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unit Engine3D_CIconArray;{ Dimensione delle variabili globali: 8 }interfaceuses types, quickdraw, Dream3Display_Tipi, Dream3Display_Tools;const Black4Fade = 255;type PackedBoolean = packed array [0..7] of boolean; var DstRow, SrcRow : longint; OffScreenAddr : ptr; ATextureList : array [1..10] of ATexturePtr; ATextureListN : integer; MixedPalette : ptr; WaterShift : integer; OddOrEven : boolean; thisLensFlareActive : boolean; procedure FillCIconArray;procedure DisposeCIcons; procedure InitCIconArray;function SetUpfade : integer;procedure doLensFlare ( where : point);implementation{$R-}uses icons, qdoffscreen, segload, toolutils, memory, AppleEvents, AERegistry, resources, cilindro, dreamtypes, lowlevel, dialoglord4, Dream3Display_Tipi, Engine3D_Globals, Engine3D_DrawProc, Dream3Display_Tools; const lensFlarePictId = 300; lensFlareTot = 128; lensFlareHalf = lensFlareTot div 2; lensFlareTot2 = 64; lensFlareHalf2 = lensFlareTot2 div 2; lensFlareTot3 = 16; lensFlareHalf3 = lensFlareTot3 div 2; type BytePtr = ^byte; CharPtr = ^char; LongRGB = record Red, Green, Blue : longint; end; ByteRGB = record BRed, BGreen, BBlue : longint; end; BytePalette = array [0..MaxPaletteCount] of ByteRGB; var DisplayPaletteId : integer; FadeType : integer; lensFlarePtr : array [0..2, 0..3] of ptr; maxedPalette : ptr; flareShift : integer; {$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}procedure getLensFlarePict;var R : rect; i : integer; begin if placedata [4] then for i := 0 to 3 do begin setrect (R, 0, 0, lensFlareTot - 1, lensFlareTot - 1); lensFlarePtr [0, i] := getPictOnPtr (lensFlarePictId + i, R); setrect (R, 0, 0, lensFlareTot2 - 1, lensFlareTot2 - 1); lensFlarePtr [1, i] := getPictOnPtr (lensFlarePictId + i + 4, R); setrect (R, 0, 0, lensFlareTot3 - 1, lensFlareTot3 - 1); lensFlarePtr [2, i] := getPictOnPtr (lensFlarePictId + i + 8, R); end;end;{$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}procedure disposeLensFlarePict;var i, j : integer; begin if placedata [4] then for i := 0 to 3 do for j := 0 to 2 do disposePictOnPtr (lensFlarePtr [i, j]);end;{$Engine3D}procedure doLensFlare ( where : point);var dstPtr : ptr; srcPtr : ptr; theRow : integer; theDstRow : integer; currentRow, endV : integer; localPal, localPal2 : ptr; theMax : integer; where2 : point; begin localPal := ptr (maxedPalette); if localPal = nil then exit (doLensFlare); if (where.h <= - lensFlareHalf) or (where.h >= 319 + lensFlareHalf) or (where.v <= -lensFlareHalf) or (where.v >= 199 + lensFlareHalf) then exit (doLensFlare); theRow := 0; srcPtr := lensFlarePtr [0, flareShift]; dstPtr := offScreenAddr; if where.h < lensFlareHalf then begin theRow := lensFlareHalf - where.h; srcPtr := ptr (longint (srcPtr) + theRow); end else begin if where.h > 319 - lensFlareHalf then begin theRow := where.h - (319 - lensFlareHalf); end; dstPtr := ptr (longint (dstPtr) + where.h - lensFlareHalf); end; theDstRow := dstRow - lensFlareTot + theRow; if where.v < lensFlareHalf then begin srcPtr := ptr (longint (srcPtr) + bsl (lensFlareHalf - where.v, 7)); endV := where.v + lensFlareHalf; end else begin endV := lensFlareTot; if where.v > 199 - lensFlareHalf then endV := endV - (where.v - (199 - lensFlareHalf)); dstPtr := ptr (longint (dstPtr) + dstRow * (where.v - lensFlareHalf)); end; localPal := ptr (maxedPalette); while endV <> 0 do begin currentRow := lensFlareTot - theRow; while currentRow <> 0 do begin dstPtr^ := ptr (longint (localPal) + bor (band (srcPtr^, $FF), bsl (band (dstPtr^, $FF), 8)))^; srcPtr := ptr (longint (srcPtr) + 1); dstPtr := ptr (longint (dstPtr) + 1); currentRow := currentRow - 1; end; srcPtr := ptr (longint (srcPtr) + theRow); dstPtr := ptr (longint (dstPtr) + theDstRow); endV := endV - 1; end; localPal2 := ptr (mixedPalette); if localPal2 = nil then exit (doLensFlare); where2 := where; with where do begin h := 319 - h; v := 199 - v; end; if (where.h <= - lensFlareHalf2) or (where.h >= 319 + lensFlareHalf2) or (where.v <= -lensFlareHalf2) or (where.v >= 199 + lensFlareHalf2) then exit (doLensFlare); theRow := 0; srcPtr := lensFlarePtr [1, flareShift]; dstPtr := offScreenAddr; if where.h < lensFlareHalf2 then begin theRow := lensFlareHalf2 - where.h; srcPtr := ptr (longint (srcPtr) + theRow); end else begin if where.h > 319 - lensFlareHalf2 then begin theRow := where.h - (319 - lensFlareHalf2); end; dstPtr := ptr (longint (dstPtr) + where.h - lensFlareHalf2); end; theDstRow := dstRow - lensFlareTot2 + theRow; if where.v < lensFlareHalf2 then begin srcPtr := ptr (longint (srcPtr) + bsl (lensFlareHalf2 - where.v, 5)); endV := where.v + lensFlareHalf2; end else begin endV := lensFlareTot2 ; if where.v > 199 - lensFlareHalf2 then endV := endV - (where.v - (199 - lensFlareHalf2)); dstPtr := ptr (longint (dstPtr) + dstRow * (where.v - lensFlareHalf2)); end; while endV <> 0 do begin currentRow := lensFlareTot2 - theRow; while currentRow <> 0 do begin{ dstPtr^ := ptr (longint (localPal) + bor (band (srcPtr^, $FF), bsl (band (dstPtr^, $FF), 8)))^;} dstPtr^ := ptr (longint (localPal2) + bor (band (ptr (longint (localPal) + bor (band (srcPtr^, $FF), bsl (band (dstPtr^, $FF), 8)))^, $FF), bsl (band (dstPtr^, $FF), 8)))^; srcPtr := ptr (longint (srcPtr) + 1); dstPtr := ptr (longint (dstPtr) + 1); currentRow := currentRow - 1; end; srcPtr := ptr (longint (srcPtr) + theRow); dstPtr := ptr (longint (dstPtr) + theDstRow); endV := endV - 1; end; with where do begin h := bsr (3 * h + where2.h, 2); v := bsr (3 * v + where2.v, 2); end; if (where.h <= - lensFlareHalf3) or (where.h >= 319 + lensFlareHalf3) or (where.v <= -lensFlareHalf3) or (where.v >= 199 + lensFlareHalf3) then exit (doLensFlare); theRow := 0; srcPtr := lensFlarePtr [2, flareShift]; dstPtr := offScreenAddr; if where.h < lensFlareHalf3 then begin theRow := lensFlareHalf3 - where.h; srcPtr := ptr (longint (srcPtr) + theRow); end else begin if where.h > 319 - lensFlareHalf3 then begin theRow := where.h - (319 - lensFlareHalf3); end; dstPtr := ptr (longint (dstPtr) + where.h - lensFlareHalf3); end; theDstRow := dstRow - lensFlareTot3 + theRow; if where.v < lensFlareHalf3 then begin srcPtr := ptr (longint (srcPtr) + bsl (lensFlareHalf3 - where.v, 5)); endV := where.v + lensFlareHalf3; end else begin endV := lensFlareTot3 ; if where.v > 199 - lensFlareHalf3 then endV := endV - (where.v - (199 - lensFlareHalf3)); dstPtr := ptr (longint (dstPtr) + dstRow * (where.v - lensFlareHalf3)); end; while endV <> 0 do begin currentRow := lensFlareTot3 - theRow; while currentRow <> 0 do begin{ dstPtr^ := ptr (longint (localPal) + bor (band (srcPtr^, $FF), bsl (band (dstPtr^, $FF), 8)))^;} dstPtr^ := ptr (longint (localPal2) + bor (band (ptr (longint (localPal) + bor (band (srcPtr^, $FF), bsl (band (dstPtr^, $FF), 8)))^, $FF), bsl (band (dstPtr^, $FF), 8)))^; srcPtr := ptr (longint (srcPtr) + 1); dstPtr := ptr (longint (dstPtr) + 1); currentRow := currentRow - 1; end; srcPtr := ptr (longint (srcPtr) + theRow); dstPtr := ptr (longint (dstPtr) + theDstRow); endV := endV - 1; end; if oddOrEven then theMax := 4 else theMax := 3; flareShift := flareShift + 1; if flareShift >= theMax then flareShift := 0;end;{$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}procedure InitCIconArray;var bf : family; begin Array66 := ByteColorPtr (newptr (sizeof (ByteColorArray))); if Array66 = nil then begin deathalert (erroutofmemory, 1); end; Array33 := ByteColorPtr (newptr (sizeof (ByteColorArray))); if Array33 = nil then begin deathalert (erroutofmemory, 1); end; waterArray66 := ByteColorPtr (newptr (sizeof (ByteColorArray))); if waterArray66 = nil then begin deathalert (erroutofmemory, 1); end; clearfamily (bf); bf [1] := true; bf [2] := true; MixedPalette := newptr ($10004); if MixedPalette = nil then begin if alertlord (155, 4, bf) = 2 then deathalert (erroutofmemory, 1); end; MaxedPalette := newptr ($10004); if MaxedPalette = nil then begin if alertlord (155, 4, bf) = 2 then deathalert (erroutofmemory, 1); end; DisplayPaletteId := -1; FadeType := -1; ATextureListN := 0;end; {$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}procedure GetMixedPalette;var Tmp : handle; begin if mixedPalette <> nil then begin Tmp := mygetresource ('mxpl', Environment.DisplayPaletteId, false, true); if Tmp <> nil then begin hlock (Tmp); blockmove (Tmp^, MixedPalette, $10000); releaseresource (Tmp); end; end;end;{$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}procedure GetMaxedPalette;var Tmp : handle; begin if maxedPalette <> nil then begin Tmp := mygetresource ('Mxpl', Environment.DisplayPaletteId, false, true); if Tmp <> nil then begin hlock (Tmp); blockmove (Tmp^, MaxedPalette, $10000); releaseresource (Tmp); end; end; flareShift := 0;end;{$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}function SetUpfade : integer;var TheBytePalette : BytePalette;{$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}procedure GetBytePalette;var I : integer; begin with Environment do begin hlock (handle (DisplayPalette)); for I := 0 to 255 do begin with TheBytePalette [I] do with DisplayPalette^^.cttable [I].rgb do begin BRed := band (red, $000000FF); BGreen := band (green, $000000FF); BBlue := band (blue, $000000FF); end; end; hunlock (handle (DisplayPalette)); end;end;{$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}function GetApproxInClut ( TheColor : ByteRGB) : byte;var I : integer; Min : integer; MinSize : longint; CurMin : longint; Boh, Boh2 : ByteRGB; begin Boh := TheColor; Boh2 := TheBytePalette [255]; MinSize := sqr (Boh.BRed - Boh2.BRed) + sqr (Boh.BGreen - Boh2.BGreen) + sqr (Boh.BBlue - Boh2.BBlue); if MinSize = 0 then begin GetApproxInClut := 255; exit (GetApproxInClut); end; Min := 255; for I := 254 downto 0 do begin Boh2 := TheBytePalette [I]; CurMin := sqr (Boh.BRed - Boh2.BRed) + sqr (Boh.BGreen - Boh2.BGreen) + sqr (Boh.BBlue - Boh2.BBlue); if CurMin = 0 then begin GetApproxInClut := I; exit (GetApproxInClut); end; if CurMin < MinSize then begin MinSize := CurMin; Min := I; end; end; GetApproxInClut := Min;end;{$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}procedure GetArrays;var TheColor : ByteRGB; {$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}procedure FadeToBlack;var I : integer;begin for I := 255 downto 0 do begin TheColor := TheBytePalette [I]; with TheColor do begin BRed := bsr (BRed, 1); BGreen := bsr (BGreen, 1); BBlue := bsr (BBlue, 1); end; Array66^ [I] := GetApproxInClut (TheColor); TheColor := TheBytePalette [I]; with TheColor do begin BRed := bsr (BRed, 2); BGreen := bsr (BGreen, 2); BBlue := bsr (BBlue, 2); end; Array33^ [I] := GetApproxInClut (TheColor); end;end;{$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}procedure BlackFog;var I : integer; begin for I := 0 to 255 do begin TheColor := TheBytePalette [I]; with TheColor do begin BRed := bsr (BRed, 1); BGreen := bsr (BGreen, 1); BBlue := bsr (BBlue, 1); BRed := BRed - Environment.FadeParameter; if BRed < 0 then BRed := 0; BGreen := BGreen - Environment.FadeParameter; if BGreen < 0 then BGreen := 0; BBlue := BBlue - Environment.FadeParameter; if BBlue < 0 then BBlue := 0; BRed := bsl (BRed, 1); BGreen := bsl (BGreen, 1); BBlue := bsl (BBlue, 1); end; Array66^ [I] := GetApproxInClut (TheColor); with TheColor do begin BRed := bsr (BRed, 1); BGreen := bsr (BGreen, 1); BBlue := bsr (BBlue, 1); BRed := BRed - 2 * Environment.FadeParameter; if BRed < 0 then BRed := 0; BGreen := BGreen - 2 * Environment.FadeParameter; if BGreen < 0 then BGreen := 0; BBlue := BBlue - 2 * Environment.FadeParameter; if BBlue < 0 then BBlue := 0; BRed := bsl (BRed, 1); BGreen := bsl (BGreen, 1); BBlue := bsl (BBlue, 1); end; Array33^ [I] := GetApproxInClut (TheColor); end;end;{$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}procedure AllRed;var I : integer;begin for I := 0 to 255 do begin TheColor := TheBytePalette [I]; with TheColor do begin BRed := bsr (BRed, 1); BGreen := bsr (BGreen, 2); BBlue := bsr (BGreen, 2); end; Array66^ [I] := GetApproxInClut (TheColor); with TheColor do begin BRed := bsr (BRed, 1); BGreen := 0; BBlue := 0; end; Array33^ [I] := GetApproxInClut (TheColor); end;end;{$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}procedure AllBlue;var I : integer;begin for I := 0 to 255 do begin TheColor := TheBytePalette [I]; with TheColor do begin BRed := bsr (BRed, 2); BGreen := bsr (BGreen, 1); BBlue := bsr (BBlue, 2); end; Array66^ [I] := GetApproxInClut (TheColor); with TheColor do begin BRed := 0; BGreen := 0; BBlue := bsr (BBlue, 1); end; Array33^ [I] := GetApproxInClut (TheColor); end;end;{$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}procedure FadeToGray;const FadeToGrayConst = 63; var I : integer;begin for I := 0 to 255 do begin TheColor := TheBytePalette [I]; with TheColor do begin BRed := bsr (BRed, 1); BRed := (BRed - FadeToGrayConst) div 2 + FadeToGrayConst; BGreen := bsr (BGreen, 1); BGreen := (BGreen - FadeToGrayConst) div 2 + FadeToGrayConst; BBlue := bsr (BBlue, 1); BBlue := (BBlue - FadeToGrayConst) div 2 + FadeToGrayConst; end; Array66^ [I] := GetApproxInClut (TheColor); with TheColor do begin BRed := bsr (BRed, 1); BRed := (BRed - FadeToGrayConst) div 2 + FadeToGrayConst; BGreen := bsr (BGreen, 1); BGreen := (BGreen - FadeToGrayConst) div 2 + FadeToGrayConst; BBlue := bsr (BBlue, 1); BBlue := (BBlue - FadeToGrayConst) div 2 + FadeToGrayConst; end; Array33^ [I] := GetApproxInClut (TheColor); end;end;{$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}procedure FadeToGrayWSnow;const FadeToGrayConst = 23; SnowC = 0.75; var I : integer;begin for I := 0 to 255 do begin TheColor := TheBytePalette [I]; with TheColor do begin BRed := bsr (BRed, 1); BRed := round ((BRed - FadeToGrayConst) * SnowC + FadeToGrayConst); BGreen := bsr (BGreen, 1); BGreen := round ((BGreen - FadeToGrayConst) * SnowC + FadeToGrayConst); BBlue := bsr (BBlue, 1); BBlue := round ((BBlue - FadeToGrayConst) * SnowC + FadeToGrayConst); end; Array66^ [I] := GetApproxInClut (TheColor); with TheColor do begin BRed := bsr (BRed, 1); BRed := round ((BRed - FadeToGrayConst) * SnowC + FadeToGrayConst); BGreen := bsr (BGreen, 1); BGreen := round ((BGreen - FadeToGrayConst) * SnowC + FadeToGrayConst); BBlue := bsr (BBlue, 1); BBlue := round ((BBlue - FadeToGrayConst) * SnowC + FadeToGrayConst); end; Array33^ [I] := GetApproxInClut (TheColor); end;end;{$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}procedure FadeToWhite;var I : integer;begin for I := 0 to 255 do begin TheColor := TheBytePalette [I]; with TheColor do begin BRed := bsl (BRed + 4, 1); BGreen := bsl (BGreen + 4, 1); BBlue := bsl (BBlue + 4, 1); end; Array66^ [I] := GetApproxInClut (TheColor); with TheColor do begin BRed := bsl (BRed + 2, 2); BGreen := bsl (BGreen + 2, 2); BBlue := bsl (BBlue + 2, 2); end; Array33^ [I] := GetApproxInClut (TheColor); end;end;procedure adjorna;var i : integer; begin waterArray66^ := array66^; if environment.mipMap then begin if environment.diffuseLight = 2 then begin array33^ := array66^; environment.diffuseLight := 1 end else if environment.diffuseLight = 3 then begin for i := 255 downto 0 do array66^ [i] := i; array33^ := array66^; environment.diffuseLight := 1 end; end;end;begin case Environment.FadeKind of 0 : FadeToBlack; 1 : BlackFog; 2 : AllRed; 3 : AllBlue; 4 : FadeToGray; 5 : FadeToWhite; 6 : FadeToGrayWSnow; otherwise; end; adjorna;end;begin if (Environment.DisplayPaletteId <> DisplayPaletteId) or (FadeType <> Environment.FadeKind) then begin GetBytePalette; GetArrays; DisplayPaletteId := Environment.DisplayPaletteId; SetUpFade := Environment.FadeKind; end;end; {$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}procedure FillCIconArray;var I : integer; TheRect : rect; TheWorld : cgrafptr; TheOldWorld : cgrafptr; TheGDHandle : gdhandle; Quale : integer; TheCIcon : ciconhandle; ThePict : pichandle; err: OSErr; LocalBase : PolyBaseArrayPtr; TheColor : ByteRGB; IsCIcon : boolean; {$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}function MyGetCIcon ( Id : integer) : ciconhandle;var Tmp : ciconhandle; begin IsCIcon := true; Tmp := getcicon (Id); if Tmp = nil then begin ThePict := pichandle (mygetresource ('PICT', id, true, true)); if ThePict <> nil then begin Tmp := ciconhandle (ThePict); IsCIcon := false; end; end; MyGetCIcon := Tmp;end;{$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}procedure MyDisposeCIcon;begin if IsCIcon then disposecicon (TheCIcon) else releaseresource (handle (ThePict));end;{$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}function TrLoaded ( Id : integer; var Quale : integer) : boolean;var I : integer;begin for I := 1 to LoadedTrCiconsN do if TrCIconIdsArray^ [I] = Id then begin TrLoaded := true; Quale := I; exit (TrLoaded); end; TrLoaded := false;end;{$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}procedure LoadCIcon ( IsBorder : boolean);var I, J : integer; ThePtr : longintptr; ThePtrS : longintptr; TheRow : integer; Tmp : longint; Tmp0, Tmp1, Tmp2, Tmp3 : longint; LocalArray66, LocalArray33 : ByteColorPtr; TmpB : byte; begin setgworld (TheWorld, nil); forecolor (whitecolor); fillrect (TheWorld^.portrect,; forecolor (whitecolor); if IsCIcon then plotcicon (TheRect, TheCIcon) else drawpicture (ThePict, TheRect); TheRow := band (TheWorld^.portpixmap^^.rowbytes, $7FFF) - 64; CIconArray [3, LoadedCIconsN] := newptr (4096); if CIconArray [3, LoadedCIconsN] = nil then begin deathalert (erroutofmemory, 1); end; ThePtr := longintptr (CIconArray [3, LoadedCIconsN]); ThePtrS := longintptr (TheWorld^.portpixmap^^.baseaddr); for I := 63 downto 0 do begin for J := 15 downto 0 do begin ThePtr^ := ThePtrS^; ThePtr := longintptr (longint (ThePtr) + 4); ThePtrS := longintptr (longint (ThePtrS) + 4); end; ThePtrS := longintptr (longint (ThePtrS) + TheRow); end; if (Environment.DiffuseLight < 3) or (environment.mipMap) then begin LocalArray66 := Array66; CIconArray [2, LoadedCIconsN] := newptr (4096); if CIconArray [2, LoadedCIconsN] = nil then begin deathalert (erroutofmemory, 1); end; ThePtr := LongintPtr (CIconArray [2, LoadedCIconsN]); ThePtrS := LongintPtr (TheWorld^.portpixmap^^.baseaddr); if IsBorder then begin TmpB := LocalArray66^ [0]; LocalArray66^ [0] := 0; end; for I := 63 downto 0 do begin for J := 15 downto 0 do begin Tmp := ThePtrS^; Tmp0 := LocalArray66^ [band (Tmp, $000000FF)]; Tmp1 := bsl (LocalArray66^ [bsr (band (Tmp, $0000FF00), 8)], 8); Tmp2 := bsl (LocalArray66^ [bsr (band (Tmp, $00FF0000), 16)], 16); Tmp3 := bsl (LocalArray66^ [bsr (band (Tmp, $FF000000), 24)], 24); ThePtr^ := bor (bor (Tmp0, Tmp1), bor (Tmp2, Tmp3)); ThePtr := LongintPtr (longint (ThePtr) + 4); ThePtrS := LongintPtr (longint (ThePtrS) + 4); end; ThePtrS := LongintPtr (longint (ThePtrS) + TheRow); end; if IsBorder then LocalArray66^ [0] := TmpB; if environment.mipMap then mipMap64 (CIconArray [2, LoadedCIconsN]); end; if (Environment.DiffuseLight < 2) or (Environment.MipMap) then begin LocalArray33 := Array33; CIconArray [1, LoadedCIconsN] := newptr (4096); if CIconArray [1, LoadedCIconsN] = nil then begin deathalert (erroutofmemory, 1); end; if IsBorder then begin TmpB := LocalArray33^ [0]; LocalArray33^ [0] := 0; end; ThePtr := longintptr (CIconArray [1, LoadedCIconsN]); ThePtrS := longintptr (TheWorld^.portpixmap^^.baseaddr); for I := 63 downto 0 do begin for J := 15 downto 0 do begin Tmp := ThePtrS^; Tmp0 := LocalArray33^ [band (Tmp, $000000FF)]; Tmp1 := bsl (LocalArray33^ [bsr (band (Tmp, $0000FF00), 8)], 8); Tmp2 := bsl (LocalArray33^ [bsr (band (Tmp, $00FF0000), 16)], 16); Tmp3 := bsl (LocalArray33^ [bsr (band (Tmp, $FF000000), 24)], 24); ThePtr^ := bor (bor (Tmp0, Tmp1), bor (Tmp2, Tmp3)); ThePtr := longintptr (longint (ThePtr) + 4); ThePtrS := longintptr (longint (ThePtrS) + 4); end; ThePtrS := longintptr (longint (ThePtrS) + TheRow); end; if IsBorder then LocalArray33^ [0] := TmpB; if environment.mipMap then mipMap64 (CIconArray [1, LoadedCIconsN]); end;end;{$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}function Loaded ( Id : integer; ThePoType : integer; var Quale : integer) : boolean;var I, J, Quale2, TheId : integer; begin if Id < 0 then begin ATextureListN := ATextureListN + 1; ATextureList [ATextureListN] := GetATexture (-Id); for J := 0 to ATextureList [ATextureListN]^.NFrames do begin TheId := ATextureList [ATextureListN]^.CIconId [J]; if not Loaded (TheId, ThePoType, Quale2) then begin LoadedCiconsN := LoadedCiconsN + 1; CIconIdsArray^ [LoadedCiconsN] := TheId; TheCIcon := MyGetCIcon (TheId); if TheCIcon <> nil then begin if ThePoType = 9 then LoadCIcon (true) else LoadCIcon (false); ATextureList [ATextureListN]^.CIconId [J] := LoadedCIconsN; MyDisposeCIcon; end else begin deathalert (errmissingscenres, TheId); end; end else ATextureList [ATextureListN]^.CIconId [J] := Quale2; end; Quale := -ATextureListN; Loaded := true; end else begin for I := 1 to LoadedCiconsN do if CIconIdsArray^ [I] = Id then begin Loaded := true; Quale := I; exit (Loaded); end; Loaded := false; end;end;begin GetMixedPalette; getLensFlarePict; GetMaxedPalette; setrect (TheRect, 0, 0, 64, 64); getgworld (TheOldWorld, TheGDHandle); err := newgworld (TheWorld, 8, TheRect, Environment.DisplayPalette, nil, 0); if (err <> noerr) or (TheWorld = nil) then begin deathalert (erroutofmemory, err); end; if not (lockpixels (TheWorld^.portpixmap)) then begin deathalert (erroutofmemory, -1); end; LocalBase := Base; LoadedCiconsN := 0; LoadedTrCIconsN := 0; for I := 1 to BaseN do begin if (LocalBase^ [I].PoType in [BaseSqElement, 9]) then if (LocalBase^ [I].FullMask) then if not Loaded (LocalBase^ [I].CIcon, LocalBase^ [I].PoType, Quale) then begin LoadedCiconsN := LoadedCiconsN + 1; CIconIdsArray^ [LoadedCiconsN] := LocalBase^ [I].CIcon; TheCIcon := MyGetCIcon (LocalBase^ [I].CIcon); if TheCIcon <> nil then begin if LocalBase^ [I].PoType = 9 then LoadCIcon (true) else LoadCIcon (false); LocalBase^ [I].CIcon := LoadedCIconsN; MyDisposeCIcon; end else begin deathalert (errmissingscenres, LocalBase^ [I].CIcon); end; end else LocalBase^ [I].CIcon := Quale else if not Loaded (LocalBase^ [I].CIcon, LocalBase^ [I].PoType, Quale) then begin LoadedCiconsN := LoadedCiconsN + 1; CIconIdsArray^ [LoadedCiconsN] := LocalBase^ [I].CIcon; TheCIcon := MyGetCicon (LocalBase^ [I].CIcon); if TheCIcon <> nil then begin LoadCIcon (true); LocalBase^ [I].CIcon := LoadedCIconsN; MyDisposeCIcon; end else begin deathalert (errmissingscenres, LocalBase^ [I].CIcon); end; end else LocalBase^ [I].CIcon := Quale; end; for I := 1 to BaseLevelsN do begin if BaseLevels^ [I].PoType in [BaseSqElement, 9] then if not Loaded (BaseLevels^ [I].CIcon, BaseLevels^ [I].PoType, Quale) then begin LoadedCiconsN := LoadedCiconsN + 1; CIconIdsArray^ [LoadedCiconsN] := BaseLevels^ [I].CIcon; TheCIcon := MyGetCIcon (BaseLevels^ [I].CIcon); if TheCIcon <> nil then begin if BaseLevels^ [I].PoType = 9 then LoadCIcon (true) else LoadCIcon (false); BaseLevels^ [I].CIcon := LoadedCIconsN; MyDisposeCIcon; end else begin deathalert (errmissingscenres, BaseLevels^ [I].CIcon); end; end else BaseLevels^ [I].CIcon := Quale end; setgworld (TheOldWorld, TheGDHandle); disposegworld (TheWorld); with TheColor do begin bred := Environment.FadeParameter; bblue := Environment.FadeParameter; bgreen := Environment.FadeParameter; end;end;{$S Engine3D_IconAndFade}procedure DisposeCIcons;var N, I, J : integer; begin if (Environment.DiffuseLight > 1) and not (environment.mipMap) then J := Environment.DiffuseLight else J := 1; for N := J to NLightValues do for I := 1 to LoadedCiconsN do disposeptr (CIconArray [N, I]); for I := 1 to ATextureListN do disposeptr (ptr (ATextureList [I])); ATextureListN := 0; for I := 1 to ObjectN do begin for J := 1 to 6 do begin for N := 1 to ObjectList^ [I].AnimFrames do begin DisposePICTOnPtr (ObjectList^ [I].FramePtrs [J, N]); end; end; end; for i := 1 to baseN do if base^ [i].poType = baseSqFrontal then disposePictOnPtr (ptr (base^ [i].cicon)); disposeLensFlarePictend;end.