What you'll learn:
- Describe the Data Scientist’s tool kit which includes: Libraries & Packages, Data sets, Machine learning models, and Big Data tools
- Utilize languages commonly used by data scientists like Python, R, and SQL
- Demonstrate working knowledge of tools such as Jupyter notebooks and RStudio and utilize their various features
- Create and manage source code for data science using Git repositories and GitHub.
Skills you'll gain Data Science, Python Programming, Github, Rstudio, Jupyter notebooks
- W1 : Languages of Data Science
- W2 : Open Source Tools
- W3 : Watson Studio
- W4 : Create and Share Your Jupyter Notebook
- References
- Data is central to Data Science (data management, extraction, tranformation, analysis, visualization...)
- Data Science requires programming languages & frameworks
- Automation w/ Data Science tooling : save time, uncovered inspiration
- Visual programming & modeling
- Open Sources(High TCO*) vs Commercial tools (Low TCO)
- Cloud Computing (used to speed up and facilitate DS work)
TCO: Total Costs of Ownership
Kaggle 2019 survey
: learning new language plus 1Ok of wage increase.
- Recommended : Python, R, SQL
- Optional : Scala, Java, C++, julia
- Others : JS, PHP, Go, Ruby, Visual Basics Usage : Depend on the problem to be solved / or the company you in.
- Business Analyst
- Database Engineer
- Data Analyst
- Data Engineer
- Data Scientist
- Research Scientist
- Sw Engineer
- Statistician
- Product Manager
- Project Manager
- Most popular DS language
- easy to learn
- great community
- 80% DS use Python
- Usage : AI, ML, WEB, IoT
- Organization : IBM, Wikepedia, Google, Yahoo, cern, FB ..
=> What's python great for ?
- General Purpose language
- Large standard library
=> For Data Science :
- Scientific computing lib : Panda, NumPy, SciPy and Matplotlib
- For AI : PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras, and Scikit-learn
- Natural Language Processing (NLP) : Natural Language TooKit (NLTK)
=> Diversity and Inclusion Efforts : Code of Conduct : https://www.python.org/psf/conduct/
Open Source (OSI) vs Free SW (SFS) ? (=>different License )
OSI : Business Focused
FSF : Values Focused
R is a FSF !
=> Who's R For ?
- Statistician, mathematicians, data miners (for statistical sw, graphing and data analysis )
- Array-oriented synthax : easy conversion 'maths => Code'
- ease to learn
- Organizations love it : IBM, Google, FB, TechCrunch, UBER, Trulia..
=> What R makes great ?
- world largest repository of Statistical knowledge
- More than 15000 release packages truns complex compository analysis
- R integrates well w/ C++, PYTHON, Java ..
- R is OOP
- common maths operation (matrix are ease to do)
=> Large Community
- useR : user2020.r-project.com
- WhyR : www.whyr.foundation.com
- SataRdays : www.satarday.com
- Rladies : www.rladies.com
- SQL : Structured Query Language
- No procedure language
- 20y older than Python and R (creted on 1974 by IBM)
- useful to handle structured data
=> Relational DB
(collection of two dimmensional tables like row, column) :
- ex : datasets, Microsoft Excel spread sheet
=> SQL elements
- clause
- expression
- statement
- predicate
- query
=> What makes SQL Great :
- job opportunnities in data engineering
- mandatory for Data Analyst and Data Science
- direct access to data when performing sql op (w/out copying the data in beforehand)
- interpreter between the user and the DB
- ANSI standard (scable : one db and multiple dbs)
=> SQL Databases :
- PostgreSQL
- Access
- SQLite
- Oracle DB
- MariaDB
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Scala : Apache Spark
- Java : Weka (data mining), Java-ML(ml lib), Apache MLlib, Deeplearning4j
- C++ : TensoFlow, MongoDB, Caffe (Deeplearning)
- Julia : (create at MIT) Numerical analysis; complied language
- JS : Java Script : TensorFlow.js , R-js (Algebra)
- PHP, Go, Ruby, Visual Basics
graph LR;
A[Data Management]-->B[Data Transformation Integration];
B-->C[Data Visualization];
- Data Management : is the process of persisting and retrieving data
- Data Integration and Transformation : (ETL : Extract - Transform - Load) is the process of retrieving data from remote data management systems
- Data visualization : data Exploration process, final deliverable
- Model building : create a ml or dl models using appropriate algo w/ lots of data
- Model Deployment : makes ml/dl models accessible to a 3rd part application
- Model Monitoring and Assessment : continious perfomance qlity checks of deployed models (accuracy,fairness, adversial robustness )
- Code Asset Management : visionning, collaborative features to facilite teamwork
- Data Asset Management : dublication, backups, acess right management
- Development Environment : tools to implement, execute, test, and deploy
- Execution Environment : where data processing, model training, Deployment take places
- Fully integrated Visual Tools :
integrates all
Relational tool :
- PostgreSQL NoSQL :
- MongoDB
- Cassandra
- CouchDB File based:
- Hadoop File System
- Cloud File systems : Ceph
- Elasticsearch : text data storage & Data retrievement
- Extraction - Transform - Load or ELT because Data is dumped somewhere (i.e : Comes from some sources...)
- Data Scientist is responsible for Data
- Also called : Data Refinery and cleansing
- Apache Airflow : created by RBNB
- Kubeflow : high level datascience pipeline layer on the top of Kubernetes
- Apache Kafka : created by Linkedin
- Apache NIFI : data viz editor
- Apache Spark SQL : scalable sql for cluster of multi-nodes
- NodeRED : (very low ressources) data viz editor (runs on RaspberryPi)
- Programming libs code + tools (covers on the next vid)
- Hue : creates visualization from SQL queries
- Kibana : data viz for web application based on Elasticsearch
- superset : data exploration & viz for web application
After a model is built => API consummable
to another apps
- PredictionIO : Apache Spark ML models
- SELDON : supports lots of frameworks (TF, SparkML, R, sci-kitlearn) runs on top of Kubernetes, RedHat OpenShift
- mleap : creates SparkML
- TensorFlow (TF Lite : embedded systems (RPi, Smartphone); TF.JS : Web)
- ModelDB : a system to manage ML models (storage, quering ), supports : SparkML pipelines and scikit-learn
- Prometheus : multi-purpose tool /!\ Model perfomance is not EXLUSIVELLY measured through Accuracy & Model bias
- IBM AI fairness 360 OS Toolkit : detects bias and ml models
- IBM Adversarial robustness 360 ToolBox : protect model against hacking and covers vulnabilities
- IBM Explanability 360 Toolkit : model description
- git
- GitHub
- GitLab
- BitBucket
- Apache Atlas :
- ODPA EGERIA : exchange data
- Kylo
- Jupyter : notebook for python programming (data science ide : code, interpreter, results viz)
- JupyterLab : next generation of jupyter nb
- Apache Zeppilin : uses integrated lib for ploting opposite to jupyter nb
- R-Studio : IDE for data viz for R language, dev in python also possible
- SPYDER : like E-Studio but for Python world
- Apache Spark : scalable execution performance (mostly used)
- Apache Flink : batch processing engine for RT data streaming
- RAY (riselab) : deeplearning training on a large scale
No programming skills necessary => Data Int - Data Viz - Model Building
KNIME (open innovation) : created by University of Konstanz in 2004
Data Mgt :
- Oracle DB
- MS SQL Server
Data int & Transformation (ETL)
- Informatica
- IBM InfoSphere DataStage
- Talend
- IBM Watson Studio Desktop
Data visualization
- Tableau
- MS Power BI
- IBM Cognos Analyst
Model Building
Data Deployment
- IBM SPSS (IBM Watson Studio Desktop)
- PMLM ?
Model Monitoring & Code Asset Mgt : USE OPENSOURCES TOOLS
- Git & GitHub
Dev Env :
- IBM Watson Studio (Desktop
Fully Integrated Visual Tools :
IBM Watson Studio (Desktop : Jupyter + graphic tools )
IBM Watson Open Scale
- Can be deployed on the top of Kubernetes and RedHat OpenShift
=> H2O Driveless AI : covers the completed data science cycle
takes operations task away from the user
: Software as a Service - cloud provider operates the tool for the client in the cloud (storage, configuration and updates...)
: Platform as a Service
- Amazon DynamoDB : NoSQL db for data storage and retrieval in key-value/document store format(like JSON)
- Cloudant : database as a service offering (based on Apache CouchDB)
- IBM Db2
IBM Data Refinery (Part of IBM Watson Studio)
- Datameer
- IBM Cognos Analytics
- IBM Data Refinery : data exploration and Viz
- Word cloud : document corpus
- IBM Watson Machine Learning
- Google Cloud : AI Platform Training
- IBM SPSS Collaboration & Deployement Services : PMML language
- IBM Watson Machine Learning
- AWS : Amazon SageMaker Model Monitor
- Watson openScale
- Code Asset Management :
- Development Environment
- Execution Environment :
- IBM Watson Studio + Open Scale (ML + AI Tasks)
- MS Azure Machine Learning
- H2O AI
Libraries(frameworks) : collection of functions and methods that enable to perform a wide variety of actions without writing any code
Python most useful libs:
- Scientific Computing lib
- Pandas : Data stuctures and Tools - cleaning, manipulation, analysis ( data is represeting in row and col model called : DATAFRAME)
- NumPy : Arrays & matrices : (pandas is built on top of NumPy)
- Visualization lib
- Matplotlib : plots & graphs, most popular
- Seaborn : plots (heatmaps, time series, violin plots ...)
- high level ML & DL
- Scikit-learn : ML algorithms like regression,classification, clustering ...)
- Keras : DL and NN
- Deep Learning Lib
- TensorFlow : build for production & Deployement
- Pytorch : build for experimentation
Apache Spark : general -purpose cluster computing framework to process data using compute-cluster(computing data from multiple computer)
- pandas, Numpy, scikit-learning
- languages : python, R, scala, SQL
- Scala libs : Vegas(statical & viz), Big DL (dl)
- R libs(ml & data viz): ggplot2, others (use w/ Keras & TF) => R is being superseded by python
- API : lets two pieces of software talk to each other (part of library)
- things to know : input/output (program <=> |API| => Other sw components)
- interface between two differents programs/sws (Python => [API] => TF(written in c++)) =>julia/Matlab/Scala/R<=> [API] <=> TF
- Applications called through the internet (communication, input/request, Output/Ressources)
- (Client) <=> [API] <=> (Web services)
- Client <=> [API] <=> Ressources(endpoint) ex : The Watson Speech to Text API / Watson language translator API
- Data Sets : structured collection of data ( text, numbers, or media such as images, audio, or video files)
- Tabular data : row, col (csv files)
- Hierarchical data, Network data (graph, nodes...)
- Raw files (imgs, audios ..)
- Private Data
- Confidential
- Private or personal information
- Commercial sensitive
- Open Data :
- Scientific institutions
- Governments
- Organizations (UN, OMS)
- Companies
- Publicly available
- Open data list : datacalogs.org
- Governmental, intergovernmental & Organizations websites
- data.un.org
- data.Governmental
- europeandataportal.europeandataportal
- Kaggle : kaggle.com/datasets
- Google data set search : datasetsearch.research.google.com
- cdla.io : Linux Foundation
- CDLA-Sharing
- CDLA-permissive
- IBM Data Asset eXchange(DAX) : Curated collection of data sets, from IBM Research and 3rd party
- Diverse data types (imgs, text files) & high level of curation for data set quality
- Friendly license & use terms
- notebooks examples (charts, timeseries, ml model)
- DAX projects on ibm.develpper websites
- download dataset or explore w/ notebook on Watson Studio
- Data can contain a wealth of information
- traditional programming approach reaches its computer limit due to the alarge amount size of data => Solution : Machine Learning Model : algorithms which learn from experiences by identifying patterns and predicts the result
- A model must be trained on data before it can be used to make predicts
Types of ml learning classes :
- Supervised (most commun) : Data is labeled and model trained to make correct predictions (input data(X), corrected output (y))
examples :
- regression : predict real numerical values (home sales prices, stock market)
- classifications : classify things into Categories (email spams filters, fraud detection, image classification)
- unsupervised : data is not labeled. Model tries to identify patterns w/out external help
- clustering and anomaly detection
- reinforcement : Conceptually similar to human learning processes
- a robot learning to walk, Go, Chess and other strategy games
- List of ML Algorithms :https://www.newtechdojo.com/list-machine-learning-algorithms/
Tries to loosely emulate how human brain works Applications :
- Natural Language Processing
- Image, Audio, and video analysis
- Time Series forecasting
- Much more
- LARGE datasets of labeled data and compute intensive
Build from scratch / download from public model repos
frameworks : TensoFlow, PyTorch, Keras
populars model repos :
- model zoo
- ONNX model zoo
ML/DL Pipeline-process
graph LR;
A[Prepare Data]-->B[Build Model];
B-->C[Training model]
C-->D[Deploy model]
=> Prepare Data : (collect data , clean, label)
=> Build Model : from scratch/ zoo model that fits to the problem
=> Training Model(iterative process ) : requires (more) data, time, expertise, ressources
=> Deploy model : make available for the application
- Model build 'Time to value' is a long process and need to be optimized : MAX does that!!!
- free open source dl microservices
- pre-trained / custom trainable state of art models
- fully tested, deploy
- approved personal/commercial use
- Vailable for variety of domains
- object detection
- image, audio, text classification(what is in this...)
- named entity recognition
- img to Text (generate image caption)
- human pose detection
Data + Model + Compute ressources + Domain expertise
(Input/output and ( Pretrained model ) (REST API)
model processing code)
model serving container (Docker images ) => deploy in production w/ Kubernetes
HW : Local Machine/Private cloud / Hybrid cloud / Public cloud
- developer.ibm.com/exchange/models
Model Asset Exchange and the Data Asset Exchange
- Model Asset Exchange (MAX) and the Data Asset Exchange (DAX)
- open source Data Science resources on IBM Developer.
Exercise 1: ex ref : https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1ijvJh9FRhmfQzHgtPexnQMPNlowfluwz?authuser=1#scrollTo=Mo60qFIu7pHl
Where to find open data sets on IBM Developer How to explore those data sets
Exercise 2: http://ml-exchange.org/models
Find ready-to-use deep learning models on the Model Asset Exchange Explore the deep learning model-serving detecting the image
- Jupyter : Julia-Python-R
- jupyter created from ipython
- A tool for recording Data Science experimentation
- It allows Data Scientist to combine text and code block in a signle file
- It generates plots and tables within the file
- Notebooks can be exported as pdf and html files
JupyterLab : open multiple jupyter files
Jupyte Environment
- Google Collab
pip install JupyterLab
or from ANACONDA
SKILLS NETWORK : virtual jupyter notebook nothing to be installed
virtual jupyter notebook : https://labs.cognitiveclass.ai/tools/jupyterlite/lab/tree/labs/DS0105EN/Jupyter_Notebook.ipynb?lti=true
- slide mode to deliver the work
- terminate the session (before leaving the jupyterlab ? )
- A notebook kernel : computational engine that excutes the code contained in a Notebook file
- Jupyter Kernels for many other languages exist
- the kernel perfoms the computational and produces results, when the notebook is executed
- Other notebook languages can be need based on the Environment
- implements a 2 process model : kernel - client
- client : interface enabling the user to send code to the kernel
- Kernel : execute the code and returns to the client for display
- the client is the browser when using jupyter notebook
(user) -> (browser) -> (Notebook server) -> (Kernel) | (Notebook file)
NB Converts : Converts notebook to the new file format (pdf, html)
- Hands-on Lab: Jupyter Notebook - The Basics
- Ungraded External Tool: Ungraded External ToolLab - Jupyter Notebook - The Basics
- Lab - Jupyter Notebook - More Features
- Ungraded External Tool: Ungraded External ToolLab - Jupyter Notebook - More Features
- Hands-on Lab: Jupyter Notebook - Advanced Features
- Ungraded External Tool: Ungraded External ToolLab - Jupyter Notebook - Advanced Features
First you start with exploratory data analysis, so this notebook is highly recommended to have a look at: https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/Tanu-N-Prabhu/Python/blob/master/Exploratory_data_Analysis.ipynb
For data integration / cleansing at a smaller scale, the python library pandas is often used. Please have a look at this notebook: https://towardsdatascience.com/data-cleaning-with-python-using-pandas-library-c6f4a68ea8eb
If you want to already experience what clustering is, have a look at this: https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/temporaer/tutorial_ml_gkbionics/blob/master/2%20-%20KMeans.ipynb
And finally, if you want to go for a more in-depth notebook on the iris dataset have a look here: https://www.kaggle.com/lalitharajesh/iris-dataset-exploratory-data-analysis
- Statistical programming Language
- Used for data processing and manipulation
- Statistical, Data Analysis and Machine Learning
- R is used ùost academics, healthcare and the gouvernment
- R supports importing data from different sources :
- Flat files
- Databases
- Web
- statistical sw : SPSS, STATA ...
- ease to use
- great for data viz
- Basics analysis doesnt need any packages tobe installed
- Code editor
- Console
- Workspace/History tabs
- Plots, files , helps, packages ....
- dplyr : Data Manipulation
- stringr : String Manipulation
- ggplot : Data Visualization
- caret : Machine Learning
### Plotting within RStudio - ggplot : histograms, charts, scatterplots - plotly : web - Lattice : complex, multivariables datasets - Leaflet : interatives plots #### installing lib install.packages("package name") #### using a lib ex : library(ggplot)
- install.packages("package name")
- # install.packages("GGally", repos = "https://cran.r-project.org", type= "source")
- the packages are located at : '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library'
- Practice
- Git is a Version Control System tool
- Version Control System : keep track of changes of a document and make collaboration much easier
- Git : Free and open source sw (GPL)
- Distributed version control system
- Accessible anywhere in the world
- Most popular vcs outthere
- GitLab
- GitBucket
- Beanstalk
- SSH protocol : A method for secure remote login from one computer to another
- repository : folders of a project that are set up for version control
- Fork : a copy of a repo
- Pull request : The process to request someone reviews and approves your changes before they become final
- Working directory : A directory on your file system, including its files and subdir, that is associated with a git repo
- Git commands : https://git-scm.com/docs
- GitHub : https://try.github.io
- done
- snapshot of a repo
- main branch(revied and tested code) vs child (experiment, new features) branch
- done
- git init, git status, git add, git commit ...
- Pre-requisites for command line interface (Optional)
- Configuring SSH access to repository (Optional)
- Git and GitHub via command line instructions (Optional)
- Branching and merging via command line (Optional)
- Lab 2: Branching and merging via command line (Optional)
- Contributing to repositories via pull request (Optional)
- Lab 3: Contributing to repositories via pull request (Optional)
- Practice Quiz: Practice Quiz - GitHub
- 3 questions
DATA : greater ressources of every smart Organization
data analysis, model building, data viz, open sources and collaborative framework
Applications :
- innovation
- Data Refinery
- Dev and traniing of ML/DL models
A effecient Data driven Team :
- Data Engineer
- Data Scientist
- Data Steward
- Business Analyst
- Developer
collaborative and easy to create a project (feature) : Overview, Asset, Env, Jobs ...
- need to use the bank account to finish the registration - it sucks !
- Add a notebook to the project (*.ipyn file)
- add a dataset to work with and open the data as pandas dataframe
- Add a description : add cells etc ... & run the code
- Create a Job so that the nbs run in different time
- sw & hw configuration
- Default or Spark (for additional infos)
- Choose the sw version (Python, R, Scala ..)
- Stop the Kernel to start the new env, associate w/ nb
- Publish the nb to the GitHub
- created new account and added a new code
- Task 1: Create Watson Studio Service:
- Task 2: Open Watson Studio
- Task 3: Create a Project
- Task 4: Adding a Notebook to the Project => Add assets => JNB editor
Linking GitHub to Watson Studio
- create a Github token
- generate a token
- settings : Integration => Github Working Repo
=> Catalog and manage all data ressources <=
- unites all Catalogs in a single metadata-rich Catalog
- corresponds : Data Asset Mgt, Code Asset Mgt, Data Mgt, Data Integration & Transformation
- Main features : Find data, Catalog data, Govern, Understand, Power data science, Prepare and Connect, Deploy Data
- build on the top of RedHat OpenShift
- DC : protects data from misuse and enables sharing of assets automatically and dynamically masking sensitive data
- runs on the private or public cloud
- Catalog : metadata about contents of assets and their access
- A metadata is encrypted and store in the secure cloud location
- Storage places : IBM Cloudant, Db2, Db2 Warehouse, AWS, Azure, twitter, pdf ...
- Need a permission to access a specific/sensitive catalog
- IBM Watson Studio : There are some public Catalog
=> graphical tools for analyzing and preparing data <=
- Power tool for data preparation and analysis
- Simplifying Data Preparation
- Interative visual interface that enables self-service preparation
- available in Watson Studio
- analyse the data and run at the end in th real dataset
- relational operators : left join, inner join etc
- automation (from database ) => (Data refinerey) => Target table
=> easy to use graphical interfaces for statistics, ML and ETL <=
- Data Mgt, Data Int & Trans, Data Viz and Model Building
- build ML and pipeliness (SPSS Modeler)
- Model objects : data sources(inputs), type, agregate, filter, merge
- Palettes(menu on the left) and canavas(main part o fthe screen)
- Data sources are located in the import
- After the model setup and configuration => RUN => Generate Model (in Nuggets)
- Each flow starts w/ data sources located in the import group => Ex: AI dataset (drugs from Watson Studio env)
- Target(label) => Categorical field
- Predictive variables
- Predict values (Categories)
- Model accuracy
- Confusion matrix
- NN represent of the built model ( input layers, hidden layers and output layers)
- weights and theirs values, and nn connections ...
- Categories and continuos target perspective
- build severals models and pick the best one based on a certain criterion
- create by Clementine 1994
- acquired by SPSS in 1998
- SPSS acquired by IBM 2009
- Building model w/ coding (Boxes and objects, graphics)
- Data Mgt, Data Int & Trans, Data Viz and Model Building + Model Deployement
- round node
- hexagone node (data sources)
- feature selection node => build to generate a yellow nugget
- Super Node (special node created by the user)
- run the flow
- input and target
- classification table which resumes the model features
- Partition node : records for testing and validation
- partitioned data ( to avoid Overfitting - high accuracy)
- introduction to IBM SPSS Modeler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJfe9C9_hjY
- IBM SPSS Statistics & ML application
- build predictive model, statistical analysis of data
- build statistical & Data mining algos w/out coding
- file format (*.sav)
- Load dataset are presented as structured data table (excel )
- DATA :
- ANALYZE : Chose the type of model to be applied : ex: Tree Model
- show model detailed after building (classification table)
- GRAPHS : data viz : chart builder
- SPSS Synthax : special programing language used by others tools
Learn SPSS : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZPyOJ8tFcI
- The return of investment is obtained when the model/pipeline is put into production
- To make prediction, scores and new cases ..
- Sage Maker (Amazon)
- MLFlow (Databricks)
- AirFlow (Airbnb)
- Kubeflow (Google)
=> created by Data Mining Group(DMG) in 1990s
- Generated from : Watson Studio & SPSS -> PFA Portable Format for Analytics from DMG -> JSON => the revolution !!! (2013)
- models are built for very specific Environment (embedded device : GPU, CPU, FPGA ..)
- support : SPSS Modeler, PMML & ONNNx
- create ML Pipelines !!!
- Help to simplify an AI lifecycle management, AutoAI automates :
- AutoAI Process/pipeline : (Raw labeled Dataset)=>(Preparation)=>(Model selection)=>(HPO)=> (Feature engineering)=>(HPO)
- Build pipelines, comparing them according to the adverses experiments...
- Classification & regression ONLY
- Pipelines are saved as ML assets in Watson Studio
- Fairness
- Explanability : Enhances compliance w/ regulation
=> Fair Credit Reporting Act => GDPR - Model Monitoring (bais in the prediction (%) ...) => control and increase Accuracy and fix inconsitency
- Business Impact
Instructions: Create and Share Your Jupyter Notebook
- Peer-graded Assignment: Submit Your Work and Grade Your Peers
- Review Your Peers: Submit Your Work and Grade Your Peers
- Reading: Reading IBM Digital Badge