diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 434d21c9..65ac8cc5 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -43,3 +43,8 @@
diff --git a/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Build/PostBuild.ps1 b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Build/PostBuild.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8cba414e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Build/PostBuild.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+$CIPowerShellDir = $CIFrameworkDir + "\PowerShell"
+$CIBuildTemplatesDir = $CIFrameworkDir + "\BuildTemplates"
+$CIBuildCustomAssembliesDir = $CIBuildTemplatesDir + "\CustomAssemblies"
+New-Item $CIPowerShellDir -ItemType directory
+New-Item $CIBuildTemplatesDir -ItemType directory
+New-Item $CIBuildCustomAssembliesDir -ItemType directory
+Copy-Item ($env:TF_BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY + "\microsoft.xrm.client.dll") $CIPowerShellDir -Force -Recurse -Verbose
+Copy-Item ($env:TF_BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY + "\microsoft.xrm.sdk.dll") $CIPowerShellDir -Force -Recurse -Verbose
+Copy-Item ($env:TF_BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY + "\microsoft.crm.sdk.proxy.dll") $CIPowerShellDir -Force -Recurse -Verbose
+Copy-Item ($env:TF_BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY + "\Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell.dll") $CIPowerShellDir -Force -Recurse -Verbose
+Copy-Item ($env:TF_BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY + "\*.ps1") $CIPowerShellDir -Force -Recurse -Verbose
+Copy-Item ($env:TF_BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY + "\microsoft.xrm.client.dll") $CIBuildCustomAssembliesDir -Force -Recurse -Verbose
+Copy-Item ($env:TF_BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY + "\microsoft.xrm.sdk.dll") $CIBuildCustomAssembliesDir -Force -Recurse -Verbose
+Copy-Item ($env:TF_BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY + "\microsoft.crm.sdk.proxy.dll") $CIBuildCustomAssembliesDir -Force -Recurse -Verbose
+Copy-Item ($env:TF_BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY + "\microsoft.xrm.sdk.deployment.dll") $CIBuildCustomAssembliesDir -Force -Recurse -Verbose
+Copy-Item ($env:TF_BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY + "\CustomActivitiesAndExtensions.xml") $CIBuildCustomAssembliesDir -Force -Recurse -Verbose
+Copy-Item ($env:TF_BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY + "\Xrm.Framework.CI.TeamFoundation.Activities.dll") $CIBuildCustomAssembliesDir -Force -Recurse -Verbose
+Copy-Item ($env:TF_BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY + "\DynamicsCRM2013ReleaseTfvcTemplate.12.xaml") $CIBuildTemplatesDir -Force -Recurse -Verbose
+[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName( "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem" )
+$compressionLevel = [System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel]::Optimal
+[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory( $CIFrameworkDir, $CIFrameworkDir + ".zip", $compressionLevel, $false )
+Remove-Item ($env:TF_BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY + "\*.*") -exclude "*.zip" -Force -Recurse -Verbose
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.dll b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.dll
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c85e08d
Binary files /dev/null and b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.dll differ
diff --git a/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.xml b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a55bb101
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7009 @@
+ Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy
+ Contains integer values that are used for the BusinessUnit.InheritanceMask attribute.
+ The business inherits all inheritance values. Value = 0x3ff.
+ The business inherits competitors from its parent business. Value = 8.
+ The business inherits email templates from its parent business. Value = 2.
+ The business does not inherit from its parent business. Value = 0.
+ All child business units inherit process templates from this business. Value = 1.
+ All child business units inherit referral sources from this business. Value = 4.
+ The business inherits sale processes from its parent business. Value = 0x10.
+ The business inherits competitors from its parent business. Value = 0x100.
+ All child business units inherit email templates from this business. Value = 0x40.
+ The business inherits process templates from its parent business. Value = 0x20.
+ All child business units inherit referral sources from this business. Value = 0x80.
+ The business inherits sale processes from its parent business. Value = 0x200.
+ Contains integer flags that are used for the CalendarRule.ExtentCode attribute.
+ The recurrence duration determines the shadowing of that rule. Use this value to indicate working hours and a full day 24-hour shadow. Value = 1.
+ Only the rule duration is shadowed. Use this value to indicate time off. For example, 4 hours of time off allow working hours to appear before and after. Value = 2.
+ No shadowing of calendar rules. All rules are displayed even if they are shadowed or preceded by other rules. Value = 0.
+ Contains integer flags that are used for the List.MemberType attribute, used to indicate whether a list specifies accounts, contacts, or leads.
+ A list of accounts. Value = 1.
+ A list of contacts. Value = 2.
+ A list of leads. Value = 4.
+ Contains integer values that are used for the Organization.FiscalYearDisplayCode attribute.
+ Displays the fiscal year based on the end date of the fiscal year. Value = 2.
+ Displays the fiscal year based on the start date of the fiscal year. Value = 1.
+ Contains integer values that are used for the SavedQuery.QueryType attribute.
+ An address book filter. Value = 512.
+ An advanced search. Value = 1.
+ A custom view. Value = 16384.
+ A view for a dialog (workflow process). Value = 4096.
+ A lookup view. Value = 64.
+ Specifies the main application view. Value = 0.
+ Specifies the main application view without a subject. Value = 1024.
+ An offline filter for pn_crm_for_outlook_short. Value = 16.
+ An offline template for pn_crm_for_outlook_short. Value = 8192.
+ A filter for pn_crm_for_outlook_short. Value = 256.
+ A template for pn_crm_for_outlook_short. Value = 131072.
+ A quick find query, which defines the columns searched using the Search field in a list view. Value = 4.
+ A reporting query. Value = 8.
+ A saved query used for workflow templates and e-mail templates. Value = 2048.
+ Specifies the service management appointment book view. Value = 128.
+ A sub-grid query. Value = 2.
+ Contains integer values that are used for the SdkMessage.Availability and SdkMessageFilter.Availability attributes.
+ The message is available on both connected and disconnected from the server. Value = 2.
+ The message is available only on the client. Value = 1.
+ The message is available only on the server. Value = 0.
+ Contains integer values that are used for the SdkMessageFilter.Availability attribute.
+ The message is available on both connected and disconnected from the server. Value = 2.
+ The message is available only on the client. Value = 1.
+ The message is available only on the server. Value = 0.
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ Contains integer values that are used for the Template.GenerationTypeCode attribute.
+ Bulk delete has completed. Value = 2.
+ Bulk delete has completed, but failures occurred. Value = 3.
+ Bulk delete failed. Value = 4.
+ Bulk duplicate detection has completed. Value = 1.
+ Import has completed. Value = 5.
+ Import has failed. Value = 6.
+ Contains integer values that are used for the UserQuery.QueryType attribute.
+ AAn address book filter. Value = 512.
+ AAn advanced search. Value = 1.
+ A custom view. Value = 16384.
+ A view for a dialog (workflow process). Value = 4096.
+ A lookup view. Value = 64.
+ The main application view. Value = 0.
+ The main application view without a subject. Value = 1024.
+ AAn offline filter for pn_crm_for_outlook_short. Value = 16.
+ A filter for pn_crm_for_outlook_short. Value = 256.
+ A quick find query, which defines the columns searched using the Search field in a list view. Value = 4.
+ A reporting query. Value = 8.
+ A saved query used for workflow templates and e-mail templates. Value = 2048.
+ The service management appointment book view. Value = 128.
+ A sub-grid query. Value = 2.
+ Contains integer values that are used for the UserSettings.AdvancedFindStartupMode attribute.
+ Show the detailed version of advanced find at startup. Value = 2.
+ Show the simple version of advanced find at startup. Value = 1.
+ Contains integer values that are used for the UserSettings.DefaultCalendarView attribute.
+ Show the day by default. Value = 0.
+ Show the month by default. Value = 2.
+ Show the week by default. Value = 1.
+ Contains integer values that are used for the UserSettings.FullNameConventionCode attribute.
+ Show the first and last name. Value = 1.
+ Show the first name, middle initial and last name. Value = 3.
+ Show the first, middle and last names. Value = 5.
+ Show the last name and then the first name. Value = 0.
+ Show the last name first, then the first name and the middle name. Value = 4.
+ Show the last name first, then the first name and the middle initial. Value = 2.
+ Show the last name and then the first name, with no space separating the names. Value = 7.
+ Show the last name and then the first name, with a space separating the names. Value = 6.
+ Contains the possible access rights for a user.
+ The right to append the specified record to another object. Value = 0x10.
+ The right to append another record to the specified object. Value = 16.
+ The right to assign the specified record to another user or team. Value = 0x80000.
+ The right to create a record. Value = 0x20.
+ The right to delete the specified record. Value = 0x10000.
+ No access. Value = 0.
+ The right to read the specified type of record. Value = 1.
+ The right to share the specified record. Value = 0x40000.
+ The right to update the specified record. Value = 2.
+ Contains the data that is needed to add an item to a campaign activity.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the campaign activity. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the campaign activity.
+ Gets or sets the name of the entity type that is used in the operation. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the entity type that is used in the operation.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the item to be added to the campaign activity. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the item to be added to the campaign activity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the resulting campaign activity item.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the resulting campaign activity item.
+ Contains the data that is needed to add an item to a campaign.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the campaign. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the campaign.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the record to be added to the campaign. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the record to be added to the campaign.
+ Gets or sets the name of the type of entity that is used in the operation. Required.
+ Type: Returns_String The name of the type of entity that is used in the operation.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the resulting campaign item.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the resulting campaign item.
+ Contains the data that is needed to add members to the list.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the list. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the list. This corresponds to the List.ListId attribute, which is the primary key for the List entity.
+ Gets or sets an array of IDs of the members that you want to add to the list. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid[]
+The array of IDs of the members that you want to add to the list.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to add a member to a list (marketing list).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the member you want to add to the list. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the member you want to add to the list.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the list. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the list that corresponds to the List.ListId attribute, which is the primary key for the List entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the resulting list member.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the resulting list member that corresponds to the ListMember.ListMemberId property, which is the primary key for the ListMember intersect entity..
+ Contains the data that is needed to add members to a team.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets an array of IDs for the users you want to add to the team. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid[]
+The array of user IDs to add to the team. Each element of the MemberIds array corresponds to the SystemUser.SystemUserId property, which is the primary key for the SystemUser entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the team. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the team, that corresponds to the Team.TeamId attribute, which is the primary key for the Team entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data to add the specified principal to the list of queue members. If the principal is a team, add each team member to the queue.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the principal to add to the queue. Required.
+ Type: The principal to add to the queue.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the queue. Required
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the queue.
+ Contains the response from the message.This message was added with pn_crm_2013_service_pack_1_op_short and pn_v6_online_ur1_shortest.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to add a set of existing privileges to an existing role.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the IDs and depths of the privileges you want to add. Required.
+ Type: The IDs and depths of the privileges you want to add.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the role for which you want to add the privileges. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the role for which you want to add the privileges. This corresponds to the Role.RoleId attribute, which is the primary key for the Role entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the AddPrivilegesRoleResponse class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to add a product to a kit.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the kit. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the kit that corresponds to the Product.ProductId attribute, which is the primary key for the Product entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the product. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the product that corresponds to the Product.ProductId attribute, which is the primary key for the Product entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to add recurrence information to an existing appointment.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the appointment that needs to be converted into a recurring appointment. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the appointment that needs to be converted into a recurring appointment. This corresponds to the Appointment.ActivityId attribute, which is the primary key for the Appointment entity.
+ Gets or sets the target, which is a recurring appointment master record to which the appointment is converted. Required.
+ Type: The target, which must be an entity reference for a RecurringAppointmentMaster entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the newly created recurring appointment.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the newly created recurring appointment. This corresponds to the RecurringAppointmentMaster.ActivityId attribute, which is the primary key for the RecurringAppointmentMaster entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to add a solution component to an unmanaged solution.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether other solution components that are required by the solution component that you are adding should also be added to the unmanaged solution. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the components that are required by the solution component you are adding should also be added to the unmanaged solution; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the solution component. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the solution component.
+ Gets or sets the value that represents the solution component that you are adding. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The integer value of the componenttype enumeration.
+ Gets or sets the unique name of the solution you are adding the solution component to. Required.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The unique name of the solution you are adding the solution component to.
+ Contains the response from the message.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Returns the ID of the new solution component record.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the new solution component record. This corresponds to the SolutionComponent. SolutionComponentId attribute, which is the primary key for the SolutionComponent entity.
+ deprecated Use the class. Adds a link between two entity instances in a many-to-many relationship.
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ Type: Returns_Guid.
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ Type: Returns_Guid.
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class. Contains the response from the class.
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to move an entity record from a source queue to a destination queue.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the destination queue. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the destination queue that corresponds to the Queue.QueueId attribute, which is the primary key for the Queue entity.
+ Gets or sets the properties that are needed to create a queue item in the destination queue. Optional.
+ Type:
+The properties that are needed to create a queue item in the destination queue. The destination queue must be an instance of the QueueItem class, which is a subclass of the Entity class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the source queue. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the source queue that corresponds to the Queue.QueueId attribute, which is the primary key for the Queue entity.
+ Gets or sets the target record to add to the destination queue. Required.
+ Type:
+The target record to add to the destination queue, which must be an entity reference for an entity that is enabled for queues. For more information, see Enabling Entities for Queues/html/a60160f0-6de8-4aed-af92-cb180e883c82.htm#BKMK_Enabling.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the queue item that is created in the destination queue.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the queue item that is created in the destination queue, which corresponds to the QueueItem.QueueItemId attribute, which is the primary key for the QueueItem entity
+ Contains the data that is needed to add a user to the auto created access team for the specified record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the record for which the access team is auto created. Required.
+ Type: The record for which the access team is auto created, which must be an entity reference for an entity that is enabled for access teams. To enable an entity for the auto created access teams, set the attribute to true.
+ Gets or sets the ID of system user (user) to add to the auto created access team. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the system user (user) that corresponds to the SystemUser.SystemUserId attribute, which is the primary key for the SystemUser entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of team template which is used to create the access team. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the team template that corresponds to the TeamTemplate.TeamTemplateId attribute, which is the primary key for the TeamTemplate entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the auto created access team.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the auto created access team, which corresponds to the Team.TeamId attribute, which is the primary key for the Team entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to apply the active routing rule to an incident.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the target incident to apply the routing rule to. Required.
+ Type: The target incident to apply the routing rule to.
+ Contains the response from the message.This message was added with pn_crm_2013_service_pack_1_op_short and pn_v6_online_ur1_shortest.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Represents a proposed appointment time and date as a result of the message.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the start, end, site ID, site name, and proposal parties.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_DateTime>. The proposed appointment start date and time.
+ Type: []. An array of parties needed for the proposed appointment.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_DateTime>. The proposed appointment end date and time.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the site for the proposed appointment.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the site for the proposed appointment.
+ Gets or sets the proposed appointment end date and time.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_DateTime>The proposed appointment end date and time.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObject
+ Gets or sets an array of parties needed for the proposed appointment.
+ Type: []The array of parties needed for the proposed appointment.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the site for the proposed appointment.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the site for the proposed appointment.
+ Gets or sets the name of the site for the proposed appointment.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the site for the proposed appointment.
+ Gets or sets the proposed appointment start date and time.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_DateTime>The proposed appointment start date and time.
+ Provides the details of an appointment request for the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the time offset in minutes, from midnight, when the first occurrence of the appointment can take place.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The time offset in minutes.
+ Gets or sets the appointments to ignore in the search for possible appointments.
+ Type: The appointments to ignore in the search for possible appointments.
+ Gets or sets any additional constraints.
+ Type:
+Additional constraints for the appointment.
+ Gets or sets the direction of the search.
+ Type:
+The search direction.
+ Gets or sets the appointment duration, in minutes.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The appointment duration, in minutes.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the number of results to be returned from the search request.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The number of results to be returned from the search request.
+ Gets or sets the scheduling strategy that overrides the default constraints.
+ Type:
+The scheduling strategy that overrides the default constraints.
+ Gets or sets the time, in minutes, for which the appointment recurrence is valid.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The time, in minutes, for which the appointment recurrence is valid.
+ Gets or sets a value to override the time zone that is specified by the property.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+A value to override the time zone that is specified by the property.
+ Gets or sets the resources that are needed for this appointment.
+ Type:
+The resources that are needed for this appointment.
+ Gets or sets the recurrence rule for appointment recurrence.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The recurrence rule.Example: "FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO;INTERVAL=60";Where: BYDAY means which day = MO,TU,THINTERVAL is an integer valueFREQ="DAILY","WEEKLY"This is similar to the Recurrence Pattern in Asynchronous Job Execution/html/abfb5df5-138b-4c7e-8730-4903aa2be3d3.htm.
+ Gets or sets the date and time for the first possible instance of the appointment.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_DateTime>
+The date and time for the first possible instance of the appointment.
+ Gets or sets the date and time to end the search.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_DateTime>
+The date and time to end the search.
+ Gets or sets the date and time to begin the search.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_DateTime>
+The date and time to begin the search.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the service to search for.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the service, which corresponds to the Service.ServiceId attribute, which is the primary key for the Service entity.
+ Gets or sets the sites where the requested appointment can take place.
+ Type: Returns_Guid[]
+The array of site IDs, where the requested appointment can take place. The site ID corresponds to the Site.SiteId attribute, which is the primary key for the Site entity.
+ Gets or sets the time zone code of the user who is requesting the appointment.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The time zone code of the user who is requesting the appointment.
+ Specifies the appointments to ignore in an appointment request from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the appointments and resource ID.
+ Type: Returns_Guid[]. The array of IDs of appointments to ignore.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The resource for which appointments are to be ignored.
+ Gets or sets an array of IDs of appointments to ignore.
+ Type: Returns_Guid[]
+The array of IDs of appointments to ignore.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObject.
+ Gets or sets the resource for which appointments are to be ignored.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The resource for which appointments are to be ignored.
+ Contains the data that is needed to assign the specified record to a new owner (user or team) by changing the OwnerId attribute of the record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the user or team for which you want to assign a record. Required.
+ Type: The reference to a user or team record.
+ Gets or sets the target record to assign to another user or team. Required.
+ Type: The target record to assign. The value must be an entity reference for an entity that supports this message. For a list of supported entity types, see the class.
+ Contains the response from the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ deprecated Use the class. Contains the data that is needed to add a link between two entity instances in a many-to-many relationship.
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ Type: The entity reference for the first record.
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ Type: The entity reference for the second record.
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the relationship between the two entities.
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class. Contains the response from the class.
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ Contains the details of changes to entity attributes.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a list of deleted attributes.
+ Type: Returns_DictionaryA dictionary containing the deleted attributes.
+ Gets a collection of attempted attribute changes that are not valid.
+ Type: The data collection of attempted attribute changes.
+ Gets or sets a collection of new values for an entity attribute.
+ Type: The collection of new values for an entity attribute.
+ Gets or sets a collection of former values for an entity attribute.
+ Type: The collection of former values for an entity attribute.
+ Provides a base class for storing the details of data changes.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the related Audit record that contains the change details.
+ Type: The audit record.
+ Gets or sets the structure that contains extra data. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObject.
+ Contains a collection of objects.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Adds an object to the collection.
+ An object that contains change details.
+ Gets the AuditDetail collection.
+ Type: <>The collection of instances.
+ Indicates the number of elements in the collection.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The number of elements in the collection.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
+ Type:
+The element at the specified index.
+ Type: Returns_Int32. The element index.
+ Indicates whether more records exist.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if more records exist; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a paging cookie.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The paging cookie value.
+ Gets or sets the total record count in the collection.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The total record count in the collection.
+ Identifies a pn_MS_SQL_Server partition that is used to store changes to entity data records.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the end date and time for the last audit record in the partition.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_DateTime>
+The date and time of the last audit record in the partition.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectA structure that contains extra data.
+ Gets or sets the sequence (serial) number of the partition.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The sequence (serial) number of the partition.
+ Gets or sets the size, in bytes, of the partition.
+ Type: Returns_Int64The size, in bytes, of the partition.
+ Gets or sets the creation date and time of the first audit record in the partition.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_DateTime>The creation date and time of the first audit record in the partition.
+ Contains a data collection of objects.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ ExtensionData
+ Returns_String
+ Gets or sets whether the partition change list is a logical collection.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the audit partition list is a logical collection; otherwise, false.
+ Contains the data that is needed to generate a new set of attribute mappings based on the metadata.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the entity map to overwrite when the automated mapping is performed. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the entity map.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to send email messages asynchronously.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the query to find the email activities to send.
+ Type: The query to find the email activities to send.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the resulting emails. Required.
+ Type: The collection of resulting emails.
+ Gets a value that indicates whether the email has attachments. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the email has attachments; otherwise, false.
+ Contains the data that is needed to schedule or “book” an appointment, recurring appointment, or service appointment (service activity).
+ Initializes a new instance of the Class.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean.
+ Gets or sets the record that is the target of the book operation. Required.
+ Type:The target of the book operation.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Returns Returns_Object.
+ Gets the appointment validation results.
+ Type:The appointment validation results.
+ Contains the data that is needed to submit a bulk delete job that deletes selected records in bulk. This job runs asynchronously in the background without blocking other activities.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets an array of IDs for the system users (users) who are listed in the Cc box of the email notification. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid[] The array of IDs for the system users (users) who are listed in the Cc box of the email notification.
+ Gets or sets the name of an asynchronous bulk delete job. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the asynchronous bulk delete job.
+ Gets or sets an array of queries for a bulk delete job. Required.
+ Type: The array of queries for a bulk delete job.
+ Gets or sets the recurrence pattern for the bulk delete job. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe recurrence pattern for the bulk delete job.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether an email notification is sent after the bulk delete job has finished running. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if an email notification should be sent after the bulk deletion is finished or has failed; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the data import job. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Guid> The ID of the data import job that corresponds to the ImportrId property, which is the primary key for the Import entity.
+ Gets or sets the start date and time to run a bulk delete job. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe start date and time to run a bulk delete job.
+ Gets or sets an array of IDs for the system users (users) who are listed in the To box of an email notification. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid[] The array of IDs for the system users (users) who are listed in the To box of an email notification.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of an asynchronous bulk delete job that performs a bulk deletion.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of an asynchronous bulk delete job that performs a bulk deletion..
+ Contains the data that is needed to submit an asynchronous system job that detects and logs multiple duplicate records.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets an array of IDs for the system users (users) who are listed in the Cc box of the email notification.
+ Type: Returns_Guid[]The array of IDs for the system users (users) who are listed in the Cc box of the email notification.
+ Gets or sets the name of the asynchronous system job that detects and logs multiple duplicate records. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the asynchronous system job that detects and logs multiple duplicate records.
+ Gets or sets the query criteria for detecting multiple duplicate records. Required.
+ Type: The query criteria for detecting multiple duplicate records.
+ Gets or sets the recurrence pattern for the asynchronous system job that detects multiple duplicate records. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe recurrence pattern for the asynchronous system job that detects multiple duplicate records.
+ Gets or sets the start date and time of an asynchronous system job that detects and logs multiple duplicate records. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe start date and time of an asynchronous system job that detects and logs multiple duplicate record.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether an email notification is sent after the asynchronous system job that detects multiple duplicate records finishes running. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if an email notification should be sent after the job to detect multiple duplicate records is finished running or has failed; otherwise, false.
+ Sets the ID of the template (email template) that is used for the email notification.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the template (email template) that is used for the email notification that corresponds to the TemplateId attribute, which is the primary key for the Template entity..
+ Gets or sets an array of IDs for the system users (users) who are listed in the To box of the email notification.
+ Type: Returns_Guid[] The array of IDs for the system users (users) who are listed in the To box of the email notification.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of an asynchronous bulk detect duplicates job that detects and logs duplicate records.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of an asynchronous bulk detect duplicates job that detects and logs duplicate records.
+ Contains the possible sources of a bulk operation.
+ The bulk operation is for distributing a campaign activity to members of a list. Value = 1.
+ The bulk operation is to distribute a quick campaign to members of a list of accounts, contacts, or leads that are selected by a query. Value = 0.
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ internal
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ internal
+ internal
+ Contains the data that is needed to calculate the value of an opportunity that is in the "Won" state.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the opportunity. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the opportunity that corresponds to the Opportunity.OpportunityId attribute, which is the primary key for the Opportunity entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the actual value of an opportunity.
+ Type: Returns_DecimalThe actual value of an opportunity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to calculate the total time, in minutes, that you used while you worked on an incident (case).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the incident (case). Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the incident (case) that corresponds to the IncidentId.IncidentId attribute, which is the primary key for the Incident entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the total time, in minutes that you use when you work on an incident (case).
+ Type: Returns_Int64The total time, in minutes that you use when you work on an incident (case).
+ Contains the data that is needed to cancel a contract.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the contract cancellation date. Required.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe contract cancellation date.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the contract. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the contract that corresponds to the Contract.ContractId attribute, which is the primary key for the Contract entity.
+ Gets or sets the status of the contract. Required.
+ Type: The status of the contract.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to cancel a sales order (order).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the close activity that is associated with the sales order (order) that you want to cancel. Required.
+ Type: The close activity that is associated with the sales order (order) that you want to cancel. This is an instance of the OrderClose class, which is a subclass of the class.
+ Gets or sets the status of the sales order (order). Required.
+ Type: The status of the sales order (order).
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to check whether the incoming email message is relevant to the pn_microsoftcrm system.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the addresses of the blind carbon copy (Bcc) recipients for the email message.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe addresses of the blind carbon copy (Bcc) recipients for the email message.
+ Gets or sets the addresses of the carbon copy (Cc) recipients for the email message.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe carbon copy (Cc) recipients for the email message.
+ Type: .
+ Gets or sets the from address for the email message.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe from address for the email message.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the email message stored in the email header. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe ID of the email message stored in the email header.
+ Gets or sets the subject line for the email message. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe subject line for the email message.
+ Gets or sets the addresses of the recipients of the email message.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe addresses of the recipients of the email message.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the reason for the result in the property.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The reason for the failure.
+ Gets a value that indicates whether the message should be delivered to pn_microsoftcrm.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the message should be delivered to pn_microsoftcrm; otherwise, false.
+ Contains the data that is needed to check whether the incoming email message should be promoted to the pn_microsoftcrm system.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Provides the direction of a mail checked for promotion for uniqueness.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the message ID that is contained in the email header. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe message ID that is contained in the email header. All email messages have an ID property in their headers. This is similar to a GUID and is used to identify the message and to see if a specific email message has already been promoted (added) to pn_microsoftcrm.
+ Gets or sets the subject of the message. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe subject of the message.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the reason for the result in the property.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The reason for the result in the property.
+ Gets a value that indicates whether the message should be promoted to pn_microsoftcrm.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether the message should be promoted to pn_microsoftcrm. true, to promote, otherwise, false.
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Guid.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ internal
+ internal
+ Contains the data that is needed to copy an existing contract and its line items.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the contract to be copied. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the contract to be copied that corresponds to the Contract.ContractId attribute, which is the primary key for the Contract entity.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the canceled line items of the originating contract are to be included in the copy (clone). Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue to include canceled line items, otherwise, false (default).
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the resulting contract.
+ Type: The resulting contract. This is an instance of the Contract class, which is a subclass of the Entity class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to close an incident (case).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the incident resolution (case resolution) that is associated with the incident (case) to be closed. Required.
+ Type: The incident resolution (case resolution) that is associated with the incident (case) to be closed. This is an instance of the IncidentResolution class, which is a subclass of the Entity class.
+ Gets or sets a status of the incident. Required.
+ Type: The status of the incident.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to close a quote.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a quote to be closed. Required.
+ Type: The quote to be closed. This is an instance of the QuoteClose class, which is a subclass of the Entity class.
+ Gets or sets a status of the quote. Required.
+ Type: The status of the quote.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Provides additional information about the solution components that are related to a missing component.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Gets or sets the display name of the solution component.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The display name of the solution component.
+ Gets or sets the structure that contains extra data.
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the solution component.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the solution component.
+ Gets or sets the display name of the parent solution component.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The display name of the parent solution component.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the parent solution component.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the parent solution component.
+ Gets or sets the schema name of the parent solution component.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The schema name of the parent solution component..
+ Gets or sets the schema name of the solution component.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The schema name of the solution component.
+ Gets or sets the name of the solution.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the solution.
+ Gets or sets the component type of the solution component.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The component type of the solution component.
+ deprecated Use the class. Creates a compound entity, such as a sales order (order), invoice, quote, or duplicate rule (duplicate detection rule); and its related entity, such as a sales order detail (order product), invoice detail (invoice product), quote detail (quote product), or duplicate rule condition.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ deprecated
+ Type:
+ deprecated
+ Type:
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ deprecated
+ deprecated
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ Contains the data that is needed to update a duplicate rule (duplicate detection rule) and its related duplicate rule conditions.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a collection of the duplicate rule conditions that you want updated. Required.
+ Type: The collection of the duplicate rule conditions that you want updated.
+ Gets or sets the duplicate rule that you want updated. Required.
+ Type: The duplicate rule that you want updated. This is instance of a DuplicateRule class.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ deprecated Use the class. Contains the data that is needed to update a compound record, such as a sales order (order), invoice, quote, or duplicate rule (duplicate detection rule); and its related detail record, such as a sales order detail (order product), invoice detail (invoice product), quote detail (quote product), or duplicate rule condition.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ deprecated
+ Type:
+ deprecated
+ Type:
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class. Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Specifies additional constraints to be applied when you select resources for appointments.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class that sets the object ID, constraint type, and constraints.
+ Type: Returns_String. The set of constraints.
+ Type: Returns_String. The constraint type. Must be "Resource Selection".
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the calendar rule.
+ Gets or sets the set of additional constraints.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The set of additional constraints.
+ Gets or sets the type of constraints.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The type of constraints, which must be "Resource Selection".
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the calendar rule to which the constraint is applied.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the calendar rule to which the constraint is applied. This corresponds to the CalendarRule.CalenderRuleID attribute, which is the primary key for the CalendarRule entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to convert a kit to a product.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the kit. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the kit that corresponds to the Product.ProductId attribute, which is the primary key for the Product entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to convert a team of type owner to a team of type access.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the owner team to be converted. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the team to be converted that corresponds to the Team.TeamId attribute, which is the primary key for the Team entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to convert a product to a kit.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the product. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the product that corresponds to the Product.ProductId attribute, which is the primary key for the Product entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to convert a quote to a sales order.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the collection of attributes to retrieve in the resulting sales order (order). Required.
+ Type: The collection of attributes to retrieve in the resulting sales order (order).
+ Gets or sets the ID of the quote to convert. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the quote to convert that corresponds to the Quote.QuoteId attribute, which is the primary key for the Quote entity..
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the resulting sales order (order). Required.
+ Type: The resulting sales order (order). This is an instance of the SalesOrder class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to convert a sales order to an invoice.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the collection of attributes to retrieve from the resulting invoice. Required.
+ Type: The collection of attributes to retrieve from the resulting invoice.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the sales order (order) to convert. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the sales order (order) to convert that corresponds to the SalesOrder.SalesOrderId attribute, which is the primary key for the SalesOrder entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the resulting invoice.
+ Type:The resulting invoice. This is an instance of the Invoice class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to copy a campaign.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the base campaign to copy from. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the base campaign to copy from that corresponds to the Campaign.CampaignId attribute, which is the primary key for the Campaign entity.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to save the campaign as a template. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue to save the campaign as a template; otherwise, false.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the newly created campaign.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the newly created campaign that corresponds to the Campaign.CampaignId attribute, which is the primary key for the Campaign entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to create a copy of the campaign response.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the campaign response to copy from. Required.
+ Type: The campaign response to copy from.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the newly created campaign response.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the newly created campaign response that corresponds to the CampaignResponse.ActivityId attribute, which is the primary key for the CampaignResponse entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to create a static list from the specified dynamic list and add the members that satisfy the dynamic list query criteria to the static list.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the dynamic list. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the dynamic list that corresponds to the List.ListId attribute, which is the primary key for the List entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the created static list.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the created static list that corresponds to the List.ListId attribute, which is the primary key for the List entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to copy the members from the source list to the target list without creating duplicates.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the source list. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the source list that corresponds to the List.ListId attribute, which is the primary key for the List entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the target list. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the target list that corresponds to the List.ListId attribute, which is the primary key for the List entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to create a new entity form that is based on an existing entity form.
+ Initializes a new instance of the CopySystemFormRequest class
+ Gets or sets the ID value of the form to copy. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID value of the form to copy. Required. This corresponds to the SystemForm. FormId attribute, which is the primary key for the SystemForm entity.
+ Gets or sets the SystemForm that the original system form should be copied to. Optional.
+ Returns .
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets the ID of the system form that the original was copied to.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+If no Target was specified, this is the ID of the system form that the original was copied to. It corresponds to the SystemForm.FormId attribute, which is the primary key for the SystemForm entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to create a quick campaign to distribute an activity to members of a list (marketing list).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the activity to be distributed. Required.
+ Type: The activity to be distributed.
+ Gets or sets a display name for the campaign. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe display name for the campaign.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the list. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the list that corresponds to the List.ListId attribute, which is the primary key for the List entity.
+ Gets or sets the owner for the activity. Required.
+ Type: The owner for the activity.
+ Gets or sets the propagation ownership options. Required.
+ Type: The propagation ownership options.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether an asynchronous job is used to distribute an activity, such as an email, fax, or letter, to the members of a list. Required.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether an asynchronous job is used to distribute an activity, such as an email, fax, or letter, to the members of a list. true if an asynchronous job is used to distribute the activity; false if mail merge is used to distribute the activity.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the activity is both created and executed. Required.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether the activity is both created and executed. true if an activity is both created and executed; false if an activity is created but not executed.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the queue to which the created activities are added. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the queue to which the created activities are added that corresponds to the Queue.QueueId attribute, which is the primary key for the Queue entity.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to send an email about the new activity. Required.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether to send an email about the new activity. true if you want email messages sent automatically; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the email template. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the email template that corresponds to the Template.TemplateId attribute, which is the primary key for the Template entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the bulk operation created to distribute the campaign activity.
+ Type Returns_GuidThe ID of the bulk operation created to distribute the campaign activity that corresponds to the BulkOperation.ActivityId attribute, which is the primary key for the BulkOperation entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to create an exception for the recurring appointment instance.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets whether the appointment instance is deleted.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates if the appointment instance is deleted. true, if deleted, otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the original start date of the recurring appointment.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe original start date of the recurring appointment.
+ Gets or sets the target appointment for the exception.
+ Type: The target appointment for the exception. This must be an entity reference for an appointment entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the exception appointment.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the exception appointment. This corresponds to the Appointment. AppointmentId attribute, which is the primary key for the Appointment entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to create future unexpanded instances for the recurring appointment master.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the number of instances to be created. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The number of instances to be created.
+ Gets or sets the target appointment instance to create. Required.
+ Type: The target appointment instance to create. This is an instance of the Appointment class, which is a subclass of the Entity class.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets whether the series can be expanded.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether the series can be expanded. true if can be expanded, otherwise, false.
+ Contains the data that is needed to create a workflow (process) from a workflow template.
+ Initializes a new instance of the CreateWorkflowFromTemplateRequest class.
+ Gets or sets the name of the new workflow. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the new workflow.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the workflow template. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the workflow template.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the new workflow.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the new workflow.
+ Contains the data that is needed to delete all audit data records up until a specified end date.
+ Initializes a new instance of the DeleteAuditDataRequest class.
+ Gets or sets the end date and time. Required.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe end date and time.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the number of deleted audit partitions or the number of deleted Audit records.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The number of deleted audit partitions or records.
+ Contains the data that is needed to delete instances of a recurring appointment master that have an “Open” state.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the end date for the recurring appointment series. Required.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe end date for the appointment series.
+ Gets or sets the value to be used to set the status of appointment instances that have already passed. Required.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe status code. The value should be one of the option set values for the RecurringAppointmentMaster.StateCode attribute. For more information, see the metadata for this entity. metadata_browser
+ Gets or sets the target record for the operation. Required.
+ Type: The record that defines the instances to delete. This must be an entity reference for a RecurringAppointmentMaster entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to create an email activity record from an incoming email message (Track in CRM).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a collection of activity mime attachment (email attachment) instances to attach to the email message. Required.
+ Type: The collection of ActivityMimeAttachment records to attach to the email message.
+ Gets or sets the addresses of the blind carbon copy (Bcc) recipients for the email message. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe addresses of the blind carbon copy (Bcc) recipients for the email message.
+ Gets or sets the message body for the email. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe message body for the email.
+ Gets or sets the addresses of the carbon copy (Cc) recipients for the email message. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe addresses of the carbon copy (Cc) recipients for the email message.
+ Type: .
+ Gets or sets the from address for the email message. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe from address for the email message.
+ Gets or sets the level of importance for the email message. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe level of importance for the email message.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the email message stored in the email header. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe ID of the email message stored in the email header.
+ Gets or sets the time the message was received on. Required.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe time the message was received on.
+ Gets or sets the subject line for the email message. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe subject line for the email message.
+ Gets or sets the email address of the account that is creating the email activity instance. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe email address of the account that is creating the email activity instance.
+ Gets or sets the addresses of the recipients of the email message. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe addresses of the recipients of the email message.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the email.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the email. This corresponds to the Email.EmailId attribute, which is the primary key for the Email entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to create an email activity record from the specified email message (Track in CRM).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a collection of activity mime attachment (email attachment) records to attach to the email message. Required.
+ Type: The collection of attachments, which a collection of ActivityMimeAttachment records..
+ Gets or sets the addresses of the blind carbon copy (Bcc) recipients for the email message. Required.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The addresses of the BCC recipients.
+ Gets or sets the message body for the email. Required.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The message body.
+ Gets or sets the addresses of the carbon copy (Cc) recipients for the email message. Required.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The addresses of the CC recipients.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the email from which to create the email. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the email, which corresponds to the Email.EmailId attribute, which is the primary key for the Email entity..
+ Gets or sets the extra properties for the email. Optional.
+ Type: The extra properties.
+ Gets or sets the from address for the email message. Required.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The from address for the email.
+ Gets or sets the level of importance for the email message. Required.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The level of importance for the email.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the email message stored in the email header. Required.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The the ID of the email message from the email header.
+ Gets or sets the time the message was received on. Required.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe time the message was received.
+ Gets or sets the subject line for the email message. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The subject line for the email.
+ Gets or sets the email address of the account that is creating the email activity instance. Required.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The email address of the account that is creating the email activity.
+ Gets or sets the addresses of the recipients of the email message. Required.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The addresses of the recipients of the email message.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the newly created email activity.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the newly created email activity. This corresponds to the Email.EmailId attribute, which is the primary key for the Email entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to deprovision a language.
+ constructor_initializes class
+ Gets or sets the language to deprovision. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The language to deprovision. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ deprecated Use the class. Contains the data that is needed to remove a link between two entity instances in a many-to-many relationship.
+ deprecatedInitializes a new instance of the class.
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ Type: .
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ Type: .
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ Type: Returns_String
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class. Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to create a bulk operation that distributes a campaign activity. The appropriate activities, such as a phone call or fax, are created for the members of the list that is associated with the specified campaign activity.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the activity to be distributed. Required.
+ Type: The activity to be distributed, which must be instance of an activity class. You can only use activities that specify a recipient: a phone call, appointment, letter, fax, or email. .
+ Gets or sets the ID of the campaign activity for which the activity is distributed. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the campaign activity for which the activity is distributed. This corresponds to the CampaignActivity.ActivityId attribute, which is the primary key for the CampaignActivity entity.
+ Gets or sets the owner for the newly created activity. Required.
+ Type: The owner for the newly created activity.
+ Gets or sets the ownership options for the activity. Required.
+ Type: The ownership options for the activity.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether an asynchronous job is used to distribute activities, such as an email, fax, or letter, to the members of a list. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if an asynchronous job is used to distribute the activity; false if mail merge is used to distribute the activity.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the activity is both created and executed. Required.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether the activity is both created and executed. true if an activity is both created and executed; false if an activity is created but not executed.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the queue to which the created activity is added. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the queue to which the created activity is added. This corresponds to the Queue.QueueId attribute, which is the primary key for the Queue entity.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to send an email about the new activity. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if you want emails sent automatically; otherwise, false. Use this property for the email activity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the email template. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the email template. This corresponds to the Template.TemplateId attribute, which is the primary key for the Template entity. Use the email template, if is true.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the bulk operation that is used to distribute the campaign activity.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the bulk operation that is used to distribute the campaign activity. This corresponds to the BulkOperation.ActivityId attribute, which is the primary key for the BulkOperation entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to download a report definition.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the report to download.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the report to download. This corresponds to the Report.ReportId attribute, which is the primary key for the Report entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the report definition.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe report definition. Contains a UTF-8 encoded XML document in the form of a string that represents the entire content of the report definition (RDL) file.
+ Describes which members of a bulk operation to retrieve.
+ Retrieve account entities. Value = 0.
+ Retrieve all entities. Value = 3.
+ Retrieve contact entities. Value = 1.
+ Retrieve lead entities. Value = 2.
+ Specifies the results of a scheduling operation using the , , or message.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the error code and resource list.
+ Type: []. The array of information about a resource that has a scheduling problem for an appointment.
+ Type: Returns_String. The reason for a scheduling failure.
+ Gets or sets the reason for a scheduling failure.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe reason for a scheduling failure.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the array of information about a resource that has a scheduling problem for an appointment.
+ Type: []The array of information about a resource that has a scheduling problem for an appointment.
+ Contains the data that is needed to execute a saved query (view) that has the specified ID.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the saved query (view) to execute.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the saved query (view) to execute. This corresponds to the SavedQuery.SavedQueryId property, which is the primary key for the SavedQuery entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the results of the saved query (view).
+ Type: Returns_StringThe the results of the saved query (view).
+ Contains the data that is needed to execute the user query (saved view) that has the specified ID.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the user query (saved view) record to be executed.
+ Type: The ID of the user query (saved view) record to be executed. The ID corresponds to the UserQuery.UserQueryId property, which is the primary key for the UserQuery entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the results of the user query (saved view).
+ Type: Returns_StringThe results of the user query (saved view).
+ deprecated Use the class.
+ deprecated
+ deprecated
+ Type: Returns_String
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ deprecated
+ deprecated
+ Type: Returns_String
+ Contains the data that is needed to execute a workflow.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the record on which the workflow executes. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the record on which the workflow executes.
+ internal
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the ID of the workflow to execute. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the workflow to execute.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the asynchronous operation (system job) that was created.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the asynchronous operation.
+ Contains the data that is needed to convert the calendar rules to an array of available time blocks for the specified period.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the calendar.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the calendar. This corresponds to the Calendar.CalendarId property, which is the primary key for the Calendar entity.
+ Gets or sets the end of the time period to expand.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe end of the time period to expand.
+ Gets or sets the start of the period to expand.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe start of the time period to expand.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a set of time blocks with appointment information.
+ Type:The set of time blocks with appointment information.
+ Contains the data that is needed to export a data map as an XML formatted data.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to export the entity record IDs contained in the data map. Required.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether to export the entity record IDs contained in the data map. true to export the record IDs, otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the import map (data map) to export. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the import map (data map) to export. This corresponds to the ImportMap.ImportMapId attribute, which is the primary key for the ImportMap entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the XML representation of the exported data map.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe XML representation of the exported data map.
+ Contains the data that is needed to export a solution.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets whether auto numbering settings should be included in the solution being exported. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the auto numbering settings should be included in the solution being exported; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether calendar settings should be included in the solution being exported. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the calendar settings should be included in the solution being exported; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether customization settings should be included in the solution being exported. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the customization settings should be included in the solution being exported; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether email tracking settings should be included in the solution being exported. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the email tracking settings should be included in the solution being exported; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether general settings should be included in the solution being exported. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the general settings should be included in the solution being exported; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether ISV.Config settings should be included in the solution being exported. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the ISV.Config settings should be included in the solution being exported; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether marketing settings should be included in the solution being exported. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the marketing settings should be included in the solution being exported; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether outlook synchronization settings should be included in the solution being exported. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the outlook synchronization settings should be included in the solution being exported; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether relationship role settings should be included in the solution being exported. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the relationship role settings should be included in the solution being exported; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether the solution should be exported as a managed solution. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the solution should be exported as a managed solution; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the unique name of the solution to be exported. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe unique name of the solution to be exported. Required.
+ Get or set a value indicating the version that the exported solution will support.
+ Type: Returns_StringA value indicating the version that the exported solution will support. Optional.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the compressed file that represents the exported solution.
+ Type: Returns_Byte[] The compressed file that represents the exported solution.
+ Contains the data that is needed to export all translations for a specific solution to a compressed file.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets the unique name for the unmanaged solution to export translations for. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe unique name for the unmanaged solution to export translations for. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets the file that represents the data that is exported for translation.
+ Type: Returns_Byte[]The file that represents the data that is exported for translation.
+ Contains the data that is needed to convert a query in FetchXML to a QueryExpression.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the query to convert.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe query to convert. This The string must contain a query that you express in FetchXML. For more information, see FetchXML Schema/html/82cae525-a789-4884-9fc0-a3e874ee1567.htm.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the results of the query conversion.
+ Type: The results of the query conversion.
+ Contains the data that is needed to find a parent resource group (scheduling group) for the specified resource groups (scheduling groups).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets an array of IDs of the children resource groups.
+ Type: Returns_Guid[]The array of IDs of the children resource groups.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the parent resource group.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the parent resource group. This corresponds to the ResourceGroup.ResourceGroupId attribute, which is the primary key for the ResourceGroup entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value that indicates whether the parent resource group was found.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether the parent resource group was found. true if the parent resource group was found; otherwise, false.
+ Contains the data that is needed to fulfill the sales order (order).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the order close activity associated with the sales order (order) to be fulfilled. Required.
+ Type: The order close activity associated with the sales order (order) to be fulfilled, which must be an instance of the OrderClose class.
+ Gets or sets a status of the sales order (order). Required.
+ Type: The status of the sales order (order).
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to generate an invoice from an opportunity.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the collection of attributes to retrieve from the resulting invoice. Required.
+ Type: The collection of attributes to retrieve from the resulting invoice.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the opportunity to be used as the basis for the new invoice. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the opportunity to be used as the basis for the new invoice. This corresponds to the Opportunity.OpportunityId attribute, which is the primary key for the Opportunity entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the resulting invoice.
+ Type: The resulting invoice, which must be an instance of the Invoice class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to generate a quote from an opportunity.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the collection of attributes to retrieve in the resulting quote. Required.
+ Type: The collection of attributes to retrieve in the resulting quote.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the opportunity to be used as the basis for the new quote. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the opportunity to be used as the basis for the new quote. This corresponds to the Opportunity.OpportunityId attribute, which is the primary key for the Opportunity entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the resulting quote.
+ Type: The resulting quote, which must be an instance of the Quote class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to generate a sales order (order) from an opportunity.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the collection of attributes to retrieve from the resulting sales order (order). Required.
+ Type: The collection of attributes to retrieve from the resulting sales order (order).
+ Gets or sets the ID of the opportunity to be used as the basis for the new sales order (order). Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the opportunity to be used as the basis for the new sales order (order). This corresponds to the Opportunity.OpportunityId attribute, which is the primary key for the Opportunity entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the resulting sales order (order).
+ Type: The resulting sales order (order), which must be an instance of the SalesOrder class.
+ Contains the data to return an existing social profile record if one exists, otherwise generates a new one and returns it.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the SocialProfile to return or generate.
+ Type: The SocialProfile to return or generate.
+ Contains the response from the message.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the social profile returned by the message.
+ Type: The social profile returned by the message.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all the time zone definitions for the specified locale and to return only the display name attribute.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the locale ID. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The locale ID.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the collection of the time zone definition (TimeZoneDefinition) records.
+ Type: The collection of the time zone definition (TimeZoneDefinition) records.
+ internal See .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ internal
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the decryption key.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe decryption key.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve distinct values from the parse table for a column in the source file that contains list values.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a column number in the CSV, XML Spreadsheet 2003 (.xml), or text source file for which the distinct values are returned. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Gets or sets in ID of the import file that is associated with the source file. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the import file that is associated with the source file. This corresponds to the ImportFile.ImportFileId attribute, which is the primary key for the ImportFile entity.
+ Gets or sets the page number in the source file. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The page number in the source file.
+ Gets or sets the number of data records per page in the source file. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The number of data records per page in the source file.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the distinct values for a column in the source file.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe distinct values for a column in the source file.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the source-file column headings; or retrieve the system-generated column headings if the source file does not contain column headings.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the import file that is associated with the parse table. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the import file that is associated with the parse table. This corresponds to the ImportFile.ImportFileId attribute, which is the primary key for the ImportFile entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the source file header columns.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe source file header columns.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the products from an opportunity and copy them to the invoice.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the invoice.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the invoice. This corresponds to the Invoice.InvoiceId attribute, which is the primary key for the Invoice entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the opportunity.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the opportunity. This corresponds to the Opportunity.OpportunityId attribute, which is the primary key for the Opportunity entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to get the quantity decimal value of a product for the specified entity in the target.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the product. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the product. This corresponds to the Product.ProductId attribute, which is the primary key for the Product entity.
+ Gets or sets the target record for this request. Required.
+ Type: The target record for this request. This must be an entity reference for Invoice, Opportunity, Quote, or Salesorder entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the unit of measure (unit). Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the unit of measure (unit). This corresponds to the UoM.UoMId attribute, which is the primary key for the UoM entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the quantity decimal value for a product.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The quantity decimal value for a product.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the products from an opportunity and copy them to the quote.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the opportunity.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the opportunity. This corresponds to the Opportunity.OpportunityId attribute, which is the primary key for the Opportunity entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the quote.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the quote. This corresponds to the Quote.QuoteId attribute, which is the primary key for the Quote entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the history limit for a report.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the report. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the report. This corresponds to the Report.ReportId property, which is the primary key for the Report entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the history limit for a report.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the products from an opportunity and copy them to the sales order (order).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the opportunity.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the opportunity. This corresponds to the Opportunity.OpportunityId attribute, which is the primary key for the Opportunity entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the sales order (order).
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the sales order (order). This corresponds to the SalesOrder.SalesOrderId attribute, which is the primary key for the SalesOrder entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the time zone code for the specified localized time zone name.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the locale ID.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The locale ID. LCID
+ Gets or sets the localized name to search for.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe localized name to search for.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the time zone code that has the requested localized name.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The time zone code that has the requested localized name.
+ Contains the data that is needed to return a tracking token that can then be passed as a parameter to the message.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the context of the email. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe context of the email.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the requested tracking token.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe requested tracking token. This value can be passed as a property in the message.
+ Type: .
+ Type: .
+ Type: .
+ Contains the data that is needed to grant a security principal (user or team) access to the specified record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the team or user that is granted access to the specified record. Required.
+ Type: The team or user that is granted access to the target record.
+ Gets or sets the entity that is the target of the request to grant access. Required.
+ Type: The entity reference to the record that is the target of the request to grant access. This property value must be an entity reference for an entity that supports this message. For a list of supported entity types, see .
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to import the XML representation of a data map and create an import map (data map) based on this data.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets an XML representation of the data map. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe XML representation of the data map.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to import the entity record IDs contained in the XML representation of the data map. Required.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether to import the entity record IDs contained in the XML representation of the data map. false to import the entity record IDs, otherwise, true. The imported record IDs are used as primary keys for the entity records created in pn_microsoftcrm.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the newly created import map (data map).
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the newly created import map (data map). This corresponds to the ImportMap.ImportMapId attribute, which is the primary key for the ImportMap entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to submit an asynchronous job that uploads the transformed data into pn_microsoftcrm.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the data import (import) that is associated with the asynchronous import records job. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the data import (import) that is associated with the asynchronous import records job. This corresponds to the Import.ImportId attribute, which is the primary key for the Import entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the asynchronous import records job.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the asynchronous import records job.
+ Contains the data that is needed to import a solution.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Direct the system to convert any matching unmanaged customizations into your managed solution. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the system should convert any matching unmanaged customizations into your managed solution; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the compressed solutions file to import. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Byte[]The compressed solutions file to import. Required.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the import job that will be created to perform this import. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe the ID of the import job that will be created to perform this import. This corresponds to the ImportJob.ImportJobId attribute, which is the primary key for the ImportJob entity.
+ Gets or sets whether any unmanaged customizations that have been applied over existing managed solution components should be overwritten. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the any unmanaged customizations that have been applied over existing managed solution components should be overwritten; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether any processes (workflows) included in the solution should be activated after they are imported. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the any processes (workflows) included in the solution should be activated after they are imported; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether enforcement of dependencies related to product updates should be skipped.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if enforcement of dependencies related to product updates should be skipped; otherwise, false.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to import translations from a compressed file.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets the ID of the import job that will be created to perform this import. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe the ID of the import job that will be created to perform this import. This corresponds to the ImportJob.ImportJobId attribute, which is the primary key for the ImportJob entity.
+ Gets or sets the compressed translations file. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Byte[]The compressed translations file. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the T:Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.ImportTranslationResponse class
+ Contains the data that is needed to initialize a new record from an existing record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the record that is the source for initializing.
+ Type: The record that is the source for initializing.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the target entity.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the target entity.
+ Gets or sets which attributes are to be initialized in the initialized instance.
+ Type: Indicates which attributes are to be initialized in the initialized instance.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the initialized instance.
+ Type: The initialized instance. To create a record, pass this value to the method or to a message.
+ Type:
+ Type:
+ Type: .
+ Type: .
+ Type: .
+ Type: .
+ Type:
+ Contains the data that is needed to install the sample data.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to instantiate a set of filters for pn_crm_for_outlook_short for the specified user.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the set of filters to instantiate for the user.
+ Type: The set of filters to instantiate for the user. This must be a collection of entity references for the SavedQuery entity and the SavedQuery.Type attribute value for each must be or .
+ Gets or sets the ID of the user that will own the user query records created.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe user that will own the user query records created. This corresponds to the SystemUser.SystemUserId property, which is the primary key for the SystemUser entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the parameters that are needed to create an email message from a template (email template).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the record that the email is regarding. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the record that the email is regarding. This must be the ID of an entity that has a relationship to the ActivityPointer entity.
+ Gets or sets the type of entity that is represented by the property. Required.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The logical name of the entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the template. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the template that corresponds to the Template.TemplateId attribute, which is the primary key for the Template entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the instantiated email records.
+ Type: The collection of the instantiated email records.
+ deprecated Checks whether pn_Great_Plains_9 is installed.
+ deprecated
+ deprecated
+ deprecated
+ deprecated
+ Type: Returns_Boolean
+ Contains the data that is needed to determine whether a solution component is customizable.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the solution component. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the solution component. This corresponds to the SolutionComponent. SolutionComponentId attribute, which is the primary key for the SolutionComponent entity.
+ Gets or sets the value that represents the solution component. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The value that represents the solution component. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the value that indicates whether a solution component is customizable.
+ Type: Returns_Booleanthe value that indicates whether a solution component is customizable.
+ Contains the data that is needed to validate the state transition.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the entity reference for the record whose transition state is validated.
+ Type: The entity reference for the record whose transition state is validated.
+ Gets or sets the proposed new state for the record.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe proposed new state for the record.
+ Gets or sets the proposed new status for the record.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The proposed new status for the record.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the value that indicates whether the state transition is valid.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether the state transition is valid.true if the state transition is valid; otherwise, false.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the local time for the specified Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the time zone code.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The time zone code.
+ Gets or sets the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the time that is represented as local time.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe time that is represented as local time.
+ Contains the data that is needed to lock the total price of products and services that are specified in the invoice.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the invoice.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the invoice. This corresponds to the Invoice.InvoiceId attribute, which is the primary key for the Invoice entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to lock the total price of products and services that are specified in the sales order (order).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the sales order.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the sales order. This corresponds to the SalesOrder.SalesOrderId attribute, which is the primary key for the SalesOrder entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_String
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_String
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_String
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+ internal
+ internal
+ Contains the data that is needed to set the state of an opportunity to Lost.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the opportunity close activity. Required.
+ Type: The opportunity close activity. This is an instance of the OpportunityClose class.
+ Gets or sets a status of the opportunity. Required.
+ Type: The a status of the opportunity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ deprecated Use the class.
+ deprecated
+ deprecated
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ deprecated
+ deprecated Use the class.
+ deprecated
+ deprecated
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ deprecated
+ deprecated Use the class.
+ deprecated
+ deprecated
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ deprecated
+ deprecated Use the class.
+ deprecated
+ deprecated
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ deprecated
+ Contains the data that is needed to merge the information from two entity records of the same type.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to check if the parent information is different for the two entity records. Required.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether to check if the parent information is different for the two entity records. True to check if the parent information is different for the two entity records, otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the entity record from which to merge data. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the entity record from which to merge data.
+ Gets or sets the target of the merge operation. Required.
+ Type: The target of the merge operation.
+ Gets or sets additional entity attributes to be set during the merge operation for accounts, contacts, or leads. This property is not applied when merging Incidents. Optional.
+ Type: The additional entity attributes to be set during the merge operation.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data to describe a solution component that is required by a solution but not found in the system.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets information about the solution component in the solution file that is dependent on a missing solution component.
+ Type: Information about the solution component in the solution file that is dependent on a missing solution component..
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets information about the required solution component that is missing.
+ Type: Information about the required solution component that is missing..
+ Contains the data that is needed to replace the access rights on the target record for the specified security principal (user or team).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the team or user whose access to the specified record is modified. Required.
+ Type: The team or user whose access to the specified record is modified.
+ Gets or sets the entity that is the target of the request to modify access. Required.
+ Type: The entity that is the target of the request to modify access. This must be an entity reference to an entity that supports this message. For a list of supported entity types, see the class.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that describes the scheduling strategy for an and that overrides the default constraints.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the resource specification.
+ Type: Returns_String. The search strategy to use in the appointment request.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the search strategy to use in the appointment request for the message.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe search strategy to use in the appointment request.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the resource specification.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the resource specification. The property corresponds to the ResourceSpec.ResourceSpecId property, which is the primary key for the resource specification entity.
+ Contains data regarding the resources used by an organization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the OrganizationResources class.
+ Gets the current number of active users.
+ Type: Returns_Int32the current number of active users.
+ Gets the current number of custom entities.
+ Type: Returns_Int32the current number of custom entities.
+ Gets the current number of non-interactive users.
+ Type: Returns_Int32the current number of non-interactive users.
+ Gets the current number of published workflows.
+ Type: Returns_Int32the current number of published workflows.
+ Gets the current storage used by the organization.
+ Type: Returns_Int32the current storage used by the organization.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObject.
+ Gets the maximum number of active users.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of active users.
+ Gets the maximum number of custom entities.
+ Type: Returns_Int32the maximum number of custom entities.
+ Gets the maximum number of non-interactive users.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of non-interactive users.
+ Gets the maximum number of published workflows.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of published workflows.
+ Gets the maximum storage allowed for the organization.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum storage allowed for the organization.
+ Contains the data that is needed to submit an asynchronous job that parses all import files that are associated with the specified import (data import).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the import (data import) that is associated with the asynchronous job that parses all import files for this import. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the import (data import) that is associated with the asynchronous job that parses all import files for this import. This corresponds to the Import.ImportId attribute, which is the primary key for the Import entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets an ID of the asynchronous job that parses the import files for this import.
+ Type: Returns_GuidID of the asynchronous job that parses the import files for this import.
+ Contains the data that is needed to assign a queue item to a user and optionally remove the queue item from the queue.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The QueueItem. This corresponds to the QueueItem.QueueItemId attribute, which is the primary key for the QueueItem entity.
+ Gets or sets whether the queue item should be removed from the queue.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the queue item should be removed from the queue; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the user to assign the queue item to. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The User. This corresponds to the SystemUser.SystemUserId attribute, which is the primary key for the SystemUser entity.
+ Contains the response from the message.This message was added with pn_crm_2013_service_pack_1_op_short and pn_v6_online_ur1_shortest.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains access rights information for the security principal (user or team).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the access rights of the security principal (user or team).
+ Type: The access rights of the security principal (user or team).
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the security principal (user or team).
+ Type: The security principal (user or team).
+ Contains the possible values for the depth of a privilege within a role. This enumeration is used to compare and set values in records returned from Fetch or QueryExpression queries. If you use LINQ, the privilege depth is returned as a bit mask. In this case you can use the following constants to determine the privilege depth. public const int BASIC_MASK = 0x00000001; public const int LOCAL_MASK = 0x00000002; public const int DEEP_MASK = 0x00000004; public const int GLOBAL_MASK = 0x00000008;
+ Indicates basic privileges. Users who have basic privileges can only use privileges to perform actions on objects that are owned by, or shared with, the user. Value = 0.
+ Indicates deep privileges. Users who have deep privileges can perform actions on all objects in the user's current business units and all objects down the hierarchy of business units. Value = 2.
+ Indicates global privileges. Users who have global privileges can perform actions on data and objects anywhere within the organization regardless of the business unit or user to which it belongs. Value = 3.
+ Indicates local privileges. Users who have local privileges can only use privileges to perform actions on data and objects that are in the user's current business unit. Value = 1.
+ Contains the data that is needed to process the email responses from a marketing campaign.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the inbound email activity.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the inbound email activity. This corresponds to the ActivityPointer.ActivityId attribute, which is the primary key for the ActivityPointer entity. Alternatively, it can be the ActivityID for any activity entity type, including custom activity entities.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+ internal
+ Type:
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+ Contains the data that is needed to create a quick campaign to distribute an activity to accounts, contacts, or leads that are selected by a query.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the activity to be distributed. Required.
+ Type: The activity to be distributed.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the activity is both created and executed. Required.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether the activity is both created and executed. true if an activity is both created and executed; false if an activity is created but not executed.
+ Gets or sets the user-identifiable name for the campaign. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe user-identifiable name for the campaign.
+ Gets or sets the owner for the activity. Required.
+ Type: The owner for the activity.
+ Gets or sets the ownership options for propagation. Required.
+ Type: The ownership options for propagation.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether an asynchronous job is used to distribute an activity, such as an email, fax, or letter, to the members of a list. Required.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether an asynchronous job is used to distribute an activity, such as an email, fax, or letter, to the members of a list. true if an asynchronous job is used to distribute the activity; false if mail merge is used to distribute the activity.
+ Gets or sets the query criteria to select accounts, contacts, or leads for which activities are created. Required.
+ Type: The query criteria to select accounts, contacts, or leads for which activities are created.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the queue to which the created activities are added. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the queue to which the created activities are added. This corresponds to the Queue.QueueId attribute, which is the primary key for the Queue entity.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to send an email about the new activity. Required.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether to send an email about the new activity. true to automatically send email messages; otherwise, false. Primarily used for the email activity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the email template. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the email template. This corresponds to the Template.TemplateId attribute, which is the primary key for the Template entity. Use the email template, if is true.Use the email template, if is true.Use the email template, if is true.Use the email template, if is true.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the bulk operation that is created to distribute the campaign activity. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the bulk operation that is created to distribute the campaign activity. This corresponds to the BulkOperation.ActivityId attribute, which is the primary key for the BulkOperation entity.
+ Contains the possible values for propagation ownership options.
+ All created activities are assigned to the caller of the API. Value = 1.
+ Created activities are assigned to respective owners of target members. Value = 2.
+ There is no change in ownership for the created activities. Value = 0.
+ Represents a party (user, team, or resource) that is needed for the proposed appointment.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class that sets the resource and resource specification IDs, the display and entity names, and the required effort, as measured by percentage of time.
+ Type: Returns_Double. The percentage of time that is required to perform the service.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the resource specification that is represented by this party.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the type of entity that is represented by this party.
+ Type: Returns_String. The display name for the party.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the resource that is represented by this party.
+ Gets or sets the display name for the party.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe display name for the party.
+ Gets or sets the percentage of time that is required to perform the service.
+ Type: Returns_DoubleThe percentage of time that is required to perform the service.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the type of entity that is represented by this party.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the type of entity that is represented by this party.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the resource that is represented by this party.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the resource that is represented by this party. This corresponds to the Resource.ResourceId attribute, which is the primary key for the Resource entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the resource specification that is represented by this party.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the resource specification that is represented by this party. This corresponds to the ResourceSpec.ResourceSpecId attribute, which is the primary key for the ResourceSpec entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to provision a new language.
+ constructor_initializes class
+ Gets or sets the language to provision. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The language to provision. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to publish all changes to solution components.
+ Initializes a new instance of the PublishAllXmlRequest class
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to submit an asynchronous job to publish a duplicate rule.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the duplicate rule to be published. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the duplicate rule to be published. This corresponds to the DuplicateRule.DuplicateRuleId attribute, which is the primary key for the DuplicateRule entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the asynchronous job for publishing a duplicate detection rule.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the asynchronous job for publishing a duplicate detection rule.
+ Contains the data that is needed to publish specified solution components.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets the XML that defines which solution components to publish in this request. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Stringthe XML that defines which solution components to publish in this request. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to qualify a lead and create account, contact, and opportunity records that are linked to the originating lead record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to create an account from the originating lead. Required.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether to create an account from the originating lead. True, to create an account; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to create a contact from the originating lead. Required.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether to create a contact from the originating lead. True, to create a contact; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to create an opportunity from the originating lead. Required.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether to create an opportunity from the originating lead. True, to create an opportunity; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the lead that is qualified. Required.
+ Type: The ID of the lead that is qualified. This corresponds to the Lead.LeadId attribute, which is the primary key for the Lead entity.
+ Gets or sets the currency to use for this opportunity. Required.
+ Type: The currency to use for this opportunity.
+ Gets or set the account or contact that is associated with the opportunity. Required.
+ Type: The account or contact that is associated with the opportunity.
+ Gets or sets the source campaign that is associated with the opportunity. Required.
+ Type: The source campaign that is associated with the opportunity.
+ Gets or sets the status of the lead. Required.
+ Type: The status of the lead.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the collection of references to the newly created account, contact, and opportunity records.
+ Type: The collection of references to the newly created account, contact, and opportunity records.
+ Contains the data that is needed to qualify the specified list and either override the list members or remove them according to the specified option.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the list to qualify. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the list to qualify. This corresponds to the List.ListId attribute, which is the primary key for the List entity.
+ Gets or sets an array of IDs of the members to qualify. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid[]The array of IDs of the members to qualify.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to override or remove the members from the list. Required.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether to override or remove the members from the list. true, to override; false, to remove.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to convert a query, which is represented as a QueryExpression class, to its equivalent query, which is represented as FetchXML.
+ Initializes a new instance of the the class.
+ Gets or sets the query to convert.
+ Type: The query to convert.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the results of the query conversion.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe results of the query conversion. This returned value conforms to the schema for FetchXML.
+ Contains the data that is needed to search multiple resources for available time block that match the specified parameters.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the end time for the scheduled block of time. Required.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe end time for the scheduled block of time.
+ Gets or sets the IDs of the resources. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe IDs of the resources. Each element of the array corresponds to the Resource.ResourceId attribute, which is the primary key for the Resource entity. The number of resource IDs and time codes must match.
+ Gets or sets the start of the time slot. Required.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe start of the time slot.
+ Gets or sets the time codes to look for: Available, Busy, Unavailable, or Filter, which correspond to the resource IDs. Required.
+ Type: The time codes to look for: Available, Busy, Unavailable, or Filter, which correspond to the resource IDs. The number of resource IDs and time codes must match.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the results of the search, which is a set of possible time block for each resource.
+ Type: The results of the search. Contains an array of possible time slots for each of the specified resource IDs in the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to search the specified resource for an available time block that matches the specified parameters.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the end of the time slot.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe end of the time slot.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the resource.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the resource. This corresponds to the Resource.ResourceId attribute, which is the primary key for the Resource entity.
+ Gets or sets the start of the time slot.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe start of the time slot.
+ Gets or sets the time codes to look for: Available, Busy, Unavailable, or Filter.
+ Type: The time codes to look for: Available, Busy, Unavailable, or Filter.
+ Contains response from .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the results of the search, a set of possible time slots for the resource.
+ Type: The results of the search. Contains an array of possible time slots for each of the resource IDs specified in the request class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to reassign all records that are owned by the security principal (user or team) to another security principal (user or team).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the security principal (user or team) for which to reassign all records.
+ Type: The security principal (user or team) for which to reassign all records. This must be an entity reference for the SystemUser entity or Team entity.
+ Gets or sets the security principal (user or team) that will be the new owner for the records.
+ Type: The security principal (user or team) that will be the new owner for the records. This must be an entity reference for the SystemUser entity or Team entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to reassign all records that are owned by a specified user to another security principal (user or team).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the security principal (user or team) that is the new owner for the records.
+ Type: The security principal (user or team) that is the new owner for the records. This must be an entity reference for the SystemUser entity or Team entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the user for which you want to reassign all records.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the user for which you want to reassign all records. This corresponds to the SystemUser.SystemUserId attribute, which is the primary key for the SystemUser entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to recalculate system-computed values for rollup fields in the goal hierarchy.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the target record for the recalculate operation. Required.
+ Type: The target record for the recalculate operation. This must be an entity reference for the Goal entity.
+ Contains the response from the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the audited details of a change in a relationship.
+ Initializes a new instance of the RelationshipAuditDetail class.
+ Gets or sets the relationship name before the change occurs.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe relationship name.
+ Provides the collection of relationship records that were added or removed.
+ Type: <>The collection of records.
+ Contains the data that is needed to assign a queue item back to the queue owner so others can pick it.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the id of the queue item. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The queue item. This corresponds to the QueueItem.QueueItemId attribute, which is the primary key for the QueueItem entity.
+ Contains the response from the message.This message was added with pn_crm_2013_service_pack_1_op_short and pn_v6_online_ur1_shortest.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to remove a queue item from a queue.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the queue item to remove from the queue. Required.The QueueItemId property corresponds to the QueueItem.QueueItemId attribute, which is the primary key for the QueueItem entity.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The QueueItemId. This corresponds to the QueueItem.QueueItemId attribute, which is the primary key for the QueueItem entity.
+ Contains the response from the message.This message was added with pn_crm_2013_service_pack_1_op_short and pn_v6_online_ur1_shortest.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to remove an item from a campaign activity.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the campaign activity. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the campaign activity. This corresponds to the CampaignActivity.ActivityId attribute, which is the primary key for the CamaignActivity entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the item to be removed from the campaign activity. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the item to be removed from the campaign activity. This corresponds to the CampaignActivityItem.CampaignActivityItemId property, which is the primary key for the CampaignActivityItem intersect entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to remove an item from a campaign.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the campaign. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the campaign. This corresponds to the Campaign.CampaignId attribute, which is the primary key for the Camaign entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the item to be removed from the campaign. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the item to be removed from the campaign. This corresponds to the CampaignItem.CampaignItemId property, which is the primary key for the CampaignItem intersect entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to remove a member from a list (marketing list).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the member to be removed from the list. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the member to be removed from the list. This corresponds to the ListMember.ListMemberId attribute, which is the primary key for the ListMember intersect entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the list. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the list. This corresponds to the List.ListId attribute, which is the primary key for the List entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to remove members from a team.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Gets or sets an array of IDs of the users to be removed from the team.
+ Type: Returns_Guid[]The array of IDs of the users to be removed from the team. Each element of the MemberIds array corresponds to the SystemUser.SystemUserId property, which is the primary key for the SystemUser entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the team.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the team. This corresponds to the Team.TeamId property, which is the primary key for the Team entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the RemoveMembersTeamResponse class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to remove the parent for a system user (user) record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the target systemuser (user) record for the operation.
+ Type: The target systemuser (user) record for the operation. This must be an entity reference to a systemuser (user) record.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the RemoveParentResponse class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to remove a privilege from an existing role.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the privilege that is to be removed from the existing role.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the privilege that is to be removed from the existing role. This corresponds to the Privilege.PrivilegeId property, which is the primary key for the Privilege entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the role from which the privilege is to be removed.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the role from which the privilege is to be removed. This corresponds to the Role.RoleId property, which is the primary key for the Role entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the RemovePrivilegeRoleResponse class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to remove a product from a kit.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the kit from which the product is to be removed.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the kit from which the product is to be removed. This corresponds to the Product.ProductId attribute, which is the primary key for the Product entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the product being removed from the kit.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the product being removed from the kit. This corresponds to the Product.ProductId attribute, which is the primary key for the Product entity.
+ Contains the response from the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Use the class. Contains the data that is needed to remove the relationship between the specified records for specific relationships.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the target records from which you want to remove specific related records.
+ Type: The the target records from which you want to remove specific related records. This array must contain a set of entity references where the entities participate in a relationship.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the RemoveRelatedResponse class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to remove a component from an unmanaged solution.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the solution component. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the solution component. This corresponds to the SolutionComponent.SolutionComponentId attribute, which is the primary key for the SolutionComponent entity.
+ Gets or sets the value that represents the solution component that you want to add. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The value that represents the solution component that you want to add. Required.
+ Gets or sets the value of the Solution.UniqueName attribute of the solution for which you want to add the solution component. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe value of the Solution.UniqueName attribute of the solution for which you want to add the solution component. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID value of the solution component that was removed.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID value of the solution component that was removed. This corresponds to the SolutionComponent.SolutionComponentId attribute, which is the primary key for the SolutionComponent entity.
+ deprecated Use the class.
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to remove a user from the auto created access team for the specified record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the record for which the access team is auto created. Required.
+ Type: The record for which the access team is auto created, which must be an entity reference for an entity that is enabled for access teams. To enable an entity for the auto created access teams, set the attribute to true.
+ Gets or sets the ID of system user (user) to remove from the auto created access team. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the system user (user) that corresponds to the SystemUser.SystemUserId attribute, which is the primary key for the SystemUser entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of team template which is used to create the access team. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the team template that corresponds to the TeamTemplate.TeamTemplateId attribute, which is the primary key for the TeamTemplate entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the auto created access team.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the auto created access team, which corresponds to the Team.TeamId attribute, which is the primary key for the Team entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to renew a contract and create the contract details for a new contract.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the contract to be renewed. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the contract to be renewed. This corresponds to the Contract.ContractId attribute, which is the primary key for the Contract entity.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the canceled line items of the original contract should be included in the renewed contract. Required.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether the canceled line items of the original contract should be included in the renewed contract. true to include canceled line items; otherwise, false. The default is false.
+ Gets or sets the status of the contract.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The status of the contract.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the resulting contract.
+ Type: The resulting contract. This is an instance of the Contract class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to renew an entitlement.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the id of the entitlement to renew.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The Entitlement Id. This corresponds to the Entitlement.EntitlementId attribute, which is the primary key for the Entitlement entity.
+ Gets or sets the StatusCode value for the renewed Entitlement.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The status value for the renewed Entitlement.
+ Contains the response from the message.This message was added with pn_crm_2013_service_pack_1_op_short and pn_v6_online_ur1_shortest.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the renewed entitlement.
+ Type: The renewed entitlement.
+ Contains the data that is needed to replace the privilege set of an existing role.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets an array that contains the IDs and depths of the privileges that replace the existing privileges.
+ Type: The array that contains the IDs and depths of the privileges that replace the existing privileges.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the role for which the privileges are to be replaced.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the role for which the privileges are to be replaced. This corresponds to the Role.RoleId property, which is the primary key for the Role entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the ReplacePrivilegesRoleResponse class.
+ Specifies a resource that is required for a scheduling operation.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the resource and resource specification IDs.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the required resource specification.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the required resource.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the required resource.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the required resource. This corresponds to the Resource.ResourceId attribute, which is the primary key for the Resource entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the required resource specification.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the required resource specification. This corresponds to the ResourceSpec.ResourceSpecId attribute, which is the primary key for the ResourceSpec entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to reschedule an appointment, recurring appointment, or service appointment (service activity).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean.
+ Gets or sets the target of the reschedule operation.
+ Type: The the target of the reschedule operation. This is an entity reference for an entity that supports this message. For a list of supported entity types, see .
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: Returns_Object.
+ Gets the validation results for the appointment, recurring appointment master, or service appointment (service activity).
+ Type: The validation results for the appointment, recurring appointment master, or service appointment (service activity).
+ Contains the data that is needed to reset the offline data filters for the calling user to the default filters for the organization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the type of filters to set. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The type of filters to set. Use, or .
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains information about a resource that has a scheduling problem for an appointment.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class that sets the ID, entity name, and display name.
+ Type: Returns_String. The display name for the resource.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the entity.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the record that has a scheduling problem.
+ Gets or sets the display name for the resource.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The display name for the resource found in the Resource.Name attribute.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the entity.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The logical name of the entity.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the record that has a scheduling problem.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the record that has a scheduling problem.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the absolute URL and the site collection URL for a pn_SharePoint_short location record in pn_microsoftcrm.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the target for which the data is to be retrieved. Required.
+ Type: The target for which the data is to be retrieved. This property must be a reference to a record of the SharepointDocumentLocation entity or the SharepointSite entity type.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the absolute URL of the object that is specified in the request.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The absolute URL of the object that is specified in the request.
+ Gets the pn_SharePoint_short site collection URL of the object that is specified in the request.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The pn_SharePoint_short site collection URL of the object that is specified in the request.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the collection of users that report to the specified system user (user).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the set of attributes to retrieve. Required.
+ Type: The set of attributes to retrieve.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the system user (user).
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the system user (user). This corresponds to the SystemUser.SystemUserId property, which is the primary key for the SystemUser entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the resulting collection of all users that report to the specified system user.
+ Type: The resulting collection of all users that report to the specified system user.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the data that defines the content and behavior of the application ribbon.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a compressed file that defines the ribbon.
+ Type: Returns_Byte[]a compressed file that defines the ribbon.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all metadata changes to a specific attribute.
+ Initializes a new instance of the RetrieveAttributeChangeHistoryRequest class.
+ Gets or sets the attribute’s logical (schema) name. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the attribute.
+ Gets or sets the paging information. Optional.
+ Type: The paging information.
+ Gets or sets the target audit record for which to retrieve attribute change history. Required.
+ Type: The target record.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the attribute change history that results in a collection of audit details.
+ Type: The collection of audit details.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the full audit details from an Audit record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the Audit record to retrieve. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the record to retrieve.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the details of the audited data changes.
+ Type: The audit details.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the list of database partitions that are used to store audited history data.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the collection of audit partition details.
+ Type: The collection of audit partition details.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the list of language packs that are installed and enabled on the server.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets an array of locale ID values representing the language packs that are installed on the server.
+ Type: Returns_Int32[]An array of locale id values representing the language packs that are installed on the server.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all business units (including the specified business unit) from the business unit hierarchy.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the set of attributes to retrieve. Required.
+ Type: The set of attributes to retrieve.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the business unit. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the business unit. This corresponds to the BusinessUnit.BusinessUnitId property, which is the primary key for the BusinessUnit entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the resulting collection of all business units in the business unit hierarchy.
+ Type: The the resulting collection of all business units in the business unit hierarchy.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all resources that are related to the specified resource group (scheduling group).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the query for the operation.
+ Type: The query for the operation.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the resource group.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the resource group. This corresponds to the ResourceGroup.ResourceGroupId property, which is the primary key for the ResourceGroup entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the resulting collection of all resources that are related to the specified resource group.
+ Type: The resulting collection of all resources that are related to the specified resource group.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the resource groups (scheduling groups) that contain the specified resource.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the query for the operation.
+ Type: The query for the operation.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the resource.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the resource. This corresponds to the Resource.ResourceId property, which is the primary key for the Resource entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the resulting collection of all resource groups (scheduling groups) that contain the specified resource.
+ Type: The resulting collection of all resource groups (scheduling groups) that contain the specified resource.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the collection of services that are related to the specified set of resources.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the query for the operation.
+ Type: The query for the operation.
+ Gets or sets an array of IDs for the specified set of services.
+ Type: Returns_Guid[]The array of IDs for the specified set of services. Each element of the ResourceIds array corresponds to the Resource.ResourceId property, which is the primary key for the Resource entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the resulting collection of all related services for the specified set of services.
+ Type: The resulting collection of all related services for the specified set of services.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the top-ten articles about a specified product from the knowledge base of articles for your organization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the product. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the product. This corresponds to the Product.ProductId attribute, which is the primary key for the Product entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the resulting collection of articles about the specified product from the knowledge base of articles for your organization.
+ Type: The resulting collection of articles about the specified product from the knowledge base of articles for your organization.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the top-ten articles about a specified subject from the knowledge base of articles for your organization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the subject. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the subject. This corresponds to the Subject. SubjectId attribute, which is the primary key for the Subject entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the resulting collection of knowledge base articles about the specified subject.
+ Type: The resulting collection of knowledge base articles about the specified subject.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a collection of dependency records that describe any solution components that would prevent a solution component from being deleted.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the value for the component type that you want to delete. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The value for the component type that you want to delete. Required.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the solution component that you want to delete. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the solution component that you want to delete. This corresponds to the SolutionComponent.SolutionComponentId attribute, which is the primary key for the SolutionComponent entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a collection of Dependency records where the DependentComponentObjectId and DependentComponentType attributes represent those components that can prevent the solution component from being deleted.
+ Type: The collection of Dependency records where the DependentComponentObjectId and DependentComponentType attributes represent those components that can prevent the solution component from being deleted..
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a list of the solution component dependencies that can prevent you from uninstalling a managed solution.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the name of the managed solution. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the managed solution. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a collection of Dependency records where the DependentComponentObjectId and DependentComponentType attributes represent the components that can prevent you from deleting the solution.
+ Type: A collection of Dependency records where the DependentComponentObjectId and DependentComponentType attributes represent the components that can prevent you from deleting the solution.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieves a list dependencies for solution components that directly depend on a solution component.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the value that represents the solution component. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The value that represents the solution component. Required.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the solution component that you want to check. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the solution component that you want to check. This corresponds to the SolutionComponent.SolutionComponentId attribute, which is the primary key for the SolutionComponent entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a collection of Dependency records where the DependentComponentObjectId and DependentComponentType attributes represent the components that can prevent you from deleting the solution component.
+ Type: A collection of Dependency records where the DependentComponentObjectId and DependentComponentType attributes represent the components that can prevent you from deleting the solution component.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the type of license for a deployment of pn_microsoftcrm.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the license type.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe license type.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a list of language packs that are installed on the server that have been disabled.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets an array of locale ID values representing disabled language packs that are installed on the server.
+ Type: Returns_Int32[]An array of locale ID values representing disabled language packs that are installed on the server.
+ Contains the data that is needed to detect and retrieve duplicates for a specified record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a record for which the duplicates are retrieved. Required.
+ Type: The record for which the duplicates are retrieved.
+ Gets or sets a name of the matching entity type. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the matching entity type.
+ Gets or sets a paging information for the retrieved duplicates. Required.
+ Type: The paging information for the retrieved duplicates.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a collection of duplicate entity instances.
+ Type: The collection of duplicate entity instances.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve ribbon definitions for an entity.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of an entity in order to retrieve a ribbon definition. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of an entity in order to retrieve a ribbon definition. Required.
+ Gets or sets a filter to retrieve a specific set of ribbon definitions for an entity. Required.
+ Type: A filter to retrieve a specific set of ribbon definitions for an entity. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a compressed file that contains the ribbon definitions.
+ Type: Returns_Byte[]A compressed file that contains the ribbon definitions..
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the exchange rate.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the currency. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the currency. This corresponds to the TransactionCurrency.TransactionCurrencyId attribute, which is the primary key for the TransactionCurrency entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the exchange rate for the currency.
+ Type: Returns_DecimalThe exchange rate for the currency.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the entity forms that are available for a specified user.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the logical name for the entity. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name for the entity. Required.
+ Gets or sets the type of form. Required.
+ Type: The type of form. Required.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the user. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the user. This corresponds to the SystemUser.SystemUserId attribute, which is the primary key for the SystemUser entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a collection of SystemForm entity references.
+ Type: A collection of SystemForm entity references.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the formatted results from an import job.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the GUID of an import job. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe GUID of an import job. This corresponds to the ImportJob.ImportJobId attribute, which is the primary key for the ImportJob entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the formatted results of the import job.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe formatted results of the import job.
+ internal
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Stringinternal
+ internal
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32internal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32internal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Stringinternal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Guidinternal
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the list of language packs that are installed on the server.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets an array of locale ID values that represent the installed language packs.
+ Type: Returns_Int32[]An array of locale ID values that represent the installed language packs.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the version of an installed language pack.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the value that represents the locale ID for the language pack. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The value that represents the locale ID for the language pack. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the version number of the installed language pack.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe version number of the installed language pack.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the number of used and available licenses for a deployment of pn_microsoftcrm.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the access mode for retrieving the license information.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The access mode for retrieving the license information. Use one of the option set values for SystemUser.AccessMode. For a list of these values, the metadata for this entity. metadata_browser
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the number of unused licenses.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The number of unused licenses.
+ Gets the number of licenses that have been granted to users.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The number of licenses that have been granted to users.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve localized labels for a limited set of entity attributes.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the name of the attribute for which to retrieve the localized labels. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the attribute for which to retrieve the localized labels. Required.
+ Gets or sets the entity. Required.
+ Type: The entity. Required.
+ Gets or sets whether to include unpublished labels. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if unpublished labels should be included; otherwise, false.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the label for the requested entity attribute.
+ Type: The label for the requested entity attribute.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the members of a bulk operation.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the bulk operation. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the bulk operation. This corresponds to the BulkOperation.BulkOperationId attribute, which is the primary key for the BulkOperation entity.
+ Gets or sets the source for a bulk operation. Required.
+ Type:Returns_Int32The source for a bulk operation. The return value for this property is a enumeration type.
+ Gets or sets which members of a bulk operation to retrieve. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32Describes which members of a bulk operation to retrieve. The return value for this property is an type.
+ Gets or sets the query for the retrieve operation that can be used to break up large data sets into pages. Optional.
+ Type: The query for the retrieve operation that can be used to break up large data sets into pages.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the collection of members of a bulk operation.
+ Type: The collection of members of a bulk operation.
+ deprecated Use the class.
+ deprecated
+ deprecated
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ deprecated
+ Type:
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class. Contains the response from the class.
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ Type:
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a list of missing components in the target organization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a file for a solution. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Byte[]A file for a solution
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets an array of MissingComponent records.
+ Type: []An array of MissingComponent records.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve any required solution components that are not included in the solution.
+ constructor_initializes class
+ Gets or sets the name of the solution. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the solution. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets an entity collection that represents the solution components that the solution requires in the target system.
+ Type: An entity collection that represents the solution components that the solution requires in the target system.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the resources that are used by an organization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the data that describes the resources used by an organization.
+ Type: The data that describes the resources used by an organization.
+ Contains the data needed to retrieve the collection of the parent resource groups of the specified resource group (scheduling group).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the query for the operation.
+ Type: The query for the operation.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the resource group.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the resource group. This corresponds to the ResourceGroup.ResourceGroupId property, which is the primary key for the ResourceGroup entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the resulting collection of parent resource groups for the specified resource group (scheduling group).
+ Type: The resulting collection of parent resource groups for the specified resource group (scheduling group).
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the data from the parse table.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the import file that is associated with the parse table. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the import file that is associated with the parse table. This property corresponds to the ImportFile.ImportFileId attribute, which is the primary key for the ImportFile entity.
+ Gets or sets the paging information for the retrieved data. Required.
+ Type: The paging information for the retrieved data.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the parsed data.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe parsed data. The returned data has the same column order as the column order in the source file.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve pages of posts, including comments for each post, for all records that the calling user is following.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets, for retrieval, the number of comments per post. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The number of comments per post to retrieve. The maximum number of retrieved comments, per post, is 50; the minimum number is 0.
+ Gets or sets the end date and time of the posts that you want to retrieve. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe end date and time of the posts that you want to retrieve. If specified, the posts that were created on or before the specified end date and time are retrieved.
+ Gets or sets, for retrieval, a specific page of posts that is designated by its page number. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The specific page of posts that is designated by its page number. The page number for the first page is 1. If you specify a value of 0, it is treated as a value of 1.
+ Gets or sets, for retrieval, the number of posts per page. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The number of posts per page. The maximum number of retrieved posts, per page, is 100; the minimum number is 1.
+ Gets or sets a value that specifies the source of the post. Optional.
+ Type: The value that specifies the source of the post.
+ Gets or sets the start date and time of the posts that you want to retrieve. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe start date and time of the posts that you want to retrieve. If specified, only the posts that were created on or after the specified date and time are retrieved.
+ Reserved for future use.
+ Type: .
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the collection of posts with their associated comments and the calculated attribute values.
+ Type: The collection of posts with their associated comments and the calculated attribute values.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the access rights of the specified security principal (team or user) to the specified record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the security principal (team or user) for which to return the access rights to the specified record.
+ Type: The security principal (team or user) for which to return the access rights to the specified record. The entity reference must be a SystemUser or Team entity.
+ Gets or sets the target record for which to retrieve access rights.
+ Type: The target record for which to retrieve access rights. This must be an entity reference for an entity that supports this message. For a list of supported entity types, see .
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the access rights that the security principal (team or user) has to the specified record.
+ Type: The access rights that the security principal (team or user) has to the specified record.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieves all the secured attribute privileges a user or team has through direct or indirect (through team membership) associations with the FieldSecurityProfile entity.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the security principal (user or team) for which to retrieve attribute privileges. Required.
+ Type: The security principal (user or team) for which to retrieve attribute privileges. This must be a reference to a SystemUser or Team entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the collection of attribute privileges for the security principal (user or team).
+ Type: The collection of attribute privileges for the security principal (user or team).
+ Contains the data needed to retrieve the set of privileges defined in the system.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the resulting collection of privileges.
+ Type: The resulting collection of privileges.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the version of a provisioned language pack.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets the Locale Id for the language. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The Locale Id for the language. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the version number of the installed language pack.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe version number of the installed language pack.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the list of provisioned languages.
+ Initializes a new instance of the RetrieveProvisionedLanguagesRequest class
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets an array of locale ID values that represent the provisioned languages.
+ Type: Returns_Int32[] An array of locale ID values that represent the provisioned languages..
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all attribute data changes for a specific entity.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the paging information for the retrieved data. Required.
+ Type: The paging information for the retrieved data.
+ Gets or sets the target audit record. Required.
+ Type: .
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the history of data changes for the target entity.
+ Type: The history of data changes for the target entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve pages of posts, including comments for each post, for a specified record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets, for retrieval, the number of comments per post. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The number of comments per post to retrieve. The maximum number of retrieved comments, per post, is 50; the minimum number is 0.
+ Gets or sets the end date and time of the posts that you want to retrieve. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe end date and time of the posts that you want to retrieve. If specified, the posts that were created on or before the specified end date and time are retrieved.
+ Gets or sets the record for which to retrieve the wall. Required.
+ Type: The record for which to retrieve the wall. This must be an entity reference for an entity that is enabled for activity feeds.
+ Gets or sets, for retrieval, a specific page of posts that is designated by its page number. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The specific page of posts that is designated by its page number. The page number for the first page is 1. If you specify a value of 0, it is treated as a value of 1.
+ Gets or sets, for retrieval, the number of posts per page. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The number of posts per page. The maximum number of retrieved posts, per page, is 100; the minimum number is 1.
+ Gets or sets a value that specifies the source of the post. Optional.
+ Type: The value that specifies the source of the post.
+ Gets or sets the start date and time of the posts that you want to retrieve. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe start date and time of the posts that you want to retrieve. If specified, only the posts that were created on or after the specified date and time are retrieved.
+ Reserved for future use.
+ Type: .
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the collection of posts with their associated comments and the calculated attribute values.
+ Type: The collection of posts with their associated comments and the calculated attribute values.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a collection of solution components that are required for a solution component.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the value that represents the solution component. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The value that represents the solution component. Required.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the solution component that you want to check. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the solution component that you want to check. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a collection of Dependency records where the DependentComponentObjectId and DependentComponentType attributes represent those components that the solution component requires.
+ Type: a collection of Dependency records where the DependentComponentObjectId and DependentComponentType attributes represent those components that the solution component requires.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the privileges that are assigned to the specified role.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the role for which the privileges are to be retrieved.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the role for which the privileges are to be retrieved. This corresponds to the Role.RoleId property, which is the primary key for the Role entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets an array that contains the IDs and depths of the privileges that are held by the specified role.
+ Type: The array that contains the IDs and depths of the privileges that are held by the specified role.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all security principals (users or teams) that have access to, and access rights for, the specified record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the target record for which you want to retrieve security principals (users and teams) and their access rights.
+ Type: The target record for which you want to retrieve security principals (users and teams) and their access rights. This property must be an entity reference for an entity that supports this message. For a list of supported entity types, see the class.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the requested security principals (teams and users) for the specified record.
+ Type: The requested security principals (teams and users) for the specified record.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the collection of child resource groups from the specified resource group (scheduling group).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the query for the operation.
+ Type: The query for the operation.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the resource group.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the resource group. This corresponds to the ResourceGroup.ResourceGroupId property, which is the primary key for the ResourceGroup entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the resulting collection of child resource groups for the specified resource group (scheduling group).
+ Type: The resulting collection of child resource groups for the specified resource group (scheduling group).
+ deprecated Use the class.Contains the data needed to retrieve a collection of entity instances based on the specified query criteria.
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ Type: .
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ Type:
+ deprecated Use the class.Contains the data needed to retrieve all user information from the child business units of the specified business unit.
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ Type:
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.Contains the response from the message.
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ Type:
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the privileges for a team.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the team for which you want to retrieve privileges.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe team for which you want to retrieve privileges. This corresponds to the Team.TeamId attribute, which is the primary key for the Team entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the list of privileges that the team holds for a record.
+ Type: array. The list of privileges that the team holds for a record.
+ deprecated Use the class.Contains the data needed to retrieve the list of teams of which the specified user is a member.
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ Type:
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.Contains the response from the message.
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ Type:
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a collection of unpublished organization-owned records that satisfy the specified query criteria.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the query criteria defining the records to retrieve.Required.
+ Type: The query criteria defining the records to retrieve.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the collection of records that satisfy the query in the request.
+ Type: The collection of records that satisfy the query in the request.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve an unpublished record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the collection of attributes for which non-null values are returned from a query. Required.
+ Type: The collection of attributes for which non-null values are returned from a query. Required..
+ Gets or sets the target record for the operation. Required.
+ Type: the target record for the operation. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the unpublished record that is specified in the request.
+ Type: The unpublished record that is specified in the request.
+ Contains the data needed to retrieve the privileges a system user (user) has through his or her roles in the specified business unit.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the user to retrieve privileges for.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe user to retrieve privileges for. This corresponds to the User.UserId attribute, which is the primary key for the User entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets an array of privileges that the user holds.
+ Type: arrayThe array of privileges that the user holds.
+ Contains the data needed to retrieve all private queues of a specified user and optionally all public queues.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets whether the response should include public queues.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the response should include public queues; otherwise, false.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The id of the user. This corresponds to the SystemUser.SystemUserId attribute, which is the primary key for the SystemUser entity.
+ Contains the response from the message.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ deprecated Use the class.Contains the data needed to retrieve the user settings for the specified system user (user).
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ Type:
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ Type:
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the version number of the pn_microsoftcrm_server.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the version number of the pn_microsoftcrm_server.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe version number of the pn_microsoftcrm_server.
+ Contains the data that is needed to set the state of a quote to Draft.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the collection of attributes to retrieve in the revised quote. Required.
+ Type: The the collection of attributes to retrieve in the revised quote.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the original quote. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe the ID of the original quote. This corresponds to the Quote.QuoteId attribute, which is the primary key for the Quote entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the revised quote.
+ Type: The revised quote. This is instance of the Quote class, which is a subclass of the Entity class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to replace the access rights on the target record for the specified security principal (user or team).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a security principal (team or user) whose access you want to revoke. Required.
+ Type: The security principal (team or user) whose access you want to revoke.
+ Gets or sets the target record for which you want to revoke access. Required.
+ Type: The target record for which you want to revoke access. This property value must be an entity reference for an entity that supports this message. For a list of supported entity types, see the class.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Contains the values for ribbon filters for an entity.
+ Retrieve all Ribbons. Equivalent to Default. Value = 7.
+ Retrieve all Ribbons. Equivalent to All. Value = 7.
+ Retrieve just the form ribbon. Value = 1.
+ Retrieve just the ribbon displayed for entity grids. Value = 2.
+ Retrieve just the ribbon displayed when the entity is displayed in a subgrid or associated view. Value = 4.
+ Contains information about a privilege.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class by setting the depth, privilege ID, and business unit ID.
+ Type: . The depth of the privilege.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the privilege.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the business unit.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class by setting the depth and the privilege ID.
+ Type: Returns_Int32. The depth of the privilege.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the privilege.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class by setting the depth (as an integer), the privilege ID, and the business unit ID.
+ Type: Returns_Int32. The depth of the privilege.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the privilege.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the business unit.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the business unit.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the business unit, which corresponds to the BusinessUnit.BusinessUnitID attribute, which is the primary key for the BusinessUnit entity..
+ Gets or sets the depth of the privilege.
+ Type: The depth of the privilege.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the privilege.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the privilege, which corresponds to the Privilege.PrivilegeID attribute, which is the primary key for the Privilege entity..
+ Represents audited changes to the privileges of a security role.
+ Initializes a new instance of the RolePrivilegeAuditDetail class.
+ Gets the collection of invalid privileges for the role.
+ Type: <Returns_Guid>The collection of invalid privileges for the role.
+ Gets or sets the role’s new privileges.
+ Type: The new privileges for the role.
+ Gets or sets the role’s old privileges.
+ Type: The old privileges for the role.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all the entity records that are related to the specified record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the query criteria for the rollup operation. Required.
+ Type: The query criteria for the rollup operation.
+ Gets or sets the rollup type. Required.
+ Type: The the rollup type. Use the enumeration for this property.
+ Gets or sets the target record for the rollup operation. Required.
+ Type The target record for the rollup operation, which must be an entity reference for an account, contact, or opportunity entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the collection of records that are related to the specified record.
+ Type:The collection of records that are related to the specified record.
+ Contains the possible values for the property in the class, which you use to retrieve all the entity records for a specified record.
+ A rollup record that is directly related to a parent record and to any descendent record of a parent record, for example, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren records. Value = 2.
+ A rollup record is not requested. This member only retrieves the records that are directly related to a parent record. Value = 0.
+ A rollup record that is directly related to a parent record and to any direct child of a parent record. Value = 1.
+ Contains the data that is needed to route a queue item to a queue, a user, or a team.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the id of the queue item to route. Required
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The QueueItem id. This corresponds to the QueueItem.QueueItemId attribute, which is the primary key for the QueueItem entity.
+ Gets or sets the target record to route the queue item to. Required.
+ Type: The target record to route the queue item to.
+ Contains the response from the message.This message was added with pn_crm_2013_service_pack_1_op_short and pn_v6_online_ur1_shortest.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to search for knowledge base articles that contain the specified body text.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the query criteria to find knowledge base articles with specified body text. Required.
+ Type: The query criteria to find knowledge base articles with specified body text.
+ Gets or sets the text contained in the body of the article. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe text contained in the body of the article.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the knowledge base article subject. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the knowledge base article subject. This corresponds to the Subject.SubjectId attribute, which is the primary key for the Subject entity.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to use inflectional stem matching when searching for knowledge base articles with a specified body text. Required.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether to use inflectional stem matching when searching for knowledge base articles with a specified body text. true, to use inflectional stem matching, otherwise, false.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the collection of knowledge base articles that contain the specified body text.
+ Type: The collection of knowledge base articles that contain the specified body text.
+ Contains the data that is needed to search for knowledge base articles that contain the specified keywords.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the query criteria to find knowledge base articles with specified keywords. Required.
+ Type: The query criteria to find knowledge base articles with specified keywords.
+ Gets or sets the keywords in the article. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe keywords in the article.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the knowledge base article subject. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the knowledge base article subject. This corresponds to the Subject.SubjectId attribute, which is the primary key for the Subject entity.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to use inflectional stem matching when searching for knowledge base articles with the specified keywords. Required.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether to use inflectional stem matching when searching for knowledge base articles with the specified keywords. true, to use inflectional stem matching, otherwise, false.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the collection of knowledge base articles that contain the specified keywords.
+ Type: The collection of knowledge base articles that contain the specified keywords.
+ Contains the data that is needed to search for knowledge base articles that contain the specified title.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the query criteria to find knowledge base articles with the specified title. Required.
+ Type: The query criteria to find knowledge base articles with the specified title.
+ Gets or sets the title in the articles. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe title of the article.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the subject for the knowledge base article. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the knowledge base article subject. This corresponds to the Subject.SubjectId attribute, which is the primary key for the Subject entity.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to use inflectional stem matching when you search for knowledge base articles by a specific title. Required.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether to use inflectional stem matching when searching for knowledge base articles with a specified title. true, to use inflectional stem matching, otherwise, false.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the collection of knowledge base articles that contain the specified title.
+ Type: The collection of knowledge base articles that contain the specified title.
+ Contains the possible values for the search direction in an appointment request.
+ Search backward in the calendar. Value = 1.
+ Search forward in the calendar. Value = 0.
+ Contains the data needed to search for available time slots that fulfill the specified appointment request.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the appointment request.
+ Type: The appointment request.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the results of the search.
+ Type: The results of the search.
+ Contains the results from the message.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the proposals and trace info properties.
+ The set of proposed appointments that meet the appointment request criteria.
+ The results of the search.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe the structure that contains extra data.
+ Gets the set of proposed appointments that meet the appointment request criteria.
+ Type: The set of proposed appointments that meet the appointment request criteria.
+ Gets information regarding the results of the search.
+ Type: The information regarding the results of the search.
+ Contains the data that is needed to send bulk email messages.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the query to retrieve the recipients for the email messages.
+ Type: The query to retrieve the recipients for the email messages.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the record with which the email messages are associated.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the record with which the email messages are associated.
+ Gets or sets the type of the record with which the email messages are associated.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe type of the record with which the email messages are associated.
+ Gets or sets the sender of the email messages.
+ Type: The sender of the email messages.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the email template to use.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the email template to use. This corresponds to the Template.TemplateId attribute, which is the primary key for the Template entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to send an email message using a template.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the record with which the email message is associated.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the record with which the email message is associated.
+ Gets or sets the type of the record with which the email message is associated.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe type of the record with which the email message is associated.
+ Gets or sets the email record to send.
+ Type: The the email record to send. This is an instance of an Email entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the email template to use for the email.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the email template to use for the email. This corresponds to the Template.TemplateId attribute, which is the primary key for the Template entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the email record that was sent.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the email record that was sent. This corresponds to the Email.EmailId property, which is the primary key for the Email entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to send an email message.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the email to send.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the email to send, which corresponds to the Email.EmailId attribute, which is the primary key for the Email entity.
+ Gets or sets whether to send the email, or to just record it as sent.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the email should be sent; otherwise, false, just record it as sent.
+ Gets or sets the tracking token.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe tracking token, which is used to correlate an email with a context.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the subject line for the email message.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe subject line for the email message.
+ Contains the data that is needed to send a fax.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the fax to send.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the fax to send. This corresponds to the Fax.FaxId attribute, which is the primary key for the Fax entity.
+ Gets or sets whether to send the e-mail, or to just record it as sent.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether to send the e-mail, or to just record it as sent. true, to send the e-mail, otherwise, false.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to send a bulk email message that is created from a template.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: .
+ Gets or sets the array that contains the list of recipients for the email. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid[]
+The array of recipients for the email. The recipients must be of the same entity type that is specified in the property.
+ Gets or sets the type of entity that is represented by the list of recipients. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the entity that is represented by the list of recipients. Set this property to the name of the entity type for the recipient list that is specified in the property.
+ Gets or sets the ID of a record that the email is regarding. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of a record that the email is regarding. This property is the ID of a record that is valid for the Email.RegardingObjectId attribute. The property must contain the logical name of the entity type for this record.
+ Gets or sets the type of entity that is represented by the regarding ID. Required.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of entity that is represented by the regarding ID. This property is the logical entity name of the record that is specified in the property.
+ Gets or sets the sender of the email.
+ Type: The sender of the email. The property contains the ID of a record and an entity type. The return value of this property must be a system user.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the template to be used for the email. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The the ID of the template to be used for the email, which corresponds to the Template.TemplateId attribute, which is the primary key for the Template entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to assign equipment (facility/equipment) to a specific business unit.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the business unit.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the business unit. This corresponds to the BusinessUnit.BusinessUnitId attribute, which is the primary key for the BusinessUnit entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the equipment (facility/equipment).
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the equipment (facility/equipment). This corresponds to the Equipment.EquipmentId attribute, which is the primary key for the Equipment entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the SetBusinessEquipmentResponse class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to move a system user (user) to a different business unit.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the business unit to which the user is moved. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the business unit to which the user is moved. This corresponds to the BusinessUnit.BusinessUnitId attribute, which is the primary key for the BusinessUnit entity.
+ Gets or sets the target security principal (user) to which the instances of entities previously owned by the user are to be assigned. Required.
+ Type: The target security principal (user) to which the instances of entities previously owned by the user are to be assigned. If this property is set to null or an empty string, an error occurs.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the user. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the user. This corresponds to the SystemUser.SystemUserId attribute, which is the primary key for the SystemUser entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the SetBusinessSystemUserResponse class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to set localized labels for a limited set of entity attributes.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets the name of the attribute. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the attribute. Required.
+ Gets or sets the entity. Required.
+ Type: The entity. Required.
+ Gets or sets the label. Required.
+ Type: The label.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to set the parent business unit for a business unit.
+ Initializes a new instance of the SetParentBusinessUnitRequest class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the business unit.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the ID of the new parent business unit.
+ Returns .
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the SetParentBusinessUnitResponse class.
+ Contains the data needed to set a new parent system user (user) for the specified user.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets whether the child users are to be retained. Required.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanIndicates whether the child users are to be retained. Use true to retain the child users reporting to the original user, otherwise, use false (default) to update the child users to report to the original manager of the user.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the new parent user. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the new parent user. This corresponds to the SystemUser.SystemUserId attribute, which is the primary key for the SystemUser entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the user. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the user. This corresponds to the SystemUser.SystemUserId attribute, which is the primary key for the SystemUser entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the SetParentSystemUserResponse class.
+ Contains the data needed to set the parent business unit of a team.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the business unit to which to move the team. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the business unit to which to move the team. This corresponds to the BusinessUnit.BusinessUnitId attribute, which is the primary key for the BusinessUnit entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the team. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the team. This corresponds to the Team.TeamId attribute, which is the primary key for the Team entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the SetParentTeamResponse class.
+ Contains the data needed to create a relationship between a set of records that participate in specific relationships.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the target records of the set related action. Required.
+ Type: The target records of the set related action. This array must contain a set of entity references where the entities participate in a relationship.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the SetRelatedResponse class.
+ Contains the data needed to link an instance of a report entity to related entities.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets an array of report category codes. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32[]The array of report category codes.
+ Gets or sets an array of entity type codes for the related entities. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32[]The array of entity type codes for the related entities.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the report. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the report. This corresponds to the Report.ReportId attribute, which is the primary key for the report entity.
+ Gets or sets an array of report visibility codes. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32[]The array of report visibility codes.
+ Contains the response from .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to set the state of an entity record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the entity. Required.
+ Type: The entity.
+ Gets or sets the state of the entity record. Required.
+ Type: The state of the entity record.
+ Gets or sets the status that corresponds to the State property. Required.
+ Type: The status that corresponds to the State property.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Represents a shared audit detail record.
+ constructor_initializesShareAuditDetail class.
+ Gets or sets the privileges of the user after a change.
+ Type: The privileges of the user after a change.
+ Gets or sets the privileges of the user before a change.
+ Type: The privileges of the user before a change.
+ Gets or sets the security principal (user or team) that shares the audit detail record.
+ Type: The user or team that shares the record.
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+ internal
+ internal
+ Contains the possible values for a subcode, used in scheduling appointments.
+ A block of time that is already scheduled for an appointment. Value = 7.
+ A block of time that cannot be committed due to a scheduled break. Value = 4.
+ A block of time that is committed to perform an action. Value = 2.
+ A block of time that cannot be scheduled due to a scheduled holiday. Value = 5.
+ Specifies the capacity of a resource for the specified time interval. Value = 10.
+ A restriction for a resource for the specified service. Value = 9.
+ Specifies to filter a resource start time. Value = 8.
+ A schedulable block of time. Value = 1.
+ An override to the service cost for the specified time block. Value = 12.
+ Specifies that a service is restricted during the specified block of time. Value = 11.
+ A block of time that is tentatively scheduled but not committed. Value = 3.
+ Specifies free time with no specified restrictions. Value = 0.
+ A block of time that cannot be scheduled due to a scheduled vacation. Value = 6.
+ Indicates the attribute type for the target of the message.
+ Initialize all possible attribute values. Value = 0.
+ Initialize the attribute values that are valid for create. Value = 1.
+ Initialize the attribute values that are valid for read. Value = 3.
+ initialize the attribute values that are valid for update. Value = 2.
+ Contains the possible values for a time code, used when querying a schedule.
+ The time is available within the working hours of the resource. Value = 0.
+ The time is committed to an activity. Value = 1.
+ Use additional filters for the time block such as service cost or service start time. Value = 3.
+ The time is unavailable. Value = 2.
+ Specifies a set of time blocks with appointment information.
+ Initializes a new instance of theTimeInfo class.
+ Gets or sets the status of the activity.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The activity status code.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the calendar for this block of time.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The the ID of the calendar for this block of time, which corresponds to the Calendar.CalendarId attribute, which is the primary key for the Calendar entity.
+ Gets or sets the display text shown in the calendar for the time block.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe display text shown in the calendar for the time block..
+ Gets or sets the amount of effort required for this block of time.
+ Type: Returns_Double
+The amount of effort required for this block of time.
+ Gets or sets the end time for the block.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_DateTime>
+The end time for the block.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the block of time refers to an activity.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the block of time refers to an activity; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the record referred to in the time block.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the record, which corresponds to the primary key for the entity.
+ Gets or sets the type of entity referred to in the time block.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The entity type code.
+ Gets or sets the start time for the block.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_DateTime>
+The start time for the block.
+ Gets or sets information about the time block such as whether it is an appointment, break, or holiday.
+ Type: The information about the time block.
+ Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the time block is available, busy, filtered or unavailable.
+ Type: The time code.
+ Specifies the results of a scheduling operation using the , , , or messages.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: []. The list of error information for the scheduling operation.
+ Gets or sets the list of error information for the scheduling operation.
+ Returns []The the list of error information for the scheduling operation.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Contains the data that is needed to submit an asynchronous job that transforms the parsed data.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the import (data import) that is associated with the asynchronous job that transforms the imported data. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the import (data import) that is associated with the asynchronous job that transforms the imported data. This corresponds to the Import.ImportId attribute, which is the primary key for the Import entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the asynchronous job that transforms the parsed data for this import.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the asynchronous job that transforms the parsed data for this import.
+ Contains the data that is needed to validate the configuration of a windows_azure_service_bus solution’s service endpoint.
+ Initializes a new instance of the TriggerServiceEndpointCheck class.
+ Gets or sets the ServiceEndpoint record that contains the configuration. Required.
+ Type: The entity reference of the service endpoint record.
+ Contains the response from the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the TriggerServiceEndpointCheckResponse class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to unlock pricing for an invoice.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the invoice.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the invoice. This corresponds to the Invoice.InvoiceId attribute, which is the primary key for the Invoice entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to unlock pricing for a sales order (order).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the sales order (order).
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the sales order (order). This corresponds to the SalesOrder.SalesOrderId attribute, which is the primary key for the SalesOrder entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to submit an asynchronous job to unpublish a duplicate rule.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the duplicate rule to be unpublished. Required.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the duplicate rule to be unpublished. This corresponds to the DuplicateRule.DuplicateRuleId attribute, which is the primary key for the DuplicateRule entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ deprecated Use the class.
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ Type: .
+ deprecated Use the class and its members.
+ Type: .
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ deprecated Use the class and its associated response class.
+ internal
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_DateTime
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for the specified local time.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the local time. Required.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe the local time.
+ Gets or sets the time zone code. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The time zone code.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the local time and expresses it in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe local time expressed as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time.
+ Contains the data that is needed to validate a rule for a recurring appointment.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the recurrence rule record to validate.
+ Type: The recurrence rule record to validate. This is an instance of the RecurrenceRule entity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the description.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe description.
+ Contains the data that is needed to verify that an appointment or service appointment (service activity) has valid available resources for the activity, duration, and site, as appropriate.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the activities to validate.
+ The activities to validate.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the results of the validate operation.
+ Type: The results of the validate operation.
+ Contains the data that is needed to validate a saved query (view).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the FetchXML query string to be validated.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The FetchXML query string to be validated.
+ Gets or sets the type of the query.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The query type, which should be one of the values in the class.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the result from the , , or messages.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class, setting the success, traceinfo and activityid properties.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean. The value that indicates whether the appointment or service appointment was validated successfully.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the validated activity.
+ Type: . The reasons for any scheduling failures.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the validated activity.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the validated activity. This corresponds to the ActivityPointer.ActivityPointerId attribute, which is the primary key for the ActivityPointer entity.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the reasons for any scheduling failures.
+ Type: The reasons for any scheduling failures.
+ Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the appointment or service appointment was validated successfully.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the appointment or service appointment was validated successfully; otherwise, false.
+ internal
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_String
+ internal
+ Type:
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the system user ID for the currently logged on user or the user under whose context the code is running.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the business to which the logged on user belongs.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the business to which the logged on user belongs. This corresponds to the BusinessUnit.BusinessUnitId attribute, which is the primary key for the BusinessUnit entity.
+ Gets the ID of the organization that the user belongs to.
+ Type: Returns_GuidID of the organization that the user belongs to. This corresponds to the Organization.OrganizationId attribute, which is the primary key for the Organization entity.
+ Gets the ID of the user who is logged on.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the user who is currently logged on or the user under whose context the executed code is running. This corresponds to the SystemUser.SystemUserId attribute, which is the primary key for the SystemUser entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to set the state of an opportunity to Won.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the opportunity close activity associated with this state change. Required.
+ Type: The opportunity close activity associated with this state change. This must be an instance of the OpportunityClose class, which is a subclass of the Entity class.
+ Gets or sets a new status of the opportunity. Required.
+ Type: The status of the opportunity.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to set the state of a quote to Won.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the quote close activity associated with this state change. Required.
+ Type: The quote close activity associated with this state change. This must be an instance of the QuoteClose class, which is a subclass of the Entity class.
+ Gets or sets a new status of the quote. Required.
+ Type: The new status of the quote.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Xrm.Client.dll b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Xrm.Client.dll
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f9629aa
Binary files /dev/null and b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Xrm.Client.dll differ
diff --git a/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Xrm.Client.xml b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Xrm.Client.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d73e4fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Xrm.Client.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3288 @@
+ Microsoft.Xrm.Client
+ Provides a connection to the server using a connection string. (Developer Extensions)
+ Initializes a new instance of the CrmConnection class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the CrmConnection class , setting the connection string.
+ The connection string.
+ Initializes a new instance of the CrmConnection class , setting the connection string name.
+ The connection string name.
+ Builds a text value that is unique to the connection values.
+ Returns .
+ Parses a string in the DbConnectionStringBuilder format.
+ Returns .
+ The connection string to parse.
+ Serialize an object using the DataContractJsonSerializerhttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb908432.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the GUID of the user for whom SDK calls are made on behalf of.
+ Returns .
+ The user credentials.
+ Returns .
+ The Windows Live ID device credentials.
+ Returns .
+ The URI of the cross realm STS metadata endpoint.
+ Returns .
+ The assembly containing the strong proxy types.
+ Returns .
+ Determines if the strong proxy types should be returned by the service.
+ Returns .
+ The mode for instantiating the service configuration.
+ Returns .
+ The organization service URL.
+ Returns .
+ The service timeout value.
+ Returns .
+ The time offset prior to the user token expiration when the user token should be refreshed.
+ Returns .
+ The base class of an entity class from Developer Extensions for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, derived from the core Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Entity class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the CrmEntity class.
+ The name of the entity.
+ Occurs when an attribute or relationship is set.
+ Occurs when an attribute or relationship is set.
+ Verifies that the logical name of an entity is the expected name.
+ The entity instance.
+ The expected entity name.
+ Deep clones an instance of the Entity class.
+ Returns .
+ The entity instance.
+ Specifies whether related entities should be included in the cloned entity.
+ Retrieves the value of a sequence attribute.
+ Returns .
+ The logical name of the attribute.
+ Retrieves the value of an attribute.
+ Returns .
+ The entity instance.
+ The logical name of the attribute.
+ Retrieves the value of an attribute.
+ Returns .
+ The logical name of the attribute.
+ Retrieves attribute values for EntityReference attributes.
+ Returns .
+ The entity instance.
+ The logical name of the attribute.
+ Retrieves the collection of related entities for a specific relationship.
+ Returns .
+ The entity instance.
+ The relationship instance.
+ The service context.
+ Retrieves the collection of related entities for a specific relationship.
+ Returns .
+ The role that the entity plays in the relationship, referencing or referenced.
+ The entity instance.
+ The service context.
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ Gets the collection of related entity instances for the specified relationship.
+ Returns .
+ The role that the entity plays in the relationship, referencing or referenced.
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ Retrieves the collection of related entities for a specific relationship.
+ Returns .
+ The entity instance.
+ The relationship instance.
+ Retrieves the collection of related entities for a specific relationship.
+ Returns .
+ The entity instance.
+ Retrieves the related entity for a specific relationship.
+ Returns .
+ The entity instance.
+ The relationship instance.
+ The service context.
+ Retrieves the related entity for a specific relationship.
+ Returns .
+ The role that the entity plays in the relationship, referencing or referenced
+ The entity instance.
+ The service context.
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ Gets the related entity instance for the specified relationship.
+ Returns .
+ The role that the entity plays in the relationship, referencing or referenced.
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ Retrieves the related entity for a specific relationship.
+ Returns .
+ The entity instance.
+ The relationship instance.
+ Modifies the value of a sequence attribute.
+ The name of the property to set.
+ The value of the property.
+ The logical name of the attribute.
+ Modifies the value of a sequence attribute.
+ The entity instance.
+ The attribute value.
+ The logical name of the attribute.
+ Modifies the value of an attribute.
+ The entity instance.
+ The attribute value.
+ The logical name of the entity.
+ The logical name of the attribute.
+ Modifies the value of an attribute.
+ The name of the property to set.
+ The attribute value.
+ The logical name of the attribute.
+ Modifies the value of an attribute.
+ The name of the property to set.
+ The attribute value.
+ The logical name of the entity.
+ The logical name of the attribute.
+ Modifies the value of an attribute.
+ The entity instance.
+ The attribute value.
+ The logical name of the attribute.
+ Modifies the value of a primary key attribute.
+ The name of the property to set.
+ The value of the property.
+ The logical name of the attribute.
+ Sets the collection of related entity instances for the specified relationship.
+ The name of the property.
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ The set of entities to be related.
+ Sets the collection of related entity instances for the specified relationship.
+ The role that the entity plays in the relationship, referencing or referenced.
+ The name of the property.
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ The set of entities to be related.
+ Modifies the collection of related entities for a specific relationship.
+ The entity instance.
+ The relationship instance.
+ The collection of entity instance to be related.
+ Modifies the collection of related entities for a specific relationship.
+ The entity instance.
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ The collection of entity instance to be related.
+ Sets the related entity for a specific relationship.
+ The entity to be related.
+ The name of the property.
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ Sets the related entity for a specific relationship.
+ The role that the entity plays in the relationship, referencing or referenced.
+ The entity to be related.
+ The name of the property.
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ Modifies a related entity for a specific relationship.
+ The entity instance.
+ The relationship instance.
+ The entity instance to be related.
+ Modifies a related entity for a specific relationship.
+ The entity instance.
+ The entity instance to be related.
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ Contains a reference to a specific record (entity instance). (Developer Extensions)
+ Initializes an instance of the CrmEntityReference class.
+ Initializes an instance of the CrmEntityReference class.
+ The ID of the record (entity instance).
+ The logical name of the entity.
+ Returns true if the specified object is equal to this entity reference, otherwise returns false.
+ Returns .
+ The entity reference to compare.
+ Gets a hash value for this type.
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ The ID of the record (entity instance).
+ Returns .
+ The logical name of the entity.
+ Returns .
+ The name of the entity.
+ Returns .
+ The Developer Extensions for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 version of the runtime context of the data service that is used to track Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 entities and that sends and receives entities from the server.
+ Initializes a new instance of the CrmOrganizationServiceContext class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the CrmOrganizationServiceContext class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the CrmOrganizationServiceContext class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the CrmOrganizationServiceContext class.
+ Adds an item to a campaign. The item added must be one of the following entity types: campaign, list, product, or salesliterature. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a that contains the ID of the resulting campaign activity item.
+ The organization service context.
+ The ID of the campaign.
+ The entity name for entityId.
+ The ID of the entity to add to the campaign.
+ Adds an item to a campaign activity. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a that contains the ID of the resulting campaign item.
+ The organization service context.
+ The ID of the campaign activity.
+ The entity name itemId.
+ The ID of the record to add to the campaign activity.
+ Adds a link between two entity instances.
+ The role that the entity plays in the relationship, referencing or referenced.
+ The service context.
+ The schema name of the relationship for the link.
+ The target entity instance.
+ The source entity instance.
+ Adds a link between two entity instances.
+ The service context.
+ The target entity instance.
+ The source entity instance.
+ Adds a list of members to a list. (Developer Extensions)
+ An array of the IDs of the members to add to the list.
+ The organization service context.
+ The ID of the list.
+ Adds a member to a list. The member added must be one of the following entity types: account, contact, or lead. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a that contains the ID of the resulting list member.
+ The organization service context.
+ The ID of the record to add to the list.
+ The ID of the list.
+ Adds members to a team. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ The ID of the team.
+ An array of the IDs of the members to add to the team.
+ Adds a set of existing privileges to an existing role. (Developer Extensions)
+ The ID of the role.
+ The privileges to add to the role.
+ The organization service context.
+ Adds a product to a kit. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ The ID of the product to add to the kit.
+ The ID of the kit.
+ Adds recurrence information to an existing appointment to make it a recurring appointment master. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a , the ID of the newly created recurring appointment.
+ The ID of the appointment that needs to be converted into a recurring appointment.
+ The organization service context.
+ The recurring appointment master record to which the appointment is converted.
+ The role that the entity plays in the relationship, referencing or referenced.
+ The service context.
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ The target entity instance.
+ The source entity instance.
+ The service context.
+ The target entity instance.
+ The source entity instance.
+ The service context.
+ The target entity instance.
+ The source entity instance.
+ Adds a solution component to an unmanaged solution. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a , the ID of the new solution component record.
+ Indicates whether the solution components that are required by the solution component that you are adding are also added to the unmanaged solution.
+ The value that represents the solution component that you are adding.
+ The organization service context.
+ The unique name of the solution for which you want to add the solution component.
+ The ID of the solution component.
+ deprecated Establishes an association between a product and a substitute product. Use . (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ The ID of the product.
+ The ID of the substitute product.
+ Moves a record from a source queue to a destination queue. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a , the ID of the queue item that is created in the destination queue.
+ The properties that are needed to create a queue item in the destination queue.
+ The organization service context.
+ The ID of the destination queue.
+ The target record to add to the destination queue.
+ The ID of the source queue.
+ Assigns the specified record to a new security principal (user). This changes the ownerid attribute of the instance. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ The user or team for which you want to assign a record.
+ The target record to assign.
+ Creates a link between records (entity instances). (Developer Extensions)
+ The name of the relationship to be used to create the link.
+ The logical name of the entity specified in the entityId parameter.
+ The ID of the record to which the related records will be associated.
+ A collection of entity references (references to records) to be associated.
+ deprecated Adds a link between two records in a many-to-many relationship. Use . (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Clones an arbitrary source entity and attaches it to the context.
+ Returns .
+ The entity instance.
+ The service context.
+ Specifies whether to include related entity instances.
+ Attaches a two entity instances.
+ The role that the entity plays in the relationship, referencing or referenced.
+ The service context.
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ The target entity instance.
+ The source entity instance.
+ Attaches a two entity instances.
+ The service context.
+ The target entity instance.
+ The source entity instance.
+ Creates the attribute mappings between two entities. (Developer Extensions)
+ The ID of the entity map to overwrite when the automated mapping is performed.
+ The organization service context.
+ Sends an email asynchronously. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ The query to find the email activities to send.
+ Schedules or "books" an appointment. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ The appointment to book.
+ Submits an asynchronous bulk delete job. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a , the ID of an asynchronous bulk delete job that performs a bulk deletion.
+ An array of queries for a bulk delete job.
+ The recurrence pattern for the bulk delete job.
+ The organization service context.
+ An array of IDs for the system users (users) who are listed in the Cc box of the email notification.
+ The name of an asynchronous bulk delete job.
+ Indicates whether an email notification is sent after the bulk delete job has finished running.
+ Submits an asynchronous duplicates detection job. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a , the ID of an asynchronous bulk detect duplicates job that detects and logs duplicate records.
+ The recurrence pattern for the asynchronous system job that detects multiple duplicate records. Optional.
+ The name of the asynchronous system job that detects and logs multiple duplicate records. Required.
+ The organization service context.
+ The start date and time of an asynchronous system job that detects and logs multiple duplicate records. Optional.
+ An array of queries to detect multiple duplicate records. Required.
+ The the template (email template) that is used for the email notification.
+ An array of IDs for the system users (users) who are listed in the To box of the email notification.
+ An array of IDs for the system users (users) who are listed in the Cc box of the email notification.
+ A value that indicates whether an email notification is sent after the asynchronous system job that detects multiple duplicate records finishes running. Required.
+ For internal use only. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Calculates the value of an opportunity that is in the "Won" state. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a, the actual value of an opportunity.
+ The ID of the opportunity. Required.
+ The organization service context.
+ Calculates the total number of minutes spent on an incident (case). (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns an , the total time, in minutes that you use when you work on an incident (case).
+ The ID of the incident (case). Required.
+ The organization service context.
+ Cancels a contract. (Developer Extensions)
+ The contract cancelation date. Required.
+ The organization service context.
+ The status of the contract. Required.
+ The ID of the contract. Required.
+ Cancels a sales order. (Developer Extensions)
+ The close activity that is associated with the sales order (order) that you want to cancel. Required.
+ The organization service context.
+ The status of the sales order (order). Required.
+ Checks whether the incoming email message is relevant to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM system. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns an
+ The subject line for the email message. Optional.
+ The addresses of the blind carbon copy (Bcc) recipients for the email message.
+ The organization service context.
+ The ID of the email message stored in the email header. Required.
+ The addresses of the recipients of the email message.
+ The addresses of the carbon copy (Cc) recipients for the email message.
+ The from address for the email message.
+ Checks whether the incoming email message should be promoted to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM system. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The subject of the message. Optional.
+ The organization service context.
+ The message ID that is contained in the email header. Required.
+ For internal use only. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Copies an existing contract and its line items. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns an , the resulting contract.
+ The organization service context.
+ A value that indicates whether the canceled line items of the originating contract are to be included in the copy (clone). Required.
+ The ID of the contract to be copied. Required.
+ Closes an incident (case). (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ The incident resolution (case resolution) that is associated with the incident (case) to be closed. Required.
+ A status of the incident. Required.
+ Closes an incident (case). (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ The incident resolution (case resolution) that is associated with the incident (case) to be closed. Required.
+ A status of the incident. Required.
+ Closes a quote. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ A quote to be closed. Required.
+ A status of the quote. Required.
+ deprecated Creates a compound entity (salesorder, invoice, quote, or duplicaterule) and its related entity (salesorderdetail, invoicedetail, quotedetail, or duplicaterulecondition). Use . (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ deprecated Updates a compound record (salesorder, invoice, quote or duplicaterule) and its related detail record (salesorderdetail, invoicedetail, quotedetail or duplicaterulecondition). Use . (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Updates a duplicate rule (duplicate detection rule) and its related duplicate rule conditions. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ The duplicate rule that you want updated. Required.
+ A collection of the duplicate rule conditions that you want updated. Required.
+ Converts a kit to a product. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ The the ID of the kit. Required.
+ Converts a product to a kit. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ The the ID of the product. Required.
+ Converts a quote to a sales order. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a , the resulting sales order (order). Required.
+ The ID of the quote to convert. Required.
+ The the collection of attributes to retrieve in the resulting sales order (order). Required.
+ The organization service context.
+ Converts a sales order to an invoice. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns an , the resulting invoice.
+ The collection of attributes to retrieve from the resulting invoice. Required.
+ The organization service context.
+ The ID of the sales order (order) to convert. Required.
+ Copies a campaign. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a , the ID of the newly created campaign.
+ The organization service context.
+ The ID of the base campaign to copy from. Required.
+ A value that indicates whether to save the campaign as a template. Required.
+ Copies the information from one campaign response to another, and optionally creates a campaign response template. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a , ID of the newly created campaign response.
+ The organization service context.
+ The campaign response to copy from. Required.
+ Creates a static list from the specified dynamic list and adds the members that satisfy the dynamic list query criteria to the static list. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a , the created static list.
+ The ID of the dynamic list. Required.
+ The organization service context.
+ Copies the members from the source list to the target list without creating duplicates. (Developer Extensions)
+ The ID of the source list. Required.
+ The organization service context.
+ The ID of the target list. Required.
+ Creates a new entity form that is based on an existing entity form. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a , the ID value of the system form that the original was copied to..
+ The organization service context.
+ The ID of the target list. Required.
+ The ID value of the form to copy.
+ Creates a record. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ An entity instance that contains the properties to set in the newly created record.
+ Creates the activities for a list. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a , the ID of the bulk operation created to distribute the campaign activity.
+ The owner for the activity. Required.
+ The activity to be distributed. Required.
+ The propagation ownership options. Required.
+ The ID of the list. Required.
+ The organization service context.
+ A user-identifiable name for the campaign. Required.
+ A value that indicates whether an asynchronous job is used to create the activities. Required.
+ The ID of the email template. Required.
+ A value that indicates whether to send an email about the new activity. Required.
+ The ID of the queue to which the created activities are added. Required.
+ A value that indicates whether the activity is created and executed. Required.
+ Creates an exception for the recurring appointment instance. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a , the ID of the exception appointment.
+ The organization service context.
+ A value that indicates whether the appointment instance is deleted.
+ The original start date of the recurring appointment.
+ Creates future unexpanded instances of a recurring appointment master. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a , that indicates whether the series can be expanded.
+ The number of instances to be created. Required.
+ The organization service context.
+ The target appointment instance to create. Required.
+ Creates a workflow from a workflow template. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a , the ID of the new workflow.
+ The name for the new workflow. Required.
+ The organization service context.
+ The ID of the workflow template. Required.
+ Deletes a record. (Developer Extensions)
+ The logical name of the entity specified in the entityId parameter.
+ The ID of the record to delete.
+ Deletes all partitions containing audit data created before a given end date. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns an , the number of deleted audit partitions or the number of deleted Audit records.
+ The organization service context.
+ The end date and time.
+ The source entity instance.
+ The service context.
+ The target entity instance.
+ The role that the entity plays in the relationship, referencing or referenced.
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ The source entity instance.
+ The service context.
+ The target entity instance.
+ Deletes instances of a recurring appointment master that have an Open state. (Developer Extensions)
+ The end date for the recurring appointment series. Required.
+ The organization service context.
+ The target record for the operation. Required.
+ The value to be used to set the status of appointment instances that have already passed. Required.
+ Creates an email activity record from an incoming email message. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a , the ID of the email.
+ The subject line for the email message. Optional.
+ The level of importance for the email message. Required.
+ The addresses of the blind carbon copy (Bcc) recipients for the email message. Required.
+ The time the message was received on. Required.
+ The organization service context.
+ A collection of activity mime attachment (email attachment) instances to attach to the email message. Required.
+ The ID of the email message stored in the email header. Required.
+ The email address of the account that is creating the email activity instance. Required.
+ The addresses of the recipients of the email message. Required.
+ The addresses of the carbon copy (Cc) recipients for the email message. Required.
+ The from address for the email message. Required.
+ The message body for the email. Required.
+ Creates an email activity instance from the specified email message (Track in CRM). (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a , the ID of the newly created email activity.
+ The subject line for the email message. Optional.
+ The level of importance for the email message. Required.
+ The addresses of the blind carbon copy (Bcc) recipients for the email message. Required.
+ The time the message was received on. Required.
+ The organization service context.
+ A collection of activity mime attachment (email attachment) instances to attach to the email message. Required.
+ The ID of the email message stored in the email header. Required.
+ Extra properties. Optional.
+ The email address of the account that is creating the email activity instance. Required.
+ The addresses of the recipients of the email message. Required.
+ The addresses of the carbon copy (Cc) recipients for the email message. Required.
+ The from address for the email message. Required.
+ The message body for the email. Required.
+ Deprovisions a language. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ The language to deprovision. Required.
+ Returns .
+ The service context.
+ The collection of entity instances to detach.
+ Detaches a two entity instances.
+ Returns .
+ The source entity instance.
+ The service context.
+ The target entity instance.
+ The role that the entity plays in the relationship, referencing or referenced.
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ Detaches a two entity instances.
+ Returns .
+ The source entity instance.
+ The service context.
+ The target entity instance.
+ Deletes a link between records. (Developer Extensions)
+ The name of the relationship to be used to remove the link.
+ The ID of the record from which the related records will be disassociated.
+ A collection of entity references (references to records) to be disassociated.
+ The logical name of the entity specified in the entityId parameter.
+ deprecated Removes a link between two records in a many to many relationship. Use . (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Disposes the service context.
+ Creates a bulk operation to distribute the activity, creating the appropriate activity for each member in the list for the specified campaign activity. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a , the ID of the bulk operation that is used to distribute the campaign activity.
+ The ID of the campaign activity for which the activity is distributed. Required.
+ The activity to be distributed. Required.
+ A value that indicates whether the activity is both created and executed. Required.
+ The ownership options for the activity. Required.
+ The organization service context.
+ the ID of the email template. Required.
+ The owner for the newly created activity. Required.
+ A value that indicates whether to send an email about the new activity. Required.
+ The ID of the queue to which the created activity is added. Optional.
+ Downloads a report definition. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Returns .
+ The service context.
+ Returns .
+ Executes a saved query (view) that has the specified ID. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Executes the user query (saved view) that has the specified ID. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ deprecated Executes the specified Fetch XML query. Use . (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Executes a workflow. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Converts the calendar rules to an array of available time blocks for the specified period. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Exports a managed or unmanaged solution. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Exports all translations for a specific solution to a compressed file. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Converts a query in Fetch XML to a QueryExpression. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Returns .
+ Finds a parent resource group (scheduling group) for the specified resource groups (scheduling groups). (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Fulfills a sales order (order). (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Generates an invoice from an opportunity. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Generates a quote from an opportunity. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Generates a sales order from an opportunity. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves all the time-zone definitions for the specified locale returning only the display name attribute. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Gets a decryption key. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Returns distinct values for a column in the source file that contains list values. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the source-file column headings, or system-generated column headings, if the source file does not contain column headings. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the products from an opportunity and copies them to the specified invoice. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Gets the quantity decimal value for a product. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the products from an opportunity and copies them to the quote. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Gets the history limit for a report. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the products from an opportunity and copies them to the sales order. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the time-zone code for the specified localized time-zone name. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Returns a tracking token that can be then passed in as a parameter to the method. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Grants a security principal (user or team) access to the specified record. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Imports XML mappings and creates an import data map. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Imports a managed or unmanaged solution. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Imports all translations from a compressed file. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Initializes custom settings.
+ Initializes a new record from an existing record. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Installs sample data for an organization. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Instantiates a filter. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Creates an email message from a template. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Determines whether a relationship is attached and therefore being tracked by the OrganizationServiceContext.
+ The source entity instance.
+ The service context.
+ The target entity instance.
+ The role that the entity plays in the relationship, referencing or referenced.
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ Determines whether a relationship is attached and therefore being tracked by the OrganizationServiceContext.
+ Returns .
+ The source entity instance.
+ The service context.
+ The target entity instance.
+ Determines whether a relationship is attached and therefore being tracked by the OrganizationServiceContext.
+ Returns .
+ The source entity instance.
+ The service context.
+ The target entity instance.
+ deprecated Checks if Microsoft Great Plains is installed. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Determines whether a solution component is customizable. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Determines whether a relationship has been deleted.
+ The source entity instance.
+ The service context.
+ The target entity instance.
+ The role that the entity plays in the relationship, referencing or referenced.
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ Determines whether a relationship has been deleted.
+ Returns .
+ The source entity instance.
+ The service context.
+ The target entity instance.
+ Checks to see if the state transition is valid. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Loads the related entity collection for the specified relationship.
+ The service context.
+ The role that the entity plays in the relationship, referencing or referenced.
+ The entity instance.
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ Loads the related entity collection for the specified relationship.
+ The service context.
+ The entity instance.
+ Retrieves the local time for the specified Universal Time Coordinate (UTC) time. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Locks the total price of products and services specified in the invoice. When the invoice pricing is locked, changes to underlying price lists (price levels) do not affect the prices for an invoice. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Locks the total price of products and services specified in the sales order (order). When the sales order pricing is locked, changes to underlying price lists (price levels) do not affect the prices for a sales order (order). (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ For internal use only. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ For internal use only. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Sets the state of an opportunity to Lost. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Sets the state of an opportunity to Lost. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ deprecated Makes the report available to all users in the organization. Use . (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ deprecated Makes the specified email template available to the entire organization. Use . (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ deprecated Makes the report unavailable to all users in the organization. Use . (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ deprecated Makes the specified email template no longer available to the entire organization. Use . (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Merges the information from two records of the same type. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Clones an arbitrary source entity and attaches it to the context.
+ Returns .
+ The service context.
+ Specifies whether to include related entity instances.
+ The entity instance.
+ Replaces the access rights on the target record for the specified security principal (user or team). (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Submits an asynchronous job that parses all import files associated with the specified data import (import). (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Processes marketing campaign email responses. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ For internal use only. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Distributes an activity to a quick campaign. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Provisions a language. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Publishes all customizations. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Submits an asynchronous job to publish a duplicate rule. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Publishes the customizations for the specified entities. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Qualifies a lead and creates an account, contact, or opportunity records that are linked to the originating lead. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Qualifies the specified member list and either overrides the list members or removes them according to the specified option. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Converts a query represented as a QueryExpression class to the equivalent query represented as FetchXML. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Searches multiple resources for an available time slot matching the specified parameters. This is similar to the method but it works for multiple resources at one time. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Searches the specified resource for an available time slot matching the specified parameters. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Reassigns all records that are owned by the security principal (user or team) to another security principal (user or team). (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Reassigns all records that are owned by the user to another security principal (user or team). (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Resets the EntityState of an entity before attaching it to the context.
+ The service context.
+ The entity instance
+ Recalculates the rollup attribute values for all goals in the goal hierarchy that contain a specified goal. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Removes an item from a campaign. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Removes an item from a campaign activity. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Removes a member from a list. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Removes members from a team. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Removes the parent for a record. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Removes a privilege from an existing role. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Removes a product from a kit. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ deprecated Removes the relationship between two records as defined by the target classes listed below. For example, remove the relationship between an invoice and a contact. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Removes a solution component to an unmanaged solution. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ deprecated Removes the association between a product and a substitute product. Use . (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Renews a contract. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Replaces the privilege set of an existing role. This effectively deletes all existing privileges from the role and adds the new specified privileges. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Reschedules an appointment, service appointment or recurring appointment. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Resets the offline data filters for the calling user to the default filters for the organization. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves a record. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ A query that specifies the set of columns, or attributes, to retrieve.
+ The logical name of the entity specified in the entityId parameter.
+ The ID of the record you want to retrieve.
+ Retrieves the absolute (complete) URL and the site collection URL of a SharePoint document location or SharePoint site. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves a collection of system users who report to the specified system user. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the metadata for all entities. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the core application ribbons including the entity template. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the metadata for the specified attribute. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves all changes to a specific attribute. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the full audit details of a particular audit record. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the list of auditing partitions. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the list of available languages. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves all the business units in the business unit hierarchy. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves all the resource groups to which the specified resource belongs. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the resource groups that contain the specified resource. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves a collection of services related to the specified set of services. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the top ten knowledge base articles for the product specified. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the top ten knowledge base articles for the subject specified. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the dependencies for solution components that will prevent a solution component from being deleted. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the dependencies for solution components that could prevent uninstalling a managed solution. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves all components that depend on the specified component. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the type of license for a deployment of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the list of language packs installed on the server that have been disabled. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Detects and retrieves duplicate records for the specified record, provided duplicate detection is enabled and there are published duplicate detection rules for the entity. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the metadata for the specified entity. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Retrieves the ribbon definition used for a specific entity. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the exchange rate. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the system forms for the specified user. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the formatted results from an import job. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ For internal use only. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the list of language packs installed on the server. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the version of an installed language pack. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the number of licenses for a deployment of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the localized labels for the specified attribute. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the members of a bulk operation. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ deprecated Retrieves the members of a team. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves a list of missing components for the target organization. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Verifies whether any solution components are not included in the solution but possibly should be for a complete solution to be exported. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves a collection of records. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ A query that determines the set of records to retrieve.
+ Retrieves a collection of records. The query can be specified using a query expression or a FetchXML query. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Returns .
+ Retrieves the resources used by an organization. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves a collection of the parent resource groups of the specified resource group (scheduling group). (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the data from the parse table. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the access rights the specified security principal (user or team) has to a record. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves all the secured attribute privileges a user or team has through direct or indirect (through team membership) associations with the FieldSecurityProfile entity. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the set of privileges defined in the system. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the version of the language packs installed on the server. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the list of language packs installed on the server that are enabled. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves all changes to a specific entity. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves all components that this component requires. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the privileges that are assigned to the specified role. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves all the security principals (users or teams) that have access to a record, together with their access rights to the record. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves a collection of the child resource groups of the specified resource group (scheduling group). (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ deprecated Retrieves all the team information for child business units of the specified business unit. Use . (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ deprecated Retrieves all system users for the child business units of the specified business unit. Use . (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the privileges for a team. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ deprecated Retrieves a collection of teams of which the specified system user is a member. Use . (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the current saved definition of a Web resource, organization-owned chart, or organization-owned dashboard, whether it has been published or not. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the current saved definitions of Web resources, organization-owned charts, or organization-owned dashboards, whether they have been published or not. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves all the privileges a system user (user) has through his or her roles in the specified business unit. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ deprecated Retrieves the system user settings for the specified system user. Use . (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the version number of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Sets the state of a quote to Draft. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Removes all access to a record for the specified security principal (user or team). (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves all the records related to the specified record (account or contact). This applies to all activity entities, annotation (note), contract, incident (case), invoice, opportunity, quote and sales order (order) entities. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Searches for available time slots that fulfill the specified appointment request. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Finds all the document indexes that contain the specified text in the body. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Finds all the document indexes that contain the specified keywords. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Finds all the document indexes that contain the specified text in the title. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Sends bulk email messages. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Sends an email message. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Sends an email message using a template. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Sends a fax. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Sends a bulk email message that is created from a template. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Sets the business that owns the equipment. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Sets the business unit for the specified system user. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Sets the localized labels for the specified attribute. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Sets the parent (manager) for the specified business unit. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Sets the parent (manager) for the specified system user. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Sets the parent (manager) for the specified team. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ deprecated Creates a link between an opportunity and an account, contact, or competitor. Use . (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Specifies in which areas of Microsoft Dynamics CRM the report can be run and viewed. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Sets the state of a record. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Sets the state of a record. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Sets the state of a record. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ For internal use only. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Submits an asynchronous job to transform the parsed data. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Validates the configuration of a Windows Azure platform AppFabric solution’s service endpoint. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Tries to perform an action on the underlying IOrganizationServiceCache if applicable.
+ Returns .
+ The service context.
+ The action.
+ Removes an entity from cache if it is applicable to the context.
+ Returns .
+ The service context.
+ The entity instance.
+ Removes an entity from cache if it is applicable to the context.
+ Returns .
+ The service context.
+ The entity instance.
+ Removes a request/response from cache if it is applicable to the context.
+ Returns .
+ The service context.
+ The request instance.
+ Removes an item from cache if it is applicable to the context.
+ Returns .
+ The service context.
+ Removes an entity from cache if it is applicable to the context.
+ Returns .
+ The logical name of the entity.
+ The service context.
+ The ID of the entity instance.
+ Uninstalls sample data for an organization. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Unlocks the price per unit for the products in the specified invoice. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Unlocks the price per unit for the products in the specified sales order (order). (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Unpublishes a duplicate rule. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Updates an existing record. (Developer Extensions)
+ An entity instance that has one or more properties set to be updated in the record.
+ deprecated Updates the user settings for a system user. Use Update. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the UTC time for the specified local time. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Validates that all the constraints of an appointment or service appointment are met. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Validates a recurrence rule for a recurring appointment. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Validates a saved query. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ For internal use only. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Retrieves the user information for the logged on user. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Changes the state of an opportunity to Won. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Changes the state of an opportunity to Won. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Changes the state of a quote to Won. (Developer Extensions)
+ The organization service context.
+ Extensions to the date/time class. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns the largest discrete value less than or equal to the specified value.
+ Returns .
+ The date/time.
+ The value to round to.
+ Returns the largest discrete value less than or equal to the specified value.
+ Returns .
+ The date/time offset.
+ The value to round to.
+ Rounds a value to the nearest discrete value.
+ Returns .
+ The date/time value.
+ The value to round to.
+ Rounds a value to the nearest discrete value.
+ Returns .
+ The date/time value.
+ The value to round to.
+ Extensions to the core Entity class. (Developer Extensions)
+ Deep clones an instance of the Entity class.
+ Returns .
+ Specifies whether related entities should be included in the cloned entity.
+ Returns .
+ The entity instance.
+ Retrieves the value of an attribute.
+ Returns .
+ The logical name of the attribute.
+ The entity instance.
+ Retrieves a formatted attribute value.
+ Returns .
+ The logical name of the attribute.
+ The entity instance.
+ Retrieves the collection of related entities for a specific relationship.
+ Returns .
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ The role that the entity plays in the relationship, referencing or referenced
+ The entity instance.
+ Retrieves the collection of related entities for a specific relationship.
+ Returns .
+ The service context.
+ The entity instance.
+ Retrieves the related entity for a specific relationship.
+ Returns .
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ The role that the entity plays in the relationship, referencing or referenced
+ The entity instance.
+ Retrieves the related entity for a specific relationship.
+ Returns .
+ The service context.
+ The entity instance.
+ Retrieves the related entity for a specific relationship.
+ Returns .
+ The entity instance.
+ Modifies the value of an attribute.
+ The attribute value.
+ The logical name of the attribute.
+ The entity instance.
+ Modifies the value of an attribute.
+ The logical name of the entity.
+ The attribute value.
+ The logical name of the attribute.
+ The entity instance.
+ Modifies the collection of related entities for a specific relationship.
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ The role that the entity plays in the relationship, referencing or referenced
+ The collection of entity instance to be related.
+ The entity instance.
+ Modifies the collection of related entities for a specific relationship.
+ The collection of entity instance to be related.
+ The entity instance.
+ Modifies a related entity for a specific relationship.
+ The entity instance to be related.
+ The schema name of the relationship.
+ The role that the entity plays in the relationship, referencing or referenced
+ The entity instance.
+ Modifies a related entity for a specific relationship.
+ The entity instance to be related.
+ The entity instance.
+ Gets the service.
+ The organization service.
+ Returns .
+ Extensions to the core OrganizationServiceContext class.
+ Contains utility methods.
+ For internal use only.
+ Returns .
+ Extensions for working with relationships. (Developer Extensions)
+ Converts a relationship schema name to a relationship.
+ Returns .
+ The relationship instance.
+ The role that the entity plays in the relationship, referencing or referenced.
+ Converts a relationship into a relationship schema name.
+ Returns .
+ The relationship instance.
+ Enumerations used for rounding date/time values.
+ Round to the day. Value = 3.
+ Round to the hour. Value = 2.
+ Round to the minute. Value = 1.
+ Round to the month. Value = 4.
+ Round to the second. Value = 0.
+ Enumeration values for the server configuration instance mode.
+ Value = 3.
+ Value = 2.
+ Value = 1.
+ Value = 0.
+ Extensions for working with string values. (Developer Extensions)
+ Calls the Format(IFormatProvider, String, Object[])http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/1ksz8yb7 method with the InvariantCulturehttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/1781h47s provider.
+ Returns .
+ Converts an integer value into an Enumhttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/1zt1ybx4 value.
+ Returns .
+ Parses a name value into an Enumhttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/1zt1ybx4 value.
+ Returns .
+ Extensions to help working with types. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a collection of custom attributes for a given type.
+ Returns .
+ The type.
+ Returns the logical name value of the attribute associated to the class type.
+ Returns .
+ The type.
+ Returns the first custom attribute of a given type.
+ Returns .
+ The type.
+ Retrieves a type object by name and by searching through all available assemblies.
+ Returns .
+ The type name.
+ Retrieves the underlying type if the type is nullable, otherwise returns the current type.
+ Returns .
+ The type.
+ Determines if the input reference type is assignable from this type.
+ Returns .
+ The type.
+ The reference type.
+ Determines if the input reference type is assignable from this type.
+ Returns .
+ The type.
+ Cache item detail.
+ Constructor initializes an instance of the CacheItemDetail class.
+ The policy of the cache item.
+ The associated cache item.
+ The key of the related cache item.
+ Returns .
+ The creation date of the cache item.
+ Returns .
+ The policy of the cache item.
+ Returns .
+ The last updated date of the cache item.
+ Returns .
+ Extended object cache.
+ Removes all cache items.
+ Removes all cache items that are local to the application.
+ Removes a cache item that is local to the application.<
+ Returns .
+ Object cache manager.
+ Removes all items from the cache.
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Retrieves the associated for a cache item.
+ Returns .
+ Retrieves the cache key of the associated for a cache item.
+ Returns .
+ Builds a CacheItemPolicyhttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd988752 from a configuration element.
+ Returns .
+ Builds a CacheItemPolicyhttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd988752 from a configuration element and adds a single ChangeMonitorhttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd780597 to the policy..
+ Returns .
+ Builds a CacheItemPolicyhttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd988752 from a configuration element and adds a set of CacheEntryChangeMonitorhttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd988729 objects to the policy.
+ Returns .
+ Builds a CacheItemPolicyhttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd988752 from a configuration element.
+ Returns .
+ Builds a CacheEntryChangeMonitorhttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd988729 from a set of cache keys.
+ Returns .
+ Retrieves a configured ObjectCachehttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd780630.
+ Returns .
+ Inserts an object into cache along with an associated .
+ Inserts an object into cache along with an associated .
+ Removes all items from the cache by invoking the if it is available.
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Contains a collection of configuration elements.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Type: Returns_Type. The element to add to the collection.
+ Creates a new ConfigurationElement.
+ Type: Returns_ConfigurationElement
+The new configuration element.
+ Type: Returns_ConfigurationElement.
+ Retrieves the selected element or falls back to the default.
+ Type: Returns_Type.
+ Type: bool.
+ Type: string.
+ Type: Returns_String.
+ Type: int.
+ Type: Returns_Type.
+ Type: Returns_String
+ Type: int.
+ Gets all the keys in the
+ Type: []
+The array of keys.
+ Gets or sets the name of the element collection.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the collection.
+ Gets the selected or default element.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The selected or default element.
+ Gets or sets the default element name.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the default element.
+ Gets the element name.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the element.
+ Gets or sets the element with the specified key.
+ Type: Returns_Object
+ Type: Returns_Int32. The value of the key.
+ Gets or sets the element with the specified key.
+ Type: Returns_Object
+ Type: Returns_String. The value of the key.
+ Gets the property collection.
+ Type: ConfigurationPropertyCollectionhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.configuration.configurationpropertycollection.aspx
+The property collection.
+ Gets the configured CacheItemPolicyhttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd988752.
+ Returns .
+ Creates and caches connection strings by name.
+ Returns .
+ Retrieves the configured instance.
+ Returns .
+ Retrieves the configured instance.
+ Returns .
+ Retrieves the configured instance.
+ Returns .
+ Retrieves the configured instance.
+ Returns .
+ Retrieves the configured instance.
+ Returns .
+ Retrieves the configured instance.
+ Returns .
+ Retrieves the connection string name from the context name.
+ Returns .
+ Retrieves the configuration section.
+ Returns .
+ Retrieves the cached objects.
+ Returns .
+ Resets the cached dependencies.
+ Represents a collection of site configuration nodes and settings for all sites in general.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ The element name of the section.
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Adds a setting.
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Initializes the dependency object.
+ Returns .
+ The dependency type.
+ Returns .
+ The name of the configuration element.
+ Returns .
+ The attributes of the configuration element.
+ Returns .
+ The dependency type name.
+ Returns .
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Gets or sets the default element name.
+ Returns .
+ Creates an object.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the cache policy absolute expiration date.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the cache policy cache duration.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the instance mode.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the element name.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the name of the from which the cache profile duration is obtained.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the cache policy priority.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the ache policy sliding expiration.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the dependency type name.
+ Returns .
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Gets or sets the name of the element collection.
+ Gets or sets the name of the element collection.
+ Returns .
+ Value = 2.
+ Value = 1.
+ Value = 0.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Creates a object.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the caching behavior mode.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the cache region name.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the element name.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the name of the nested configuration.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets whether the query used to construct the cache key is to be hashed or left as a readable string.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the cache retrieval mode.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the dependency type name.
+ Returns .
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ The name of the element collection.
+ Gets or sets the name of the element collection.
+ Returns .
+ constructor_initializes
+ Creates a object.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the name of the service connection string.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the element name.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the name of the nested configuration.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the dependency type name.
+ Returns .
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ The name of the element collection.
+ Gets or sets the name of the element collection.
+ Returns .
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Creates an object.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the instance mode.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the element name.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the name of the nested configuration.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the name of the nested configuration.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the dependency type name.
+ Returns .
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ The name of the element collection.
+ Gets or sets the name of the element collection.
+ Returns .
+ Contains values to specify how will adjust its instantiation behavior.
+ Return a new instance on each call. Value = 3.
+ Return a single instance for each configuration element specified. Value = 1.
+ Return the same first instance in the context of a Web request, For example, one instance for each HttpContext instance. Value = 2.
+ Always return the same static instance. Value = 0.
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Extensions for the core OrganizationServiceContext class.
+ Retrieves a collection of records. The query can be specified using a query expression or a FetchXML query. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ The organization service context.
+ Provides additional information about an attribute.
+ Creates an instance of the class.
+ Type: Returns_PropertyInfo. The property.
+ Type: . The property attribute.
+ Retrieves the value of the property for an entity instance.
+ Type: Returns_Object
+The value of the property.
+ Type: Returns_Object. The entity instance (Entity).
+ Gets the logical name annotation of the attribute property.
+ Type:
+The logical name annotation of the attribute property.
+ Gets the PropertyInfohttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8z852kf5 reflection object for the attribute property.
+ Type: Returns_PropertyInfo
+The reflection object.
+ Creates an instance of the EntityAttribute class.
+ Gets or sets the plural name of the static entity.
+ Returns .
+ Provides information about an entity.
+ Creates an instance of the EntityInfo class.
+ A lookup of AttributeInfo keyed by the attribute logical name.
+ Returns .
+ A lookup of AttributeInfo keyed by the attribute property name.
+ Returns .
+ The entity set annotation of the Entity.
+ Returns .
+ The logical name annotation of the Entity.
+ Returns .
+ The type of the Entity.
+ Returns .
+ The AttributeInfo of the primary key property.
+ Returns .
+ A lookup of RelationshipInfo keyed by the relationship property name.
+ Returns .
+ A lookup of RelationshipInfo keyed by the relationship schema name.
+ Returns .
+ Provides information about an entity set.
+ Creates an EntitySetInfo class.
+ Gets the EntityInfo reflection object for the corresponding entity type.
+ Returns .
+ Gets the PropertyInfohttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8z852kf5 reflection object for the entity set property.
+ Returns .
+ Provides information about the organization service context.
+ Creates an instance of the OrganizationServiceContextInfo class.
+ Returns an OrganizationServiceContextInfo from a custom OrganizationServiceContext class and an entity.
+ Returns .
+ Returns an OrganizationServiceContextInfo from a custom OrganizationServiceContext class.
+ Returns .
+ Returns an OrganizationServiceContextInfo from a custom OrganizationServiceContext class and an entity logical name.
+ Returns .
+ The custom OrganizationServiceContext class.
+ Returns .
+ A lookup of EntitySetInfo keyed by the entity logical name.
+ Returns .
+ A lookup of EntitySetInfo keyed by the entity set property name.
+ Returns .
+ Provides information about a relationship.
+ Creates a RelationshipInfo class.
+ The annotation for the relationship property.
+ Returns .
+ Indicates that the relationship property returns a collection of entities.
+ Returns .
+ The reflection object for the relationship property.
+ Returns .
+ Deserialize an object using the DataContractJsonSerializerhttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb908432.
+ Returns .
+ Value = 1.
+ Value = 0.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Asserts that the current user has the requested right to an entity.
+ Asserts that the current user has the requested right to a set of entities.
+ Initializes custom settings.
+ Asserts that the current user has the requested right to an entity.
+ Returns .
+ Asserts that the current user has the requested right to a set of entities.
+ Returns .
+ Asserts that the current user has the requested right to an entity.
+ Asserts that the current user has the requested right to a set of entities.
+ Asserts that the current user has the requested right to an entity.
+ Returns .
+ Asserts that the current user has the requested right to a set of entities.
+ Returns .
+ A wrapper class around the that manages the details of setting up an or other arbitrary objects. When paired with an object, becomes a cached service.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ The connection object.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ The cache object.
+ The connection object.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ The organization service.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ The organization service.
+ The cache object.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ The connection ID.
+ The organization service.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ The connection string name.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ The connection string name.
+ The cache object.
+ Creates a record. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a , which is the ID of the newly created record..
+ An entity instance that contains the properties to set in the newly created record.
+ Deletes a record. (Developer Extensions)
+ The logical name of the entity specified in the entityId parameter.
+ The ID of the record to delete.
+ Executes a message in the form of a request, and returns a response. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns . You must cast the return value of this method to the specific instance of the response that corresponds to the Request parameter.
+ A request instance that defines the action to be performed.
+ Executes a message in the form of a request, and returns a response. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns . You must cast the return value of this method to the specific instance of the response that corresponds to the Request parameter.
+ A request instance that defines the action to be performed.
+ Retrieves a record. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ A query that specifies the set of columns, or attributes, to retrieve.
+ The logical name of the entity specified in the entityId parameter.
+ The ID of the record you want to retrieve.
+ Retrieves a collection of records. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ A query that determines the set of records to retrieve.
+ Updates an existing record. (Developer Extensions)
+ An entity instance that has one or more properties set to be updated in the record.
+ The cache.
+ Returns .
+ A wrapper class around the that manages the details of setting up an .
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Checks to see if the token has expired.
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Executes a message in the form of a request, and returns a response.
+ Returns . You must cast the return value of this method to the specific instance of the response that corresponds to the Request parameter.
+ A request instance that defines the action to be performed.
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Creates a cache item policy.
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Removes an entity from the cache.
+ Removes an entity from the cache.
+ Removes a request from the cache.
+ Removes a specific cache item.
+ Removes an entity from the cache.
+ Gets or sets the caching behavior mode.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the cache retrieval mode.
+ Returns .
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Gets or sets a custom key value that is unique to the current request.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the underlying request.
+ Returns .
+ This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Creates an array of Type objects that contain the types of individual profile properties.
+ The types for serializing an instance.
+ The types for serializing a instance.
+ A wrapper class around the that manages the details of setting up an or other arbitrary objects. When paired with an object, becomes a cached service.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Creates a link between records. (Developer Extensions)
+ property_relationshipname to be used to create the link.
+ property_entityid to which the related records are associated.
+ property_relatedentities to be associated.
+ property_logicalname that is specified in the entityId parameter.
+ Returns .
+ Creates a record. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns a , the ID of the newly created record.
+ An entity instance that contains the properties to set in the newly created record.
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Deletes a record. (Developer Extensions)
+ property_logicalname that is specified in the entityId parameter.
+ property_entityid that you want to delete.
+ Deletes a link between records. (Developer Extensions)
+ property_relationshipname to be used to remove the link.
+ property_entityid from which the related records are disassociated.
+ property_relatedentities to be disassociated.
+ property_logicalname that is specified in the entityId parameter.
+ Executes a message in the form of a request, and returns a response. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns . You must cast the return value of this method to the specific instance of the response that corresponds to the Request parameter.
+ A request instance that defines the action to be performed.
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Retrieves a record. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns the requested .
+ A query that specifies the set of columns, or attributes, to retrieve.
+ property_logicalname that is specified in the entityId parameter.
+ property_entityid that you want to retrieve.
+ Retrieves a collection of records. (Developer Extensions)
+ Returns .
+ A query that determines the set of records to retrieve.
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Updates an existing record. (Developer Extensions)
+ An entity instance that has one or more properties set to be updated in the record.
+ Returns .
+ An abstracted data caching service that caches the results of operations. Automatically sets up cache item dependencies and performing update operations invalidates dependent cache items.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Value = 2.
+ Value = 1.
+ Value = 0.
+ Value = 1.
+ Value = 0.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Gets or sets the prefix string used for constructing the CacheEntryChangeMonitorhttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd988729 objects assigned to the cache items.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets the cache region name.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets a key value for uniquely distinguishing the connection.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets a factory for creating CacheItemPolicyhttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd988752 objects.
+ Returns .
+ Gets or sets whether the query used to construct the cache key is to be hashed or left as a readable string.
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Contains error codes that can occur when registering a device.
+ The password was blank. Value = 6.
+ The device already exists. Value = 13.
+ The interface is disabled. Value = 1.
+ An internal error occurred. Value = 11.
+ The specified credentials contain invalid characters. Value = 9.
+ The parameter values contain incorrect syntax. Value = 8.
+ The registration request is invalid. Value = 3.
+ The device, user name or password is missing. Value = 7.
+ An unknown error occurred. Value = 0.
+ The client version is unknown. Value = 4.
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Contains values for the the type of authentication used.
+ Active directory authentication. Value = 1.
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Contains values that describe a connection to an instance of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
+ The connection was canceled. Value = 1.
+ The connection was made successfully. Value = 0.
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment.dll b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment.dll
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2cea0c8d
Binary files /dev/null and b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment.dll differ
diff --git a/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment.xml b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66423e8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1818 @@
+ Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment
+ Contains the data that is needed to add a deployment administrator. The user must already exist in Active Directory.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the name of the deployment administrator to be added. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the deployment administrator to be added, which string must be in the format domain\userid.
+ Contains the response from the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The address scheme: http or https.
+ The address scheme is hypertext transfer protocol.
+ The address scheme is secure hypertext transfer protocol.
+ Contains setting values that can be changed to tune a pn_microsoftcrm deployment.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the interval used to query to see if there are any organization maintenance jobs that have timed out.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The interval at which the service will determine if any job has been running longer than .
+ Gets or sets a value used for organization maintenance jobs to determine if a job has timed out.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The timeout value for organization maintenance jobs.
+ Gets or sets the number of times an asynchronous job will retry before it fails or suspends.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The number of retries for an asynchronous job.
+ Gets or sets the maximum number of times a database operation will be attempted before failure.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The number of retries for a database operation.
+ Gets or sets the interval used to query to see if there is a pending organization maintenance job.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The query interval for organization maintenance jobs.
+ Gets or sets the default rate of retries for failed asynchronous operations.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The retry rate for failed asynchronous operations.
+ Gets or sets the root domain used for calls into the pn_microsoftcrm service from the asynchronous service.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The root domain.
+ Gets or sets the interval used to determine if new asynchronous operations should be loaded into memory.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The interval for loading asynchronous operations into memory.
+ Gets or sets the throttling configuration.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The throttling configuration. Example: "BulkDelete=15;Workflow=1;Event=1".
+ Gets or sets the interval used to query to see if there are any asynchronous operations that have timed out.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The query interval.
+ Contains a collection of attributes.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to initiate the asynchronous operation to create an organization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the organization instance to be created. Required.
+ Type: The organization instance to be created.
+ Gets or sets the name of the system administrator for the new organization. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the system administrator for the new organization.
+ Contains the response from the.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to begin the asynchronous operation to import an organization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the database name for the organization. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe database name for the organization.
+ Gets or sets the sets display name, or long name, of the organization database. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe sets display name, or long name, of the organization database.
+ Gets or sets the name of the pn_MS_SQL_Server where the pn_microsoftcrm organization database is located. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the pn_MS_SQL_Server where the pn_microsoftcrm organization database is located.
+ Gets or sets the URL of the pn_MS_SQL_Server on which the pn_Connector_for_SRS_short is installed. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe URL of the pn_MS_SQL_Server on which the pn_Connector_for_SRS_short is installed.
+ Gets or sets the unique name for the organization. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe unique name for the organization.
+ Gets or sets the mapping method to use to map user accounts from the original server to the new server. Optional.
+ Type: The mapping method to use to map user accounts from the original server to the new server.
+ Gets or sets the XML user account mapping rules. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe XML user account mapping rules.
+ Contains the response from the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to begin the asynchronous operation to update an organization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID or instance tag of the organization to update. Required.
+ Type:
+The ID or instance tag of the organization to update.
+ Contains the response from the.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to begin the asynchronous operation to upgrade an organization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID or the instance tag of the organization to upgrade. Required.
+ Type:
+The ID or the instance tag of the organization to upgrade.
+ Contains the response from the.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains information about a certificate.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the certificate type.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe certificate type.
+ Gets or sets the certificate data.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe certificate data.
+ Gets or sets the certificate ID.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe certificate ID.
+ Gets or sets the certificate name.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe certificate name.
+ Gets or sets the store find type.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe store find type.
+ Gets or sets the store location.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe store location.
+ Gets or sets the store name.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe store name.
+ Contains the settings for claims based authentication.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets whether or not claims is enabled.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the claims is enabled; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the encryption certificate name.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe encryption certificate name.
+ Gets or sets the federation metadata URL.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe federation metadata URL.
+ Gets or sets the federation provider type.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The provider type.
+ Gets or sets the lifetime for the token session security (in hours).
+ Type: Returns_Int32The token lifetime in hours.
+ Contains attributes for a specific table in the configuration database.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the collection of attribute values.
+ Type: The collection of attribute values.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the configuration entity.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the configuration entity.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the configuration entity.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the configuration entity.
+ Server level settings that control use of custom code.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Gets or sets whether XAML workflows are allowed on the server.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if XAML workflows are allowed on the server; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether plug-ins and custom workflow activities can be registered on the server.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the plug-ins and custom workflow activities can be registered on the server; otherwise, false.
+ Server level dashboard settings.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the maximum number of controls allowed on dashboards for the server.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The maximum number of controls allowed on dashboards for the server.
+ Contains information about an error that occurred with a deferred operation.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the error code.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The error code.
+ Gets or sets the detailed error information.
+ Type: The collection of error information.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the error message.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe error message.
+ Base class for all asynchronous requests for the deployment Web service.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Base class for all asynchronous responses for the deployment Web service.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the asynchronous request.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the asynchronous request.
+ Describes the possible states for an asynchronous operation.
+ Specifies that the operation has completed. Value = 3.
+ Specifies that the operation has failed. Value = 4.
+ Specifies that the operation is in progress. Value = 2.
+ Specifies that the operation is queued but has not been started. Value = 1.
+ Specifies that the operation state is unknown. Value = 0.
+ Contains information about the status of a deferred operation.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the deployment entity instance associated with this deferred operation.
+ Type: The ID of the deployment entity instance associated with this deferred operation.
+ Gets or sets the time that the deferred operation processing completed.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe time that the deferred operation processing completed.
+ Gets or sets the error information for the deferred operation.
+ Type: The error information for the deferred operation.
+ Gets or sets the time that the deferred operation processing started.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe time that the deferred operation processing started.
+ Gets or sets the current state of the deferred operation.
+ Type: The current state of the deferred operation.
+ Gets or sets the time that the deferred operation processing was submitted.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe time that the deferred operation processing was submitted.
+ Contains the data that is needed to delete a deployment record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the type of deployment entity to be deleted.
+ Type: the type of deployment entity to be deleted.
+ Gets or sets the ID or the instance tag for the deployment record to be deleted.
+ Type: The ID or the instance tag for the deployment record to be deleted.
+ Contains the response from the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains information about a deployment administrator in a pn_microsoftcrm deployment.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the deployment administrator.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the deployment administrator.
+ Gets or sets the domain name and user ID of the deployment administrator.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The domain name and user ID of the deployment administrator.
+ Base class for configuration settings entities.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Base class for deployment entities.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Describes the type of deployment entity.
+ The asynchronous settings entity. Value = 0.
+ The certificate entity. Value = 0x11.
+ The claims settings entity. Value = 1.
+ The custom code settings entity. Value = 13.
+ The dashboard settings entity. Value = 2.
+ The deferred operation status entity. Value = 0x16.
+ The deployment administrator entity. Value = 0x12.
+ The duplicate detection settings entity. Value = 3.
+ The ETM settings entity. Value = 4.
+ The Internet-facing deployment (IFD) settings entity. Value = 5.
+ The data import settings entity. Value = 6.
+ The license properties entity. Value = 0x15.
+ The marketplace settings entity. Value = 12.
+ The monitoring settings entity. Value = 0x17.
+ The multi-entity quick find settings entity. Value = 15.
+ The organization entity. Value = 20.
+ The quick find settings entity. Value = 10.
+ The server entity. Value = 0x13.
+ The server side synchronization ACT settings entity. Value = 0x1b.
+ The server side synchronization email settings entity. Value = 0x19.
+ The server side synchronization queue settings entity. Value = 0x1a.
+ The service quality metrics (SQM) settings entity. Value = 11.
+ The team settings entity. Value = 14.
+ The throttle settings entity. Value = 7.
+ The trace settings entity. Value = 8.
+ The web address settings entity. Value = 9.
+ The workflow settings entity. Value = 10.
+ The Yammer settings entity. Value = 0x18.
+ Contains information about an error with the deployment web service.
+ An error occurred. Value = 4.
+ Information about the operation. Value = 1.
+ An operation was skipped. Value = 2.
+ The operation succeeded. Value = 0.
+ A warning about the operation. Value = 3.
+ Base class for deployment Web service entities and settings.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ ExtensionData
+ Implements interface and provides an authenticated WCF channel to the deployment service..
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: Returns_Binding. The binding.
+ Type: Returns_EndpointAddress. The address of the remote endpoint.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the endpoint configuration.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the endpoint configuration.
+ Type: Returns_EndpointAddress. The address of the remote endpoint.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the endpoint configuration.
+ Type: Returns_String. The address of the remote endpoint.
+ Deletes a deployment record.
+ Type: . The ID of the deployment record to delete.
+ Type: . The type of deployment entity specified by the id parameter.
+ Executes a deployment service message in the form of a request, and returns a response.
+ Type:
+The response from the request.
+ Type: . A request instance that defines the action to be performed.
+ Retrieves a deployment record.
+ Type: The deployment record.
+ Type: . The ID of the deployment record to retrieve.
+ Type: . The type of deployment entity specified by the id parameter.
+ Retrieves all deployment records for the specified deployment entity type.
+ Type: <>The collection of all deployment records.
+ Type: . The type of deployment entity for which to retrieve all records.
+ Updates a deployment record.
+ Type: . An instance of a deployment record with all values populated. See Remarks.
+ Represents a deployment service fault.
+ Initializes a new instance of the the class.
+ Gets or sets the error code.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The error code.
+ Gets or sets the collection of detailed information about the error.
+ Type: The collection of error information.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the fault instance that caused the current fault.
+ Type: The fault instance.
+ Gets or sets the error message.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe error message.
+ Gets or sets the date/time value when the error occurred.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe date/time of the error.
+ Contains the data that is needed to execute a request and the base class for all deployment service requests.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Contains the response from the request and the base class for all deployment Web service responses.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Contains duplicate detection settings that can be used to tune a deployment.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the bulk duplicate detection batch size.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The batch size.
+ Gets or sets the length of the match code.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The length of the match code.
+ Gets or sets the persistence interval for the match code.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The persistence interval.
+ Gets or sets the maximum number of published rules.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The maximum number of published rules.
+ Gets or sets the polling interval for the asynchronous job.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The polling interval.
+ Gets or sets the page size for results.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The page size.
+ Contains the information needed to identify a deployment entity record: deployment entity type and ID.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the record.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the record.
+ Gets or sets the name of the deployment entity.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the deployment entity.
+ Contains the collection of error details.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains Enterprise Transaction Monitor (ETM) settings.
+ Initializes a new instance of the EtmSettings class.
+ Gets or sets whether Enterprise Transaction Monitor (ETM) is enabled.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanFlag indicating whether Enterprise Transaction Monitor (ETM) is enabled.
+ Gets or sets whether Enterprise Transaction Monitor (ETM) throttling is enabled.
+ Type: Returns_BooleanFlag indicating whether Enterprise Transaction Monitor (ETM) throttling is enabled.
+ Provides programmatic access to deployment information.
+ Deletes a deployment record.
+ Type: . The ID of the deployment record to delete. See Remarks.
+ Type: . The type of deployment entity specified by the id parameter.
+ Executes a message in the form of a request, and returns a response.
+ Type: The response from the request. You must cast the return value of this method to the specific instance of the response that corresponds to the Request parameter
+ Type: . A request instance that defines the action to be performed.
+ Retrieves a deployment record.
+ Type: The deployment record.
+ Type: . The ID of the deployment record to retrieve. See Remarks.
+ Type: . The type of deployment entity specified by the id parameter.
+ Retrieves all deployment records for the specified deployment entity type.
+ Type: <>The collection of all deployment records.
+ Type: . The type of deployment entity for which to retrieve all records.
+ Updates a deployment record.
+ Type: . An instance of a deployment record with all values populated. See Remarks.
+ Interface for the deployment web service channel.
+ Contains settings for configuring Internet-facing deployments (IFDs).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the discovery web service domain.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The discovery web service domain.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether Internet-facing deployment (IFD) is enabled.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if Internet-facing deployment (IFD) is enabled; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the external domain value for Internet-facing deployment (IFD).
+ Type: Returns_String
+The external domain value for IFD.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether intranet access is enabled.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if intranet access is enabled; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the organization web service domain.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The organization web service domain.
+ Gets or sets the web application server domain.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The web application server domain.
+ Contains settings that can be changed to tune data import.
+ Initializes a new instance of the ImportSettings class.
+ Gets or sets the number of items to process in a batch.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The number of items to process in a batch.
+ Gets or sets the size of the content buffer.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The size of the content buffer.
+ Gets or sets the batch size for import count updates.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The batch size for import count updates.
+ Gets or sets the maximum number of columns in an import file.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of columns in an import file.
+ Gets or sets the maximum number or retries.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number or retries.
+ Gets or sets the default size of the parsed column.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The default size of the parsed column.
+ Gets or sets the batch size for picklist import.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The batch size for picklist import.
+ Defines the possible methods for mapping users when importing an organization.
+ Specifies to automatically map the users' pn_Active_Directory account names to pn_microsoftcrm accounts. Value = 1.
+ Specifies custom user account matching options in an XML string. Value = 2.
+ Specifies to keep the existing user mappings in the organization database. Typically, you select this option if you are importing an organization database that is located in the same pn_Active_Directory domain as the pn_microsoftcrm Server where the organization is to be imported. For users external to the pn_Active_Directory domain, who were added with their UPN, the user information will be mapped across without any changes or validation. Value = 0.
+ Contains information about a license for pn_CRM_2011.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the edition of pn_CRM_2011 for this license.
+ Type: The edition of pn_CRM_2011 for this license.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the product.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The ID of the product.
+ Indicates the type of license.
+ Microsoft Dynamics CRM Enterprise Edition. Value = 2.
+ Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Edition. Value = 4.
+ Microsoft Dynamics CRM Professional Edition. Value = 1.
+ Microsoft Dynamics CRM Small Business Edition. Value = 0.
+ Microsoft Dynamics Partner Hosted CRM Edition. Value = 3.
+ Contains settings for the sdk_Dynamics_Marketplace.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the proxy server and port used for outgoing internet requests.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe proxy server and port.
+ Gets or sets whether the solutions marketplace is enabled.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean
+ Contains settings used to manage or configure the monitoring service and the tests executed by the service.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the threshold of the certificate lifetime remaining at which to begin reporting expiration notifications.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The threshold of the certificate lifetime remaining at which to begin reporting expiration notifications. Specified as an integral percentage.
+ Gets or sets the number of monitoring results to keep
+ Type: Returns_Int32The number of results to keep.
+ Contains settings for multi-entity quick find (finds records of different types).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the maximum degree of parallelism for multi-entity search queries. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum degree of parallelism for multi-entity search queries. The default value for this setting is 5.
+ Gets or sets the upper limit for the number of entities that can participate in a multi-entity search query. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The upper limit for the number of entities that can participate in a multi-entity search query. The default value for this setting is 10.
+ Gets or sets the maximum number of concurrent ExecuteQuickFind requests per organization per server. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of concurrent ExecuteQuickFind requests per organization per server. The default value is -1, which means that the requests are not throttled.
+ Gets or sets the maximum number of concurrent ExecuteQuickFind requests per server. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of concurrent ExecuteQuickFind requests per server. The default value is -1, which means that the requests are not throttled.
+ Contains information about an organization in a pn_microsoftcrm deployment.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the base currency code for the organization.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The base currency code for the organization.
+ Gets or sets the base currency name for the organization.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The base currency name for the organization.
+ Gets or sets the number of decimal places that can be used for the base currency.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The number of decimal places for the currency for the organization.
+ Gets or sets the base currency symbol for the organization.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The base currency symbol for the organization.
+ Gets or sets the base language code for the organization.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The base language code for the organization.
+ Gets or sets the database name for the organization.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The database name for the organization.
+ Gets or sets the display name, or long name, of the organization database.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The display name, or long name, of the organization database.
+ Gets the organization ID.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe organization ID.
+ Gets or sets the SQL collation property that the organization will use to sort and compare data characters.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The SQL collation property that the organization will use to sort and compare data characters.
+ Gets or sets the name of the SQL server on which the organization database is installed.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the SQL server on which the organization database is installed.
+ Gets or sets whether information is being collected for the customer experience improvement program.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if information is being collected for the customer experience improvement program; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the URL of the pn_MS_SQL_Server on which the pn_Connector_for_SRS_short is installed.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The URL of the pn_MS_SQL_Server on which the pn_Connector_for_SRS_short is installed.
+ Gets or sets the organization state.
+ Type: The organization state.
+ Gets or sets the unique name for the organization.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The unique name for the organization.
+ Gets the current updated version of organization.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The current updated version of organization.
+ Describes the state of the organization.
+ Specifies that the organization is disabled. Value = 0.
+ Specifies that the organization is enabled. Value = 1.
+ Specifies that the organization is in a failure state. Value = 3.
+ Specifies that the organization is undergoing maintenance. Value = 4.
+ Specifies that the organization is pending. Value = 2.
+ Contains information about a user in an organization.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Gets or sets the type of client access license for the user.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The license type.
+ Gets or sets the domain name for the user.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe domain name.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObject
+ Gets or sets the full name of the user.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The user’s full name.
+ Contains settings for quick find (finds records of one type).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the maximum number of the attributes used in the quick find search query, after which the QuickFind indexes are not created. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of the attributes used in the quick find search query, after which the QuickFind indexes are not created. The default value for this setting is 20.
+ Gets or sets the maximum number of records that match the quick find query criteria before an exception error is thrown. This is needed for faster execution of the quick find searches. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of records that match the quick find query criteria before an exception error is thrown. The default value for this setting is 10000.
+ internal
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_String
+ internal
+ Type:
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_String
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve advanced settings from the configuration database. internal
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the set of columns or attributes to be retrieved.
+ Type: The set of columns or attributes to be retrieved.
+ Gets of sets the name of the configuration entity.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the configuration entity.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the record to be retrieved.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the record to be retrieved.
+ Contains the response from the.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the configuration entity that was retrieved.
+ Returns The configuration entity that was retrieved.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all deployment records of the specified deployment entity type.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the type of deployment entity to be retrieved.
+ Type: The type of deployment entity to be retrieved.
+ Contains the response from the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the collection of IDs or instance tags for all the deployment records retrieved.
+ Type: <>The collection of IDs or instance tags for all the deployment records retrieved.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a deployment entity or configuration settings record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the type of deployment entity to be retrieved.
+ Type: The type of deployment entity to be retrieved.
+ Gets or sets the ID or instance tag of the deployment record to be retrieved.
+ Type: The ID or instance tag of the deployment record to be retrieved.
+ Contains the response from the.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the record that was retrieved.
+ Type: The record that was retrieved.
+ Contains information about a server in a pn_microsoftcrm deployment.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the full name of the server.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the server.
+ Gets the organization ID.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe organization ID.
+ Gets the name of the server.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the server.
+ Gets the set of roles configured for the server.
+ Type: The set of roles configured for the server.
+ Gets or sets the state of the server.
+ Type: The state of the server.
+ Gets the version number of the server.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The version number of the server.
+ Describes specific server functionality, components, and services.
+ Internal. Value = 0x2000.
+ The role that allows programmatic access to the organization Web service. Value = 0x8000.
+ The role that runs the Web application server that is used to connect users to Microsoft Dynamics CRM data. Value = 1.
+ The role that allows processing of queued asynchronous events, such as workflows, asynchronous plug-ins, bulk e-mail, or data import. Value = 2.
+ Internal. Value = 0x10000.
+ Internal. Value = 0x20000.
+ The role that allows the use of the pn_deploymentmanager and pn_PowerShell cmdlets. pn_microsoftcrm administrators can use the pn_PowerShell cmdlets to automate Deployment Manager tasks. pn_deploymentmanager is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that system administrators can use to manage organizations, servers, and licenses for deployments of pn_microsoftcrm. Value = 0x4000000.
+ The role that allows programmatic access to deployment management. Value = 0x200000.
+ The role that allows discovery of organizations. Value = 8.
+ Internal. Value = 0x4000.
+ The role for the email connector. Value = 0x40000000.
+ Internal. Value = 0x10.
+ Internal. Value = 0x100000.
+ The role that makes pn_microsoftcrm help available to users. Value = 0x40000.
+ Internal. Value = 0x800.
+ Indicates no roles. Value = 0.
+ Internal. Value = 0x8000000.
+ Internal. Value = 0x10000000.
+ Internal. Value = 0x40.
+ Internal. Value = 0x200.
+ Internal. Value = 0x400.
+ The role that enables an isolated environment for the execution of custom code, such as plug-ins. This isolated environment reduces the possibility of custom code affecting the operation of the organizations. Value = 0x1000000.
+ Internal. Value = 0x800000.
+ Internal. Value = 0x400000.
+ The role that installs the configuration database (MSCRM_CONFIG) on the SQL Server. Value = 0x100.
+ The role that provides reporting functionality by interfacing with the pn_microsoftcrm system and pn_SQL_Server_Reporting. Value = 4.
+ Internal. Value = 0x80000.
+ Internal. Value = 0x1000.
+ Internal. Value = 0x20000000.
+ Obsolete. Value = 0x20.
+ Internal. Value = 0x80.
+ Initializes the class.
+ Defines the maximum duration, in seconds, after which the service checks an active mailbox for appointments, contacts, or tasks.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum duration.
+ Defines the minimum duration, in seconds, after which the service checks an active mailbox for appointments, contacts, or tasks.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The minimum duration.
+ Defines the maximum duration, in seconds, after which the service checks an idle mailbox for appointments, contacts, or tasks.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum duration.
+ Defines the minimum duration, in seconds, after which the service checks an idle mailbox for appointments, contacts, or tasks.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The minimum duration.
+ Defines the duration, in seconds, to postpone synchronizing appointments, contacts, or tasks for a mailbox on an Exchange server request time-out.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The duration.
+ Defines the duration, in seconds, to postpone synchronizing appointments, contacts, or tasks for a mailbox after encountering a transient error.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The duration.
+ Defines the maximum number of appointments, contacts, or tasks processed by an Exchange server in a cycle.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number.
+ Defines the maximum number of transient failures that can occur before a mailbox is disabled for synchronizing appointments, contacts, or tasks.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number.
+ Defines the maximum number of attempts allowed to synchronize an appointment, contact, or task.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number.
+ Defines the batch size for retrieving appointments, contacts, tasks from an Exchange server.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The batch size.
+ Defines the maximum duration, in seconds, after which the service checks an active mailbox for the user’s email.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum duration.
+ Defines the minimum duration, in seconds, after which the service checks an active mailbox for the user’s email.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The minimum duration.
+ Allows pn_Active_Directory based authentication to connect with email servers. The default value for pn_CRM_Online is false, and for pn_microsoftcrm on premises the default value is true.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean.
+ Controls whether pn_microsoftcrm is allowed to connect to an email server on a non-secure channel using Basic/Clear Text authentication, for both outgoing and incoming email.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean.
+ Allows entering the user credentials via a non-secure channel.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean.
+ Controls whether pn_microsoftcrm is allowed to connect to an email server on a non-secure channel, for both outgoing and incoming email.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean.
+ Defines the maximum number of parallel migration processes on the server for an organization. Any migration request exceeding this value is rejected.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the maximum batch size for discovering Exchange Web Services URL in a single request.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the maximum redirects honored in an Exchange Web Services autodiscover request.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the maximum duration, in seconds, after which the service checks an idle mailbox for the user’s email.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the minimum duration, in seconds, after which the service checks an idle mailbox for the user’s email.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the email retrieval batch size of the Exchange server.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the maximum limit, in bytes, for the incoming message size. This settings applies to email received from an Exchange or POP3 email server type.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the maximum number of messages that an incoming provider can process in a cycle.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Enables logging of Exchange Web Services response headers in pn_microsoftcrm traces.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean.
+ Defines the duration, in seconds, that sending or receiving email is postponed for a mailbox when a request to the email server times out.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the duration, in seconds, to postpone sending or receiving email for a mailbox after a transient error occurs.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the duration, in minutes, that sending email from a mailbox is postponed when the Exchange submission quota is exceeded.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the maximum number of attempts that can be made to send an email.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the maximum size of response, in KB, from Exchange using Exchange Web Services.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the number of transient failures that can occur before the mailbox is automatically disabled.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the capacity of the message ID cache for server-side synchronization.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the time, in minutes, that the email message ID is retained in the cache.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the interval in minutes after which an email in pending send status is picked up for retry.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the maximum number of days before the current date or time that server-side synchronization can be configured to process email. This information is provided in an email server profile record in pn_microsoftcrm.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the interval, in minutes, after which an email in sending status is picked up for retry.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the interval, in minutes, to attempt the email test configuration again.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Initializes the class.
+ Controls the number of activities to be removed from a queue per asynchronous event.
+ Type: Returns_Int32 .
+ Defines the upper limit of the number of activity batches held in memory at any point of time.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the lower limit beyond which the service will stop removing activity batches held in memory from the queue.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the maximum percentage of worker threads to be used for running asynchronous operations.
+ Type: Returns_Double.
+ Defines the maximum number of threads per CPU to be used for running asynchronous operations.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines how frequently to poll the organization database activity pointer table to check for any new outgoing emails that have to be sent.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Controls the number of mailboxes to be removed from a queue per asynchronous event.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the upper limit on the number of mailbox batches held in memory at any point in time.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the limit on the number of mailbox batches held in memory, beyond which the service will stop removing more mailboxes from the queue.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the maximum percentage of worker threads for running asynchronous operations.
+ Type: Returns_Double.
+ Defines the maximum number of threads per CPU for running asynchronous operations.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the recurrence period, in seconds, of removing mailboxes from the queue in the database.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the number of minutes after which a locked mailbox record is checked again for incoming email processing in case of a service crash.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Controls the maximum number of activities that can be removed from the queue for an organization per select interval.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Defines the maximum time allowed for any call to the email server to complete. If a response isn’t received from the email server within this time period, the request is aborted. This setting applies to both Exchange and POP3/SMTP.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Describes the state of a server.
+ Specifies that the server is disabled. Value = 0.
+ Specifies that the server is enabled. Value = 1.
+ Specifies that no server state. Value = -1.
+ Contains settings about the Microsoft customer experience improvement program.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the value that indicates whether collection of information for the customer experience improvement program is enabled.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the information collection for the customer experience program is enabled; otherwise, false.
+ Contains settings for the auto created (system-managed) access teams.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the maximum number of auto created (system-managed) access teams per entity. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of auto created (system-managed) access teams per entity. The default value for this setting is 2.
+ Gets or sets the maximum number of entities that can be enabled for auto created (system-managed) access teams. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of entities that can be enabled for auto created (system-managed) access teams. The default value for this setting is 5.
+ Contains information about service throttling.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the maximum number of concurrent asynchronous execute operations per organization.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number.
+ Gets or sets the maximum number of concurrent execute multiple operations per organization per server.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number..
+ Gets or sets the maximum number of concurrent execute multiple operations per organization.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of concurrent execute multiple operations per organization.
+ Gets or sets the maximum number of concurrent execute multiple operations per organization per server.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of concurrent execute multiple operations per organization per server.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+ Gets or sets the server setting to control the maximum number of MAPI sync operations.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of MAPI sync operations.
+ Gets or sets the server setting to control the maximum number of MAPI sync operations per organization.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of MAPI sync operations per organization.
+ Gets or sets the Server setting to control the maximum number of background email send operations per organization.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of background email send operations per organization.
+ Gets or sets the server setting to control the maximum number of background email send operations.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of background email send operations.
+ Gets or sets the maximum number of pn_ms_SharePoint_long threads allowed per organization.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of threads allowed.
+ Gets or sets the maximum number of pn_ms_SharePoint_long threads allowed per user.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of threads allowed.
+ Gets or sets the server setting to control the maximum number of offline sync operations.
+ Type: Returns_Int32Gets or sets the server setting to control the maximum number of offline sync operations.
+ Gets or sets the Server setting to control the maximum number of offline sync operations per organization.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of offline sync operations per organization.
+ Gets or sets the server setting to control the maximum number of pn_crm_for_outlook_short sync operations.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of sync operations.
+ Gets or sets the server setting to control the maximum number of pn_crm_for_outlook_short sync operations per organization.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of sync operations per organization.
+ Contains trace settings for a deployment.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets whether to save the call stack.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if saving the call stack is enabled; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the categories to trace.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The categories to trace.
+ Gets or sets the directory for the trace files.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The directory for the trace files.
+ Gets or sets whether tracing is enabled.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if tracing is enabled; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the trace file size limit (MB).
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The size limit of the trace file in MB.
+ Describes the type of license.
+ An administrative client access license (CAL). Value = 2.
+ A basic client access license. Value = 3.
+ A device basic client access license. Value = 5.
+ A device enterprise client access license. Value = 6.
+ A device essential client access license. Value = 13.
+ A device professional client access license. Value = 4.
+ An enterprise client access license. Value = 12.
+ An enterprise client access license (CAL). Value = 9.
+ An essential client access license. Value = 1.
+ An online server client access license (CAL). Value =11 .
+ A professional client access license. Value = 0.
+ A professional server client access license (CAL). Value = 8.
+ A service provider licensing agreement (SPLA) client access license (CAL). Value = 10.
+ A workgroup server client access license (CAL). Value = 7.
+ Contains the data that is needed to track the licenses for a deployment.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Gets or sets the end date for the license.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe end date.
+ Gets or sets the type of license.
+ Type: The type of license.
+ Gets or sets the start date for the license.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe start date.
+ Contains the response from the.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the servers for the license request.
+ Type: <Returns_String>The collection of servers.
+ Gets or sets the users for the license request.
+ Type:<>The collection of users.
+ Contains the data that is needed to update advanced settings from the configuration database. internal
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the configuration entity to be updated.
+ Type: The configuration entity to be updated.
+ Contains the response from the.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to update a product key.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the product key to update.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe product key to update.
+ Contains the response from the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to update a deployment record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the configuration entity to be updated.
+ Type: The configuration entity to be updated.
+ Contains the response from the.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains deployment specific root domain address values.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the root domain for the deployment Web service (SDK).
+ Type: Returns_StringThe root domain for the deployment Web service (SDK).
+ Gets or sets the root domain for the discovery Web service.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe root domain for the discovery Web service.
+ Gets or sets the URL for help content server.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe URL for help content server.
+ Gets or sets whether network load balancing (NLB) is enabled.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if network load balancing (NLB) is enabled; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the root domain scheme: http or https.
+ Type: The root domain scheme: http or https.
+ Gets or sets the root domain for the organization Web service (SDK).
+ Type: Returns_StringThe root domain for the organization Web service (SDK).
+ Gets or sets the secured sockets layer (SSL) header.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe secured sockets layer (SSL) header.
+ Gets or sets the root domain for the Web application.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe root domain for the Web application.
+ Contains workflow setting values which can be changed to tune a pn_microsoftcrm deployment.
+ Initializes a new instance of the WorkflowSettings class.
+ Gets or sets the maximum depth for a workflow.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum depth for a workflow.
+ Gets or sets the maximum number of seconds a workflow can be inactive.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The maximum number of seconds a workflow can be inactive.
+ Contains settings for pn_yammer.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the application ID.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe application ID. The application ID is retrieved from yammer.com when you register your application on pn_yammer.
+ Gets or sets the application secret.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe application secret. The application secret is provided by yammer.com when you register your application on pn_yammer.
+ Provides helper methods to create a deployment service client class.
+ Gets the timeout for sending requsts to the web service.
+ Creates a deployment web service client, setting the URL.
+ Returns .
+ Type: Returns_URI. The URL for the deployment Web service.
+ Creates a deployment web service client, setting the URL and the timeout.
+ Returns .
+ Type: Returns_TimeSpan. The timeout value.
+ Type: Returns_URI. The URL for the deployment Web service.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4581dd41
Binary files /dev/null and b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll differ
diff --git a/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.xml b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59a4a64b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/CrmSdk/Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6991 @@
+ Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk
+ Used to return aggregate, group by, and aliased values from a query.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: Returns_Object. The value returned by the query.
+ Type: Returns_String. The attribute on which the aggregate, group by, or select operation was performed.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the entity the attribute belongs to.
+ Gets the name of the attribute on which the aggregate, group by, or select operation was performed.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the attribute on which the aggregate, group by, or select operation was performed.
+ Gets the name of the entity the attribute belongs to.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the entity the attribute belongs to.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets the value returned by the query.
+ Type: Returns_ObjectThe value returned by the query.
+ Provides a collection of attributes for an entity.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Used by the code generation tool to create classes based on entities.
+ constructor_initializes class
+ Type: Returns_String.
+The logical name of an attribute.
+ Gets the logical name of an attribute.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The logical name of an attribute.
+ Specifies the field level security privileges allowed for an attribute.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the attribute Id, and whether it is valid to create, read and update the attribute value.
+ Type: Returns_Int32. Whether the attribute value can be read.
+ Type: Returns_Int32. Whether the attribute value can be specified on create.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The attribute ID.
+ Type: Returns_Int32. Whether the attribute value can be updated.
+ Gets the ID of the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the attribute.
+ Gets whether create of the attribute value is allowed.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Gets whether read of the attribute value is allowed.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Gets whether update of the attribute value is allowed.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObject
+The extension data.
+ Specifies a collection of field level security privileges allowed for the specified attributes.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class, setting the list property.
+ Type: Returns_IList<>. The list of attribute privileges.
+ Represents a service fault.
+ Initializes a new instance of the BaseServiceFault class.
+ Gets or sets the fault error code.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The fault error code.
+ Gets or sets the details of the fault.
+ Type: The collection of details about the fault.
+ Gets or sets a structure that contains extra data.
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the message for the fault.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe message for the fault.
+ Gets or sets the date and time when the fault occurred.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe date and time when the fault occurred.
+ Defines a managed property that stores a Boolean value.
+ constructor_initializes class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_Boolean.
+true if the value is true; otherwise, false.
+ Identifies a user as the owner of all data changes made by calls to a Web service.
+ constructor_initializesCallerImpersonationScope class.
+ Type: . Specifies an organization service object.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. Specifies the ID of the user that owns any data changes made by a call to the service.
+ Disposes the CallerImpersonationScope object.
+ Identifies the types of claims that are supported or may be supported in a future product release.
+ An entity logical name claim. Value = http://schemas.microsoft.com/xrm/2011/Claims/EntityLogicalName
+ An initiating user claim. Value = http://schemas.microsoft.com/xrm/2011/Claims/InitiatingUser
+ An organization claim. Value = http://schemas.microsoft.com/xrm/2011/Claims/Organization
+ A plug-in assembly claim. Value = http://schemas.microsoft.com/xrm/2011/Claims/PluginAssembly
+ A plug-in publisher claim. Value = http://schemas.microsoft.com/xrm/2011/Claims/PluginPublisher
+ A request name claim. Value = http://schemas.microsoft.com/xrm/2011/Claims/RequestName
+ A security token claim. Value = http://schemas.microsoft.com/xrm/2011/Claims/SecurityToken
+ A user claim. Value = http://schemas.microsoft.com/xrm/2011/Claims/User
+ Represents a strongly typed list of objects that can be accessed by index. Provides methods to search, sort, and manipulate lists. Extends Returns_Collection.
+ Adds the elements of the specified collection to the end of the .
+ Type: Returns_Type[].
+The array whose elements should be added to the end of the . The array itself cannot be null, but it can contain elements that are null, if type T is a reference type.
+ Adds the elements of the specified collection to the end of the DataCollection.
+ Type: Returns_IEnumerable_Generic.
+The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the . The collection itself cannot be null, but it can contain elements that are null, if type T is a reference type.
+ Copies the elements of the to a new array.
+ Type: Returns_Type[]
+An array containing copies of the elements of the .
+ Represents a collection of keys and values.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Adds the specified key and value to the dictionary.
+ Type: TValue. The value of the element to add.
+ Type: TKey. The key of the element to add.
+ Adds the specified key and value to the dictionary.
+ Type: Returns_KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>. The key and value to add.
+ Adds the elements of the specified collection to the end of the .
+ Type: Returns_IEnumerable<Returns_KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>.
+The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the . The collection itself cannot be null, but it can contain elements that are null, if type T is a reference type.
+ Adds the elements of the specified collection to the end of the .
+ Type: Returns_KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[].
+The array whose elements should be added to the end of the . The array itself cannot be null, but it can contain elements that are null, if type T is a reference type.
+ Removes all items from the .
+ Determines whether the contains a specific value.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if item is found in the ; otherwise, false.
+ Type: TKey. The key to locate in the collection.
+ Determines whether the contains a specific value.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if item is found in the ; otherwise, false.
+ Type: Returns_KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>. The key value pair to locate in the collection.
+ Determines whether the contains a specific key value.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if item is found in the ; otherwise, false.
+ Type: TKey. The key to locate in the collection.
+ Type: Returns_Int32. Copies the entire to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array.
+ Type: Returns_KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[]. The
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
+ Type: Returns_IEnumerator_Generic<Returns_KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>
+An Returns_IEnumerator_Generic object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
+ Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the .
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the object was found and removed; otherwise, false.
+ Type: TKey. The object to remove from the .
+ Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the .
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the object was found and removed; otherwise, false.
+ Type: Returns_KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>.
+The object to remove from the .
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
+ Type: Returns_IEnumerator
+An Returns_IEnumerator object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
+ Gets the value associated with the specified key.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false.
+ Type: TValue%. When this method returns, contains the value associated with the specified key, if the key is found; otherwise, the default value for the type of the value parameter. This parameter is passed uninitialized.
+ Type: TKey. The key of the value to get.
+ Gets the number of elements in the collection.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The number of elements in the collection.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the is read-only; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key.
+ Type: TValue
+The value associated with the specified key.
+ Type: TKey. The key of the value to get or set.
+ Gets a collection containing the keys in the .
+ Type: Returns_ICollection_Generic<TKey>
+A collection containing the keys in the .
+ Gets a collection containing the values in the .
+ Type: Returns_ICollection_Generic<TValue>
+A collection containing the values in the .
+ Represents a discovery service fault.
+ Initializes a new instance of the DiscoveryServiceFault class.
+ Gets or sets the fault instance that caused the current fault.
+ Type: The fault instance that caused the current fault.
+ Represents an instance of an entity (a record).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the entity name.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the entity.
+ Checks to see if there is a value present for the specified attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the contains an attribute with the specified name; otherwise, false.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the attribute.
+ Gets the value of the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Type
+The value of the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the attribute.
+ Gets the formatted value of the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The formatted value of the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the attribute.
+ Gets the collection of related entity instances for the specified relationship.
+ Type: Returns_IEnumerableThe collection of related entity instances for the specified relationship.
+ Type: Returns_String. The schema name of the relationship.
+ The role of the primary entity in the relationship (referenced or referencing).
+ Gets the related entity instance for the specified relationship.
+ Type: The collection of related entity instances for the specified relationship.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the relationship.
+ Type: . The role of the primary entity in the relationship (referenced or referencing).
+ Sets the value of an attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Object. The value to set.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the attribute.
+ Sets the collection of related entity instances for the specified relationship.
+ Type: Returns_String. The schema name of the relationship.
+ Type: . The role of the primary entity in the relationship (referenced or referencing).
+ Type: Returns_IEnumerable. The collection of entity instances to set.
+ Sets the related entity instance for the specified relationship.
+ Type: Returns_String. The schema name of the relationship.
+ Type: . The role of the primary entity in the relationship (referenced or referencing).
+ Type: . The entity instance to set.
+ Gets the entity as the specified type.
+ Type: The entity as the specified type.
+ Gets an entity reference for this entity instance.
+ Type: The entity reference for the entity.
+ Gets or sets the collection of attributes for the entity.
+ Type:
+The collection of attributes for the entity.
+ Gets or sets the state of the entity.
+ Type: .
+The state of the entity.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectExtensionData
+ Gets of sets the collection of formatted values for the entity attributes.
+ Type:
+The collection of formatted values for the entity attributes.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the record represented by this entity instance.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the record (entity instance).
+ Provides an indexer for the attribute values.
+ Type: Returns_ObjectThe attribute specified by the attributeName parameter.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the attribute.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the entity.
+ Type: Returns_Stringthe logical name of the entity.
+ Gets or sets a collection of entity references (references to records).
+ Type:
+a collection of entity references (references to records).
+ Contains a collection of entity instances.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the list of entities.
+ Type: Returns_IList<>. A list of entities.
+ Gets the collection of entities.
+ Type: <>The collection of entities.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the entity.
+ Type: Returns_Stringthe logical name of the entity.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets an item in the collection.
+ Type: The item at the specified index.
+ Type: Returns_Int32. The index of the item.
+ Gets or sets the lowest active row version value.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe lowest active row version value.
+ Gets or sets whether there are more records available.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if there are more records available; otherwise, false. This is used in conjunction with the when working with large record sets.
+ Gets or sets the current paging information.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The current paging information. This is used in conjunction with when working with large record sets.
+ Gets the total number of records in the collection. was true when the query was executed .
+ Type: Returns_Int32The total number of records in the collection.
+ Gets or sets whether the results of the query exceeds the total record count.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the results of the query exceeds the total record count; otherwise, false..
+ Contains a collection of image objects.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Identifies a record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the logical name and entity ID.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the entity.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the record.
+ Determines whether two instances are equal.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the specified is equal to the object; otherwise, false.
+ Type: Returns_Object. The to compare with the current .
+ Serves as a hash function for this type.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The hash code for the current .
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the record.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The ID of the record.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the entity.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the entity.
+ Gets or sets the value of the primary attribute of the entity.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe value of the primary attribute of the entity.
+ Contains a collection of entity references.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the list of entity references.
+ Type: Returns_IList<>. A list of entity references.
+ Contains values to indicate the role the entity plays in a relationship.
+ Specifies that the entity is the referenced entity. Value = 1.
+ Specifies that the entity is the referencing entity. Value = 0.
+ Indicates the state of an entity as tracked by the and indicates to the server the operation that should be performed for a related entity.
+ The entity was changed since the last call to . Value = 2.
+ The entity was created since the last call to . Value = 1.
+ The entity is unchanged since the last call to . Value = 0.
+ Contains a collection of objects that provide details on an error.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the response from execution of a message request.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the structure that contains extra data.
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the organization service fault that occurred when a message request was executed.
+ Type: The organization service fault.
+ Gets or sets the numerical position of a message request in a request collection.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The position of a message request in a request collection, starting at zero.
+ Gets or sets the response that is returned from executing a message request.
+ Type: The message response.
+ Contains a collection of instances.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Defines the execution behavior of .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating whether further execution of message requests in the collection should continue if a fault is returned for the current request being processed.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if message request processing should continue; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the structure that contains extra data.
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets a value indicating if a response for each message request processed should be returned.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if responses should be returned for each message request processed; otherwise, false.
+ Defines the possible field permission types.
+ The action is allowed. Value = 4.
+ The action is not allowed. Value = 0.
+ Validates the field permission value.
+ Type: Returns_Int32. The value to validate.
+ Contains a collection of formatted values for the attributes for an entity.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Base interface that defines the contextual information passed to a plug-in or custom workflow activity at run-time.
+ Gets the GUIDGUID of the business unit that the user making the request, also known as the calling user, belongs to.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe GUID of the business unit. This property corresponds to the BusinessUnitId property, which is the primary key for the BusinessUnit entity.
+ Gets the GUID for tracking plug-in or custom workflow activity execution.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe GUID for tracking plug-in or custom workflow activity execution.
+ Gets the current depth of execution in the call stack.
+ Type: Returns_Int32T the current depth of execution in the call stack.
+ Gets the GUID of the system user account under which the current pipeline is executing.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe GUID of the system user account under which the current pipeline is executing. This property corresponds to the SystemUserId property, which is the primary key for the SystemUser entity.
+ Gets the parameters of the request message that triggered the event that caused the plug-in to execute.
+ Type: The parameters of the request message that triggered the event that caused the plug-in to execute.
+ Gets whether the plug-in is executing from the pn_crm_outlook_offline_access client while it is offline.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the plug-in is executing from the pn_crm_outlook_offline_access client while it is offline; otherwise, false.
+ Gets a value indicating if the plug-in is executing within the database transaction.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the plug-in is executing within the database transaction; otherwise, false.
+ Gets a value indicating if the plug-in is executing as a result of the pn_crm_outlook_offline_access client transitioning from offline to online and synchronizing with the pn_microsoftcrm server.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the the plug-in is executing as a result of the pn_crm_outlook_offline_access client transitioning from offline to online; otherwise, false.
+ Gets a value indicating if the plug-in is executing in the sandbox.
+ Type: Returns_Int32Indicates if the plug-in is executing in the sandbox.
+ Gets the name of the Web service message that is being processed by the event execution pipeline.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the Web service message being processed by the event execution pipeline.
+ Gets the mode of plug-in execution.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The mode of plug-in execution.
+ Gets the date and time that the related System Job was created.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe date and time that the related System Job was created.
+ Gets the GUID of the related System Job.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe GUID of the related System Job. This corresponds to the AsyncOperationId attribute, which is the primary key for the System Job entity.
+ Gets the GUID of the organization that the entity belongs to and the plug-in executes under.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe GUID of the organization that the entity belongs to and the plug-in executes under. This corresponds to the OrganizationId attribute, which is the primary key for the Organization entity.
+ Gets the unique name of the organization that the entity currently being processed belongs to and the plug-in executes under.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe unique name of the organization that the entity currently being processed belongs to and the plug-in executes under.
+ Gets the parameters of the response message after the core platform operation has completed.
+ Type: The parameters of the response message after the core platform operation has completed.
+ Gets a reference to the related SdkMessageProcessingingStep or ServiceEndpoint.
+ Type: A reference to the related SdkMessageProcessingingStep or ServiceEndpoint.entity.
+ Gets the properties of the primary entity after the core platform operation has been completed.
+ Type: The properties of the primary entity after the core platform operation has been completed.
+ Gets the properties of the primary entity before the core platform operation has begins.
+ Type: The properties of the primary entity before the core platform operation has begins.
+ Gets the GUID of the primary entity for which the pipeline is processing events.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe GUID of the primary entity for which the pipeline is processing events. For example, if the event pipeline is processing an account, this corresponds to the AccountId attribute, which is the primary key for the Account entity.
+ Gets the name of the primary entity for which the pipeline is processing events.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the primary entity for which the pipeline is processing events.
+ Gets the GUID of the request being processed by the event execution pipeline.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Guid>The GUID of the request being processed by the event execution pipeline. This corresponds to the property, which is the primary key for the class from which specialized request classes are derived.
+ Gets the name of the secondary entity that has a relationship with the primary entity.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the secondary entity that has a relationship with the primary entity.
+ Gets the custom properties that are shared between plug-ins.
+ Type: The custom properties that are shared between plug-ins.
+ Gets the GUID of the system user for whom the plug-in invokes web service methods on behalf of.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe GUID of the system user for whom the plug-in invokes web service methods on behalf of. This property corresponds to the SystemUserId property, which is the primary key for the SystemUser entity.
+ Represents an exception that occurred during plug-in execution.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with an operation status.
+ Type: . The status of the operation.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with an operation status, an error code, and an error message.
+ Type: Returns_String. The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ Type: . The status of the operation.
+ Type: Returns_Int32. The error code that identifies the specific error.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with an operation status and an error message.
+ Type: Returns_String. The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ Type: . The status of the operation.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with an error message.
+ Type: Returns_String. The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
+ Type: Returns_Exception. The inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
+ Type: Returns_String. The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ Sets the SerializationInfohttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.runtime.serialization.serializationinfo.aspx with information about the exception.
+ Type: StreamingContexthttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.runtime.serialization.streamingcontext.aspx. The contextual information about the source or destination.
+ Type: SerializationInfohttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.runtime.serialization.serializationinfo.aspx. The serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
+ Gets the numeric code that identifies a specific error condition.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The error code.
+ Gets the status of the plug-in exception.
+ Type: The status of the plug-in exception.
+ Provides programmatic access to the metadata and data for an organization.
+ Creates a link between records.
+ Type: . property_relatedentities to be associated.
+ Type: . The name of the relationship to be used to create the link.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the entity that is specified in the entityId parameter.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. property_entityid to which the related records are associated.
+ Creates a record.
+ Type:Returns_Guid
+The ID of the newly created record.
+ Type: . An entity instance that contains the properties to set in the newly created record.
+ Deletes a record.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the record that you want to delete.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the entity that is specified in the entityId parameter.
+ Deletes a link between records.
+ Type: . A collection of entity references (references to records) to be disassociated.
+ Type: . The name of the relationship to be used to remove the link.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the entity that is specified in the entityId parameter.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the record from which the related records are disassociated.
+ Executes a message in the form of a request, and returns a response.
+ Type: The response from the request. You must cast the return value of this method to the specific instance of the response that corresponds to the Request parameter.
+ Type: . A request instance that defines the action to be performed.
+ Retrieves a record.
+ Type:
+The requested entity.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the record that you want to retrieve.
+ Type: . A query that specifies the set of columns, or attributes, to retrieve.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the entity that is specified in the entityId parameter.
+ Retrieves a collection of records.
+ Type: The collection of entities returned from the query.
+ Type: . A query that determines the set of records to retrieve.
+ Updates an existing record.
+ Type: . An entity instance that has one or more properties set to be updated in the record.
+ Represents a factory for creating instances.
+ Returns an instance for the organization that the specified user is a member of.
+ Type: An organization service factory object.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Guid>. Specifies the system user that calls to the service are made for. A null value indicates the SYSTEM user. When called in a plug-in, a Guid.Empty value indicates the same user as . . When called in a custom workflow activity, a Guid.Empty value indicates the same user as IWorkflowExecutionContext.. Any other value indicates a specific system user.
+ Base interface for a plug-in.
+ Executes plug-in code in response to an event.
+ Type: Returns_IServiceProvider. A container for service objects. Contains references to the plug-in execution context (), tracing service (), organization service (), and notification service ().
+ Defines the contextual information passed to a plug-in at run-time. Contains information that describes the run-time environment that the plug-in is executing in, information related to the execution pipeline, and entity business information.
+ Gets the execution context from the parent pipeline operation.
+ Type: The execution context from the parent pipeline operation.
+ Gets the stage in the execution pipeline that a synchronous plug-in is registered for.
+ Type: Returns_Int32. Valid values are 10 (pre-validation), 20 (pre-operation), 40 (post-operation), and 50 (post-operation, deprecated).
+ Provides the early-bound entity types assembly that was created using the CrmSvcUtil utility.
+ Gets or sets the assembly that contains the early-bound entity types.
+ Type: Returns_AssemblyThe assembly.
+ Posts the plug-in execution context to the windows_azure_service_bus.
+ Posts the execution context to the specified service endpoint in the cloud.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe result. Only a two-way or REST listener will return a string back to the caller.
+ Type: . The event execution context.
+ Type: . The service endpoint to post to in the cloud.
+ Defines a plug-in that implements the service behavior of a windows_azure_service_bus listener.
+ Executes plug-in code in response to an event.
+ Type: . Defines the contextual information passed to a plug-in at run-time.
+ Provides a method of logging run-time trace information for plug-ins.
+ Logs trace information.
+ Type: Returns_String. Information to be logged.
+ Type: Returns_Object[]. Not documented at this time.
+ Defines a plug-in that implements the service behavior of a windows_azure_service_bus listener.
+ Executes plug-in code in response to an event.
+ Type: Returns_String The response from the request.
+ Type: . Defines the contextual information passed to a plug-in at run-time.
+ Defines a plug-in that implements the service behavior of a windows_azure_service_bus listener.
+ Executes plug-in code in response to an event.
+ Type: Returns_String The response from the request.
+ Type: . Defines the contextual information passed to a plug-in at run-time.
+ Resolves known organization message request and response types for the SDK contracts.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Enables users to map a xsi:type name to any type.
+ Type: Returns_Type
+The type the xsi:type name and namespace is mapped to.
+ Returns_String. The xsi:type namespace to map.
+ Returns_String. The xsi:type name to map.
+ Returns_Type. The type declared in the data contract.
+ System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractResolverhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.runtime.serialization.datacontractresolver.aspx. The known type resolver.
+ Maps any type to a new xsi:type representation.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if mapping succeeded; otherwise, false.
+ System.Xml.XmlDictionaryStringhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.xml.xmldictionarystring.aspx. The xsi:type namespace.
+ System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractResolverhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.runtime.serialization.datacontractresolver.aspx. The known type resolver.
+ Returns_Type. The type to map.
+ Returns_Type. The type declared in the data contract.
+ System.Xml.XmlDictionaryStringhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.xml.xmldictionarystring.aspx. The xsi:type name.
+ Contains a collection of translations for a label.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: . The label for the language of the current user.
+ Type: []. An array of localized labels.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: Returns_String. The string for the user localized label.
+ Type: Returns_Int32. The language code for the label.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets the collection of localized labels.
+ Type: The collection of localized labels.
+ Gets or set the label for the language of the current user.
+ Type: The label for the language of the current user.
+ Contains a localized label, including the label string and the language code.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the label string and the language code.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The localized label string..
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The language code for the label.
+ Gets or sets whether the label is managed.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the label is managed; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the localized label string.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The localized label string..
+ Gets or sets the language code for the label.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The language code for the label..
+ Defines a collection of .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_IList<>. Sets a list of localized labels.
+ Represents a strongly typed managed property.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name for the managed property.
+ Gets or sets whether the managed property value can be changed.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the managed property value can be changed; otherwise, false.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets the logical name for the managed property.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The logical name for the managed property.
+ Gets or sets the value of the managed property.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The value of the managed property.
+ Contains the value for a money attribute.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the value.
+ Type: Returns_Decimal. The value of the attribute.
+ Determines whether two instances are equal.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the specified is equal to the object; otherwise, false.
+ Type: Returns_Object. The to compare with the current .
+ Returns a hash code value for this type.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The hash code for the current Money.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the value of the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_DecimalThe value of the attribute.
+ Represents the current state of an operation.
+ The operation has been canceled. Value = 1.
+ The operation has failed. Value = 0.
+ The operation is being retried. Value = 2.
+ The operation has succeeded. Value = 4.
+ The operation has been suspended. Value = 3.
+ Represents a value for an attribute that has an option set.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_Int32. The option set value.
+ Returns true if the specified OptionSetValue is equal to this OptionSetValue value, otherwise returns false.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the specified is equal to this value; otherwise, false.
+ Type: , The to compare.
+ Gets a hash code for the value.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The hash code for the value.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the current value.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The current value.
+ Contains the data needed to execute a request and the base class for all organization requests.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the request name parameter.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the request.
+ ExtensionData Optional.
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObject
+The extension data.
+ Gets or sets the indexer for the Parameters collection.
+ Type: Returns_Object
+The indexer for the request.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the parameter.
+ Gets or sets the collection of parameters for the request. Required, but is supplied by derived classes.
+ Type: The collection of parameters for the request. Required, but is supplied by derived classes.
+ Gets or sets the ID of an asynchronous operation (system job). Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Guid>The ID of an asynchronous operation (system job).
+ Gets or sets the name of the request. Required, but is supplied by derived classes.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the request.
+ Contains a collection of organization requests.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the response from a request and the base class for all organization responses.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets an indexer for the Results collection.
+ Type: Returns_ObjectThe indexer for the collection.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the parameter.
+ Gets or sets the name of the response.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the response.
+ Gets the results of the request that was performed.
+ Type: The results of the request that was performed.
+ Represents an organization service fault.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the fault instance that caused the current fault.
+ Type: The fault instance that caused the current fault.
+ Gets the text of the fault trace.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe text of the fault trace.
+ Provides a collection of parameters for a request.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ Returns_String
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ Returns .
+ internal
+ Returns_Int32
+ internal
+ Returns_ExtensionDataObject
+ internal
+ internal
+ Contains a collection of related entities.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the is read-only; otherwise, false.
+ Represents a relationship between two entities.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the schema name property.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the relationship.
+ Determines whether two instances are equal.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the specified Relationship is equal to the Relationship Object; otherwise, false.
+ Type: Returns_Object. The Relationship to compare with the current Relationship.
+ Serves as a hash function for this type.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The hash code for the current Relationship.
+ Returns a String that represents the current Relationship.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the current Relationship.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type:
+The extension data.
+ Gets or sets the entity role: referenced or referencing.
+ Type: <>
+The entity role.
+ Gets or sets the name of the relationship.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the relationship as defined defined in the property.
+ Provides a collection of relationship queries.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Used by the code generation tool to create classes based on entities.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_String
+The schema name for the entity relationship.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: The entity role for the entity.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The schema name for the entity relationship.
+ Gets the entity role for the entity.
+ Type: The entity role for the entity.
+ Gets the schema name for the entity relationship.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The schema name for the entity relationship.
+ Defines the contextual information sent to a remote service endpoint at run-time.
+ Initializes a new instance of the RemoteExecutionContext class.
+ Gets the global unique identifier of the business unit that the entity currently being processed by the event execution pipeline belongs to.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe global unique identifier of the business unit.
+ Gets the global unique identifier for tracking plug-in execution.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe global unique identifier for tracking plug-in execution.
+ Gets the current depth of execution in the call stack.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The current depth of execution in the call stack.
+ A structure that contains extra data.
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectA structure that contains extra data.
+ Gets the global unique identifier of the system user account under which the current pipeline is executing.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe global unique identifier of the system user account.
+ Gets the parameters of the request message that triggered the event that caused the plug-in to execute.
+ Type: The parameters of the request message that triggered the event.
+ Gets a value indicating if the plug-in is executing from the pn_crm_outlook_offline_access client while it is offline.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the client is offline; otherwise false.
+ Gets a value indicating if the plug-in is executing within the database transaction.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the plug-in is executing within the database transaction; otherwise, false.
+ Gets a value indicating if the plug-in is executing as a result of the pn_crm_outlook_offline_access client transitioning from offline to online and synchronizing with the pn_microsoftcrm server.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the plug-in is executing as a result of the client synchronizing with the pn_microsoftcrm server; otherwise, false.
+ Gets a value indicating if the plug-in is executing in the sandbox.
+ Type: Returns_Int32A value indicating if the plug-in is executing in the sandbox. Valid values are 1 (none) or 2 (sandbox).
+ Gets the name of the Web service message that is being processed by the event execution pipeline.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the Web service message.
+ internal
+ Type: .
+ Gets the mode of plug-in execution.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The mode of plug-in execution. Valid values are 0 (synchronous) and 1 (asynchronous).
+ Gets the date and time that the related System Job was created.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe date and time the related System Job was created.
+ Gets the global unique identifier of the related System Job.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe global unique identifier of the related System Job.
+ Gets the global unique identifier of the organization that the entity belongs to and the plug-in executes under.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe global unique identifier of the organization.
+ Gets the unique name of the organization that the entity currently being processed belongs to and the plug-in executes under.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe unique name of the organization.
+ Gets the parameters of the response message after the core platform operation has completed.
+ Type: The parameters of the response message.
+ Gets a reference to the related SdkMessageProcessingingStep or ServiceEndpoint.
+ Type: The reference to the related SdkMessageProcessingingStep or ServiceEndpoint.
+ Gets the remote execution context from the parent operation.
+ Type: The remote execution context from the parent operation.
+ Gets the properties of the primary entity after the core platform operation has been completed.
+ Type: The properties of the primary entity.
+ Gets the properties of the primary entity before the core platform operation has begins.
+ Type: The properties of the primary entity.
+ Gets the global unique identifier of the primary entity for which the pipeline is processing events.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe global unique identifier of the primary entity.
+ Gets the name of the primary entity for which the pipeline is processing events.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the primary entity.
+ Gets the global unique identifier of the request being processed by the event execution pipeline.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Guid>The global unique identifier of the request.
+ Gets the name of the secondary entity that has a relationship with the primary entity.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the secondary entity.
+ Gets the custom properties that are shared between plug-ins.
+ Type: The custom properties that are shared between plug-ins.
+ Gets the stage in the execution pipeline that a synchronous plug-in is registered for.
+ Type: Returns_Int32. Valid values are 10, 20, 40, and 50The stage in the execution pipeline that a synchronous plug-in is registered for.
+ Gets the global unique identifier of the system user for whom the plug-in invokes Web service methods on behalf of.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe global unique identifier of the system user.
+ Represents an exception that occurred when saving changes to the .
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class using method call results.
+ Type: . The results returned from a call.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class using an inner exception and method call results.
+ Type: Returns_Exception. The inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
+ Type: . The results returned from a call.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with an error message.
+ Type: Returns_String. The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class using an error message and method call results.
+ Type: Returns_String. The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ Type: . The results returned from a call.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with and error message and an inner exception.
+ Type: Returns_Exception. The inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
+ Type: Returns_String. The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with and error message, an inner exception, and method call results.
+ Type: Returns_Exception. The inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
+ Type: Returns_String. The error message that explains the reason for the exception.
+ Type: . The results returned from a call.
+ Sets the SerializationInfohttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.runtime.serialization.serializationinfo.aspx with information about the exception.
+ Type: StreamingContexthttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.runtime.serialization.streamingcontext.aspx. The contextual information about the source or destination.
+ Type: SerializationInfohttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.runtime.serialization.serializationinfo.aspx. The serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
+ Gets the results from a method call.
+ Type: The collection of results.
+ Contains the result of the save changes operation returned from the organization web service.
+ Gets the exception that occurred when a message request was processed by the organization web service.
+ Type: Returns_ExceptionThe exception that occurred.
+ Gets the message request that was submitted to the organization web service.
+ Type: The request instance that was submitted.
+ Gets the result of a successful operation against the organization web server.
+ Type: The response to the request.
+ Provides a collection of results for a save changes operation.
+ Gets whether there is an error.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if there is an error; otherwise, false.
+ Gets how the method behaves when an error occurs.
+ Type:
+The option that describes the save changes behavior.
+ Represents a fault at a service endpoint in the cloud.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified fault reason.
+ Type: Returns_String. The reason for the fault.
+ Gets the details of the fault.
+ Type: The details of the fault.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets the message for the fault.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe message for the fault.
+ Represents client-side user logon credentials.
+ Initializes a new instance of the AuthenticationCredentials class.
+ Gets or sets the scope that a security token request applies to, as defined in the WS-Trust specification.
+ Type: Returns_URI The scope that a security token request applies to.
+ Gets or sets the service credential authentication settings for use on the client side of communication.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentials The service credential authentication settings.
+ Gets or sets the identity provider address.
+ Type: Returns_URI The identity provider address.
+ Gets or sets the security token response.
+ Type: The security token response.
+ Gets or sets additional credentials required by the site.
+ Type: The additional credentials required by the site.
+ Gets or sets the UPN that is an internet-style login name for a user based on the Internet standard RFC 822.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe UPN.
+ internal
+ Identifies the type of identity provider used for authentication.
+ An Active Directory identity provider. Value = 1.
+ A federated claims identity provider. Value = 2.
+ A pn_Windows_Live_ID identity provider. Value = 3.
+ No identity provider. Value = 0.
+ An online (pn_Office_365) federated identity provider. Value = 4.
+ Contains arguments for a cancel event.
+ Initializes a new instance of the CancelEventArgs class.
+ Gets or sets whether the event is cancelled.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the event is cancelled, otherwise false.
+ Contains arguments for a WCF channel event.
+ Initializes a new instance of the ChannelEventArgs class using a message.
+ Type: Returns_String. The message describing the event.
+ Gets the message describing the event.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe message describing the event.
+ Contains arguments for a faulted WCF channel event.
+ Initializes a new instance of the ChannelFaultedEventArgs class using an exception.
+ Type: Returns_Exception. An exception or null.
+ Initializes a new instance of the ChannelFaultedEventArgs class using message and an exception.
+ Type: Returns_Exception. An exception or null.
+ Type: Returns_String. A message describing the event.
+ Gets the exception related to the event.
+ Type: Returns_Exceptionthe exception related to the event.
+ Gets the message describing the event.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe message describing the event.
+ Contains a policy configuration that identifies a Secure Token Service for use with claims authentication.
+ Specifies the type of authentication used by a client application.
+ Kerberos authentication. Value = 0.
+ A security token for use with claims authentication. Value = 1.
+ Contains a collection of objects.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Gets or sets the issuer endpoint dictionary.
+ Returns .
+ Type: Returns_URI. Specifies the key used to retrieve a object from the collection.
+ Implements and provides an authenticated WCF channel to the discovery service endpoint.
+ Initializes a new instance of the DiscoveryServiceProxy class using a service configuration and a security token response.
+ Type: . A service configuration.
+ Type: . A security token response.
+ Initializes a new instance of the DiscoveryServiceProxy class using a service configuration and client credentials.
+ Type: . A service configuration.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentials. The logon credentials of the client.
+ Initializes a new instance of the DiscoveryServiceProxy class using a service management and a security token response.
+ Type: . A service management.
+ Type: . A security token response.
+ Initializes a new instance of the DiscoveryServiceProxy class using a service management and client credentials.
+ Type: . A service management.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentials. The logon credentials of the client.
+ Initializes a new instance of the DiscoveryServiceProxy class using a discovery service URI, home realm URI, and client and device credentials.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentials. The pn_Windows_Live_ID device credentials.
+ Type: Returns_URI. This parameter is set to a non-null value when a second ADFS instance is configured as an identity provider to the ADFS instance that pn_CRM_2011 has been configured with for claims authentication. The parameter value is the URI of the WS-Trust metadata endpoint of the second ADFS instance.
+ Type: Returns_URI. The URI of the discovery service.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentials. The logon credentials of the client.
+ See IDiscoveryService.
+ Type: The response from executing the discovery service request.
+ Type: . A discovery service request.
+ Identifies the new and previous service endpoint URL’s for an organization.
+ Gets the new service endpoint URL for an organization.
+ Type: Returns_URI The new service endpoint URL for an organization.
+ Gets the previous service endpoint URL for an organization.
+ Type: Returns_URI The previous service endpoint URL for an organization.
+ Identifies the logical name of an entity.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the entity
+ Gets the logical name of the entity.
+ Type: Returns_String The logical name of the entity.
+ Represents an identity provider.
+ Initializes a new instance of the IdentityProvider class.
+ The type of identity provider used by an endpoint.
+ Type: The identity provider type. Value = 0 (ADFS), 1 (LiveId), 2 (OrgId).
+ Specifies the URL of the identity provider service.
+ Type: Returns_URI The URL of the identity provider service.
+ A collection of identity providers.
+ Initializes an instance of the class.
+ Contains the configuration information required to use an identity provider.
+ Gets or sets the scope that a security token request applies to, as defined in the WS-Trust specification.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe scope that a security token request applies to, as defined in the WS-Trust specification.
+ Gets the endpoint of the identity provider.
+ Type: Returns_URI The endpoint of the identity provider.
+ Gets or sets the scope that a pn_Windows_Live_ID security token request applies to, as defined in the WS-Trust specification.
+ Type: Returns_String The scope that a pn_Windows_Live_ID security token request applies to, as defined in the WS-Trust specification.
+ Gets or sets a policy configuration that identifies a Secure Token Service (STS).
+ Type: Returns_String The policy configuration that identifies a Secure Token Service (STS).
+ Specifies the supported types of identity providers.
+ pn_Active_Directory Federation Services. Value = 0.
+ pn_Windows_Live ID. Value = 1.
+ OrgId, also known as User Id. Value = 2.
+ Contains the available identity providers for a pn_microsoftcrm service.
+ Initializes a new instance of the IdentityProviderTypeDictionary class.
+ Represents the switching of a web service endpoint for an organization from a primary URL to an alternate URL.
+ Notification event that a failover has completed and the organization’s current endpoint has been switched to an alternate endpoint.
+ Notification event that a failover has occurred and a switch from the organization’s current endpoint to an alternate endpoint is required.
+ Checks if the specified endpoint URI is different from the organization’s alternate endpoint URI.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the two URIs are different and an endpoint switch can be attempted, otherwise false.
+ Type: Returns_URI. Specifies an endpoint URI.
+ Fires the event, then if is true, switches the organization’s endpoints by calling .
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the endpoint switch was successful, otherwise false.
+ Switches the organization’s current endpoint to an alternate endpoint.
+ Gets the alternate web service endpoint for accessing an organization, if one exists.
+ Type: Returns_URIThe alternate web service endpoint.
+ Gets or sets whether automatic switching from the current endpoint of the web service to an alternate endpoint is enabled.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the automatic switching is enabled; otherwise, false.
+ Gets whether the organization’s current endpoint is the primary endpoint.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the current endpoint is the primary endpoint; otherwise, false.
+ Gets the primary web service endpoint for accessing an organization.
+ Type: Returns_URIThe primary web service endpoint.
+ Represents a configured pn_microsoftcrm service.
+ Authenticates against the trusted pn_microsoftcrm Secure Token Service using a security token.
+ Type: The security token response.
+ Type: Returns_SecurityToken. A security token retrieved from an identity provider other than the trusted pn_microsoftcrm Secure Token Service (when in federation mode).
+ Authenticates against the trusted pn_microsoftcrm Secure Token Service using client credentials.
+ Type: The security token response.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentials. Specifies a client credential instance containing either Windowshttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.servicemodel.description.clientcredentials.windows.aspx credentials or UserNamehttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.servicemodel.description.clientcredentials.username.aspx credentials.
+ Authenticates against pn_Windows_Live_ID using client credentials and a security token response.
+ Type: The security token response.
+ Type: . A security token response received from authenticating the user's device with pn_Windows_Live_ID.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentials. Specifies a client credential instance containing UserNamehttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.servicemodel.description.clientcredentials.username.aspx credentials where the UserName and Password properties are set.
+ Authenticates against a remote Secure Token Service (STS) using a security token retrieved from an identity provider (when in federation mode).
+ Type:
+The security token response.
+ Type: Returns_URI. Specifies the URI of the cross realm STS metadata endpoint.
+ Type: Returns_String. Specifies the identifier of the STS to authenticate on behalf of.
+ Type: Returns_SecurityToken. Specifies a security token issued from an identity provider.
+ Authenticates against a remote Secure Token Service (STS) using client credentials.
+ Type: The security token response.
+ Type: Returns_URI. Specifies the URI of the cross realm STS metadata endpoint.
+ Type: Returns_String. Specifies the identifier of the STS to authenticate on behalf of.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentials. Specifies a client credentials instance with the Windows credentials or the UserName (.UserName and .Password) set.
+ Authenticates a registered device against pn_Windows_Live_ID.
+ Type:
+The security token response.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentials. Specifies a client credential instance.
+ Creates a client factory that uses the default Kerberos credentials.
+ Type: Returns_ChannelFactory_Generic<TService>The channel factory.
+ Creates a WCF channel factory with a specified type of authentication.
+ Type: Returns_ChannelFactory_Generic<TService>The channel factory.
+ Type: . Specifies the type of authentication.
+ Creates a WCF channel factory that supports passing the client credentials, regardless of whether in federation authentication mode or not.
+ Type: Returns_ChannelFactory_Generic< TService>The channel factory.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentials. Specifies client authentication credentials.
+ Returns the identity provider used for a specified user when accessing a service.
+ Type: The identity provider.
+ Type: Returns_String. Specifies a user principal name (UPN).
+ Gets the type of authentication in use by the identity provider of the service.
+ Type: Thee type of authentication being used.
+ Gets the available endpoints of the user’s home realm identity provider.
+ Type: The available endpoints.
+ Gets or sets the endpoint used by the Secure Token Service (STS) to issue the trusted token.
+ Type: The endpoint used by the Secure Token Service (STS) to issue the trusted token.
+ Gets or sets the current endpoint in use by a service.
+ Type: Returns_ServiceEndpointThe current endpoint in use by a service.
+ Gets the available endpoints of the security token service (STS).
+ Type: The available endpoints of the security token service (STS).
+ Gets the policy configuration that identifies a Secure Token Service (STS).
+ Type: The policy configuration.
+ Gets the available endpoints of the service.
+ Type: The available endpoints of the service.
+ An interface which provides a simpler authentication experience.
+ Authenticates the logged on user with the service.
+ Type: The user’s authentication credentials, including the final security token.
+ Type: . Specifies the user’s logon credentials.
+ Creates a WCF channel factory that uses the default Kerberos credentials.
+ Type: Returns_ChannelFactory_Generic<TService> where TService: or The WCF channel factory.
+ Creates a WCF channel factory with a specified type of authentication.
+ Type: Returns_ChannelFactory_Generic<TService> where TService: or The WCF channel factory.
+ Type: . Specifies the type of authentication.
+ Creates a WCF channel factory using specified client credentials.
+ Type: Returns_ChannelFactory_Generic<TService> where TService: or The WCF channel factory.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentials. Specifies the client credentials to use.
+ Returns the identity provider used for a specified user when accessing a service.
+ Type: The identity provider used for a specified user when accessing a service.
+ Type: Returns_String. Specifies a user principal name (UPN).
+ Gets the type of authentication in use by the identity provider of the service.
+ Type: The type of authentication used by the identity provider.
+ Gets the available endpoints of the user’s home realm identity provider.
+ Type: The available endpoints of the user’s home realm identity provider.
+ Gets or sets the current endpoint in use by a service.
+ Type: Returns_ServiceEndpointThe current endpoint in use by a service.
+ Gets the available endpoints of the security token service (STS).
+ Type: The available endpoints of the security token service (STS).
+ Gets the policy configuration that identifies a Secure Token Service (STS).
+ Type: The policy configuration that identifies a Secure Token Service (STS).
+ Represents an issuer endpoint.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the type of credentials the endpoint supports.
+ Type: The type of credentials the endpoint supports.
+ Gets or sets the actual URL that provides authentication for a particular credential type.
+ Type: Returns_EndpointAddress The actual URL that provides authentication for a particular credential type.
+ Gets or sets the binding information used to construct a channel to the issuer endpoint from a client.
+ Type: Returns_Binding The binding information used to construct a channel to the issuer endpoint from a client.
+ Gets or sets the URL that provides metadata about the set of issuer endpoints hosted by a Secure Token Service (STS).
+ Type: Returns_EndpointAddress The URL that provides metadata about the set of issuer endpoints hosted by a Secure Token Service (STS).
+ Gets or sets the WS-Trust standard, either 1.3 or 2005, that is supported on the endpoint.
+ Type: Returns_TrustVersionThe WS-Trust standard, either 1.3 or 2005, that is supported on the endpoint.
+ Contains a dictionary of objects.
+ Initializes a new instance of the IssuerEndpointDictionary class.
+ Obtains the issuer endpoint from a Secure Token Service.
+ Type: The issuer endpoint from a Secure Token Service.
+ Type: . Specifies the credential type used by the issuer endpoint.
+ Contains identity provider configuration information specific to pn_Windows_Live_ID.
+ Gets the endpoint of the pn_Windows_Live_ID identity provider.
+ Type: Returns_URI The endpoint of the pn_Windows_Live_ID identity provider.
+ Contains a policy configuration that identifies a Secure Token Service for use with pn_Windows_Live_ID authentication.
+ Represents an Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) based identity provider.
+ Initializes a new instance of the LocalIdentityProvider class.
+ Describes the synchronization option for sending or receiving entity data to or from a data service using the .
+ New pn_microsoftcrm entities are appended. Existing entities or their original values are not be modified. No client-side changes are lost in this merge. This is the default behavior. Value = 0.
+ pn_microsoftcrm entities are always loaded from persisted storage. Any attribute changes made to entities in the are overwritten by the data source values. Value = 3.
+ All current values on the client are overwritten with current values from the Web service regardless of whether they have been changed on the client. Value = 1.
+ Current values that have been changed on the client are not modified, but any unchanged values are updated with current values from the Web service. No client-side changes are lost in this merge. Value = 2.
+ Contains pn_MS_Online_Services specific information for connecting to the pn_crm_online server.
+ Represents a pn_MS_Online_Services based identity provider.
+ Initializes a new instance of the OnlineIdentityProvider class.
+ Contains general information used when connecting to pn_CRM_Online.
+ Contains the available identity providers for the pn_CRM_Online service.
+ Type: The available identity providers for the pn_CRM_Online service.
+ Represents the runtime context of the data service that is used to track pn_microsoftcrm entities and that sends and receives entities from the server.
+ Creates a new instance of the class.
+ Type: . The service that provides access to organization data.
+ Adds the specified link to the set of objects the is tracking.
+ Type: . The entity related to the source entity by the new link.
+ Type: . The navigation property or attribute on the source object that returns the related object.
+ Type: . The source entity for the new link.
+ Adds the specified entity to the set of entities that the is tracking.
+ Type: . The entity to be tracked by the .
+ Adds a related entity to the and creates the link that defines the relationship between the two entities in a single request.
+ Type: . The related object that is being added.
+ Type: . The name of the attribute or navigation property that returns the related object based on an association between the two entities.
+ Type: . The parent entity that is being tracked by the context.
+ Notifies the to start tracking the specified entity.
+ Type: . The entity to be tracked.
+ Notifies the to start tracking the specified link that defines a relationship between entity objects.
+ Type: . The target entity in the link that is bound to the source entity specified in this call.
+ Type: . The name of the attribute or navigation property on the source object that represents the link between the source and target object.
+ Type: . The source entity in the new link.
+ Clears all tracking of entities by the .
+ Creates a web service pn_LINQ query for the specified entity.
+ Type: Returns_IQueryable_Generic<>.The query of the specified entity.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the entity to be queried.
+ Creates a Web service pn_LINQ query for the specified entity.
+ Type: Returns_IQueryable_Generic<>The query of the specified entity.
+ Creates a web service pn_LINQ query for the specified entity.
+ Type: Returns_IQueryable_Generic<>The query of the specified entity type..
+ Type: Returns_IQueryProvider. The provider of the Web service.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the entity to be queried.
+ Changes the state of the link to deleted in the list of links being tracked by the .
+ Type: . The target entity involved in the link that is bound to the source entity.
+ Type: . The name of the attribute or navigation property on the source entity that is used to access the target entity.
+ Type: . The source entity in the link to be marked for deletion.
+ Changes the state of the specified entity to be deleted in the .
+ Type: . The tracked entity to be changed to the deleted state.
+ Changes the state of the specified entity to be deleted in the .
+ Type: . The tracked entity to be changed to the deleted state.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean. true to specify entities to be deleted recursively, otherwise false.
+ Removes the entity from the set of entities that the is tracking.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean. true if the specified entity was detached; otherwise false.
+ Type: . The entity to be removed from the set of entities that the is tracking.
+ Removes the entity from the set of entities that the is tracking.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean. Returns true if the specified entity was detached; otherwise false.
+ Type: . The entity to be removed from the set of entities that the is tracking.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean. true to specify entities to be detached recursively, otherwise false.
+ Removes the specified link from the list of links being tracked by the .
+ Type: Returns_Boolean. true if the specified entity was detached; otherwise false.
+ Type: . The target entity involved in the link that is bound to the source object.
+ Type: . The name of the attribute or navigation property on the source entity that represents the source in the link between the source and the target.
+ Type: . The source entity participating in the link to be marked for deletion.
+ Disposes of the service context.
+ Disposes of the service context.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean.
+ Executes a message in the form of a request, and returns a response.
+ Type: . The response returned from processing the organization request.
+ Type: . The request to be sent.
+ Destructor for the class.
+ Gets an enumerable collection of the entities attached to the .
+ Type: Returns_IEnumerable_Generic<>.
+ Determines whether an entity is attached and therefore being tracked by the .
+ Type: Returns_Boolean. true if the specified entity is attached to the ; otherwise, false.
+ Type: . The entity to be determined if it is attached.
+ Determines whether an entity relationship is attached and therefore being tracked by the .
+ Type: Returns_Boolean. true if the specified entity is attached to the ; otherwise, false.
+ Type: . The target entity in the link.
+ Type: . The name of the attribute or navigation property on the source entity that represents the link between the source and target entity.
+ Type: . The source entity in the link.
+ Determines whether an entity has been deleted.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean. true if the specified entity is deleted; otherwise, false.
+ Type: . The entity to be determined if it is deleted.
+ Determines whether a relationship has been deleted.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean. true if the specified entity is deleted; otherwise, false.
+ Type: . The target entity in the link.
+ Type: . The name of the attribute or navigation property on the source entity that represents the link between the source and target entity.
+ Type: . The source entity in the link.
+ Loads the related entity collection for the specified relationshp.
+ Type: . The entity with the relationship to be loaded.
+ Type: . The name of the attribute or navigation property on the entity that represents the relationship to be retrieved.
+ Loads deferred content for a specified property from the Web service.
+ Type: . The entity that contains the property to load.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the property of the specified entity to load.
+ Virtual (Overridable) method called when entity tracking begins.
+ Type: . The entity to be tracked by the .
+ Virtual (Overridable) method called when link tracking begins.
+ Type: . The target entity in the link that is bound to the source entity specified in this call.
+ Type: . The name of the attribute or navigation property on the source object that represents the link between the source and target object.
+ Type: . The navigation property or attribute on the source object that returns the related object.
+ Virtual (Overridable) method called after entity tracking ends.
+ Type: . The entity to be tracked by the .
+ Virtual (Overridable) method called after link tracking ends.
+ Type: . The navigation property or attribute on the source object that returns the related object.
+ Type: . The name of the attribute or navigation property on the source object that represents the link between the source and target object.
+ Type: . The target entity in the link that is bound to the source entity specified in this call.
+ Virtual (Overridable) method called after is called and before a response is returned.
+ Type: . The response that is to be returned from processing the request.
+ Type: . The request being processed.
+ Virtual (Overridable) method called after is called and before an exception is re-thrown.
+ Type: Returns_Exception. The exception thrown from processing the request.
+ Type: . The request being processed.
+ Virtual (Overridable) method called before is called.
+ Type: . The request being processed.
+ Virtual (Overridable) method called after an attempt to save data changes.
+ Type: . The results of the save changes operation.
+ Virtual (Overridable) method called before an attempt to save changes is performed.
+ Type: . Save changes options.
+ Saves the changes that the is tracking to pn_microsoftcrm.
+ Type: A that contains status, headers, and errors that result from the call to .
+ Saves the changes that the is tracking to pn_microsoftcrm.
+ Type: A that contains status, headers, and errors that result from the call to .
+ Type: . Indicates how changes are saved.
+ Changes the state of the specified entity in the to Modified.
+ Type: . The tracked entity to be assigned to the Modified state.
+ Changes the state of the specified entity in the to Modified.
+ Type: . The tracked entity to be assigned to the Modified state.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean. true if operation should be recursive; otherwise false.
+ Gets or sets the synchronization option for receiving entities from the Web service.
+ Type: The synchronization option for receiving entities from the Web service.
+ Gets the query provider.
+ Type: Returns_IQueryProviderThe query provider.
+ Gets or sets the values that are used by the method.
+ Type: The values that are used by the method.
+ Implements and provides an authenticated WCF channel to the organization service.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class using a service configuration and a security token response.
+ Type: <>. A service configuration.
+ Type: . A security token response.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class using a service configuration and client credentials.
+ Type: <>. A service configuration.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentials. The logon credentials of the client.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class using a service management and a security token response.
+ Type: <>. A service management.
+ Type: . A security token response.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class using a service configuration and client credentials.
+ Type: <>. A service management.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentials. The logon credentials of the client.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class using a organization service URI, home realm URI, and client and device credentials.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentials. The Windows Live ID device credentials.
+ Type: Returns_URI. This parameter is set to a non-null value when a second ADFS instance is configured as an identity provider to the ADFS instance that pn_CRM_2011 has been configured with for claims authentication. The parameter value is the URI of the WS-Trust metadata endpoint of the second ADFS instance.
+ Type: Returns_URI. The URI of the organization service.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentials. The logon credentials of the client.
+ Creates a link between records.
+ Type: . A collection of entity references (references to records) to be associated.
+ Type: . The name of the relationship to be used to create the link.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the entity specified in the entityId parameter.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the record to which the related records will be associated.
+ internal
+ Creates a record.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the created entity.
+ Type: . An entity instance that contains the properties to set in the newly created record.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the created entity.
+ Deletes a record.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the record of the record to delete.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the entity specified in the entityId parameter.
+ internal
+ Deletes a link between records.
+ Type: . A collection of entity references (references to records) to be disassociated.
+ Type: . The name of the relationship to be used to remove the link.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the entity specified in the entityId parameter.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the record from which the related records will be disassociated.
+ internal
+ Enables support for the early-bound entity types.
+ Enables support for the early-bound entity types exposed in a specified assembly.
+ Type: Returns_Assembly. An assembly containing early-bound entity types.
+ Executes a message in the form of a request, and returns a response.
+ Type: . You must cast the return value of this method to the specific instance of the response that corresponds to the Request parameter.
+ Type: . An instance of a request class that defines the action to be performed.
+ internal
+ Type: .
+ Retrieves a record.
+ Type: .The requested entity.
+ Type: Returns_Guid. The ID of the record you want to retrieve.
+ Type: . A query that specifies the set of columns, or attributes, to retrieve.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the entity specified in the entityId parameter.
+ internal
+ Type: .
+ Retrieves a collection of records.
+ Type: .A collection of entity records.
+ Type: . A query that determines the set of records to retrieve.
+ internal
+ Type: .
+ Updates an existing record.
+ Type: . An entity instance that has one or more properties set to be updated in the record.
+ internal
+ Gets or sets the ID of the user for whom SDK calls are made on behalf of.
+ Type: Returns_Guid.The ID of the user for whom SDK calls are made on behalf of.
+ Gets or sets the version of the client.
+ Type: Returns_String.The version of the client.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_String.
+ Contains identity provider configuration information specific to pn_MS_Online_Services ID.
+ Gets the endpoint of the User ID identity provider.
+ Type: Returns_URI The endpoint of the User ID identity provider.
+ Gets the name of the identity service.
+ Type: Returns_URIThe name of the identity service.
+ The pn_Windows_Live ID provider that has a trust relationship with the OrgId provider. This is related to the transition of pn_Windows_Live ID organizations to the pn_ms_online_services_environment.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe identifier of the pn_Windows_Live provider.
+ Contains a policy configuration that identifies a Secure Token Service (STS).
+ Gets an identifier of a Secure Token Service (STS) provider.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe identifier of a Secure Token Service (STS) provider.
+ Indicates that the assembly contains early-bound types generated by the CrmSvcUtil utility.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Enables early-bound entity types on a service proxy.
+ Initializes a new instance of the ProxyTypesBehavior class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the ProxyTypesBehavior class using an assembly containing proxy types generated by the CrmSvcUtil utility.
+ Type: Returns_Assembly. An assembly containing proxy types.
+ Refer to the IEndpointBehavior Interfacehttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.servicemodel.description.iendpointbehavior.aspx.
+ Type: Returns_ServiceEndpoint. A service endpoint.
+ Type: Returns_BindingParameterCollection. A collection of binding parameters that store information used by binding elements to build factories.
+ Refer to the IEndpointBehavior Interfacehttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.servicemodel.description.iendpointbehavior.aspx.
+ Type: Returns_ServiceEndpoint. A service endpoint.
+ Type: Returns_ClientRuntime. The insertion point for classes that extend the functionality of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client objects.
+ Refer to the IEndpointBehavior Interfacehttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.servicemodel.description.iendpointbehavior.aspx.
+ Type: Returns_ServiceEndpoint. A service endpoint.
+ Type: Returns_EndpointDispatcher. The run-time object that exposes properties that enable the insertion of run-time extensions or modifications for messages in service applications.
+ Refer to the IEndpointBehavior Interfacehttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.servicemodel.description.iendpointbehavior.aspx.
+ Type: Returns_ServiceEndpoint. A service endpoint.
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Boolean.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_String.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_String.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_String.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_String.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_String.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Boolean.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_String.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_String.
+ Type: Returns_String.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_String.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_String.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_String.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_String.
+ Indicates the name of the message request, represented by the entity, to which the request corresponds.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: Returns_String. Specifies the name of the message request.
+ Gets the name of the message request.
+ Type: Returns_String The name of the message request.
+ Indicates the name of the message response, represented by the entity, to which the response corresponds.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: Returns_String. Specifies the name of the message response.
+ Gets the name of the message response.
+ Type: Returns_String The name of the message response.
+ Describes how the method behaves when an error occurs while updating data in pn_microsoftcrm.
+ The method should continue applying changes to tracked entities in pn_microsoftcrm even if an action fails. Value = 1.
+ The method should throw an exception when an error occurs while updating data in pn_microsoftcrm. Value = 0.
+ Contains a security token response.
+ Initializes a new instance of the SecurityTokenResponse class.
+ Gets or sets the security token request response.
+ Type: Returns_RequestSecurityTokenResponseThe security token request response.
+ Gets or sets the security token.
+ Type: Returns_SecurityTokenThe security token.
+ Represents a communication channel to a pn_microsoftcrm service.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class using a channel factory. internal
+ Type: Returns_ChannelFactory_Generic. A channel factory.
+ Occurs when a service channel transitions into the closed state.
+ Occurs when a service channel transitions into the faulted state.
+ Occurs when a service channel transitions into the opened state.
+ Causes a service channel to transition immediately from its current state into the closing state.
+ Causes a service channel to transition from its current state into the closed state.
+ Creates a new WCF channel.
+ Type: Returns_IOutputChannel or Returns_IRequestChannelThe new WCF channel associated with the service channel.
+ Disposes the service channel.
+ Finalizes the service channel.
+ Inserts processing on a service channel after it transitions to the closing state due to the invocation of a synchronous close operation.
+ Type: . Channel event arguments.
+ Inserts processing on a service channel after it transitions to the faulted state due to the invocation of a synchronous operation.
+ Type: . Channel faulted event arguments.
+ Inserts processing on a service channel after it transitions into the opening state which must complete within a specified interval of time.
+ Type: . Channel event arguments.
+ Causes a service channel to transition from the created state into the opened state.
+ Gets the WCF channel that is associated with the service channel.
+ Type: Returns_IOutputChannel or Returns_IRequestChannel The WCF channel associated with the service channel.
+ Gets the communication object that is associated with the service channel.
+ Type: Returns_ICommunicationObjectThe communication object associated with the service channel.
+ Gets the channel factory associated with the service channel.
+ Type: Returns_ChannelFactory_GenericThe channel factory associated with the service channel.
+ Represents a client factory for creating service configurations.
+ Creates a service configuration.
+ Returns .
+ Specifies the service’s URI.
+ Creates a service management.
+ Returns .
+ Specifies the service’s URI.
+ Contains a dictionary of Returns_ServiceEndpoint objects.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Container class for metadata information about a service.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the errors that occurred during metadata retrieval from the service.
+ Type: Returns_Collection The errors that occurred during metadata retrieval from the service.
+ Gets the service endpoint URIs.
+ Type: The service endpoint URIs.
+ Gets the WSDL metadata for the service.
+ Type: Returns_MetadataSetThe WSDL metadata for the service.
+ Gets the primary and alternate URLs for the service.
+ Type: The primary and alternate URLs for the service.
+ Provides an abstract base class to encapsulate service connection operations and user authentication management.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class using a service configuration and security token response.
+ Type: . A service configuration.
+ Type: . A security token response.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class using a service configuration and client logon credentials.
+ Type: . A service configuration.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentials. The logon credentials of the client.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class using a service management and security token response.
+ Type: . A service management.
+ Type: . A security token response.
+ constructor_initializes class using a service management and client logon credentials.
+ Type: . A service management.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentials. The logon credentials of the client.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class using a service URI, a home realm URI, client logon credentials, and pn_Windows_Live device credentials.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentials. The credentials of a device registered with pn_Windows_Live. Only required when authenticating with pn_CRM_Online, otherwise use null.
+ Type: Returns_URI. The URI of the WS-Trust metadata endpoint of a second ADFS instance.
+ Type: Returns_URI. The URI of the service.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentials. The client’s logon credentials.
+ Occurs when a failover recovery has completed and the organization’s current endpoint has been switched to an alternate endpoint.
+ Occurs when a failover has occurred and a switch from the organization’s current endpoint to an alternate endpoint is required.
+ Occurs when a channel factory is closed.
+ Occurs when a channel factory is faulted.
+ Occurs when a channel factory is opened.
+ Closes the service channel and channel factory if they are open, and then invokes .
+ Authenticates the client with a service.
+ Invokes .
+ Type: A security token response.
+ Authenticates a user in a realm other than the realm that the pn_microsoftcrm server is located in.
+ Type: A security token response.
+ Invokes .
+ Type: A security token response.
+ Authenticates a device with pn_Windows_Live.
+ Type: A security token response.
+ Closes a validated service channel.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean. true if the service channel should be forced to close; otherwise, false.
+ Custom implementation of Dispose that disposes the service channel and channel factory.
+ Custom implementation of Dispose that disposes the service channel and channel factory.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean.
+ Implicitly frees allocated service channel and service factory resources.
+ Event handler virtual method for a channel factory that is in a closed state.
+ Type: . Channel events arguments.
+ Event handler virtual method for a channel factory that is in a faulted state.
+ Type: . Faulted channel event arguments.
+ Event handler virtual method for a channel factory that is in an opened state.
+ Type: . Channel event arguments.
+ The maximum amount of time a single channel operation has to complete before a timeout fault is raised on a service channel binding.
+ Type: Returns_TimeSpan.A send operation timespan.
+ Type: Returns_Binding. The target channel binding.
+ Type: Returns_TimeSpan. An open operation timespan.
+ Type: Returns_TimeSpan.A close operation timespan.
+ Checks a message security exception to determine if a service call should be attempted again.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the service call should be tried again; otherwise, false or null.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>. null if this is the first time the check is performed; otherwise, this is the second time and a retry should not be performed.
+ Type: Returns_MessageSecurityException. The exception to check.
+ Switches the organization’s current endpoint to an alternate endpoint, if one is available.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the switch was successful; otherwise, false.
+ Authenticates the client and creates a new service channel.
+ Gets a WCF channel factory that manages a single channel instance.
+ Type: Returns_ChannelFactory_GenericA WCF channel factory.
+ Gets the login credentials of the client.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentialsThe login credentials of the client.
+ Gets the pn_Windows_Live credentials of a registered device.
+ Type: Returns_ClientCredentialsThe pn_Windows_Live credentials of a registered device..
+ Gets or sets a value that enables automatic switching from the organization’s current endpoint to an alternate endpoint.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue to enable automatic switching from the organization’s current endpoint to an alternate endpoint; otherwise, false.
+ Gets the endpoint switch information from the web service configuration.
+ Type: The endpoint switch information from the web service configuration.
+ Gets the security token response of the home realm.
+ Type: The security token response of the home realm.
+ Gets the home realm URI.
+ Type: Returns_URIThe home realm URI.
+ Gets a value indicating if the WCF channel has been authenticated.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the created WCF channel has been authenticated, otherwise false.
+ Gets the security token response.
+ Type: The security token response.
+ Gets the communication channel used to access a pn_microsoftcrm service.
+ Type: The communication channel used to access a pn_microsoftcrm service.
+ Gets a service configuration.
+ Type: A service configuration.
+ Gets a service management.
+ Type: A service management.
+ Gets or sets the maximum amount of time a single channel operation has to complete before a timeout fault is raised on a service channel binding.
+ Type: Returns_TimeSpanThe maximum amount of time a single channel operation has to complete before a timeout fault is raised on a service channel binding.
+ Gets or sets the UPN that is an Internet-style login name for a user based on the Internet standard RFC 822.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe UPN that is an Internet-style login name for a user based on the Internet standard RFC 822.
+ Contains the primary and alternate endpoints of an organization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the alternate endpoint of an organization.
+ Type: Returns_URI The alternate endpoint of an organization.
+ Gets a value that indicates if the primary endpoint was generated from the alternate endpoint.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the the primary endpoint was generated from the alternate endpoint; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the primary endpoint of an organization.
+ Type: Returns_URIThe primary endpoint of an organization.
+ Defines the kinds of credentials accepted by a security token service.
+ An asymmetric credential token. Value =4.
+ A bearer token. Value = 7.
+ A certificate configured for user identification. Value = 5.
+ A Kerberos credential. Value = 2.
+ No credential endpoint is found. Value = 0.
+ A symmetric credential token. Value = 3.
+ A username and password credential. Value = 1.
+ An integrated Windows authentication credential. Value = 6.
+ Contains a policy configuration that identifies an Active Directory provider.
+ internal
+ internal
+ Initializes a new instance of the ClientInfo class.
+ Gets or sets the type of client that is querying for patches.
+ Type: The type of client that is querying for patches.
+ Gets or sets the pn_microsoftcrm version that the client is running.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe version.
+ Gets or sets the language code for which the client has been configured.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The language code.
+ Gets or sets the version of pn_MS_Office installed on the client machine.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe pn_MS_Office version.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the organization for which the client has been configured.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the organization.
+ Gets or sets the operating system version that the client is running.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe version of the operating system.
+ Gets or sets the list of patches that the client has installed.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe list of patched applied.
+ Gets or sets the pn_microsoftcrm system user ID of the client.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the user.
+ internal
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+ Type: Returns_String
+ Type: Returns_Boolean
+ Type: Returns_String
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+ Type: Returns_String
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ Contains the data that is needed to execute a request and the base class for all discovery service requests.
+ Initializes a new instance of the DiscoveryRequest class.
+ Gets or sets the structure that contains extra data. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Contains the response from the request and is the base class for all discovery service responses.
+ Initializes a new instance of the DiscoveryResponse class.
+ Gets or sets the structure that contains extra data.
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Indicates the type of network access an endpoint has.
+ Default access. The actual access is determined by the endpoint URL. Value = 0.
+ Internet access. Value = 1.
+ Intranet access. Value = 2.
+ A collection of service endpoints.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Identifies the type of service available at an endpoint.
+ The organization data service. Value = 1.
+ The organization service. Value = 0.
+ The Web application service. Value = 2.
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ Provides programmatic access to organization and user information.
+ Executes a discovery service message in the form of a request, and returns a response.
+ Type: . The response from processing the request. You must cast the return value of this method to the specific instance of the response that corresponds to the Request parameter.
+ Type: . A request instance that defines the action to be performed.
+ Provides detailed information on an organization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the OrganizationDetail class.
+ Gets a collection that identifies the service type and address for each endpoint of the organization.
+ Type: The collection that identifies the service type and address for each endpoint of the organization.
+ Gets or sets extra data of the organization.
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObject Extra data of the organization.
+ Gets or sets the friendly name of the organization.
+ Type: Returns_String The friendly name of the organization.
+ Gets or sets global unique identifier of the organization.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe global unique identifier of the organization.
+ Gets or sets the version of the organization.
+ Type: Returns_String The version of the organization.
+ Gets or sets the state of the organization.
+ Type: The state of the organization.
+ Gets or sets the unique name of the organization.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe unique name of the organization.
+ Gets or sets the organization name used in the URL for the organization Web service.
+ Type: Returns_String The organization name used in the URL for the organization Web service.
+ Provides a collection of instances.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Describes the release of an organization.
+ The current release. Value = 0.
+ The pn_CRM_2011 release. Value = 1.
+ Describes the current state of an organization.
+ The organization is disabled. Value = 1.
+ The organization is enabled. Value = 0.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve information about an organization.
+ Initializes a new instance of the RetrieveOrganizationRequest class.
+ Gets or sets the access type of the organization’s service endpoint.
+ Type: The access type.
+ Indicates the applicable version of pn_microsoftcrm.
+ Type: The release to retrieve.
+ Gets or sets the unique name of the organization.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe organization unique name.
+ Contains the response from processing .
+ Initializes a new instance of the RetrieveOrganizationResponse class.
+ Contains detailed information about the target organization.
+ Type: The details about the organization.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve information on all organizations that the logged on user belongs to.
+ Initializes a new instance of the RetrieveOrganizationsRequest class.
+ Gets or sets the access type of the organizations’ service endpoint.
+ Type: The access type of the organizations’ service endpoint.
+ Indicates the applicable version of pn_microsoftcrm.
+ Type: The release to retrieve.
+ Contains the response from processing .
+ Initializes a new instance of the RetrieveOrganizationsResponse class.
+ Contains detailed information about the target organizations.
+ Type: The details about the organization.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the pn_crmv6 or pn_CRM_Online system user ID that is associated with a given identity provider ID.For pn_crmv6 (IFD), the identity provider is typically pn_Active_Directory_Fed_Svc2 (ADFS). For pn_CRM_Online, the identity provider can be pn_Windows_Live_ID or pn_MS_Online_Services.
+ Initializes a new instance of the RetrieveUserIdByExternalIdRequest class.
+ Gets or sets the pn_Windows_Live_ID of the target user.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe external ID of the user to retrieve.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the organization that the target system user is a member of.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the organization that the target system user is a member of.
+ Gets or sets the unique name of the organization that the target system user is a member of.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe unique name of the organization that the target system user is a member of.
+ Gets or sets the release version of the pn_microsoftcrm product.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe release version of the pn_microsoftcrm product.
+ Contains the response from processing .
+ Initializes a new instance of the RetrieveUserIdByExternalIdResponse class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the pn_CRM_Online system user.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the user.
+ Contains the data that is needed to create a link between records.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the collection of entity references (references to records) to be associated. Required.
+ Type:
+The collection of entity references (references to records) to be associated.
+ Get or sets the relationship name to be used for an association. Required.
+ Type: The relationship name to be used for an association.
+ Gets or sets the target that is the record to which the related records are associated. Required.
+ Type:
+The target that is the record to which the related records are associated.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to check whether the specified entity can be the primary entity (one) in a one-to-many relationship.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the logical entity name to check whether it can be the primary entity in a one-to-many relationship. Required.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The logical entity name to check whether it can be the primary entity in a one-to-many relationship. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the result of the request to see whether the entity can be the primary entity (one) in a one-to-many relationship.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the entity can be the primary entity (one) in a one-to-many relationship; otherwise, false.
+ Contains the data that is needed to check whether an entity can be the referencing entity in a one-to-many relationship.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the logical entity name. Required.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The the logical entity name. Required..
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the result of the request to see whether the entity can be the referencing entity (many) in a one-to-many relationship.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the entity can be the referencing entity (many) in a one-to-many relationship.; otherwise, false.
+ Contains the data that is needed to check whether an entity can participate in a many-to-many relationship.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the logical entity name. Required
+ Type: Returns_String
+The logical entity name. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the result of the request to see whether the entity can participate in a many-to-many relationship.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the the entity can participate in a many-to-many relationship.; otherwise, false.
+ Contains the data that is needed to create a new attribute, and optionally, to add it to a specified unmanaged solution.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the definition of the attribute type that you want to create. Required.
+ Type: The definition of the attribute type that you want to create. Required.
+ Gets or sets the name of the entity for which you want to create an attribute. Required.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the entity for which you want to create an attribute. Required.
+ Gets or sets the name of the unmanaged solution to which you want to add this attribute. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the unmanaged solution to which you want to add this attribute. Optional.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the of the attribute that is created.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The of the attribute that is created. This is the unique identifier of the attribute.
+ Contains the data that is needed to create a custom entity, and optionally, to add it to a specified unmanaged solution.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the metadata for the custom entity that you want to create. Required.
+ Type The metadata for the custom entity that you want to create. Required.
+ Gets or sets whether a custom entity is created that has a special relationship to activity entities and is a valid regarding object for the activity. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the custom entity that you create has a special relationship to activity entities; otherwise, false. The default is false.
+ Gets or sets whether the custom entity that is created has a special relationship to the annotation entity. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the custom entity that is created has a special relationship to the annotation entity; otherwise, false. The default is false.
+ Gets or sets the metadata for the primary attribute for the new entity. Required.
+ Type: The metadata for the primary attribute for the new entity. Required..
+ Gets or sets the name of the unmanaged solution to which you want to add this custom entity. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the unmanaged solution to which you want to add this custom entity. Optional.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the of the primary attribute for the newly created entity.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The of the primary attribute for the newly created entity.
+ Gets the of the newly created entity.
+ Type: Returns_Guid
+The of the newly created entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to create a new Many-to-Many (N:N) entity relationship.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the name of the intersect entity to be created for this entity relationship. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the intersect entity to be created for this entity relationship. Required.
+ Gets or sets the definition of the Many-to-Many entity relationship to be created. Required.
+ Type: The definition of the Many-to-Many entity relationship to be created. Required.
+ Gets or sets the name of the unmanaged solution you want to add this many-to-many entity relationship to. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the unmanaged solution you want to add this many-to-many entity relationship to. Optional.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the many-to-many entity relationship that is created.
+ Type: Returns_Guid The ID of the many-to-many entity relationship that is created. This corresponds to the .
+ Contains the data that is needed to create a new One-to-Many (1:N) entity relationship.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the metadata for the lookup field used to store the ID of the related record. Required.
+ Type: The metadata for the lookup field used to store the ID of the related record. Required.
+ Gets or sets the metadata for the relationship. Required.
+ Type: The metadata for the relationship. Required.
+ Gets or sets the name of the unmanaged solution you want to add this one-to-Many entity relationship to. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the unmanaged solution you want to add this one-to-Many entity relationship to. Optional..
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the of the that is created.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe of the that is created..
+ Gets the of the that is created.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe of the that is created..
+ Contains the data that is needed to create a new global option set.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the definition of the global option set. Required.
+ Type: The definition of the global option set. Required.
+ Gets or sets the name of the unmanaged solution you want to add this global option set to. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the unmanaged solution you want to add this global option set to. Optional.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the of the newly created .
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe of the newly created .
+ Contains the data that is needed to create a record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets an instance of an entity that you can use to create a new record. Required.
+ Type:
+The entity instance.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the ID of the newly created record.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the newly created record.
+ Contains the data that is needed to delete an attribute.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the entity that contains the attribute. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the entity that contains the attribute. Required.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the attribute to delete. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the attribute to delete. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to delete an entity.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the entity. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the entity. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to delete a global option set.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets the name of the global option set to delete. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the global option set to delete. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to delete an option value in a global or local option set.
+ constructor_initializes class
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the attribute from which to delete the option value. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the attribute from which to delete the option value. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the entity that contains the attribute. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the entity that contains the attribute. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the name of the option set that contains the value. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the option set that contains the value. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the solution name associated with this option value. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe solution name associated with this option value. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the value of the option to delete. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The value of the option to delete. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to delete an entity relationship.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets the name of the relationship to delete. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the relationship to delete. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to delete a record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the reference to the record that you want to delete. Required.
+ Type:
+The reference to the record that you want to delete.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to delete a link between records.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the collection of entity references (references to records) to be disassociated. Required.
+ Type:
+The collection of entity references (references to records) to be disassociated.
+ Get or sets the name of the relationship to be used for the disassociation. Required.
+ Type:
+The name of the relationship to be used for the disassociation.
+ Gets or sets the target, which is the record from which the related records will be disassociated. Required.
+ Type:
+The target, which is the record from which the related records will be disassociated.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to execute a message asynchronously.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the request to execute asynchronously.
+ Returns The request to execute asynchronously.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the asynchronous job that was started from processing the .
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the asynchronous job.
+ Contains the data that is needed to execute one or more message requests as a single batch operation, and optionally return a collection of results.
+ Initializes a new instance of the .
+ Gets or sets the collection of message requests to execute.
+ Type: The collection of message requests to execute.
+ Gets or sets the settings that define whether execution should continue if an error occurs and if responses for each message request processed are to be returned.
+ Type: Settings that define whether execution should continue if an error occurs and if responses are to be returned.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets a value that indicates if processing at least one of the individual message requests resulted in a fault.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if at least one of the individual message requests resulted in a fault; otherwise, false.
+ Gets the collection of responses.
+ Type: The collection of responses.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a list of all the entities that can participate in a Many-to-Many entity relationship.
+ Initializes a new instance of the GetValidManyToManyRequest class
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets an array of logical entity names that can have many-to-many entity relationships.
+ Type: Returns_String[]An array of logical entity names that can have many-to-many entity relationships.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a list of entity logical names that are valid as the primary entity (one) from the specified entity in a one-to-many relationship.
+ constructor_initializes class
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the entity to get valid referenced entities. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the entity to get valid referenced entities. Optional.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the array of valid entity names that can be the primary entity in a many-to-many relationship.
+ Type: Returns_String[]The array of valid entity names that can be the primary entity in a many-to-many relationship.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the set of entities that are valid as the related entity (many) to the specified entity in a one-to-many relationship.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets the name of the entity that would be the primary entity in the relationship. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the entity that would be the primary entity in the relationship. Optional.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the array of valid entity names that can be the related entity in a many-to-many relationship.
+ Type: Returns_String[]The array of valid entity names that can be the related entity in a many-to-many relationship.
+ Contains the data that is needed to insert a new option value for a global or local option set.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets the name of the attribute when updating a local option set in a picklist attribute. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the attribute when updating a local option set in a picklist attribute. Optional.
+ Gets or sets a description for the option. Optional.
+ Type: A description for the option.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the entity when updating the local option set in a picklist attribute. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the entity when updating the local option set in a picklist attribute. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the label for the option. Required.
+ Type: The label for the option. Required..
+ Gets or sets the name of the global option set. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the global option set. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the unique name of the unmanaged solution when updating a global option set. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe unique name of the unmanaged solution when updating a global option set. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the value for the option. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>The value for the option. Optional.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the option value for the new option.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The option value for the new option.
+ Contains the data that is needed to insert a new option into a attribute.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the status attribute. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the status attribute. Optional.
+ Gets or sets a description for the option. Optional.
+ Type: The description for the option. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the entity that contains the attribute. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the entity that contains the attribute. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the label for the new status. Required.
+ Type: The label for the new status. Required..
+ Reserved for future use. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringReserved for future use. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the solution that this attribute should be added to. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe solution that this attribute should be added to. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the state code for the new status. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The state code for the new status. Required.
+ Gets or sets the value for the new status. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>the value for the new status. Optional.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the option value for the new option.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The option value for the new option.
+ Contains the data that is needed to check if data encryption is currently running (active or inactive).
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets whether data encryption is active or not.
+ Type: Returns_Stringtrue if data encryption is active; otherwise, false.
+ Contains the data that is needed to set the order for an option set.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the attribute. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the attribute. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the entity that contains the attribute. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the entity that contains the attribute. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the name of the global option set you want to edit options for. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the global option set you want to edit options for. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the name of the solution you want to add the solution component to. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the solution you want to add the solution component to. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the array of option values in the wanted order. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The array of option values in the wanted order. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve metadata information about all the entities.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets a filter to control how much data for each entity is retrieved. Required.
+ Type: A filter to control how much data for each entity is retrieved. Required.
+ Gets or sets whether to retrieve the metadata that has not been published. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the metadata that has not been published should be retrieved; otherwise, false.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets an array of instances.
+ Type: []an array of instances..
+ Gets a time stamp that represents the time when the data was retrieved.
+ Type: Returns_StringA time stamp that represents the time when the data was retrieved.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all managed property definitions
+ Initializes a new instance of the RetrieveAllManagedPropertiesRequest class
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets an array of managed property definitions.
+ Type: []An array of managed property definitions.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve information about all global option sets.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets whether to retrieve the metadata that has not been published. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the metadata that has not been published should be retrieved; otherwise, false.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets an array of definitions for each global option set.
+ Type: []An array of definitions for each global option set.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve attribute metadata.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets a column number value to identify an attribute from the Audit.AttributeMask property. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Int32A column number value to identify an attribute from the Audit.AttributeMask property. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the entity that contains the attribute. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the entity that contains the attribute. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the attribute to be retrieved. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the attribute to be retrieved. Optional.
+ The unique identifier for the attribute. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe unique identifier for the attribute. This corresponds to the ..
+ Gets or sets whether to retrieve the metadata that has not been published. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the metadata that has not been published should be retrieved; otherwise, false.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the metadata for the requested attribute.
+ Type: The metadata for the requested attribute.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve the data encryption key value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the encryption key.
+ Type: Returns_String. The value returned is the decrypted data encryption key.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve entity metadata.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a filter to control how much data for the entity is retrieved. Required.
+ Type: a filter to control how much data for the entity is retrieved. Required.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the entity to be retrieved. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the entity to be retrieved. Optional.
+ A unique identifier for the entity. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe A unique identifier for the entity. This corresponds to the . for the entity.
+ Gets or sets whether to retrieve the metadata that has not been published. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the metadata that has not been published should be retrieved; otherwise, false.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the metadata for the requested entity.
+ Type: The metadata for the requested entity.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a managed property definition.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets the name of the managed property. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the managed property. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the ID of the managed property. Required,
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe ID of the managed property. This corresponds to the . for the managed property.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the definition of the managed property.
+ Type: The definition of the managed property.
+ Contains the data that is needed to to retrieve a collection of metadata records that satisfy the specified criteria. The returns a timestamp value that can be used with this request at a later time to return information about how metadata has changed since the last request.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a timestamp value representing when the last request was made.
+ Type: Returns_String
+A timestamp value representing when the last request was made.
+ Gets or sets a value to filter what deleted metadata items will be returned.
+ Type: A value to filter what deleted metadata items will be returned.
+ Gets or sets the query representing the metadata to return.
+ Type:The query representing the metadata to return.
+ Contains the response from the message.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the deleted metadata since the last request.
+ Type: The deleted metadata since the last request.
+ Gets the metadata defined by the request.
+ Type: The metadata defined by the request.
+ Gets a timestamp identifier for the metadata retrieved.
+ Type: Returns_String
+A timestamp identifier for the metadata retrieved..
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a collection of records that satisfy the specified query criteria.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the query criteria for the retrieval. Required.
+ Type: The query criteria for the retrieval.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the collection of records that satisfy the query in the request.
+ Type: The collection of records that satisfy the query in the request.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a global option set.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets the of the to be retrieved. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_GuidThe of the to be retrieved. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the name for the global option set to be retrieved. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_String The name for the global option set to be retrieved.. Optional..
+ Gets or sets whether to retrieve the metadata that has not been published. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the the unpublished metadata should be retrieved; otherwise, false..
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the metadata for the global option set.
+ Type: The metadata for the global option set.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve entity relationship metadata.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets the of the to be retrieved. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Guid The of the to be retrieved. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the unique name for the entity relationship to be retrieved. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe unique name for the entity relationship to be retrieved. Optional..
+ Gets or sets whether to retrieve the metadata that has not been published. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the unpublished metadata should be retrieved; otherwise, false.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the metadata for the entity relationship.
+ Type: The metadata for the entity relationship.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the collection of attributes for which non-null values are returned from a query. Required.
+ Type: The collection of attributes for which non-null values are returned from a query.
+ Gets or sets the query that describes the related records to be retrieved. Optional.
+ Type: The query that describes the related records to be retrieved.
+ Gets or sets the target, which is the record to be retrieved. Required.
+ Type: The target, which is the record to be retrieved.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the specified record from the request.
+ Type: The specified record from the request.
+ Contains the data that is needed to retrieves a time stamp for the metadata.
+ Initializes a new instance of the RetrieveTimestampRequest class
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the time stamp of the metadata.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe time stamp of the metadata.
+ Contains the data that is needed to set or restore the data encryption key.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the operation to perform with the data encryption key.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue indicates to set (change) the data encryption key; otherwise, false indicates to restore the data encryption key.
+ Gets or sets the value of the data encryption key.
+ Type: Returns_String.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to update the definition of an attribute.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets the attribute metadata to be updated. Required.
+ Type: The attribute metadata to be updated. Required.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the entity to which the attribute belongs. Required.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the entity to which the attribute belongs. Required.
+ Gets or sets whether the label metadata will be merged or overwritten. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the label metadata will be merged or overwritten; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the name of the solution to associate the entity with. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the solution to associate the entity with. Optional.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to update the definition of an entity.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets the metadata for the entity. Required.
+ Type: the metadata for the entity. Required.
+ Gets or sets whether the entity will have a special relationship to activity entities and is a valid regarding object for the activity. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the entity will have a special relationship to activity entities and is a valid regarding object for the activity; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether the entity will have a special relationship to the annotation entity. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the entity will have a special relationship to the annotation entity; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether to merge the new labels with any existing labels. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the new labels should be merged with any existing labels; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the unique name of the unmanaged solution that this entity should be associated with. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe unique name of the unmanaged solution that this entity should be associated with. Optional.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to update the definition of a global option set.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets whether the label metadata will be merged or overwritten. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the label metadata will be merged or overwritten; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the metadata for the global option set. Required.
+ Type: the metadata for the global option set. Required.
+ Gets or sets the name of a solution to associate the global option set with. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of a solution to associate the global option set with. Optional.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to update an option value in a global or local option set.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets the name of the attribute when updating a local option set in a picklist attribute. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the attribute when updating a local option set in a picklist attribute. Optional.
+ Gets or sets a description for the option. Optional.
+ Type:The description for the option. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the entity when updating the local option set in a picklist attribute. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the entity when updating the local option set in a picklist attribute. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the label for the option. Optional.
+ Type: The label for the option. Optional.
+ Gets or sets whether to keep text defined for languages not included in the Label. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the text defined for languages not included in the Label is kept; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the name of the global option set. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the global option set. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the name of the unmanaged solution that this global option set should be associated with. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the unmanaged solution that this global option set should be associated with. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the value for the option. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The value for the option. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to update the definition of an entity relationship.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets whether to merge the new labels with any existing labels. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the new labels will be merged with any existing labels; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the relationship metadata to be updated. Required.
+ Type: The relationship metadata to be updated. Required..
+ Gets or sets the unique name of the unmanaged solution that this entity relationship should be associated with. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe unique name of the unmanaged solution that this entity relationship should be associated with. Optional.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to update an existing record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets an instance of an entity that is used to update a record. Required.
+ Type: The entity instance used to update the record.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the data that is needed to update an option set value in for a attribute.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the attribute. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the attribute. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the default value for the statuscode (status reason) attribute when this statecode value is set. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>The default value for the statuscode (status reason) attribute when this statecode value is set. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the description label for the statecode option that is specified in the property. Optional.
+ Type: the description label for the statecode option that is specified in the property. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the name of the entity that has this statecode attribute. Optional.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the entity that has this statecode attribute. Optional.
+ Gets or sets the display label for this statecode option that is specified by the property. Optional.
+ Type: The display label for this statecode option that is specified by the property. Optional.
+ Gets or sets whether to merge the current label with any existing labels that are already specified for this attribute. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if any newly defined labels should only overwrite existing labels when their language code matches; otherwise, false.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Stringinternal
+ Gets or sets the statecode attribute options to update. Required.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The statecode attribute options to update. Required.
+ Contains the response from the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Describes the behavior of the associated menu for a one-to-many relationship.
+ Do not show the associated menu. Value = 2.
+ Use the collection name for the associated menu. Value = 0.
+ Use the label for the associated menu. Value = 1.
+ Defines how the associated records are displayed for an entity relationship.
+ constructor_initializes class.
+ Gets or sets the behavior of the associated menu for an entity relationship.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+One of the enumeration values that specify the behavior of the associated menu for a one-to-many relationship.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the group for the associated menu for an entity relationship.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+One of the enumeration values that specify the group in which to display the associated menu for an entity relationship.
+ Gets or sets the label for the associated menu.
+ Type:
+A string that contains the menu label.
+ Gets or sets the order for the associated menu.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<int>
+An integer that controls the relative position of navigation items in the group.
+ Describes the group in which to display the associated menu for an entity relationship
+ Show the associated menu in the details group. Value = 0.
+ Show the associated menu in the marketing group. Value = 3.
+ Show the associated menu in the sales group. Value = 1.
+ Show the associated menu in the service group. Value = 2.
+ Contains all the metadata for an entity attribute.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: . Sets the type for the attribute.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: . Sets the type for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_String. Sets the schema name of the attribute.
+ Gets the name of that attribute that this attribute extends.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The attribute name.
+ Gets the type for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+The attribute type.
+ Gets the name of the type for the attribute.
+ Type:
+The name of the attribute type.
+ Gets whether field security can be applied to prevent a user from adding data to this attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the field security can be applied; otherwise, false.
+ Gets whether field level security can be applied to prevent a user from viewing data from this attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the field security can be applied; otherwise, false.
+ Gets whether field level security can be applied to prevent a user from updating data for this attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the field security can be applied; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether any settings not controlled by managed properties can be changed.
+ Type: The property that determines whether any settings not controlled by managed properties can be changed.
+ Gets an organization specific id for the attribute used for auditing.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>
+The organization specific id for the attribute used for auditing.
+ Gets the pn_microsoftcrm version that the attribute was deprecated in.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The pn_microsoftcrm version that the attribute was deprecated in.
+ Gets or sets the description of the attribute.
+ Type: The description of the attribute.
+ Gets or sets the display name for the attribute.
+ Type: The display name of the attribute.
+ Gets the logical name of the entity that contains the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The logical name of the entity that contains the attribute.
+ introducedversion
+ Type: Returns_String
+The solution version number when the attribute was created.
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether the attribute is enabled for auditing.
+ Type:
+The property that determines whether the attribute is enabled for auditing.
+ Gets whether the attribute is a custom attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the attribute is a custom attribute; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether the attribute allows customization.
+ Type: The property that determines whether the attribute allows customization.
+ Gets whether the attribute is part of a managed solution.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the attribute is part of a managed solution; otherwise, false.
+ Gets whether the attribute represents the unique identifier for the record.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the attribute is the unique identifier for the record; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether the attribute represents the primary attribute for the entity.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the attribute is primary attribute for the entity; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether the attribute display name can be changed.
+ Type: The property that determines whether the attribute display name can be changed.
+ Gets or sets whether the attribute is secured for field level security.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the attribute is secured for field level security; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether the attribute appears in Advanced Find.
+ Type: The property that determines whether the attribute appears in Advanced Find.
+ Gets whether the value can be set when a record is created.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the value can be set when a record is created; otherwise, false.
+ Gets whether the value can be retrieved.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the value can be retrieved; otherwise, false.
+ Gets whether the value can be updated.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the value can be updated; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets an attribute that is linked between Appointments and Recurring appointments.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Guid>
+The attribute id that is linked between Appointments and Recurring appointments.
+ Gets or sets the logical name for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The logical name for the attribute.
+ Gets or sets the property that determines the data entry requirement level enforced for the attribute.
+ Type: The property that determines the data entry requirement level enforced for the attribute.
+ Gets or sets the schema name for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The schema name for the attribute.
+ Describes the requirement level for an attribute.
+ The attribute is required to have a value. Value = 2.
+ No requirements are specified. Value = 0.
+ It is recommended that the attribute has a value. Value = 3.
+ The attribute is required to have a value. Value = 1.
+ Represents the data to define a property for an attribute.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: .
+ Describes the type of an attribute.
+ A big integer attribute. Value = 0x12.
+ A Boolean attribute. Value = 0.
+ An attribute that contains calendar rules. Value = 0x10.
+ An attribute that represents a customer. Value = 1.
+ A date/time attribute. Value = 2.
+ A decimal attribute. Value = 3.
+ A double attribute. Value = 4.
+ An entity name attribute. Value = 20.
+ An integer attribute. Value = 5.
+ A lookup attribute. Value = 6.
+ A managed property attribute. Value = 0x13.
+ A memo attribute. Value = 7.
+ A money attribute. Value = 8.
+ An owner attribute. Value = 9.
+ A partylist attribute. Value = 10.
+ A picklist attribute. Value = 11.
+ A state attribute. Value = 12.
+ A status attribute. Value = 13.
+ A string attribute. Value = 14.
+ An attribute that is an ID. Value = 15.
+ An attribute that is created by the system at run time. Value = 0x11.
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Contains the metadata for an attribute type BigInt.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_String
+The Schema Name for the attribute.
+ The maximum supported value for this attribute is 9223372036854775807.
+ The minimum supported value for this attribute is -9223372036854775808.
+ Gets or sets the maximum value for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int64>
+The maximum value for the attribute.
+ Gets or sets the minimum value for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int64>
+The minimum value for the attribute.
+ Contains the metadata for an attribute type Boolean.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: The definition of the options
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_String
+The schema name of the attribute.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: The definition of the options
+ Type: Returns_String
+The schema name of the attribute.
+ Gets or sets the default value for a Boolean option set.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>
+The default value for a Boolean option set.
+ Gets or sets the options for a boolean attribute.
+ Type: The definition of the options.
+ Contains the metadata for an attribute of type Boolean.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: The option metadata for the false option.
+ Type: The option metadata for the true option.
+ Gets or sets option displayed when the attribute is false.
+ Type: The option metadata for the false option..
+ Gets or sets option displayed when the attribute is true.
+ Type: The option metadata for the true option..
+ Contains properties representing actions that may be performed on the referenced entity in a one-to-many entity relationship.
+ constructor_initializes class
+ The referenced entity record owner is changed.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+The referenced entity record owner is changed.
+ The referenced entity record is deleted.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+The referenced entity record is deleted.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ The record is merged with another record.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+The record is merged with another record..
+ The value of the referencing attribute in a parental relationship changes. changes.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+The value of the referencing attribute in a parental relationship changes. changes.
+ The referenced entity record is shared with another user.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+The referenced entity record is shared with another user.
+ Sharing is removed for the referenced entity record.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+Sharing is removed for the referenced entity record.
+ Describes the type of behavior for a specific action applied to the referenced entity in a one-to-many entity relationship.
+ Perform the action on all active referencing entity records associated with the referenced entity record. Value = 2.
+ Perform the action on all referencing entity records associated with the referenced entity record. Value = 1.
+ Do nothing. Value = 0.
+ Remove the value of the referencing attribute for all referencing entity records associated with the referenced entity record. Value = 4.
+ Prevent the Referenced entity record from being deleted when referencing entities exist. Value = 5.
+ Perform the action on all referencing entity records owned by the same user as the referenced entity record. Value = 3.
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Returns .
+ Contains the metadata for an attribute of type DateTime.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>.
+The date/time display format.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>.
+The date/time display format.
+ Type: Returns_String.
+The schema name of the attribute.
+ Gets or sets the date/time display format.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+The date/time display format.
+ Gets or sets the input method editor (IME) mode for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+The input method editor mode for the attribute.
+ Gets the maximum supported value for this attribute.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe maximum supported date for this attribute.
+ Gets the minimum supported value for this attribute.
+ Type: Returns_DateTimeThe minimum supported date for this attribute.
+ Describes the formatting of a attribute.
+ Display the date and time. Value = 1.
+ Display the date only. Value = 0.
+ Contains the metadata for an attribute type Decimal.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_String
+The schema name of the attribute.
+ The maximum supported value for Precision is 10.
+ The maximum supported value is 100 Billion.
+ The minimum supported value for Precision is 0.
+ The minimum supported value is -100 Billion.
+ Gets or sets the input method editor (IME) mode for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+The input method editor (IME) mode for the attribute..
+ Gets or sets the maximum value for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Decimal>
+The maximum value for the attribute.
+ Gets or sets the minimum value for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Decimal>
+The minimum value for the attribute.
+ Gets or sets the precision for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>
+The precision for the attribute.
+ Contains the metadata for an attribute type Double.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_String
+The schema name for the attribute.
+ The maximum supported value for Precision is 5.
+ The maximum supported value is 100 billion.
+ The minimum supported value for Precision is 0.
+ The minimum supported value is -100 billion.
+ Gets or sets the input method editor (IME) mode for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+The input method editor (IME) mode for the attribute..
+ Gets or sets the maximum value for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Double>
+The maximum value for the attribute.
+ Gets or sets the minimum value for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Double>
+The minimum value for the attribute.
+ Gets or sets the precision for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>
+The precision for the attribute.
+ Describes the type of entity metadata to retrieve.
+ Use this to retrieve all data for an entity. Value = 15.
+ Use this to retrieve entity information plus attributes for the entity. Value = 2.
+ Use this to retrieve only entity information. Equivalent to EntityFilters.Entity. Value = 1.
+ Use this to retrieve only entity information. Equivalent to EntityFilters.Default. Value = 1.
+ Use this to retrieve entity information plus privileges for the entity. Value = 4.
+ Use this to retrieve entity information plus entity relationships for the entity. Value = 8.
+ Contains the metadata for an entity.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets whether a custom activity should appear in the activity menus in the Web application.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>
+The value indicates whether a custom activity should appear in the activity menus in the Web application.
+ Gets the array of attribute metadata for the entity.
+ Type: []The array of attribute metadata for the entity.
+ Gets or sets whether the entity is enabled for auto created access teams.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the entity will be enabled for auto created access teams; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether to automatically move records to the owner’s default queue when a record of this type is created or assigned.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the record will automatically move to the owner’s default queue when a record of this type is created or assigned; otherwise, false.
+ Gets the property that determines whether the entity can be in a Many-to-Many entity relationship.
+ Type: The property that determines whether the entity can be in a Many-to-Many entity relationship.
+ Gets the property that determines whether the entity can be the referenced entity in a One-to-Many entity relationship.
+ Type: The property that determines whether the entity can be the referenced entity in a One-to-Many entity relationship.
+ Gets the property that determines whether the entity can be the referencing entity in a One-to-Many entity relationship.
+ Type: The property that determines whether the entity can be the referencing entity in a One-to-Many entity relationship.
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether additional attributes can be added to the entity.
+ Type: The property that determines whether additional attributes can be added to the entity.
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether new charts can be created for the entity.
+ Type: The property that determines whether new charts can be created for the entity.
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether new forms can be created for the entity.
+ Type: The property that determines whether new forms can be created for the entity.
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether new views can be created for the entity.
+ Type: The property that determines whether new views can be created for the entity.
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether any other entity properties not represented by a managed property can be changed.
+ Type: The property that determines whether any other entity properties not represented by a managed property can be changed.
+ Gets whether the entity can trigger a workflow process.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the entity can trigger a workflow process; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the label containing the description for the entity.
+ Type: The label containing the description for the entity.
+ Gets or sets the label containing the plural display name for the entity.
+ Type: The label containing the plural display name for the entity.
+ Gets or sets the label containing the display name for the entity.
+ Type The label containing the display name for the entity.
+ Gets whether the entity will enforce custom state transitions.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the entity supports custom status transitions.; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the name of the image web resource for the large icon for the entity.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the image web resource for the large icon for the entity..
+ Gets or sets the name of the image web resource for the medium icon for the entity.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the image web resource for the medium icon for the entity..
+ Gets or sets the name of the image web resource for the small icon for the entity.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the image web resource for the small icon for the entity.
+ introducedversion
+ Type: Returns_String
+A string identifying the solution version that the solution component was added in.
+ Gets or sets whether the entity is an activity.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the entity is an activity; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether the email messages can be sent to an email address stored in a record of this type.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if emails can be sent to an email address stored in a record of this type; otherwise, false.
+ Gets whether the entity uses the updated user interface.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the entity uses the updated user interface; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether auditing has been enabled for the entity.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>The property that determines whether auditing has been enabled for the entity.
+ Gets or sets whether the entity is available offline.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the entity is available offline; otherwise, false.
+ Gets whether the entity is enabled for business process flows.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if; the entity is enabled for business process flows otherwise, false.
+ Gets whether the entity is a child entity.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the entity is a child entity; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether connections are enabled for this entity.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>The property that determines whether connections are enabled for this entity.
+ Gets whether the entity is a custom entity.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the entity is a custom entity; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether the entity is customizable.
+ Type: The property that determines whether the entity is customizable.
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether document management is enabled.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>The property that determines whether document management is enabled..
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether duplicate detection is enabled.
+ Type: The property that determines whether duplicate detection is enabled..
+ Gets whether charts are enabled.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if charts are enabled; otherwise, false.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>internal
+ Gets whether the entity can be imported using the Import Wizard.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the entity can be imported using the Import Wizard; otherwise, false.
+ Gets whether the entity is an intersection table for two other entities.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the entity is an intersection table for two other entities.; otherwise, false
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether mail merge is enabled for this entity.
+ Type: The property that determines whether mail merge is enabled for this entity..
+ Gets whether the entity is part of a managed solution.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the entity is part of a managed solution; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether entity mapping is available for the entity.
+ Type: The property that determines whether entity mapping is available for the entity..
+ Gets or sets the value indicating if the entity is enabled for quick create forms.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the entity is enabled for quick create forms ; otherwise, false.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>internal
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether pn_moca_full users can update data for this entity.
+ Type: The property that determines whether pn_moca_full users can update data for this entity.
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether the entity and can be changed by editing the entity in the application.
+ Type: The property that determines whether the entity and can be changed by editing the entity in the application.
+ Gets whether the entity supports setting custom state transitions.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the entity supports custom status transitions.; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether the entity is will be shown in Advanced Find.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the entity is will be shown in Advanced Find.; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether the entity is enabled for queues.
+ Type: The property that determines whether the entity is enabled for queues.
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether pn_Mobile_Express_long users can see data for this entity.
+ Type: The property that determines whether pn_Mobile_Express_long users can see data for this entity.
+ Gets or sets the property that determines whether pn_moca_full users can see data for this entity.
+ Type: The property that determines whether pn_moca_full users can see data for this entity.
+ Gets or sets the logical name for the entity.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The logical name for the entity.
+ Gets the array of many-to-many relationships for the entity.
+ Type: []the array of many-to-many relationships for the entity.
+ Gets the array of many-to-one relationships for the entity.
+ Returns [].
+ Gets the entity type code.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>
+The entity type code.
+ Gets the array of one-to-many relationships for the entity.
+ Type :[]The array of one-to-many relationships for the entity.
+ Gets or sets the ownership type for the entity.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+The ownership type for the entity..
+ Gets the name of the attribute that is the primary id for the entity.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the attribute that is the primary id for the entity.
+ Gets the name of the primary image attribute for an entity.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the primary image attribute for an entity.
+ Gets the name of the primary attribute for an entity.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the primary attribute for an entity..
+ Gets the privilege metadata for the entity.
+ Returns []The privilege metadata for the entity..
+ Gets the name of the entity that is recurring.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the entity that is recurring.
+ Gets the name of the report view for the entity.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the report view for the entity..
+ Gets or sets the schema name for the entity.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The schema name for the entity.
+ Defines a collection of
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Contains the metadata for an attribute that references an entity.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_String
+The schema name of the attribute.
+ Contains the data for an attribute that provides options.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: The attribute type code.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The schema name for the attribute.
+ Gets or sets the default form value for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>
+The default form value for the attribute..
+ Gets or sets the available options for the attribute.
+ Type: The available options for the attribute.
+ Contains the metadata for an attribute type Image.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The schema name for the attribute.
+ Gets or sets whether the attribute is the primary image for the entity.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the attribute is the primary image for the entity; otherwise, false.
+ Gets the maximum height of the image.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int16>
+The maximum height for the image.
+ Gets the maximum width of the image.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int16>
+The maximum width for the image.
+ Describes the input method editor mode
+ Specifies that the IME mode is active. Value = 2.
+ Specifies that the IME mode is chosen automatically. Value =0.
+ Specifies that the IME mode is disabled. Value = 3.
+ Specifies that the IME mode is inactive. Value = 1.
+ Contains the metadata for an attribute type Integer.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_String
+The schema name for the attribute.
+ The maximum supported value is 2147483647.
+ The minimum supported value is -2147483648.
+ Gets or sets the format options for the integer attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+The format options for the integer attribute.
+ Gets or sets the maximum value for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>
+The maximum value for the attribute.
+ Gets or sets the minimum value for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>
+The minimum value for the attribute.
+ Describes the formatting of an integer attribute.
+ Specifies to display the integer as a drop down list of durations. Value = 1.
+ Specifies the display the integer as a drop down list of installed languages. Value = 3.
+ Specifies a locale. Value = 4.
+ Specifies to display an edit field for an integer. Value = 0.
+ Specifies to display the integer as a drop down list of time zones. Value = 2.
+ Contains the metadata for an attribute of type lookup.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets the target entity types for the lookup.
+ Type: Returns_String[]
+The array of target entity types for the lookup.
+ internal
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Stringinternal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Stringinternal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>internal
+ internal
+ Type: internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ internal
+ Type: internal
+ internal
+ Type: internal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Stringinternal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Stringinternal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>internal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>internal
+ introducedversion
+ Type: Returns_String
+A string identifying the solution version that the solution component was added in.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>internal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>internal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Stringinternal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>internal
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ internal
+ Contains the metadata for a many-to-many entity relationship.
+ constructor_initializes class
+ Gets or sets the associated menu configuration for the first entity.
+ Type: The associated menu configuration for the first entity.
+ Gets or sets the attribute that defines the relationship in the first entity.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The attribute that defines the relationship in the first entity.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the first entity in the relationship.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The logical name of the first entity in the relationship.
+ Gets or sets the associated menu configuration for the second entity.
+ Type: The associated menu configuration for the second entity.
+ Gets or sets the attribute that defines the relationship in the second entity.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The attribute that defines the relationship in the second entity..
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the second entity in the relationship.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The logical name of the second entity in the relationship..
+ Gets or sets the name of the intersect entity for the relationship.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the intersect entity for the relationship..
+ Contains the metadata for the attribute type Memo.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_String
+The schema name of the attribute.
+ The maximum supported length is 1048576.
+ The minimum supported length is 1.
+ Gets or sets the format options for the memo attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+The format options for the memo attribute.
+ Gets or sets the value for the input method editor mode.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+The value for the input method editor mode..
+ Gets or sets the maximum length for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>
+The maximum length for the attribute.
+ Specifies the base class for classes that contains metadata information.
+ constructor_initializes class
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets whether the item of metadata has changed.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if metadata item has changed since the last query; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets a unique identifier for the metadata item.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Guid>
+The unique identifier for the metadata item.
+ Contains the metadata for an attribute type Money.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_String.
+The schema name of the attribute.
+ The maximum supported precision for this attribute is 4.
+ The maximum supported value for this attribute is 922337000000000.
+ The minimum supported precision for this attribute is 0.
+ The minimum supported value for this attribute is -922337000000000.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Stringinternal
+ Gets or sets the input method editor (IME) mode for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+The input method editor (IME) mode for the attribute..
+ Gets or sets the maximum value for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Double>
+The maximum value for the attribute.
+ Gets or sets the minimum value for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Double>
+The minimum value for the attribute.
+ Gets or sets the precision for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>
+The precision for the attribute.
+ Gets or sets the precision source for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>
+The precision source for the attribute.
+ Contains the metadata for a one-to-many entity relationship.
+ constructor_initializes class
+ Gets or sets the associated menu configuration.
+ Type: The associated menu configuration.
+ Gets or sets cascading behaviors for the entity relationship.
+ Type: The cascading behaviors for the entity relationship.
+ Get or set the name of primary attribute for the referenced entity.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of primary attribute for the referenced entity..
+ Get or set the name of the referenced entity.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the referenced entity.
+ Get or set the name of the referencing attribute.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the referencing attribute.
+ Gets or sets the name of the referencing entity.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the referencing entity.
+ Contains metadata representing an option within an Option set.
+ constructor_initializes class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>
+The value of the option.
+ Type: The label containing the text for the option..
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>
+The value of the option.
+ Gets or sets the label containing the description for the option.
+ Type: The label containing the description for the option..
+ Gets whether the option is part of a managed solution.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the option is part of a managed solution.; otherwise, false
+ Gets or sets the label containing the text for the option.
+ Type: The label containing the text for the option..
+ Gets or sets the value of the option.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>
+The value of the option.
+ Contains the options in for the . class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_IList<>. Sets the options for the collection.
+ Contains metadata that defines a set of options.
+ constructor_initializes class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: The options available in the option set.
+ Gets the options available in the option set.
+ Type: The options available in the option set.
+ Contains data that defines a set of options.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets a description for the option set.
+ Type: The description for the option set.
+ Gets or sets a display name for a global option set.
+ Type: The display name for a global option set.
+ introducedversion
+ Type: Returns_String
+A string identifying the solution version that the solution component was added in.
+ Gets or sets a property that determines whether the option set is customizable.
+ Type: The property that determines whether the option set is customizable.
+ Gets or sets whether the option set is a custom option set.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the option set is a custom option set; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether the option set is a global option set.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the option set is a global option set; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether the option set is part of a managed solution.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the option set is part of a managed solution; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the name of a global option set.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of a global option set.
+ Gets or sets the type of option set.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+The type of option set.
+ Indicates the type of option set.
+ The option set provides two options for a attribute. Value = 3.
+ The option set provides a list of options. Value = 0.
+ The option set represents state options for a attribute. Value = 1.
+ The option set represents status options for a attribute. Value = 2.
+ Specifies the type of ownership for an entity.
+ The entity is owned by a business unit. internal Value = 4.
+ The entity is parented by a business unit. internal Value = 16.
+ The entity does not have an owner. internal Value = 0.
+ The entity is owned by an organization. Value = 8.
+ The entity is owned by a team. internalValue = 2.
+ The entity is owned by a system user. Value = 1.
+ Contains the metadata for an attribute type Picklist.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_String
+The schema name of the attribute.
+ Describes the type of operation for the privilege
+ The append privilege. Value = 7.
+ The append to privilege. Value = 8.
+ The assign privilege. Value = 5.
+ The create privilege. Value = 1.
+ The delete privilege. Value = 4.
+ Specifies no privilege. Value = 0.
+ The read privilege. Value = 2.
+ The share privilege. Value = 6.
+ The write privilege. Value = 3.
+ Contains the metadata for an entity relationship.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type:
+The type of relationship.
+ introducedversion
+ Type: Returns_String
+A string identifying the solution version that the solution component was added in.
+ Gets or sets whether the entity relationship is customizable.
+ Type: Whether the entity relationship is customizable.
+ Gets whether the relationship is a custom relationship.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the relationship is a custom relationship; otherwise, false.
+ Gets whether the entity relationship is part of a managed solution.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the entity relationships is part of a managed solution; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets whether the entity relationship should be shown in Advanced Find.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Boolean>true if the entity relationship should be shown in Advanced Find; otherwise, false.
+ Gets the type of relationship.
+ Type:.
+ Gets or sets the schema name for the entity relationship.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The schema name for the entity relationship.
+ Gets or sets the security type for the relationship.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+The security type for the relationship.
+ Specifies the type of entity relationship.
+ The default value. Equivalent to OneToManyRelationship. Value = 0.
+ The entity relationship is a Many-to-Many relationship. Value = 1.
+ The entity relationship is a One-to-Many relationship. Value = 0.
+ Contains the metadata that describes a security privilege for access to an entity.
+ Gets whether the privilege can be basic access level.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the privilege can be basic access level.; otherwise, false.
+ Gets whether the privilege can be deep access level.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the privilege can be deep access level; otherwise, false.
+ Gets whether the privilege can be global access level.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the privilege can be global access level; otherwise, false.
+ Gets whether the privilege can be local access level.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the privilege can be local access level; otherwise, false.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets the name of the privilege.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the privilege.
+ Gets the ID of the privilege.
+ Type: Returns_Guid The ID of the privilege.
+ Gets the type of the privilege.
+ Type: The type of the privilege.
+ Describes the security type for the relationship.
+ The and privileges are checked for create or update operations. Value = 1.
+ The referencing entity record inherits security from the referenced security record. Value = 8.
+ No security privileges are checked during create or update operations. Value = 0.
+ Security for the referencing entity record is derived from the referenced entity record. Value = 2.
+ Security for the referencing entity record is derived from a pointer record. Value = 4.
+ Contains the metadata for an attribute of type State.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Contains data to define an option for the options in a State attribute.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Gets or sets the default status value associated with this state.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>
+The default status value associated with this state.
+ Gets or sets the name of the state that does not change.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the state that does not change.
+ Contains the metadata for an attribute of type Status.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Contains one of the possible values for an attribute of type Status.
+ constructor_initializes class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>.
+The state of the option.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+The value of the option.
+ Gets or sets the state that this status is associated with.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<Returns_Int32>
+The state that this status is associated with.
+ Gets or sets the status transitions allowed for this status.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The encoded XML document that defines the allowed transitions.
+ Contains the metadata for an attribute of type String.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Initializes a new instance of the class
+ Type: Returns_String.
+The schema name of the attribute to create.
+ The maximum supported length is 4000 characters.
+ The minimum supported length is 1 character.
+ Gets or sets the format for the string
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+The format of the string attribute.
+ Gets or sets the format for the string.
+ Type: The format for the string attribute.
+ Gets or sets the IME mode for the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<>
+The input method editor mode.
+ Gets or sets the maximum length for the string.
+ Type: Returns_Nullable<int>
+The maximum length.
+ internal
+ Type: Returns_Stringinternal
+ deprecated Describes the formatting of a string attribute for the . property.
+ Specifies to display the string as an e-mail. Value = 0.
+ internal
+ Specifies to display the string as a phonetic guide. Value = 5.
+ Specifies to display the string as text. Value = 1.
+ Specifies to display the string as a text area. Value = 2.
+ Specifies to display the string as a ticker symbol. Value = 4.
+ Specifies to display the string as a URL. Value = 3.
+ Specifies to display the string as a version number. Value = 6.
+ Specifies the format of a attribute using the property.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Specifies to display the as an email address.
+ Specifies to display the as an phone number.
+ Specifies to display the as an phonetic guide.
+ Specifies to display the as text.
+ Specifies to display the as a text area.
+ Specifies to display the as a ticker symbol.
+ Specifies to display the as a URL.
+ Specifies to display the as a version number.
+ Determines whether two instances are equal.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the specified is equal to the object; otherwise, false.
+ Type: Returns_Object. The to compare with the current .
+ Returns a hash code value for this type.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The hash code for the current StringFormatName.
+ Indicates whether two StringFormatName instances are the same.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the values of stringFormatA and stringFormatB are the same; otherwise, false.
+ Type: . Specifies a StringFormatName.
+ Type: . Specifies a StringFormatName.
+ Converts a string into a
+ Type: A that represents the converted Returns_String.
+ Type: Returns_String. Specifies a StringFormatName.
+ Indicates whether two StringFormatName instances are different.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the values of stringFormatA and stringFormatB are different; otherwise, false.
+ Type: . Specifies a StringFormatName.
+ Type: . Specifies a StringFormatName.
+ Defines a complex query to retrieve attribute metadata for entities retrieved using an
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ The structure used to return deleted metadata.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ An enumeration that specifies the type of deleted metadata to retrieve.
+ All deleted metadata. Value = 31.
+ Deleted Attribute metadata. Value = 2.
+ The value used if not set. Equals
+ Deleted Entity metadata. Value = 1.
+ Deleted Label metadata. Value = 8.
+ Deleted OptionSet metadata. Value = 16.
+ Deleted Relationship metadata. Value = 4.
+ Defines a complex query to retrieve entity metadata.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets a query expression for the entity attribute metadata to return.
+ Type: .
+ Gets or sets a query expression for the labels to return.
+ Type:.
+ Gets or sets a query expression for the entity relationship metadata to return.
+ Type:.
+ Defines the languages for the labels to be retrieved for metadata items that have labels.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets the LCID values for localized labels to be retrieved for metadata items.
+ Type <Returns_Int32>The LCID values for localized labels to be retrieved for metadata items.
+ When this optional parameter is set to 1, the query will include labels for the base language if the label for the requested language is not there.
+ Type: Returns_Int32.
+ Contains a condition expression used to filter the results of the metadata query.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: . The condition operator.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the metadata property in the condition expression.
+ Type: Returns_Object The value for the metadata property.
+ Gets or sets the condition operator.
+ Type: . The condition operator.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the name of the metadata property in the condition expression.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the metadata property in the condition expression.
+ Gets or sets the value for the metadata property.
+ Type: Returns_Object The value for the metadata property.
+ Describes the type of comparison for two values in a metadata condition expression.
+ The values are compared for equality. Value = 0.
+ The value is greater than the compared value. Value = 4.
+ The value exists in a list of values. Value = 2.
+ The value is less than the compared value. Value = 5.
+ The two values are not equal. Value = 1.
+ The given value is not matched to a value in a list. Value = 3.
+ Specifies complex condition and logical filter expressions used for filtering the results of a metadata query.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: . The filter operator
+ Gets condition expressions that include metadata properties, condition operators and values.
+ Type: <>The collection of metadata condition expressions.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the logical AND/OR filter operator.
+ Type: The filter operator.
+ Gets a collection of logical filter expressions that filter the results of the metadata query.
+ Type: <>.
+ Specifies the properties for which non-null values are returned from a query.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: Returns_String[]. The strings representing the metadata properties to retrieve.
+ Gets or sets whether to retrieve all the properties of a metadata object.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue to specify to retrieve all metadata object properties; false to retrieve only specified metadata object properties.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets a collection of strings representing the metadata properties to retrieve.
+ Type: <Returns_String> The collection of strings representing the metadata properties to retrieve.
+ Represents the abstract base class for constructing a metadata query.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Represents the abstract base class for constructing a metadata query.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the filter criteria for the metadata query.
+ Returns The filter criteria for the metadata query.
+ Gets or sets the properties to be returned by the query.
+ Returns The properties to be returned by the query.
+ Defines a complex query to retrieve entity relationship metadata for entities retrieved using an
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Specifies the attributes for which non-null values are returned from a query.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the property.
+ Type: Returns_Boolean. A Boolean that specifies whether to retrieve all attributes of a record.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the property.
+ Type: Returns_String[]. Specifies an array of Strings containing the names of the attributes.
+ Adds the specified attribute to the column set.
+ Type: Returns_String. Specifies a String containing the name of the attribute.
+ Adds the specified attribute to the column set.
+ Type: Returns_String[]. Specifies an array of Strings containing the names of the attributes.
+ Gets or sets whether to retrieve all the attributes of a record.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue to specify to retrieve all attributes; false to to retrieve only specified attributes.
+ Gets the collection of Strings containing the names of the attributes to be retrieved from a query.
+ Type: Returns_ICollection_Generic
+The collection of attribute names to return from a query.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Contains a condition expression used to filter the results of the query.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the attribute name and condition operator.
+ Type: . The condition operator.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the attribute in the condition expression.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the attribute name, condition operator and a collection of values.
+ Type: . The condition operator.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the attribute in the condition expression.
+ Type: Returns_ICollection. The collection of attribute values.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the attribute name, condition operator and value object.
+ Type: . The condition operator.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the attribute in the condition expression.
+ Type: Returns_Object. The attribute value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the attribute name, condition operator and an array of value objects.
+ Type: . The condition operator.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the attribute in the condition expression.
+ Type: Returns_Object[]. The array of attribute values.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: . The condition operator.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the attribute in the condition expression.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the entity in the condition expression.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: . The condition operator.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the attribute in the condition expression.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the entity in the condition expression.
+ Type: Returns_Object. The attribute value.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: . The condition operator.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the attribute in the condition expression.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the entity in the condition expression.
+ Type: Returns_Object[]. The array of attribute values.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the attribute in the condition expression.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The logical name of the attribute in the condition expression.
+ Gets or sets the entity name for the condition.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe name of the entity.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the condition operator.
+ Type:
+The condition operator.
+ Gets or sets the values for the attribute.
+ Type: <Returns_Object>The attribute values.
+ Describes the type of comparison for two values (or expressions) in a condition expression.
+ The string occurs at the beginning of another string. Value = 0x36.
+ The value is between two values. Value = 10.
+ internal
+ The string contains another string. Value = 0x31.
+ The string does not begin with another string. Value = 0x37.
+ The string does not contain another string. Value = 50.
+ The string does not end with another string. Value = 0x39.
+ The string ends with another string. Value = 0x38.
+ The values are compared for equality. Value = 0.
+ The value is equal to the specified business ID. Value = 0x2b.
+ The value is equal to the specified user ID. Value = 0x29.
+ The value is equal to the language for the user. Value = 0x33.
+ The record is owned by a user or teams that the user is a member of. Value = 0x4a.
+ The record is owned by teams that the user is a member of. Value = 0x49.
+ The value is greater than or equal to the compared value. Value = 4.
+ The value is greater than the compared value. Value = 2.
+ TheThe value exists in a list of values. Value = 8.
+ The value is within the specified fiscal period. Value = 0x45.
+ The value is within the specified fiscal period and year. Value = 70.
+ The value is within the specified year. Value = 0x44.
+ The value is within or after the specified fiscal period and year. Value = 0x48.
+ The value is within or before the specified fiscal period and year. Value = 0x47.
+ The value is within the last seven days including today. Value = 0x11.
+ The value is within the last fiscal period. Value = 0x3f.
+ The value is within the last fiscal year. Value = 0x3e.
+ The value is within the last month including first day of the last month and last day of the last month. Value = 0x16.
+ The value is within the previous week including Sunday through Saturday. Value = 0x13.
+ The value is within last X days. Value = 0x21.
+ The value is within the last X (specified value) fiscal periods. Value = 0x41.
+ The value is within the last X (specified value) fiscal periods. Value = 0x40.
+ The value is within the last X hours. Value = 0x1f.
+ The value is within the last X (specified value) months. Value = 0x25.
+ The value is within the last X (specified value) weeks. Value = 0x23.
+ The value is within the last X years. Value = 0x27.
+ The value is within the previous year. Value = 0x1c.
+ The value is less than or equal to the compared value. Value = 5.
+ The value is less than the compared value. Value = 3.
+ The character string is matched to the specified pattern. Value = 6.
+ The value is found in the specified bit-mask value. Value = 0x2e.
+ Internal Value = 0x30.
+ The value is within the next seven days. Value = 0x12.
+ The value is within the next fiscal period. Value = 0x3d.
+ The value is within the next fiscal year. Value = 60.
+ The value is within the next month. Value = 0x18.
+ The value is within the next week. Value = 0x15.
+ The value is within the next X (specified value) days. Value = 0x22.
+ The value is within the next X (specified value) fiscal period. Value = 0x43.
+ The value is within the next X (specified value) fiscal years. Value = 0x42.
+ The value is within the next X (specified value) hours. Value = 0x20.
+ The value is within the next X (specified value) months. Value = 0x26.
+ The value is within the next X weeks. Value = 0x24.
+ The value is within the next X years. Value = 40.
+ The value is within the next year. Value = 30.
+ The value is not between two values. Value = 11.
+ The two values are not equal. Value = 1.
+ The value is not equal to the specified business ID. Value = 0x2c.
+ The value is not equal to the specified user ID. Value = 0x2a.
+ The given value is not matched to a value in a subquery or a list. Value = 9.
+ The character string does not match the specified pattern. Value = 7.
+ The value is not found in the specified bit-mask value. Value = 0x2f.
+ The value is not null. Value = 13.
+ The value is not on the specified date. Value = 0x34.
+ The value is null. Value = 12.
+ The value is older than the specified number of months. Value = 0x35.
+ The value is on a specified date. Value = 0x19.
+ The value is on or after a specified date. Value = 0x1b.
+ The value is on or before a specified date. Value = 0x1a.
+ The value is within the current fiscal period. Value = 0x3b.
+ The value is within the current fiscal year . Value = 0x3a.
+ The value is within the current month. Value = 0x17.
+ The value is within the current week. Value = 20.
+ The value is within the current year. Value = 0x1d.
+ The value equals today’s date. Value = 15.
+ The value equals tomorrow’s date. Value = 0x10.
+ The value equals yesterday’s date. Value = 14.
+ Contains a query expressed in FetchXML.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: Returns_String. The FetchXML query string.
+ Gets or sets the FetchXML query string.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe FetchXML query string.
+ Specifies complex condition and logical filter expressions used for filtering the results of the query.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: . The filter operator.
+ Adds a condition to the filter expression setting the condition expression.
+ Type: . Specifies the condition expression to be added.
+ Adds a condition to the filter expression setting the attribute name, condition operator, and value array.
+ Type: . The enumeration type.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_Object[]. The array of values to add.
+ Adds a condition to the filter expression setting the entity name, attribute name, condition operator, and value array.
+ Type: . The enumeration type.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the attribute.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the entity.
+ Type: Returns_Object[]. The array of values to add.
+ Adds a child filter to the filter expression.
+ Type: . The filter to be added.
+ Adds a child filter to the filter expression setting the logical operator.
+ Type:
+The new filter expression.
+ Type: . The enumeration type.
+ Gets condition expressions that include attributes, condition operators, and attribute values.
+ Type: <>
+The collection of condition expressions.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the logical AND/OR filter operator.
+ Type: The filter operator.
+ Gets a collection of condition and logical filter expressions that filter the results of the query.
+ Type: <>The collection of filters.
+ Gets or sets whether the expression is part of a quick find query.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the filter is part of a quick find query; otherwise, false.
+ Contains the possible values for a join operator in a .
+ The values in the attributes being joined are compared using a comparison operator. Value = 0.
+ All instances of the entity in the FROM clause are returned if they meet WHERE or HAVING search conditions. Value = 1.
+ Only one value of the two joined attributes is returned if an equal-join operation is performed and the two values are identical. Value = 0.
+ Specifies the links between multiple entity types used in creating complex queries.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the required properties.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the attribute to link to.
+ Type: . The join operator.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the entity to link from.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the entity to link to.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the attribute to link from.
+ Adds a link, setting the link to entity name, the link from attribute name and the link to attribute name.
+ Type: The link entity that was created.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the attribute to link to.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the entity to link to.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the attribute to link from.
+ Adds a link setting the link to entity name, the link from attribute name, the link to attribute name, and the join operator.
+ Type: The link entity that was created.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the attribute to link to.
+ Type: . The join operator.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the entity to link to.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the attribute to link from.
+ Gets or sets the column set.
+ Type: The set of columns (fields) to be returned for the query.
+ Gets or sets the alias for the entity.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The alias for the entity.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the join operator.
+ Type: The join operator.
+ Gets or sets the complex condition and logical filter expressions that filter the results of the query.
+ Type: The complex condition and logical filter expressions that filter the results of the query.
+ Gets the links between multiple entity types.
+ Type: <>The collection of links between entities.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the attribute of the entity that you are linking from.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The logical name of the attribute of the entity that you are linking from.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the entity that you are linking from.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The logical name of the entity that you are linking from.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the attribute of the entity that you are linking to.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The logical name of the attribute of the entity that you are linking to.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the entity that you are linking to.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The logical name of the entity that you are linking to.
+ Contains the possible values for an operator in a .
+ A logical AND operation is performed. Value = 0.
+ A logical OR operation is performed. Value = 1.
+ Sets the order in which the entity instances are returned from the query.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the attribute name and the order type.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the attribute.
+ Type: . The order, ascending or descending.
+ Gets or sets the name of the attribute in the order expression.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The name of the attribute in the order expression.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the order, ascending or descending.
+ Returns The order, ascending or descending.
+ Contains the possible values for the order type in an .
+ The values of the specified attribute should be sorted in ascending order, from lowest to highest. Value = 0.
+ The values of the specified attribute should be sorted in descending order, from highest to lowest. Value = 1.
+ Specifies a number of pages and a number of entity instances per page to return from the query.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Gets or sets the number of entity instances returned per page.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The number of entity instances returned per page.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Gets or sets the number of pages returned from the query.
+ Type: Returns_Int32
+The number of pages returned from the query.
+ Gets or sets the info used to page large result sets.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The info used to page large result sets.
+ Sets whether the total number of records should be returned from the query.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the should be set when the query is executed; otherwise, false.
+ Represents the abstract base class for constructing a query.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ ExtensionData
+ Type: Returns_ExtensionDataObjectThe extension data.
+ Contains a query that is expressed as a set of attribute and value pairs.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the entity to query.
+ Adds an attribute value to the attributes collection.
+ Type: Returns_Object. The attribute value.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the attribute.
+ Adds an order to the orders collection.
+ Type: Returns_String. The logical name of the attribute.
+ Type: . The order for that attribute.
+ Gets the set of attributes selected in the query.
+ Type: <Returns_String>
+The collection of attributes selected in the query.
+ Gets or sets the column set.
+ Type: The set of columns (fields) to be returned, used collection.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the entity to query.
+ Type: Returns_StringThe logical name of the entity.
+ Gets the order in which the entity instances are returned from the query.
+ Type: <>A collection that defines the order in which the entity instances are returned from the query.
+ Gets or sets the number of pages and the number of entity instances per page returned from the query.
+ Type: The number of pages and the number of entity instances per page returned from the query.A query can contain either or property values. If both are specified, an error will be thrown.
+ Gets or sets the number of rows to be returned.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The number of rows to be returned.
+ Gets the attribute values to look for when the query is executed.
+ Type: <Returns_Object>A collection that defines the attribute values to look for when the query is executed.
+ Contains a complex query expressed in a hierarchy of expressions.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class setting the entity name.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the entity.
+ Adds the specified link to the query expression setting the entity name to link to, the attribute name to link from and the attribute name to link to.
+ Type: The link entity instance created and added to the query expression.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the attribute to link to.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of entity to link from.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the attribute to link from.
+ Adds the specified link to the query expression setting the entity name to link to, the attribute name to link from and the attribute name to link to.
+ Type: The link entity instance created and added to the query expression.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the attribute to link to.
+ Type: . The join operator.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of entity to link from.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the attribute to link from.
+ Adds the specified order expression to the query expression.
+ Type: Returns_String. The name of the attribute.
+ Type: . The order type.
+ Gets or sets the columns to include.
+ Type: The set of columns to return in the query results.
+ Gets or sets the complex condition and logical filter expressions that filter the results of the query.
+ Type: The query condition and filter criteria.
+ Gets or sets whether the results of the query contain duplicate entity instances.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if the results of the query contain duplicate entity instances; otherwise, false.
+ Gets or sets the logical name of the entity.
+ Type: Returns_String
+The logical name of the primary entity for the query.
+ Gets a collection of the links between multiple entity types.
+ Type: <>The collection of links between entities for the query.
+ Gets or sets a value that indicates that no shared locks are issued against the data that would prohibit other transactions from modifying the data in the records returned from the query.
+ Type: Returns_Booleantrue if there are no shared locks are issued against the data that would prohibit other transactions from modifying the data in the records returned from the query; otherwise, false.
+ Gets the order in which the entity instances are returned from the query.
+ Type: <>The order expression that defines the order in which the entity instances are returned from the query.
+ Gets or sets the number of pages and the number of entity instances per page returned from the query.
+ Type: The number of pages and the number of entity instances per page returned from the query.A query can contain either or property values. If both are specified, an error will be thrown.
+ Gets or sets the number of rows to be returned.
+ Type: Returns_Int32The number of rows to be returned.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/Keys/Xrm.Framework.CI.snk b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/Keys/Xrm.Framework.CI.snk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4cbe46a9
Binary files /dev/null and b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Lib/Keys/Xrm.Framework.CI.snk differ
diff --git a/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Package.ps1 b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Package.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf30aa11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Package.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+$version = ""
+Write-Host "Packaging xRM CI Framework $version"
+$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
+#Script Location
+$scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
+Write-Host "Script Path: $scriptPath"
+$CIFrameworkPackagesDir = $scriptPath + "\Packages"
+$CIFrameworkTempDir = $CIFrameworkPackagesDir + "\Temp"
+$CIFrameworkRootDir = $CIFrameworkTempDir + "\xRMCIFramework"
+$CIPowerShellDir = $CIFrameworkRootDir + "\PowerShell"
+$CIBuildTemplatesDir = $CIFrameworkRootDir + "\BuildTemplates"
+$CIBuildCustomAssembliesDir = $CIBuildTemplatesDir + "\CustomAssemblies"
+$xRMCIFrameworkPackageName = "xRMCIFramework_" + $version + ".zip"
+$xRMCIFrameworkPackagePath = $CIFrameworkPackagesDir + "\" + $xRMCIFrameworkPackageName
+if (Test-Path $CIFrameworkTempDir)
+ Remove-Item $CIFrameworkTempDir -Force -Recurse
+if (Test-Path $xRMCIFrameworkPackagePath)
+ Remove-Item $xRMCIFrameworkPackagePath -Force -Recurse
+New-Item $CIFrameworkTempDir -ItemType directory
+New-Item $CIFrameworkRootDir -ItemType directory
+New-Item $CIPowerShellDir -ItemType directory
+New-Item $CIBuildTemplatesDir -ItemType directory
+New-Item $CIBuildCustomAssembliesDir -ItemType directory
+Copy-Item ($scriptPath + "\Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell\bin\Release\microsoft.xrm.client.dll") $CIPowerShellDir -Force -Recurse
+Copy-Item ($scriptPath + "\Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell\bin\Release\microsoft.xrm.sdk.dll") $CIPowerShellDir -Force -Recurse
+Copy-Item ($scriptPath + "\Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell\bin\Release\microsoft.crm.sdk.proxy.dll") $CIPowerShellDir -Force -Recurse
+Copy-Item ($scriptPath + "\Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell\bin\Release\Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell.dll") $CIPowerShellDir -Force -Recurse
+Copy-Item ($scriptPath + "\Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell\bin\Release\*.ps1") $CIPowerShellDir -Force -Recurse
+Copy-Item ($scriptPath + "\Xrm.Framework.CI.TeamFoundation.Activities\bin\Release\microsoft.xrm.client.dll") $CIBuildCustomAssembliesDir -Force -Recurse
+Copy-Item ($scriptPath + "\Xrm.Framework.CI.TeamFoundation.Activities\bin\Release\microsoft.xrm.sdk.dll") $CIBuildCustomAssembliesDir -Force -Recurse
+Copy-Item ($scriptPath + "\Xrm.Framework.CI.TeamFoundation.Activities\bin\Release\microsoft.xrm.sdk.deployment.dll") $CIBuildCustomAssembliesDir -Force -Recurse
+Copy-Item ($scriptPath + "\Xrm.Framework.CI.TeamFoundation.Activities\bin\Release\microsoft.crm.sdk.proxy.dll") $CIBuildCustomAssembliesDir -Force -Recurse
+Copy-Item ($scriptPath + "\Xrm.Framework.CI.TeamFoundation.Activities\bin\Release\CustomActivitiesAndExtensions.xml") $CIBuildCustomAssembliesDir -Force -Recurse
+Copy-Item ($scriptPath + "\Xrm.Framework.CI.TeamFoundation.Activities\bin\Release\Xrm.Framework.CI.TeamFoundation.Activities.dll") $CIBuildCustomAssembliesDir -Force -Recurse
+Copy-Item ($scriptPath + "\Xrm.Framework.CI.TeamFoundation.Templates\DynamicsCRM2013ReleaseTfvcTemplate.12.xaml") $CIBuildTemplatesDir -Force -Recurse
+[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName( "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem" )
+$compressionLevel = [System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel]::Optimal
+[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory( $CIFrameworkRootDir, $xRMCIFrameworkPackagePath, $compressionLevel, $false )
+Remove-Item $CIFrameworkTempDir -Force -Recurse
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Packages/readme.txt b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Packages/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a487ba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Packages/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Run .\Packages.ps1 to generate the xRM CI Framework package in this folder
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Packages/xRMCIFramework_6.1.0.0.zip b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Packages/xRMCIFramework_6.1.0.0.zip
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6cc12ec8
Binary files /dev/null and b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Packages/xRMCIFramework_6.1.0.0.zip differ
diff --git a/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell/AddXrmEntityCommand.cs b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell/AddXrmEntityCommand.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..844ad153
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell/AddXrmEntityCommand.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Management.Automation;
+using Microsoft.Xrm.Client;
+using Microsoft.Xrm.Client.Services;
+using Xrm.Framework.CI.Common;
+using Xrm.Framework.CI.Common.Entities;
+using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
+namespace Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell
+ [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Add, "XrmEntity")]
+ public class AddXrmEntityCommand : Cmdlet
+ {
+ #region Parameters
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = true)]
+ public string ConnectionString
+ {
+ get { return connectionString; }
+ set { connectionString = value; }
+ }
+ private string connectionString;
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = true)]
+ public Entity EntityObject
+ {
+ get { return entityObject; }
+ set { entityObject = value; }
+ }
+ private Entity entityObject;
+ #endregion
+ #region Process Record
+ protected override void ProcessRecord()
+ {
+ base.ProcessRecord();
+ base.WriteVerbose(string.Format("Creating Entity: {0}", EntityObject));
+ CrmConnection connection = CrmConnection.Parse(connectionString);
+ using (OrganizationService service = new OrganizationService(connection))
+ {
+ Guid id = service.Create(EntityObject);
+ base.WriteObject(id);
+ base.WriteVerbose(string.Format("Entity Created: {0}", EntityObject));
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ }
diff --git a/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell/DeployPackage.ps1 b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell/DeployPackage.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b505bb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell/DeployPackage.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
+Write-Host "AuthenticationType: $AuthenticationType"
+Write-Host "Username: $Username"
+Write-Host "Password: $Password"
+Write-Host "ServerUrl: $ServerUrl"
+Write-Host "OrganizationName: $OrganizationName"
+Write-Host "DeploymentRegion: $DeploymentRegion"
+Write-Host "OnlineType: $OnlineType"
+Write-Host "HomRealmURL: $HomRealmURL"
+Write-Host "PackageName: $PackageName"
+Write-Host "PackageDirectory: $PackageDirectory"
+#Script Location
+$scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
+Write-Host "Script Path: $scriptPath"
+#Load XRM Tooling
+Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector
+Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.PackageDeployment
+#Create Credentials
+$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force
+$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($Username, $SecPassword)
+#Create Connection
+ "AD" { $CRMConn = Get-CrmConnection -ServerUrl $ServerUrl -OrganizationName $OrganizationName -Credential $Cred }
+ "Claims" { $CRMConn = Get-CrmConnection -ServerUrl $ServerUrl -OrganizationName $OrganizationName -Credential $Cred –HomRealmURL $HomRealmURL}
+ "IFD" { $CRMConn = Get-CrmConnection -ServerUrl $ServerUrl -OrganizationName $OrganizationName -Credential $Cred }
+ "Live" { $CRMConn = Get-CrmConnection -Credential $Cred -DeploymentRegion $DeploymentRegion –OnlineType $OnlineType –OrganizationName $OrganizationName }
+ "Office365" { $CRMConn = Get-CrmConnection -Credential $Cred -DeploymentRegion $DeploymentRegion –OnlineType $OnlineType –OrganizationName $OrganizationName }
+#Deploy Package
+Import-CrmPackage –CrmConnection $CRMConn –PackageDirectory $PackageDirectory –PackageName $PackageName -Verbose
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell/DynamicsCRMTemplateBuildScript.ps1 b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell/DynamicsCRMTemplateBuildScript.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce78842e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell/DynamicsCRMTemplateBuildScript.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
+Write-Host "EnableSolutionExport: $EnableSolutionExport"
+Write-Host "CrmConnectionString: $CrmConnectionString"
+Write-Host "SolutionUpdateSetVersionToBuild: $SolutionUpdateSetVersionToBuild"
+Write-Host "PublishCustomizations: $PublishCustomizations"
+Write-Host "SolutionName: $SolutionName"
+Write-Host "SolutionExportPackageType: $SolutionExportPackageType"
+Write-Host "ExportSolutionOutputPath: $ExportSolutionOutputPath"
+Write-Host "ExportIncludeVersionInSolutionName: $ExportIncludeVersionInSolutionName"
+Write-Host "ExportAutoNumberingSettings: $ExportAutoNumberingSettings"
+Write-Host "ExportCalendarSettings: $ExportCalendarSettings"
+Write-Host "ExportCustomizationSettings: $ExportCustomizationSettings"
+Write-Host "ExportEmailTrackingSettings: $ExportEmailTrackingSettings"
+Write-Host "ExportGeneralSettings: $ExportGeneralSettings"
+Write-Host "ExportIsvConfig: $ExportIsvConfig"
+Write-Host "ExportMarketingSettings: $ExportMarketingSettings"
+Write-Host "ExportOutlookSynchronizationSettings: $ExportOutlookSynchronizationSettings"
+Write-Host "ExportRelationshipRoles: $ExportRelationshipRoles"
+Write-Host "EnableSolutionPack: $EnableSolutionPack"
+Write-Host "SolutionPackSetVersionToBuild: $SolutionPackSetVersionToBuild"
+Write-Host "CheckInUpdatedSolutionFile: $CheckInUpdatedSolutionFile"
+Write-Host "LocalSolutionPackagerFile: $LocalSolutionPackagerFile"
+Write-Host "LocalSolutionPackagerFilesFolder: $LocalSolutionPackagerFilesFolder"
+Write-Host "LocalSolutionPackagerMappingFile: $LocalSolutionPackagerMappingFile"
+Write-Host "SolutionPackPackageType: $SolutionPackPackageType"
+Write-Host "SolutionPackOutputPath: $SolutionPackOutputPath"
+Write-Host "PackIncludeVersionInSolutionName: $PackIncludeVersionInSolutionName"
+Write-Host "TfCommand: $TfCommand"
+#TFS Build Parameters
+$buildNumber = $env:TF_BUILD_BUILDNUMBER
+$sourcesDirectory = $env:TF_BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY
+$binariesDirectory = $env:TF_BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY
+Write-Host "buildNumber: $buildNumber"
+Write-Host "sourcesDirectory: $sourcesDirectory"
+Write-Host "binariesDirectory: $binariesDirectory"
+#Script Location
+$scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
+Write-Host "Script Path: $scriptPath"
+#Load XrmCIFramework
+$xrmCIToolkit = $scriptPath + "\Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell.dll"
+Write-Host "Importing CIToolkit: $xrmCIToolkit"
+Import-Module $xrmCIToolkit
+Write-Host "Imported CIToolkit"
+function ConvertToBool($switchValue)
+ if ($switchValue)
+ {
+ return $true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return $false
+ }
+#Solution Export
+if ($EnableSolutionExport)
+ #WhoAmI Check
+ $executingUser = Select-WhoAmI -ConnectionString $CrmConnectionString
+ Write-Host "Executing User Id" $executingUser.UserId
+ if ($PublishCustomizations)
+ {
+ Write-Host "Publishing Customizations"
+ Publish-XrmCustomizations -ConnectionString $CrmConnectionString
+ Write-Host "Publishing Customizations Completed"
+ }
+ if ($SolutionUpdateSetVersionToBuild)
+ {
+ $versionNumber = $buildNumber.Substring($buildNumber.IndexOf("_") + 1)
+ Write-Host "Updating Solution Version to $versionNumber"
+ Set-XrmSolutionVersion -ConnectionString $CrmConnectionString -SolutionName $SolutionName -Version $versionNumber
+ Write-Host "Solution Version Updated"
+ }
+ $exportPath = $binariesDirectory
+ if ($ExportSolutionOutputPath)
+ {
+ $exportPath = $binariesDirectory + "\" + $ExportSolutionOutputPath
+ }
+ if ($SolutionExportPackageType -ne "Managed")
+ {
+ Write-Host "Exporting Unmanaged Solution"
+ $exportUnmanagedFile = Export-XrmSolution -ConnectionString $CrmConnectionString -UniqueSolutionName $SolutionName -OutputFolder $exportPath -Managed $false -IncludeVersionInName (ConvertToBool $ExportIncludeVersionInSolutionName) -ExportAutoNumberingSettings (ConvertToBool $ExportAutoNumberingSettings) -ExportCalendarSettings (ConvertToBool $ExportCalendarSettings) -ExportCustomizationSettings (ConvertToBool $ExportCustomizationSettings) -ExportEmailTrackingSettings (ConvertToBool $ExportEmailTrackingSettings) -ExportGeneralSettings (ConvertToBool $ExportGeneralSettings) -ExportMarketingSettings (ConvertToBool $ExportMarketingSettings) -ExportOutlookSynchronizationSettings (ConvertToBool $ExportOutlookSynchronizationSettings) -ExportIsvConfig (ConvertToBool $ExportIsvConfig) -ExportRelationshipRoles (ConvertToBool $ExportRelationshipRoles)
+ Write-Host "UnManaged Solution Exported $exportPath\$exportUnmanagedFile"
+ }
+ if ($SolutionExportPackageType -ne "Unmanaged")
+ {
+ Write-Host "Exporting Managed Solution"
+ $exportmanagedFile = Export-XrmSolution -ConnectionString $CrmConnectionString -UniqueSolutionName $SolutionName -OutputFolder $exportPath -Managed $true -IncludeVersionInName (ConvertToBool $ExportIncludeVersionInSolutionName) -ExportAutoNumberingSettings (ConvertToBool $ExportAutoNumberingSettings) -ExportCalendarSettings (ConvertToBool $ExportCalendarSettings) -ExportCustomizationSettings (ConvertToBool $ExportCustomizationSettings) -ExportEmailTrackingSettings (ConvertToBool $ExportEmailTrackingSettings) -ExportGeneralSettings (ConvertToBool $ExportGeneralSettings) -ExportMarketingSettings (ConvertToBool $ExportMarketingSettings) -ExportOutlookSynchronizationSettings (ConvertToBool $ExportOutlookSynchronizationSettings) -ExportIsvConfig (ConvertToBool $ExportIsvConfig) -ExportRelationshipRoles (ConvertToBool $ExportRelationshipRoles)
+ Write-Host "Managed Solution Exported $exportPath\$exportmanagedFile"
+ }
+ $exportManifest = ''
+ $exportManifest | Out-File ($binariesDirectory + "\manifest.xml")
+#Solution Pack
+if ($EnableSolutionPack)
+ if ($SolutionPackSetVersionToBuild)
+ {
+ $versionNumber = $buildNumber.Substring($buildNumber.IndexOf("_") + 1)
+ Write-Host "Setting Solution Version in File to: $versionNumber"
+ if ($CheckInUpdatedSolutionFile)
+ {
+ & "$tfCommand" checkout /noprompt "$LocalSolutionPackagerFilesFolder\Other\Solution.xml"
+ $lastexitcode
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Set-ItemProperty "$LocalSolutionPackagerFilesFolder\Other\Solution.xml" -name IsReadOnly -value $false
+ }
+ Set-XrmSolutionVersionInFolder -SolutionFilesFolderPath $LocalSolutionPackagerFilesFolder -Version $versionNumber
+ if($CheckInUpdatedSolutionFile)
+ {
+ & "$tfCommand" checkin "$LocalSolutionPackagerFilesFolder\Other\Solution.xml" /noprompt /comment:"Update Solution Version" /override:"CI Build" /bypass /force
+ $lastexitcode
+ }
+ Write-Host "Version Updated & Checked-In"
+ }
+ $solutionInfo = Get-XrmSolutionInfoFromFolder -SolutionFilesFolderPath $LocalSolutionPackagerFilesFolder
+ $packSolutionName = $solutionInfo.UniqueName
+ $packSolutionVersion = $solutionInfo.Version
+ Write-Host "Packing Solution $packSolutionName, Version $packSolutionVersion"
+ $packStringBuilder = $packSolutionName
+ if ($PackIncludeVersionInSolutionName)
+ {
+ $packStringBuilder = $packStringBuilder + "_" + $packSolutionVersion.replace(".", "_")
+ }
+ $packManagedFile = $packStringBuilder + "_managed.zip"
+ $packUnmanagedFile = $packStringBuilder + ".zip"
+ $packPath = $binariesDirectory
+ if ($SolutionPackOutputPath)
+ {
+ $packPath = $packPath + "\" + $SolutionPackOutputPath
+ }
+ $targetFile = $packPath + "\" + $packUnmanagedFile
+ if ($LocalSolutionPackagerMappingFile)
+ {
+ $packOutput = & "$LocalSolutionPackagerFile" /action:Pack /zipfile:"$targetFile" /folder:"$LocalSolutionPackagerFilesFolder" /packagetype:$SolutionPackPackageType /map:"$LocalSolutionPackagerMappingFile"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $packOutput = & "$LocalSolutionPackagerFile" /action:Pack /zipfile:"$targetFile" /folder:"$LocalSolutionPackagerFilesFolder" /packagetype:$SolutionPackPackageType
+ }
+ Write-Output $packOutput
+ if ($lastexitcode -ne 0)
+ {
+ throw "Solution Pack operation failed with exit code: $lastexitcode"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (($packOutput -ne $null) -and ($packOutput -like "*warnings encountered*"))
+ {
+ Write-Warning "Solution Packager encountered warnings. Check the output."
+ }
+ }
+ $packManifest = ''
+ $packManifest | Out-File ($binariesDirectory + "\manifest.xml")
diff --git a/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell/DynamicsCRMTemplateDeployScript.ps1 b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell/DynamicsCRMTemplateDeployScript.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22b4f81c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell/DynamicsCRMTemplateDeployScript.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
+Write-Host "AuthenticationType: $AuthenticationType"
+Write-Host "Username: $Username"
+Write-Host "Password: $Password"
+Write-Host "ServerUrl: $ServerUrl"
+Write-Host "OrganizationName: $OrganizationName"
+Write-Host "DeploymentRegion: $DeploymentRegion"
+Write-Host "OnlineType: $OnlineType"
+Write-Host "HomRealmURL: $HomRealmURL"
+Write-Host "PackageName: $PackageName"
+#TFS Build Parameters
+$buildNumber = $env:TF_BUILD_BUILDNUMBER
+$sourcesDirectory = $env:TF_BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY
+$binariesDirectory = $env:TF_BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY
+Write-Host "buildNumber: $buildNumber"
+Write-Host "sourcesDirectory: $sourcesDirectory"
+Write-Host "binariesDirectory: $binariesDirectory"
+#Script Location
+$scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
+Write-Host "Script Path: $scriptPath"
+#Deploy Package
+& "$scriptPath\DeployPackage.ps1" -AuthenticationType $AuthenticationType -Username $Username -Password $Password -ServerUrl $ServerUrl -OrganizationName $OrganizationName -DeploymentRegion $DeploymentRegion -OnlineType $OnlineType -HomRealmURL $HomRealmURL -PackageName $PackageName -PackageDirectory $binariesDirectory
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell/DynamicsCRMTemplateImportScript.ps1 b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell/DynamicsCRMTemplateImportScript.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e7efd05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell/DynamicsCRMTemplateImportScript.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
+Write-Host "CrmConnectionString: $CrmConnectionString"
+Write-Host "PublishCustomizations: $PublishCustomizations"
+Write-Host "SolutionImportPackageType: $SolutionImportPackageType"
+Write-Host "PublishWorkflows: $PublishWorkflows"
+Write-Host "ConvertToManaged: $ConvertToManaged"
+Write-Host "OverwriteUnmanagedCustomizations: $OverwriteUnmanagedCustomizations"
+Write-Host "SkipProductUpdateDependencies: $SkipProductUpdateDependencies"
+#TFS Build Parameters
+$buildNumber = $env:TF_BUILD_BUILDNUMBER
+$sourcesDirectory = $env:TF_BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY
+$binariesDirectory = $env:TF_BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY
+Write-Host "buildNumber: $buildNumber"
+Write-Host "sourcesDirectory: $sourcesDirectory"
+Write-Host "binariesDirectory: $binariesDirectory"
+#Script Location
+$scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
+Write-Host "Script Path: $scriptPath"
+#Load XrmCIFramework
+$xrmCIToolkit = $scriptPath + "\Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell.dll"
+Write-Host "Importing CIToolkit: $xrmCIToolkit"
+Import-Module $xrmCIToolkit
+Write-Host "Imported CIToolkit"
+function ConvertToBool($switchValue)
+ if ($switchValue)
+ {
+ return $true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return $false
+ }
+#Solution Import
+#WhoAmI Check
+$executingUser = Select-WhoAmI -ConnectionString $CrmConnectionString
+Write-Host "Executing User Id" $executingUser.UserId
+#Manifest Processing
+$manifest = Get-Content ($binariesDirectory + "\manifest.xml")
+$outputPath = (Select-Xml -Content $manifest -XPath "//manifest/solution/@path").Node.Value
+$managedFile = (Select-Xml -Content $manifest -XPath "//manifest/solution/@managed").Node.Value
+$unmanagedFile = (Select-Xml -Content $manifest -XPath "//manifest/solution/@unmanaged").Node.Value
+#Solution Import
+if ($SolutionImportPackageType -eq "Managed")
+ $solutionFile = $managedFile
+elseif ($SolutionImportPackageType -eq "Unmanaged")
+ $solutionFile = $unmanagedFile
+ throw "$SolutionImportPackageType not supplied"
+$solutionPath = $binariesDirectory
+if ($outputPath)
+ $solutionPath = $solutionPath + "\" + $outputPath
+if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$binariesDirectory\logs"))
+ New-Item "$binariesDirectory\logs" -ItemType directory
+& "$scriptPath\ImportSolution.ps1" -solutionFile $solutionFile -solutionPath $solutionPath -targetCrmConnectionUrl $CrmConnectionString -override $true -publishWorkflows $PublishWorkflows -overwriteUnmanagedCustomizations $OverwriteUnmanagedCustomizations -skipProductUpdateDependencies $SkipProductUpdateDependencies -logsDirectory "$binariesDirectory\logs"
+if ($PublishCustomizations)
+ Write-Host "Publishing Customizations"
+ Publish-XrmCustomizations -ConnectionString $CrmConnectionString
+ Write-Host "Publishing Customizations Completed"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell/Entities.cs b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell/Entities.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..242373de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CRM2013/Xrm.Framework.CI/Xrm.Framework.CI.PowerShell/Entities.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,185226 @@
+// This code was generated by a tool.
+// Runtime Version:4.0.30319.33440
+// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
+// the code is regenerated.
+[assembly: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.ProxyTypesAssemblyAttribute()]
+namespace Xrm.Framework.CI.Common.Entities
+ [System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractAttribute()]
+ [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("CrmSvcUtil", "6.0.0000.0809")]
+ public enum AccountState
+ {
+ [System.Runtime.Serialization.EnumMemberAttribute()]
+ Active = 0,
+ [System.Runtime.Serialization.EnumMemberAttribute()]
+ Inactive = 1,
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Business that represents a customer or potential customer. The company that is billed in business transactions.
+ ///
+ [System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractAttribute()]
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.EntityLogicalNameAttribute("account")]
+ [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("CrmSvcUtil", "6.0.0000.0809")]
+ public partial class Account : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Entity, System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanging, System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Default Constructor.
+ ///
+ public Account() :
+ base(EntityLogicalName)
+ {
+ }
+ public const string EntityLogicalName = "account";
+ public const int EntityTypeCode = 1;
+ public event System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
+ public event System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangingEventHandler PropertyChanging;
+ private void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
+ {
+ if ((this.PropertyChanged != null))
+ {
+ this.PropertyChanged(this, new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnPropertyChanging(string propertyName)
+ {
+ if ((this.PropertyChanging != null))
+ {
+ this.PropertyChanging(this, new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangingEventArgs(propertyName));
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select a category to indicate whether the customer account is standard or preferred.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("accountcategorycode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue AccountCategoryCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("accountcategorycode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("AccountCategoryCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("accountcategorycode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("AccountCategoryCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select a classification code to indicate the potential value of the customer account based on the projected return on investment, cooperation level, sales cycle length or other criteria.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("accountclassificationcode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue AccountClassificationCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("accountclassificationcode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("AccountClassificationCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("accountclassificationcode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("AccountClassificationCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Unique identifier of the account.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("accountid")]
+ public System.Nullable AccountId
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("accountid");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("AccountId");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("accountid", value);
+ if (value.HasValue)
+ {
+ base.Id = value.Value;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ base.Id = System.Guid.Empty;
+ }
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("AccountId");
+ }
+ }
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("accountid")]
+ public override System.Guid Id
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return base.Id;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.AccountId = value;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type an ID number or code for the account to quickly search and identify the account in system views.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("accountnumber")]
+ public string AccountNumber
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("accountnumber");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("AccountNumber");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("accountnumber", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("AccountNumber");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select a rating to indicate the value of the customer account.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("accountratingcode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue AccountRatingCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("accountratingcode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("AccountRatingCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("accountratingcode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("AccountRatingCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Unique identifier for address 1.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_addressid")]
+ public System.Nullable Address1_AddressId
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("address1_addressid");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_AddressId");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_addressid", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_AddressId");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select the primary address type.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_addresstypecode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue Address1_AddressTypeCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address1_addresstypecode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_AddressTypeCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_addresstypecode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_AddressTypeCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the city for the primary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_city")]
+ public string Address1_City
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address1_city");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_City");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_city", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_City");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows the complete primary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_composite")]
+ public string Address1_Composite
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address1_composite");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the country or region for the primary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_country")]
+ public string Address1_Country
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address1_country");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_Country");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_country", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_Country");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the county for the primary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_county")]
+ public string Address1_County
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address1_county");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_County");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_county", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_County");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the fax number associated with the primary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_fax")]
+ public string Address1_Fax
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address1_fax");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_Fax");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_fax", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_Fax");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select the freight terms for the primary address to make sure shipping orders are processed correctly.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_freighttermscode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue Address1_FreightTermsCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address1_freighttermscode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_FreightTermsCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_freighttermscode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_FreightTermsCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the latitude value for the primary address for use in mapping and other applications.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_latitude")]
+ public System.Nullable Address1_Latitude
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("address1_latitude");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_Latitude");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_latitude", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_Latitude");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the first line of the primary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_line1")]
+ public string Address1_Line1
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address1_line1");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_Line1");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_line1", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_Line1");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the second line of the primary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_line2")]
+ public string Address1_Line2
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address1_line2");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_Line2");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_line2", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_Line2");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the third line of the primary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_line3")]
+ public string Address1_Line3
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address1_line3");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_Line3");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_line3", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_Line3");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the longitude value for the primary address for use in mapping and other applications.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_longitude")]
+ public System.Nullable Address1_Longitude
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("address1_longitude");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_Longitude");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_longitude", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_Longitude");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type a descriptive name for the primary address, such as Corporate Headquarters.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_name")]
+ public string Address1_Name
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address1_name");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_Name");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_name", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_Name");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the ZIP Code or postal code for the primary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_postalcode")]
+ public string Address1_PostalCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address1_postalcode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_PostalCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_postalcode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_PostalCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the post office box number of the primary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_postofficebox")]
+ public string Address1_PostOfficeBox
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address1_postofficebox");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_PostOfficeBox");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_postofficebox", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_PostOfficeBox");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the name of the main contact at the account's primary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_primarycontactname")]
+ public string Address1_PrimaryContactName
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address1_primarycontactname");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_PrimaryContactName");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_primarycontactname", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_PrimaryContactName");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select a shipping method for deliveries sent to this address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_shippingmethodcode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue Address1_ShippingMethodCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address1_shippingmethodcode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_ShippingMethodCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_shippingmethodcode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_ShippingMethodCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the state or province of the primary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_stateorprovince")]
+ public string Address1_StateOrProvince
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address1_stateorprovince");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_StateOrProvince");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_stateorprovince", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_StateOrProvince");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the main phone number associated with the primary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_telephone1")]
+ public string Address1_Telephone1
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address1_telephone1");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_Telephone1");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_telephone1", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_Telephone1");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type a second phone number associated with the primary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_telephone2")]
+ public string Address1_Telephone2
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address1_telephone2");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_Telephone2");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_telephone2", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_Telephone2");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type a third phone number associated with the primary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_telephone3")]
+ public string Address1_Telephone3
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address1_telephone3");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_Telephone3");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_telephone3", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_Telephone3");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the UPS zone of the primary address to make sure shipping charges are calculated correctly and deliveries are made promptly, if shipped by UPS.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_upszone")]
+ public string Address1_UPSZone
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address1_upszone");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_UPSZone");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_upszone", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_UPSZone");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select the time zone, or UTC offset, for this address so that other people can reference it when they contact someone at this address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address1_utcoffset")]
+ public System.Nullable Address1_UTCOffset
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("address1_utcoffset");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address1_UTCOffset");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address1_utcoffset", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address1_UTCOffset");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Unique identifier for address 2.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_addressid")]
+ public System.Nullable Address2_AddressId
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("address2_addressid");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_AddressId");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_addressid", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_AddressId");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select the secondary address type.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_addresstypecode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue Address2_AddressTypeCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address2_addresstypecode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_AddressTypeCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_addresstypecode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_AddressTypeCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the city for the secondary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_city")]
+ public string Address2_City
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address2_city");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_City");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_city", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_City");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows the complete secondary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_composite")]
+ public string Address2_Composite
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address2_composite");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the country or region for the secondary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_country")]
+ public string Address2_Country
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address2_country");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_Country");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_country", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_Country");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the county for the secondary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_county")]
+ public string Address2_County
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address2_county");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_County");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_county", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_County");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the fax number associated with the secondary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_fax")]
+ public string Address2_Fax
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address2_fax");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_Fax");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_fax", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_Fax");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select the freight terms for the secondary address to make sure shipping orders are processed correctly.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_freighttermscode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue Address2_FreightTermsCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address2_freighttermscode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_FreightTermsCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_freighttermscode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_FreightTermsCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the latitude value for the secondary address for use in mapping and other applications.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_latitude")]
+ public System.Nullable Address2_Latitude
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("address2_latitude");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_Latitude");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_latitude", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_Latitude");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the first line of the secondary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_line1")]
+ public string Address2_Line1
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address2_line1");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_Line1");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_line1", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_Line1");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the second line of the secondary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_line2")]
+ public string Address2_Line2
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address2_line2");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_Line2");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_line2", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_Line2");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the third line of the secondary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_line3")]
+ public string Address2_Line3
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address2_line3");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_Line3");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_line3", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_Line3");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the longitude value for the secondary address for use in mapping and other applications.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_longitude")]
+ public System.Nullable Address2_Longitude
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("address2_longitude");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_Longitude");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_longitude", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_Longitude");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type a descriptive name for the secondary address, such as Corporate Headquarters.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_name")]
+ public string Address2_Name
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address2_name");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_Name");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_name", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_Name");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the ZIP Code or postal code for the secondary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_postalcode")]
+ public string Address2_PostalCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address2_postalcode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_PostalCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_postalcode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_PostalCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the post office box number of the secondary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_postofficebox")]
+ public string Address2_PostOfficeBox
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address2_postofficebox");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_PostOfficeBox");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_postofficebox", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_PostOfficeBox");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the name of the main contact at the account's secondary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_primarycontactname")]
+ public string Address2_PrimaryContactName
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address2_primarycontactname");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_PrimaryContactName");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_primarycontactname", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_PrimaryContactName");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select a shipping method for deliveries sent to this address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_shippingmethodcode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue Address2_ShippingMethodCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address2_shippingmethodcode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_ShippingMethodCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_shippingmethodcode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_ShippingMethodCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the state or province of the secondary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_stateorprovince")]
+ public string Address2_StateOrProvince
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address2_stateorprovince");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_StateOrProvince");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_stateorprovince", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_StateOrProvince");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the main phone number associated with the secondary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_telephone1")]
+ public string Address2_Telephone1
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address2_telephone1");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_Telephone1");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_telephone1", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_Telephone1");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type a second phone number associated with the secondary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_telephone2")]
+ public string Address2_Telephone2
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address2_telephone2");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_Telephone2");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_telephone2", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_Telephone2");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type a third phone number associated with the secondary address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_telephone3")]
+ public string Address2_Telephone3
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address2_telephone3");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_Telephone3");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_telephone3", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_Telephone3");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the UPS zone of the secondary address to make sure shipping charges are calculated correctly and deliveries are made promptly, if shipped by UPS.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_upszone")]
+ public string Address2_UPSZone
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("address2_upszone");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_UPSZone");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_upszone", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_UPSZone");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select the time zone, or UTC offset, for this address so that other people can reference it when they contact someone at this address.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("address2_utcoffset")]
+ public System.Nullable Address2_UTCOffset
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("address2_utcoffset");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Address2_UTCOffset");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("address2_utcoffset", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Address2_UTCOffset");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// For system use only.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("aging30")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Money Aging30
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("aging30");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// The base currency equivalent of the aging 30 field.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("aging30_base")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Money Aging30_Base
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("aging30_base");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// For system use only.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("aging60")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Money Aging60
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("aging60");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// The base currency equivalent of the aging 60 field.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("aging60_base")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Money Aging60_Base
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("aging60_base");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// For system use only.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("aging90")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Money Aging90
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("aging90");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// The base currency equivalent of the aging 90 field.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("aging90_base")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Money Aging90_Base
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("aging90_base");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select the legal designation or other business type of the account for contracts or reporting purposes.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("businesstypecode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue BusinessTypeCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("businesstypecode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("BusinessTypeCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("businesstypecode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("BusinessTypeCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows who created the record.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("createdby")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference CreatedBy
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("createdby");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows the date and time when the record was created. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics CRM options.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("createdon")]
+ public System.Nullable CreatedOn
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("createdon");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows who created the record on behalf of another user.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("createdonbehalfby")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference CreatedOnBehalfBy
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("createdonbehalfby");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the credit limit of the account. This is a useful reference when you address invoice and accounting issues with the customer.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("creditlimit")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Money CreditLimit
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("creditlimit");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("CreditLimit");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("creditlimit", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("CreditLimit");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows the credit limit converted to the system's default base currency for reporting purposes.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("creditlimit_base")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Money CreditLimit_Base
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("creditlimit_base");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select whether the credit for the account is on hold. This is a useful reference while addressing the invoice and accounting issues with the customer.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("creditonhold")]
+ public System.Nullable CreditOnHold
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("creditonhold");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("CreditOnHold");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("creditonhold", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("CreditOnHold");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select the size category or range of the account for segmentation and reporting purposes.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("customersizecode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue CustomerSizeCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("customersizecode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("CustomerSizeCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("customersizecode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("CustomerSizeCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select the category that best describes the relationship between the account and your organization.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("customertypecode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue CustomerTypeCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("customertypecode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("CustomerTypeCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("customertypecode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("CustomerTypeCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Choose the default price list associated with the account to make sure the correct product prices for this customer are applied in sales opportunities, quotes, and orders.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("defaultpricelevelid")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference DefaultPriceLevelId
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("defaultpricelevelid");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("DefaultPriceLevelId");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("defaultpricelevelid", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("DefaultPriceLevelId");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type additional information to describe the account, such as an excerpt from the company's website.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("description")]
+ public string Description
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("description");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Description");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("description", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Description");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select whether the account allows bulk email sent through campaigns. If Do Not Allow is selected, the account can be added to marketing lists, but is excluded from email.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("donotbulkemail")]
+ public System.Nullable DoNotBulkEMail
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("donotbulkemail");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("DoNotBulkEMail");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("donotbulkemail", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("DoNotBulkEMail");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select whether the account allows bulk postal mail sent through marketing campaigns or quick campaigns. If Do Not Allow is selected, the account can be added to marketing lists, but will be excluded from the postal mail.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("donotbulkpostalmail")]
+ public System.Nullable DoNotBulkPostalMail
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("donotbulkpostalmail");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("DoNotBulkPostalMail");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("donotbulkpostalmail", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("DoNotBulkPostalMail");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select whether the account allows direct email sent from Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("donotemail")]
+ public System.Nullable DoNotEMail
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("donotemail");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("DoNotEMail");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("donotemail", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("DoNotEMail");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select whether the account allows faxes. If Do Not Allow is selected, the account will be excluded from fax activities distributed in marketing campaigns.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("donotfax")]
+ public System.Nullable DoNotFax
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("donotfax");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("DoNotFax");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("donotfax", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("DoNotFax");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select whether the account allows phone calls. If Do Not Allow is selected, the account will be excluded from phone call activities distributed in marketing campaigns.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("donotphone")]
+ public System.Nullable DoNotPhone
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("donotphone");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("DoNotPhone");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("donotphone", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("DoNotPhone");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select whether the account allows direct mail. If Do Not Allow is selected, the account will be excluded from letter activities distributed in marketing campaigns.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("donotpostalmail")]
+ public System.Nullable DoNotPostalMail
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("donotpostalmail");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("DoNotPostalMail");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("donotpostalmail", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("DoNotPostalMail");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select whether the account accepts marketing materials, such as brochures or catalogs.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("donotsendmm")]
+ public System.Nullable DoNotSendMM
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("donotsendmm");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("DoNotSendMM");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("donotsendmm", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("DoNotSendMM");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the primary email address for the account.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("emailaddress1")]
+ public string EMailAddress1
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("emailaddress1");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("EMailAddress1");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("emailaddress1", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("EMailAddress1");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the secondary email address for the account.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("emailaddress2")]
+ public string EMailAddress2
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("emailaddress2");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("EMailAddress2");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("emailaddress2", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("EMailAddress2");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type an alternate email address for the account.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("emailaddress3")]
+ public string EMailAddress3
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("emailaddress3");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("EMailAddress3");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("emailaddress3", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("EMailAddress3");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows the default image for the record.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("entityimage")]
+ public byte[] EntityImage
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("entityimage");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("EntityImage");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("entityimage", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("EntityImage");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("entityimage_timestamp")]
+ public System.Nullable EntityImage_Timestamp
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("entityimage_timestamp");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("entityimage_url")]
+ public string EntityImage_URL
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("entityimage_url");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// For internal use only.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("entityimageid")]
+ public System.Nullable EntityImageId
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("entityimageid");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows the conversion rate of the record's currency. The exchange rate is used to convert all money fields in the record from the local currency to the system's default currency.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("exchangerate")]
+ public System.Nullable ExchangeRate
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("exchangerate");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the fax number for the account.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("fax")]
+ public string Fax
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("fax");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Fax");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("fax", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Fax");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the URL for the account's FTP site to enable users to access data and share documents.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("ftpsiteurl")]
+ public string FtpSiteURL
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("ftpsiteurl");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("FtpSiteURL");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("ftpsiteurl", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("FtpSiteURL");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("importsequencenumber")]
+ public System.Nullable ImportSequenceNumber
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("importsequencenumber");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("ImportSequenceNumber");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("importsequencenumber", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("ImportSequenceNumber");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select the account's primary industry for use in marketing segmentation and demographic analysis.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("industrycode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue IndustryCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("industrycode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("IndustryCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("industrycode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("IndustryCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows the date when the account was last included in a marketing campaign or quick campaign.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("lastusedincampaign")]
+ public System.Nullable LastUsedInCampaign
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("lastusedincampaign");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("LastUsedInCampaign");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("lastusedincampaign", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("LastUsedInCampaign");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the market capitalization of the account to identify the company's equity, used as an indicator in financial performance analysis.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("marketcap")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Money MarketCap
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("marketcap");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("MarketCap");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("marketcap", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("MarketCap");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows the market capitalization converted to the system's default base currency.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("marketcap_base")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Money MarketCap_Base
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("marketcap_base");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows the master account that the account was merged with.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("masterid")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference MasterId
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("masterid");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows whether the account has been merged with another account.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("merged")]
+ public System.Nullable Merged
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("merged");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows who last updated the record.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("modifiedby")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference ModifiedBy
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("modifiedby");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows the date and time when the record was last updated. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics CRM options.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("modifiedon")]
+ public System.Nullable ModifiedOn
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("modifiedon");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows who created the record on behalf of another user.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("modifiedonbehalfby")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference ModifiedOnBehalfBy
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("modifiedonbehalfby");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the company or business name.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("name")]
+ public string Name
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("name");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Name");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("name", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Name");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the number of employees that work at the account for use in marketing segmentation and demographic analysis.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("numberofemployees")]
+ public System.Nullable NumberOfEmployees
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("numberofemployees");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("NumberOfEmployees");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("numberofemployees", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("NumberOfEmployees");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows the lead that the account was created from if the account was created by converting a lead in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This is used to relate the account to data on the originating lead for use in reporting and analytics.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("originatingleadid")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference OriginatingLeadId
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("originatingleadid");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("OriginatingLeadId");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("originatingleadid", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("OriginatingLeadId");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Date and time that the record was migrated.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("overriddencreatedon")]
+ public System.Nullable OverriddenCreatedOn
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("overriddencreatedon");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("OverriddenCreatedOn");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("overriddencreatedon", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("OverriddenCreatedOn");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Enter the user or team who is assigned to manage the record. This field is updated every time the record is assigned to a different user.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("ownerid")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference OwnerId
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("ownerid");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("OwnerId");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("ownerid", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("OwnerId");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select the account's ownership structure, such as public or private.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("ownershipcode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue OwnershipCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("ownershipcode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("OwnershipCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("ownershipcode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("OwnershipCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows the business unit that the record owner belongs to.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("owningbusinessunit")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference OwningBusinessUnit
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("owningbusinessunit");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Unique identifier of the team who owns the account.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("owningteam")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference OwningTeam
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("owningteam");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Unique identifier of the user who owns the account.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("owninguser")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference OwningUser
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("owninguser");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Choose the parent account associated with this account to show parent and child businesses in reporting and analytics.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("parentaccountid")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference ParentAccountId
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("parentaccountid");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("ParentAccountId");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("parentaccountid", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("ParentAccountId");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// For system use only. Legacy Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 workflow data.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("participatesinworkflow")]
+ public System.Nullable ParticipatesInWorkflow
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("participatesinworkflow");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("ParticipatesInWorkflow");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("participatesinworkflow", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("ParticipatesInWorkflow");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select the payment terms to indicate when the customer needs to pay the total amount.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("paymenttermscode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue PaymentTermsCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("paymenttermscode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("PaymentTermsCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("paymenttermscode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("PaymentTermsCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select the preferred day of the week for service appointments.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("preferredappointmentdaycode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue PreferredAppointmentDayCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("preferredappointmentdaycode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("PreferredAppointmentDayCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("preferredappointmentdaycode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("PreferredAppointmentDayCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select the preferred time of day for service appointments.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("preferredappointmenttimecode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue PreferredAppointmentTimeCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("preferredappointmenttimecode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("PreferredAppointmentTimeCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("preferredappointmenttimecode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("PreferredAppointmentTimeCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select the preferred method of contact.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("preferredcontactmethodcode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue PreferredContactMethodCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("preferredcontactmethodcode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("PreferredContactMethodCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("preferredcontactmethodcode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("PreferredContactMethodCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Choose the account's preferred service facility or equipment to make sure services are scheduled correctly for the customer.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("preferredequipmentid")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference PreferredEquipmentId
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("preferredequipmentid");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("PreferredEquipmentId");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("preferredequipmentid", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("PreferredEquipmentId");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Choose the account's preferred service for reference when you schedule service activities.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("preferredserviceid")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference PreferredServiceId
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("preferredserviceid");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("PreferredServiceId");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("preferredserviceid", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("PreferredServiceId");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Choose the preferred service representative for reference when you schedule service activities for the account.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("preferredsystemuserid")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference PreferredSystemUserId
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("preferredsystemuserid");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("PreferredSystemUserId");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("preferredsystemuserid", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("PreferredSystemUserId");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Choose the primary contact for the account to provide quick access to contact details.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("primarycontactid")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference PrimaryContactId
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("primarycontactid");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("PrimaryContactId");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("primarycontactid", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("PrimaryContactId");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows the ID of the process.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("processid")]
+ public System.Nullable ProcessId
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("processid");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("ProcessId");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("processid", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("ProcessId");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the annual revenue for the account, used as an indicator in financial performance analysis.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("revenue")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Money Revenue
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("revenue");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Revenue");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("revenue", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Revenue");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows the annual revenue converted to the system's default base currency. The calculations use the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("revenue_base")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Money Revenue_Base
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("revenue_base");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the number of shares available to the public for the account. This number is used as an indicator in financial performance analysis.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("sharesoutstanding")]
+ public System.Nullable SharesOutstanding
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("sharesoutstanding");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("SharesOutstanding");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("sharesoutstanding", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("SharesOutstanding");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select a shipping method for deliveries sent to the account's address to designate the preferred carrier or other delivery option.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("shippingmethodcode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue ShippingMethodCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("shippingmethodcode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("ShippingMethodCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("shippingmethodcode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("ShippingMethodCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code that indicates the account's primary industry of business, for use in marketing segmentation and demographic analysis.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("sic")]
+ public string SIC
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("sic");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("SIC");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("sic", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("SIC");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows the ID of the stage.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("stageid")]
+ public System.Nullable StageId
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("stageid");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("StageId");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("stageid", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("StageId");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Shows whether the account is active or inactive. Inactive accounts are read-only and can't be edited unless they are reactivated.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("statecode")]
+ public System.Nullable StateCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue optionSet = this.GetAttributeValue("statecode");
+ if ((optionSet != null))
+ {
+ return ((Xrm.Framework.CI.Common.Entities.AccountState)(System.Enum.ToObject(typeof(Xrm.Framework.CI.Common.Entities.AccountState), optionSet.Value)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select the account's status.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("statuscode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue StatusCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("statuscode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("StatusCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("statuscode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("StatusCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the stock exchange at which the account is listed to track their stock and financial performance of the company.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("stockexchange")]
+ public string StockExchange
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("stockexchange");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("StockExchange");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("stockexchange", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("StockExchange");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the main phone number for this account.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("telephone1")]
+ public string Telephone1
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("telephone1");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Telephone1");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("telephone1", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Telephone1");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type a second phone number for this account.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("telephone2")]
+ public string Telephone2
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("telephone2");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Telephone2");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("telephone2", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Telephone2");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type a third phone number for this account.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("telephone3")]
+ public string Telephone3
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("telephone3");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Telephone3");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("telephone3", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Telephone3");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Select a region or territory for the account for use in segmentation and analysis.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("territorycode")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue TerritoryCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("territorycode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("TerritoryCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("territorycode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("TerritoryCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Choose the sales region or territory for the account to make sure the account is assigned to the correct representative and for use in segmentation and analysis.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("territoryid")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference TerritoryId
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("territoryid");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("TerritoryId");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("territoryid", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("TerritoryId");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the stock exchange symbol for the account to track financial performance of the company. You can click the code entered in this field to access the latest trading information from MSN Money.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("tickersymbol")]
+ public string TickerSymbol
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("tickersymbol");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("TickerSymbol");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("tickersymbol", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("TickerSymbol");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// For internal use only.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("timezoneruleversionnumber")]
+ public System.Nullable TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("timezoneruleversionnumber");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("timezoneruleversionnumber", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Choose the local currency for the record to make sure budgets are reported in the correct currency.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("transactioncurrencyid")]
+ public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference TransactionCurrencyId
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("transactioncurrencyid");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("TransactionCurrencyId");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("transactioncurrencyid", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("TransactionCurrencyId");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("utcconversiontimezonecode")]
+ public System.Nullable UTCConversionTimeZoneCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("utcconversiontimezonecode");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("UTCConversionTimeZoneCode");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("utcconversiontimezonecode", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("UTCConversionTimeZoneCode");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Version number of the account.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("versionnumber")]
+ public System.Nullable VersionNumber
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue>("versionnumber");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the account's website URL to get quick details about the company profile.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("websiteurl")]
+ public string WebSiteURL
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("websiteurl");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("WebSiteURL");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("websiteurl", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("WebSiteURL");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Type the phonetic spelling of the company name, if specified in Japanese, to make sure the name is pronounced correctly in phone calls and other communications.
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("yominame")]
+ public string YomiName
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetAttributeValue("yominame");
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("YomiName");
+ this.SetAttributeValue("yominame", value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("YomiName");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N account_activity_parties
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("account_activity_parties")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable account_activity_parties
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("account_activity_parties", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("account_activity_parties");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("account_activity_parties", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("account_activity_parties");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N Account_ActivityPointers
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("Account_ActivityPointers")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Account_ActivityPointers
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("Account_ActivityPointers", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Account_ActivityPointers");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("Account_ActivityPointers", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Account_ActivityPointers");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N Account_Annotation
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("Account_Annotation")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Account_Annotation
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("Account_Annotation", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Account_Annotation");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("Account_Annotation", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Account_Annotation");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N Account_Appointments
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("Account_Appointments")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Account_Appointments
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("Account_Appointments", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Account_Appointments");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("Account_Appointments", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Account_Appointments");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N Account_AsyncOperations
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("Account_AsyncOperations")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Account_AsyncOperations
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("Account_AsyncOperations", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Account_AsyncOperations");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("Account_AsyncOperations", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Account_AsyncOperations");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N Account_BulkDeleteFailures
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("Account_BulkDeleteFailures")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Account_BulkDeleteFailures
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("Account_BulkDeleteFailures", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Account_BulkDeleteFailures");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("Account_BulkDeleteFailures", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Account_BulkDeleteFailures");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N account_connections1
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("account_connections1")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable account_connections1
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("account_connections1", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("account_connections1");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("account_connections1", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("account_connections1");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N account_connections2
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("account_connections2")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable account_connections2
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("account_connections2", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("account_connections2");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("account_connections2", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("account_connections2");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N account_customer_opportunity_roles
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("account_customer_opportunity_roles")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable account_customer_opportunity_roles
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("account_customer_opportunity_roles", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("account_customer_opportunity_roles");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("account_customer_opportunity_roles", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("account_customer_opportunity_roles");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N account_customer_relationship_customer
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("account_customer_relationship_customer")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable account_customer_relationship_customer
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("account_customer_relationship_customer", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("account_customer_relationship_customer");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("account_customer_relationship_customer", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("account_customer_relationship_customer");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N account_customer_relationship_partner
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("account_customer_relationship_partner")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable account_customer_relationship_partner
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("account_customer_relationship_partner", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("account_customer_relationship_partner");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("account_customer_relationship_partner", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("account_customer_relationship_partner");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N Account_CustomerAddress
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("Account_CustomerAddress")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Account_CustomerAddress
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("Account_CustomerAddress", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Account_CustomerAddress");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("Account_CustomerAddress", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Account_CustomerAddress");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N Account_DuplicateBaseRecord
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("Account_DuplicateBaseRecord")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Account_DuplicateBaseRecord
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("Account_DuplicateBaseRecord", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Account_DuplicateBaseRecord");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("Account_DuplicateBaseRecord", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Account_DuplicateBaseRecord");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N Account_DuplicateMatchingRecord
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("Account_DuplicateMatchingRecord")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Account_DuplicateMatchingRecord
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("Account_DuplicateMatchingRecord", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Account_DuplicateMatchingRecord");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("Account_DuplicateMatchingRecord", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Account_DuplicateMatchingRecord");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N Account_Emails
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("Account_Emails")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Account_Emails
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("Account_Emails", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Account_Emails");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("Account_Emails", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Account_Emails");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N Account_Faxes
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("Account_Faxes")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Account_Faxes
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("Account_Faxes", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Account_Faxes");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("Account_Faxes", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Account_Faxes");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N Account_Letters
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("Account_Letters")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Account_Letters
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("Account_Letters", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Account_Letters");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("Account_Letters", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Account_Letters");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N account_master_account
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("account_master_account", Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityRole.Referenced)]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Referencedaccount_master_account
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("account_master_account", Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityRole.Referenced);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Referencedaccount_master_account");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("account_master_account", Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityRole.Referenced, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Referencedaccount_master_account");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N account_parent_account
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("account_parent_account", Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityRole.Referenced)]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Referencedaccount_parent_account
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("account_parent_account", Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityRole.Referenced);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Referencedaccount_parent_account");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("account_parent_account", Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityRole.Referenced, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Referencedaccount_parent_account");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N Account_Phonecalls
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("Account_Phonecalls")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Account_Phonecalls
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("Account_Phonecalls", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Account_Phonecalls");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("Account_Phonecalls", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Account_Phonecalls");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N account_PostFollows
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("account_PostFollows")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable account_PostFollows
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("account_PostFollows", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("account_PostFollows");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("account_PostFollows", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("account_PostFollows");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N account_principalobjectattributeaccess
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("account_principalobjectattributeaccess")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable account_principalobjectattributeaccess
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("account_principalobjectattributeaccess", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("account_principalobjectattributeaccess");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("account_principalobjectattributeaccess", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("account_principalobjectattributeaccess");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N Account_ProcessSessions
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("Account_ProcessSessions")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Account_ProcessSessions
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("Account_ProcessSessions", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Account_ProcessSessions");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("Account_ProcessSessions", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Account_ProcessSessions");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N Account_RecurringAppointmentMasters
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("Account_RecurringAppointmentMasters")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Account_RecurringAppointmentMasters
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("Account_RecurringAppointmentMasters", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Account_RecurringAppointmentMasters");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("Account_RecurringAppointmentMasters", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Account_RecurringAppointmentMasters");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N Account_ServiceAppointments
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("Account_ServiceAppointments")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Account_ServiceAppointments
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("Account_ServiceAppointments", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Account_ServiceAppointments");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("Account_ServiceAppointments", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Account_ServiceAppointments");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N Account_SharepointDocumentLocation
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("Account_SharepointDocumentLocation")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Account_SharepointDocumentLocation
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("Account_SharepointDocumentLocation", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Account_SharepointDocumentLocation");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("Account_SharepointDocumentLocation", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Account_SharepointDocumentLocation");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 1:N Account_Tasks
+ ///
+ [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.RelationshipSchemaNameAttribute("Account_Tasks")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Account_Tasks
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.GetRelatedEntities("Account_Tasks", null);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.OnPropertyChanging("Account_Tasks");
+ this.SetRelatedEntities("Account_Tasks", null, value);
+ this.OnPropertyChanged("Account_Tasks");
+ }
+ }
+ ///