-[ ] tab view to switch between slides and outline -[ ] track students progress -[ ] change "Code like this." logo to a font, not PNG -[ ] improve footer (content and style) -[ ] break 'Object Oriented Javascript' into multiple track lessons -[ ] need 'Calling APIs' content -[ ] need 'AJAX' content -[ ] need 'UX' track lesson content -[ ] need 'regular expressions' track lesson content -[ ] need 'HTTP' within the Server-Side Javascript track -[ ] need 'Routing' within the Server-Side Javascript track -[ ] need 'State' within the Server-Side Javascript track -[ ] need 'CGI and Parameters' within the Server-Side Javascript track -[ ] need 'Forms' within the Server-Side Javascript track -[ ] need 'Cookies' within the Server-Side Javascript track -[ ] need 'Sessions' within the Server-Side Javascript track -[ ] need 'Uploads' within the Server-Side Javascript track -[ ] need 'Databases Overview' within the Server-Side Javascript track -[ ] need 'MVP Concepts' within the Server-Side Javascript track -[ ] need 'MVP Concepts' within the Server-Side Javascript track
- needs "next deck" button not just next slide
- navigation
- better track distinctions/flow
- internal anchor link hidden rollover chain icon dealiebob
- design a logo
- favicon
- labs
- export video lectures to youtube
- edit video lectures
- better home page copy
- blog (jekyll?)
- inline slides (inline deck frame or div)
- Like and +1 and Tweet buttons
-[ ] remove broken link to 'http://killdream.github.com/blog/2011/10/understanding-javascript-oop/index.html' at 'http://bootcamp.burlingtoncodeacademy.com/lessons/javascript/object_oriented_javascript' -[ ] remove 'The Fine Print' portion from lessons -[ ] all labs from 'http://bootcamp.burlingtoncodeacademy.com/lessons/www' raise internal server error -[ ] broken link at 'http://encosia.com/2008/12/10/3-reasons-why-you-should-let-google-host-jquery-for-you/' on page http://bootcamp.burlingtoncodeacademy.com/lessons/client_side_coding/jquery -[ ] broken link at 'http://www.w3schools.com/HTMLDOM' on 'http://bootcamp.burlingtoncodeacademy.com/lessons/client_side_coding/dom'
sporadic error:
1) Track next and previous lesson returns the next lesson
Failure/Error: track.dir = files.dir "how_to_cook" do
File exists - //var/folders/ds/6t10dm2n4qn8_vlc2ngc875h0000gn/T/track_spec_1370525628_205
# ./spec/track_spec.rb:51:in block (2 levels) in <top (required)>' # ./spec/track_spec.rb:96:in
block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'