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84 lines (53 loc) · 3.63 KB

Configure Sudo

Add the content of /etc/bisonrouter/snmpd/sudoers to /etc/sudoers

Configure NetSNMP

cp /etc/bisonrouter/snmpd/snmpd.conf.example /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf

Edit community (passwords) in /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf


Restart snmpd service

service snmpd restart

SNMP query examples


PPPoE subscriber table

# snmptable -v2c -c public localhost BISON-ROUTER-MIB::pppoeIpv4Table
SNMP table: BISON-ROUTER-MIB::pppoeIpv4Table

pppoeIndex pppoeUsername          pppoeMac pppoeSvid pppoeCvid pppoeSessionId  pppoeIpv4 pppoeMtu pppoeIngressCir pppoeEgressCir pppoeRxPkts pppoeTxPkts pppoeRxOctets pppoeTxOctets pppoePort
         7         alexk xx:xx:f9:xx:xx:xx       823       400   1633188587-1 10.x.x.x     1492          100000         100000         238         194         26606         53884         2
         8         alex  xx:xx:b6:xx:xx:xx         0         3   1633188588-2 10.x.x.x     1480          100000         100000          30          30          1743          2943         2


IPoE subscriber table

# snmptable -v2c -c public localhost BISON-ROUTER-MIB::ipoeIpv4Table

SNMP table: BISON-ROUTER-MIB::ipoeIpv4Table

ipoeIndex             ipoeUsername           ipoeMac ipoeSvid ipoeCvid ipoeSessionId     ipoeIpv4 ipoeIngressCir ipoeEgressCir ipoeRxPkts ipoeTxPkts ipoeRxOctets ipoeTxOctets ipoePort ipoeTtl
        7 1a:b8:xx:xx:xx:xx       30        1  1734623255-7         1M;30M        1M;32M          1          1  	 84           84        1     610


# snmptable -v2c -c public localhost BISON-ROUTER-MIB::vifTable
SNMP table: BISON-ROUTER-MIB::vifTable

 vifIndex   vifName vifPort vifSvid vifCvid vifRxPkts vifTxPkts vifRxOctets vifTxOctets
        2        v3       2       0       3        15         6        1301         314
        3       v20       2       0      20        16        16        1734        1952
        4 pppoe_any       2     823       0         0         0           0           0
        5      v100       2       0     100         6         0         550           0

NAT translation state counters

snmptable -v2c -c xxx localhost BISON-ROUTER-MIB::natTranslationStateCountersTable
SNMP table: BISON-ROUTER-MIB::natTranslationStateCountersTable

 natTscMapId natTscMapType natStateUnknown natStateActive natStateSynSent natStateEstablished natStateFinWait natStateCloseWait natStateClosing 	natStateLastAck natStateClosed natStateIcmpActive natStateDns natStateGre
	   1             2               0              0               0                   0               0                 0               0               0              0                  0           0           0
	   1             4               0              0               0                   0               0                 0               0               0              0                  0           0           0

NAT MAP types:

1 - Deterministic SNAT44
2 - NAT 1:1
4 - SNAT44 (PortBlock SNAT44)

Deterministic NAT statistic

snmpwalk -v2c -c public localhost BISON-ROUTER-MIB::detSnatStat
BISON-ROUTER-MIB::detSSTotalSessions.0 = Counter64: 5
BISON-ROUTER-MIB::detSSPortmapFailures.0 = Counter64: 0
BISON-ROUTER-MIB::detSSPortmapFailures2.0 = Counter64: 0
BISON-ROUTER-MIB::detSSSessionOverflow.0 = Counter64: 0
BISON-ROUTER-MIB::detSSNoFreePortmapPorts.0 = Counter64: 0
BISON-ROUTER-MIB::detSSNoFreePortmapPorts.0 = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree)


Bison Router MIB is located here
