variant of convert, this tool dumps a JSON blob of statistics at the end of the command.


Usage: crm rattler-bulk-build [OPTIONS] PATH

  Given a directory of feedstock repositories, performs multiple recipe builds
  using rattler-build. All unknown trailing options and arguments for this
  script are passed directly to `rattler-build build`. NOTE:     - The build
  command is run as `rattler-build build -r <recipe.yaml> <ARGS>`     -
  rattler-build errors are dumped to STDERR

  -m, --min-success-rate FLOAT RANGE
                                  Sets a minimum passing success rate for bulk
                                  operations.  [0<=x<=1]
  -t, --truncate                  Truncates logging. On large tests in a
                                  GitHub CI environment, this can eliminate
                                  log buffering issues.
  -l, --debug-log FILE            Dumps a large debug log to the file
  --help                          Show this message and exit.