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Branch descriptions

Sebastiaan Huber edited this page Oct 13, 2017 · 22 revisions


This contains the latest stable release. This is the branch that users should use.


The main development branch. Pull requests from forks/branches should be made into this branch which will be checked by Travis-CI as a condition of merging.


The next release will be v0.10.0 and should be released in the week of 16-20 October.


This is the release branch for features and fixes that should not go into v0.10.0. Note that the version number is a temporary placeholder and can change in the future.


Updating workflows engine to use plumpy and apricotpy. Currently Martin and Sebastiaan working on this.


This is the working branch to fix a range of related issues #679, #685, #686, #687 and #688 with the import export functionality. We want these issues to be fixed in individual pull requests (makes it easier to backport in retrospect when necessary) but all fixes need to be tested in conjunction before merging into develop. Therefore the fix_export_import branch will be used for the pull requests of the mentioned issue.

Contributing How-To

When you want to contribute a feature or a bug fix to aiida_core follow this checklist:

  1. Make sure your bug fix or feature has a corresponding GitHub issue. If this is not the case, be sure to open one first
  2. Determine if it is a bug fix or a feature. Bug fixes should go into the next patch release and features in the next minor release. If you are not sure where to put it, choose the patch release. Example, if the current version is v0.9.1, bug fixes should go in the release_v0.9.2 patch release branch and features go in the release_v0.10.0 branch.
  3. Check out the correct release branch locally:
git checkout release_vX.Y.Z
git pull origin release_vX.Y.Z
  1. Create a new issue branch. Be sure to follow the naming convention: the branch name starts with issue followed by the corresponding issue number XXX and a short descriptive name of the issue, all separated by underscores.
git checkout -b issue_XXX_short_description_of_issue
  1. Add your changes and commit them to your issue branch.
  2. When all commits are in place, push your local branch to your fork
git push fork issue_XXX_short_description_of_issue
  1. Create a pull request on GitHub from the branch in your fork to the correct release branch of aiidateam/aiida_core