+const denormalizedObservationsViewKinds = [
+ {
+ '@id': 'rm:TimeSeriesViewKind',
+ '@type': 'rm:ViewKind',
+ type: 'TimeSeriesChart', // control type
+ options: {},
+ mappings: {
+ 'rm:TimeSeries': {
+ '@id': 'rm:Mapping_1',
+ '@type': 'rm:TimeSeries',
+ type: {
+ type: 'pointer',
+ value: '/type',
+ },
+ yField: {
+ type: 'pointer',
+ value: '/options/property',
+ },
+ xField: 'parsedAt',
+ colorField: 'product',
+ mapping: {
+ type: 'object',
+ properties: {
+ style: {
+ type: 'object',
+ properties: {
+ lineWidth: { type: 'pointer', value: '/options/lineWidth', default: 2 },
+ stroke: { type: 'pointer', value: '/options/stroke' },
+ },
+ wrapper: { type: 'pointer', value: '/product' },
+ },
+ color: {
+ type: 'pointer',
+ value: '/options/color',
+ wrapper: { type: 'pointer', value: '/product' },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ dataMappings: [],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+const denormalizedObservationsViewDescrs = [
+ {
+ '@id': 'mktp:_g7H7gh',
+ '@type': 'rm:View',
+ title: 'Показатели продукта',
+ viewKind: 'rm:TimeSeriesViewKind',
+ type: 'Chart',
+ options: {
+ timeUnit: 'day',
+ dateFormat: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ interactions: [{ type: 'sibling-tooltip' }],
+ },
+ elements: [
+ {
+ '@id': 'rm:TimeSeries_1',
+ '@type': 'rm:TimeSeriesPlot',
+ type: 'timeSeries',
+ options: {
+ legend: false,
+ },
+ elements: [
+ {
+ '@id': 'rm:TimeSeries_Price',
+ '@type': 'rm:TimeSeries',
+ type: 'timeSeries',
+ options: {
+ legend: false,
+ tooltip: {
+ showCrosshairs: true,
+ shared: true,
+ showMarkers: true,
+ customContent: buildCustomTooltip('price'),
+ },
+ region: {
+ start: {
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ },
+ end: {
+ x: 0.24,
+ y: 0.48,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ elements: [
+ {
+ '@id': 'rm:line_price',
+ '@type': 'rm:Element',
+ type: 'line',
+ resultsScope: 'mktp:_8uJ8t6',
+ options: {
+ property: 'price',
+ color: '#2E8DF9',
+ lineWidth: 2,
+ stroke: '#2E8DF9',
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ '@id': 'rm:TimeSeries_Sales',
+ '@type': 'rm:TimeSeries',
+ type: 'timeSeries',
+ options: {
+ legend: false,
+ tooltip: {
+ showCrosshairs: true,
+ shared: true,
+ showMarkers: true,
+ customContent: buildCustomTooltip('stocks'),
+ },
+ region: {
+ start: {
+ x: 0.26,
+ y: 0,
+ },
+ end: {
+ x: 0.49,
+ y: 0.48,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ elements: [
+ {
+ '@id': 'rm:line_stocks',
+ '@type': 'rm:Element',
+ type: 'line',
+ resultsScope: 'mktp:_8uJ8t6',
+ options: {
+ property: 'stocks',
+ color: '#1FD0BE',
+ lineWidth: 2,
+ stroke: '#1FD0BE',
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ '@id': 'rm:TimeSeries_Price',
+ '@type': 'rm:TimeSeries',
+ type: 'timeSeries',
+ options: {
+ legend: false,
+ tooltip: {
+ showCrosshairs: true,
+ shared: true,
+ showMarkers: true,
+ customContent: buildCustomTooltip('saleValue'),
+ },
+ region: {
+ start: {
+ x: 0.51,
+ y: 0,
+ },
+ end: {
+ x: 0.74,
+ y: 0.48,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ elements: [
+ {
+ '@id': 'rm:line_saleValue',
+ '@type': 'rm:Element',
+ type: 'line',
+ resultsScope: 'mktp:_8uJ8t6',
+ options: {
+ property: 'saleValue',
+ color: '#EB648C',
+ lineWidth: 2,
+ stroke: '#EB648C',
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ '@id': 'rm:TimeSeries_Sales',
+ '@type': 'rm:TimeSeries',
+ type: 'timeSeries',
+ options: {
+ legend: false,
+ tooltip: {
+ showCrosshairs: true,
+ shared: true,
+ showMarkers: true,
+ customContent: buildCustomTooltip('totalSales'),
+ },
+ region: {
+ start: {
+ x: 0.76,
+ y: 0,
+ },
+ end: {
+ x: 1,
+ y: 0.48,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ elements: [
+ {
+ '@id': 'rm:line_totalSales',
+ '@type': 'rm:Element',
+ type: 'line',
+ resultsScope: 'mktp:_8uJ8t6',
+ options: {
+ property: 'totalSales',
+ color: '#EB648C',
+ lineWidth: 2,
+ stroke: '#EB648C',
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ '@id': 'rm:TimeSeries_Price',
+ '@type': 'rm:TimeSeries',
+ type: 'timeSeries',
+ options: {
+ legend: false,
+ tooltip: {
+ showCrosshairs: true,
+ shared: true,
+ showMarkers: true,
+ customContent: buildCustomTooltip('commentsCount'),
+ },
+ region: {
+ start: {
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0.52,
+ },
+ end: {
+ x: 0.24,
+ y: 1,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ elements: [
+ {
+ '@id': 'rm:line_commentsCount',
+ '@type': 'rm:Element',
+ type: 'line',
+ resultsScope: 'mktp:_8uJ8t6',
+ options: {
+ property: 'commentsCount',
+ color: '#EC7E31',
+ lineWidth: 2,
+ stroke: '#EC7E31',
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ '@id': 'rm:TimeSeries_Sales',
+ '@type': 'rm:TimeSeries',
+ type: 'timeSeries',
+ options: {
+ legend: false,
+ tooltip: {
+ showCrosshairs: true,
+ shared: true,
+ showMarkers: true,
+ customContent: buildCustomTooltip('stocksDiffOrders'),
+ },
+ region: {
+ start: {
+ x: 0.26,
+ y: 0.52,
+ },
+ end: {
+ x: 0.49,
+ y: 1,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ elements: [
+ {
+ '@id': 'rm:line_stocksDiffOrders',
+ '@type': 'rm:Element',
+ type: 'line',
+ resultsScope: 'mktp:_8uJ8t6',
+ options: {
+ property: 'stocksDiffOrders',
+ color: '#1FD0BE',
+ lineWidth: 2,
+ stroke: '#1FD0BE',
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ '@id': 'rm:TimeSeries_Price',
+ '@type': 'rm:TimeSeries',
+ type: 'timeSeries',
+ options: {
+ legend: false,
+ tooltip: {
+ showCrosshairs: true,
+ shared: true,
+ showMarkers: true,
+ customContent: buildCustomTooltip('salesAmountDiff'),
+ },
+ region: {
+ start: {
+ x: 0.51,
+ y: 0.52,
+ },
+ end: {
+ x: 0.74,
+ y: 1,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ elements: [
+ {
+ '@id': 'rm:line_salesAmountDiff',
+ '@type': 'rm:Element',
+ type: 'line',
+ resultsScope: 'mktp:_8uJ8t6',
+ options: {
+ property: 'salesAmountDiff',
+ color: '#EB648C',
+ lineWidth: 2,
+ stroke: '#EB648C',
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ '@id': 'rm:TimeSeries_Sales',
+ '@type': 'rm:TimeSeries',
+ type: 'timeSeries',
+ options: {
+ legend: false,
+ tooltip: {
+ showCrosshairs: true,
+ shared: true,
+ showMarkers: true,
+ customContent: buildCustomTooltip('totalSalesDiff'),
+ },
+ region: {
+ start: {
+ x: 0.76,
+ y: 0.52,
+ },
+ end: {
+ x: 1,
+ y: 1,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ elements: [
+ {
+ '@id': 'rm:line_totalSalesDiff',
+ '@type': 'rm:Element',
+ type: 'line',
+ resultsScope: 'mktp:_8uJ8t6',
+ options: {
+ property: 'totalSalesDiff',
+ color: '#EB648C',
+ lineWidth: 2,
+ stroke: '#EB648C',
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ // datasets constraints, specific to this view (UML aggregation)
+ collsConstrs: [
+ {
+ '@id': 'mktp:_8uJ8t6', // machine-generated random UUID
+ '@type': 'rm:CollConstr',
+ entConstrs: [
+ {
+ '@id': 'mktp:_uf78Dfg', // machine-generated random UUID
+ '@type': 'rm:EntConstr',
+ schema: 'hs:HSObservationShape',
+ conditions: {
+ '@id': 'mktp:_u8Yg83', // machine-generated random UUID
+ '@type': 'rm:EntConstrCondition',
+ product: 'https://www.wildberries.ru/catalog/9485114/detail.aspx',
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ orderBy: [{ expression: variable('parsedAt'), descending: false }],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ * Collections Configs Data
+ */
+export const additionalColls: CollState[] = [
+ // ViewKinds Collection
+ {
+ constr: viewKindCollConstr,
+ data: denormalizedObservationsViewKinds,
+ opt: {
+ updPeriod: undefined,
+ lastSynced: Date.now(),
+ resolveCollConstrs: false, // disable data loading from the server for viewKinds.collConstrs
+ },
+ },
+ // ViewDescrs Collection
+ {
+ constr: viewDescrCollConstr,
+ data: denormalizedObservationsViewDescrs,
+ opt: {
+ updPeriod: undefined,
+ lastSynced: Date.now(),
+ //resolveCollConstrs: false, // 'true' here (by default) triggers data loading from the server
+ // for viewDescrs.collConstrs (it loads lazily -- after the first access)
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/stories/DenormalizedObservations.stories.tsx b/stories/DenormalizedObservations.stories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac2bb73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stories/DenormalizedObservations.stories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Agentlab and others.
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the GNU General Public License v. 3.0 which is available at
+ * https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+ ********************************************************************************/
+import { MstContextProvider } from '@agentlab/ldkg-ui-react';
+import { createModelFromState, rootModelInitialState } from '@agentlab/sparql-jsld-client';
+import { Meta, Story } from '@storybook/react';
+import { asReduxStore, connectReduxDevtools } from 'mst-middlewares';
+import React from 'react';
+import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
+import { RemoteDataRenderer } from '../src';
+import { additionalColls } from '../src/store/DenormalizedObservationsData';
+import SparqlClient from '../src/utils/SparqlClient';
+const client = new SparqlClient('https://rdf4j.agentlab.ru/rdf4j-server');
+const rootStore = createModelFromState('mktp-fed', client, rootModelInitialState, additionalColls);
+const store: any = asReduxStore(rootStore);
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
+connectReduxDevtools(require('remotedev'), rootStore);
+export default {
+ title: 'DenormalizedObservations',
+ component: RemoteDataRenderer,
+} as Meta;
+const Template: Story = (args: any) => (
+export const ProductTimeSeries = Template.bind({});
+ProductTimeSeries.args = {
+ viewDescrCollId: 'rm:Views_Coll_charts',
+ viewDescrId: 'mktp:_g7H7gh',
+ viewKindCollId: 'rm:ViewKinds_Coll_charts',