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program boxEditor;uses types, quickdraw, resources, memory, textutils, events, windows, dialogs, standardfile, lists, icons, binio, cilindro, dialoglord4, lista3;type Box3D = record MapRect : rect; Height : integer; LeftCIconId : integer; TopCIconId : integer; RightCIconId : integer; BottomCIconId : integer; UpperCIconId : integer; { -1: glass, -2, mirror} SideFullMask : boolean; Passable : boolean; UpperHeight : integer; LeftHeight : integer; TopHeight : integer; RightHeight : integer; BottomHeight : integer; LeftCIcon : ptr; TopCicon : ptr; RightCicon : ptr; BottomCIcon : ptr; UpperCIcon : ptr; end; Box3DPtr = ^Box3D; Box3DHandle = ^Box3DPtr; tboxList = record reserved : integer; nBoxes : integer; theBoxes : array [0..255] of integer; end; tboxListPtr = ^tboxList; tboxListHandle = ^tboxListPtr; tboxInFile = record nBoxes : integer; theBoxes : array [0..2047] of integer; theNames : array [0..2047] of str255; end; var theId : integer; theName : str255; theBox : box3D; theDialog : dialogptr; theEvent : eventrecord; theChoice : integer; theResFile : integer; boxInFile : tboxInFile; boxList : tboxList; theboxListId : integer; procedure doSorry;var dummy : integer; begin dummy := alert (151, nil);end;procedure plotTexture ( theDialog : grafptr; textureId : integer; item : integer);var aPtr : grafptr; aRect : rect; theCIcon : ciconhandle; thePict : pichandle; begin getitemrect (theDialog, item, aRect); getport (aPtr); setport (theDialog); theCIcon := getcicon (textureId); if theCIcon <> nil then begin plotcicon (aRect, theCicon); disposecicon (theCIcon); end else begin thePict := getpicture (textureId); if thePict <> nil then begin drawpicture (thePict, aRect); releaseresource (handle (thePict)); end else fillrect (aRect,; end; setport (aPtr);end;function getItemValue2 (theItem : integer) :integer; var theString : str255; begin getitemtext (theDialog, theItem, theString); getItemValue2 := stoi (theString);end;procedure texturePreview ( item : integer);var theId : integer; aDialog : dialogPtr; cFamily, buttonFamily : family; i : integer; begin theId := getItemValue2 (item); aDialog := getnewdialog (141, nil, pointer (-1)); for i := 2 to 4 do plotTexture (aDialog, theId, i); repeat clearfamily (buttonFamily); clearfamily (cFamily); buttonFamily [1] := true; buttonFamily [5] := true; theChoice := dialoglord (theDialog, 5, cFamily, cFamily, buttonFamily, cFamily, cFamily, cFamily, cFamily, 0, theEvent); case theChoice of 1 : begin end; otherwise doSorry; end; until theChoice = 1; closedialog (aDialog);end;procedure drawAlltexture;var i : integer;begin for i := 0 to 4 do plotTexture (theDialog, getItemValue2 (i + 9), i + 27);end;procedure getboxInFile;var i : integer; theIndex : integer; aHandle : handle; dummy : integer; dummyType : restype; begin with boxInFile do begin nBoxes := countresources ('Box '); theIndex := 0; i := 0; while i < nBoxes do begin theIndex := theIndex + 1; aHandle := getresource ('Box ', theIndex); if aHandle <> nil then begin theBoxes [i] := theIndex; getresinfo (aHandle, dummy, dummyType, theNames [i]); i := i + 1; releaseresource (aHandle); end; end; nBoxes := nBoxes - 1; end;end;function loadboxList (id : integer) : boolean;var theList : tboxListHandle; dummy : integer; i : integer; begin theList := tboxListHandle (getresource ('BoxL', id)); if theList = nil then begin dummy := alert (134, nil); if dummy = 1 then begin boxList.nBoxes := -1; boxList.reserved := 0; loadboxList := true; end else loadboxList := false; end else begin hlock (handle (theList)); with boxList do begin reserved := 0; nBoxes := theList^^.nBoxes; for i := 0 to nBoxes do theBoxes [i]:= theList^^.theBoxes [i]; end; releaseresource (handle (theList)); loadboxList := true; end;end;procedure saveboxList (id : integer);label 100; var theList : tboxListHandle; i : integer; dummy : integer; begin theList := tboxListHandle (getresource ('BoxL', id)); if theList <> nil then begin dummy := alert (131, nil); if dummy = 2 then goto 100; removeresource (handle (theList)); updateresfile (theResFile); end; with boxList do begin theList := tboxListHandle (newhandle (6 + 2 * nBoxes)); hlock (handle (theList)); theList^^.nBoxes := nBoxes; theList^^.reserved := 0; for i := 0 to nBoxes do theList^^.theBoxes [I] := theBoxes [I]; addresource (handle (theList), 'BoxL', Id, ''); updateresfile (theResFile); end;100 : releaseresource (handle (theList)); end;procedure initEditor;begin theDialog := getnewdialog (128, nil, pointer (-1));end;procedure closeEditor;begin disposedialog (theDialog);end;procedure loadBox ( id : integer);var theHandle : box3DHandle; dummy : integer; dummyType : restype; begin theHandle := box3DHandle (getresource ('Box ', id)); if theHandle = nil then begin dummy := alert (130, nil); end else begin hlock (handle (theHandle)); theBox := theHandle^^; getresinfo (handle (theHandle), dummy, dummyType, theName); releaseresource (handle (theHandle)); theId := id; end;end;procedure saveBox;label 100; var theHandle : box3DHandle; theShort : handle; begin theHandle := box3DHandle (getresource ('Box ', theId)); if theHandle <> nil then begin theChoice := alert (131, nil); if theChoice = 2 then goto 100; removeresource (handle (theHandle)); updateresfile (theResFile); end; theHandle := box3DHandle (newhandle (sizeof (box3D))); hlock (handle (theHandle)); theHandle^^ := theBox; theShort := newhandle (sizeof (box3D) - 5 * sizeof (longint)); hlock (theShort); blockmove (theHandle^, theShort^, sizeof (box3D) - 5 * sizeof (longint)); disposehandle (handle (theHandle)); addresource (theShort, 'Box ', theId, theName);100: releaseresource (theShort); updateresfile (theResFile);end;procedure fillDialog;begin setitemtext (theDialog, 2, itos (theId)); setitemtext (theDialog, 3, theName); with theBox do begin setitemtext (theDialog, 5, itos (mapRect.left)); setitemtext (theDialog, 4, itos (; setitemtext (theDialog, 7, itos (mapRect.right - mapRect.left)); setitemtext (theDialog, 6, itos ( - mapRect.bottom)); setitemtext (theDialog, 8, itos (height)); setitemtext (theDialog, 9, itos (leftCIconId)); setitemtext (theDialog, 10, itos (topCIconId)); setitemtext (theDialog, 11, itos (rightCIconId)); setitemtext (theDialog, 12, itos (bottomCIconId)); setitemtext (theDialog, 13, itos (upperCIconId)); setitemtext (theDialog, 14, itos (leftHeight)); setitemtext (theDialog, 15, itos (topHeight)); setitemtext (theDialog, 16, itos (rightHeight)); setitemtext (theDialog, 17, itos (bottomHeight)); setitemtext (theDialog, 18, itos (upperHeight)); if passable then setitemvalue (theDialog, 19, 1) else setitemvalue (theDialog, 19, 0); end; drawAlltexture;end; procedure getFromDialog;begin theId := getitemvalue2 (2); getitemtext (theDialog, 3, theName); with theBox do begin mapRect.left := getitemvalue2 (5); := getitemvalue2 (4); mapRect.right := getitemvalue2 (7) + mapRect.left; mapRect.bottom := - getitemvalue2 (6); height := getitemvalue2 (8); leftCIconId := getitemvalue2 (9); topCIconId := getitemvalue2 (10); rightCIconId := getitemvalue2 (11); bottomCIconId := getitemvalue2 (12); upperCIconId := getitemvalue2 (13); leftHeight := getitemvalue2 (14); topHeight := getitemvalue2 (15); rightHeight := getitemvalue2 (16); bottomHeight := getitemvalue2 (17); upperHeight := getitemvalue2 (18); if getitemvalue (theDialog, 19) <> 0 then passable := true else passable := false; end;end; procedure chooseFile;var TheReply : standardfilereply; TheList : ConstSFTypeListPtr; ThePt : point; begin setpt (ThePt, -1, -1); customgetfile (nil, -1, TheList, TheReply, 129, ThePt, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil); if not TheReply.sfgood then; theResFile := fspopenresfile (TheReply.sffile, 3);end;procedure eraseBox;var i : longint; thePtr : longintptr; begin thePtr := longintptr (@theBox); for i := 1 to sizeof (box3d) div 4 do begin thePtr^ := 0; thePtr := longintptr (longint (thePtr) + 4); end; theId := 0; theName := '';end;procedure doAllBoxL;var theResult : boolean; aDialog : dialogptr; radioFamily, buttonFamily, numFamily, cFamily : family; theString : str255; i : integer; leftList, rightList : listinforec; listResult : result; aPtr : grafptr; aPoint : point; currentLeft, currentRight : integer; procedure fillLeftList;var i : integer; aRect : rect; begin getitemrect (aDialog, 5, aRect); leftList := nuovalista (aDialog, aRect, 1, 6, lonlyone + lnonilhilite); with boxInFile do begin for i := 0 to nBoxes do begin setpt (aPoint, 0, i); theString := concat (itos (theBoxes [i]), ' ', theNames [i]); nuovacella (leftList, aPoint, @theString); end; end;end;procedure fillRightList;var i : integer; aRect : rect; begin getitemrect (aDialog, 6, aRect); rightList := nuovalista (aDialog, aRect, 1, 6, lonlyone + lnonilhilite); with boxList do begin for i := 0 to nBoxes do begin setpt (aPoint, 0, i); theString := itos (theBoxes [i]); nuovacella (rightList, aPoint, @theString); end; end;end;function alreadyHere ( theId : integer) : boolean;var i : integer; tmp : boolean; begin tmp := false; with boxList do for i := 0 to nBoxes do if theBoxes [i] = theId then tmp := true; alreadyHere := tmp;end;procedure sortRightList;var i, j, id : integer; theString : str255; aPoint : point; begin with boxList do for i := 0 to nBoxes - 1 do for j := i + 1 to nBoxes do if theBoxes [i] > theBoxes [j] then begin id := theBoxes [i]; theBoxes [i] := theBoxes [j]; theBoxes [j] := id; setpt (aPoint, 0, i); theString := itos (theBoxes [i]); aggiornacella (rightList, aPoint, @theString); setpt (aPoint, 0, j); theString := itos (theBoxes [j]); aggiornacella (rightList, aPoint, @theString); end;end;procedure doAddInRight (theCell : point);var dummy : integer; begin if alreadyHere (boxInFile.theBoxes [theCell.v]) then dummy := alert (135, nil) else begin theString := itos (boxInFile.theBoxes [theCell.v]); with boxList do begin nBoxes := nBoxes + 1; theBoxes [nBoxes] := boxInFile.theBoxes [theCell.v]; setpt (theCell, 0, nBoxes); end; nuovacella (rightList, theCell, @theString); sortRightList; end;end;procedure doCutInRight (theCell : point);var i : integer; begin with boxList do begin if nBoxes > -1 then begin nBoxes := nBoxes - 1; for i := theCell.v to nBoxes do theBoxes [i] := theBoxes [i + 1]; cancellacella (rightList, theCell); end; end;end;procedure doLeftList;begin listResult := findlist (@leftList, theEvent, aPoint, @rightList); case listResult of click, doubleclick : if dammicella (leftList, aPoint) then currentLeft := aPoint.v else currentLeft := -1; draggedtoother : doAddInRight (aPoint); otherwise; end;end;procedure doRightList;begin listResult := findlist (@rightList, theEvent, aPoint, @leftList); case listResult of click, doubleclick : if dammicella (rightList, aPoint) then currentRight := aPoint.v else currentRight := -1; draggedtoother, draggedout : doCutInRight (aPoint); otherwise; end;end;procedure shiftToRight;begin if currentLeft > -1 then begin setpt (aPoint, 0, currentLeft); doAddInRight (aPoint); currentLeft := -1; end;end;procedure shiftAway;begin if currentRight > -1 then begin setpt (aPoint, 0, currentRight); doCutInRight (aPoint); currentRight := -1; end;end;begin theResult := loadboxList (theboxListId); getboxInFile; if theResult then begin aDialog := getnewdialog (132, nil, pointer (-1)); getport (aPtr); setport (aDialog); fillLeftList; fillRightList; sortRightList; ridisegna (leftList); ridisegna (rightList); repeat clearfamily (radioFamily); clearfamily (buttonFamily); clearfamily (numFamily); clearfamily (cFamily); for i := 1 to 6 do buttonFamily [i] := true; theChoice := dialoglord (theDialog, 21, radioFamily, cFamily, buttonFamily, cFamily, numFamily, cFamily, cFamily, 0, theEvent); case theChoice of 3 : shiftToRight; 4 : shiftAway; 5 : doLeftList; 6 : doRightList; otherwise; end; ridisegna (leftList); ridisegna (rightList); until (theChoice = 1) or (theChoice = 2); if theChoice = 1 then saveboxList (theboxListId); cancellalista (leftList); cancellalista (rightList); setport (aPtr); closedialog (aDialog); end;end;procedure doboxList;var aDialog : dialogptr; radioFamily, buttonFamily, numFamily, cFamily : family; theString : str255;begin aDialog := getnewdialog (133, nil, pointer (-1)); repeat clearfamily (radioFamily); clearfamily (buttonFamily); clearfamily (numFamily); clearfamily (cFamily); buttonFamily [1] := true; buttonFamily [2] := true; numFamily [3] := true; theChoice := dialoglord (theDialog, 21, radioFamily, cFamily, buttonFamily, cFamily, numFamily, cFamily, cFamily, 0, theEvent); until (theChoice = 1) or (theChoice = 2); if theChoice = 1 then begin getitemtext (aDialog, 3, theString); theboxListId := stoi (theString); closedialog (aDialog); doAllBoxL; end else closedialog (aDialog); end;procedure mainEditor;var radioFamily, buttonFamily, numFamily, cFamily : family; i : integer; begin initEditor; useresfile (theResFile); repeat clearfamily (radioFamily); clearfamily (buttonFamily); clearfamily (numFamily); clearfamily (cFamily); buttonFamily [1] := true; buttonFamily [20] := true; buttonFamily [21] := true; for i := 22 to 31 do buttonFamily [i] := true; radioFamily [19] := true; numFamily [2] := true; for i := 4 to 18 do numFamily [i] := true; theChoice := dialoglord (theDialog, 33, cFamily, cFamily, buttonFamily, radioFamily, numFamily, cFamily, cFamily, 0, theEvent); case theChoice of 1 : begin getFromDialog; saveBox; end; 20 : begin loadBox (getitemvalue2 (2)); fillDialog; end; 21 : begin end; 23 : begin eraseBox; fillDialog; end; 24 : begin doBoxList; fillDialog; end; 25 : begin loadBox (getitemvalue2 (2) - 1); fillDialog; end; 26 : begin loadBox (getitemvalue2 (2) + 1); fillDialog; end; 27..31 : begin texturePreview (theChoice - 18); fillDialog; end; otherwise doSorry; end; until theChoice = 21; closeEditor;end; begin standardinitialization (1); chooseFile; mainEditor;end.