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ac-minetest edited this page May 13, 2016 · 39 revisions


Basic_machines is a lightweight minetest automation/logic building mod without a lot of background processing. Relies only on default game.


###Basic nodes

1 keypad

2 mover

3 distributor

4 detector

5 battery

6 generator

###Extra nodes:

7 recycler

8 grinder

9 autocrafter

10 enviroment block

11 ball spawner



  • puncheable button that can activate machines (repeatedly too), can be used as keyboard, to change labels on blocks, chat to nearby players or change filters in other machines.
  • Can be password protected as well
  • partial compatibility with mesecons mod (you can activate mesecon blocks)
  • respects protection of nodes


  1. Whole field will be harvested upon punch of a keypad mover1
  2. Keypad setup, with empty password anyone can use it just by punching mover1


  • automation of harvesting/planting tasks with mover. Harvest trees or plants, replant them... or just dig a hole.
  • it can put nodes into or take them from chests
  • it can move items between 2 nodes with inventory ( for example from furnace to chest)
  • it can work over larger area, limited to radius 10. With upgrading radius increases up to 110.
  • it can move players or objects (instantaneous teleport or slow glide)
  • it can reverse direction of move or only move specific things ( filter )
  • it needs battery nearby to work, required power depends move distance and type of operation
  • respects protection of nodes

####Images 1.Mover mover1 2.Setup of mover used in harvesting a wheat field mover2


  • can pass input signal to up to 16 outputs, with optional delay
  • can negate signal (NOT gate)
  • can filter signal (only transmit OFF or only ON)
  1. Distributor setup (2 movers as output), input is another distributor distributor1

2.Distributor passing signal from bottom distributor onto 2 movers distributor1


  • can detect nodes, players, objects, text on nodes, light levels
  • can detect nodes in 2 positions at once and perform OR, AND operation
  • as a response it can activate machines or pass name of detected objects to keypad
  • has ability to filter output signal ( only OFF, only ON or only activate if state changes)

detector1 detector2


  • powers machines using builting power generator, its upgradable for larger capacity and power output
  • you can use any furnace fuel to generate power or special power cells, provided by separate generator block
  • if you put furnace on top of battery and activate it, furnace will run without needing any other fuel. By upgrading battery furnace will additionaly gain smelting speed boost

outlet1 outlet2


  • slowly (1 per 20 seconds) generates power cells, used in recharging battery
  • with upgrades it generates better power cells (upgrade 20: power blocks, upgrade 99: power rods)


  • will give you back ingredients used to create item with some loss
  • requires fuel/battery for operation

recycler1 recycler2


  • processes materials for more efficient mining
  • can grind metals/mese/diamond to dust, can grind cobble->gravel->dirt or stone->sand


  • automate crafting by just providing materials

###enviroment block

  • can set up physics for players near it. Ordinary players are limited, admin has no limits and can set skybox as well
  • can set move speed, jump speed, gravity, sneak

###ball spawner

  • spawns a ball
  • there are 2 types of balls: OFF or ON ( depends how spawner was activated)
  • balls can be moved around with mover in object mode
  • if ball hits an active block it will activate it
  • if ball hits other block it will bounce off it
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