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Firestore unit allows easy unit-testing of Google Cloud Firestore databases


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This README documents the steps which are necessary to use this library.

What is this repository for?

FirestoreUnit is a testing library in the style of DBUnit to validate the contents of a Google Cloud Firestore database (or emulator) versus reference files. These files can be defined in either JSON or YAML format.

Use the assertFirestore* methods in FiresstoreUnit to perform the validation.

How do I get set up?

Including the dependency

Include this library as a dependency for your project:




    testImplementation "nl.group9:firestore-unit:1.0"

Define the validation files

You can choose to either define the validation files as JSON or as YAML. Both formats offer equal features.

Example in JSON:

  "_testcollection": {
    "testdoc1": {
      "testArray": [
        "Hello array"
      "testBoolean": true,
      "testFloat": 1.0,
      "testInteger": 20,
      "testMap": {
        "field1": 10,
        "field2": "text"
      "testDateTime": "2024-03-22T12:13:14.123Z",
      "testReference": "testcollection/ref1",
      "testText": "Hello world",
      "_subcollection": {
        "testdoc2": {
          "testText": "Hello Firestore"
    "_testdoc3": {
      "_subcollection": {
        "testdoc4": {
          "testText": "Hello Firestore"

Example in YAML

      - false
      - 2.0
      - 30
      - "Hello array"
    testBoolean: true
    testFloat: 1.0
    testInteger: 20
      field1: 10
      field2: "text"
    testDateTime: "2024-03-22T12:13:14.123Z"
    testReference: "testcollection/ref1"
    testText: "Hello world"
        testText: "Hello Firestore"
        testText: "Hello Firestore"

Note that in this example:

  • Collections always need to be prefixed with an underscore "_". This is to let the library differentiate between the Map datatype and collections.
  • Date/time values need to be defined in ISO 8601 format
  • In case a document should be skipped for checking (both for existance and the fields), prefix it with an underscore "_". In this case the document "testcollection/testdoc3" is optional. Firestore allows you to skip definition of all intermediate documents in a path.

Use the library in your test

The library expects you to provide an instance of the Firestore class from the Google Client libraries to allow access to the Firestore database. Note that you are responsible to ensure the correct authentication is set to allow the library to execute queries and retrieve data from the Firestore instance.

In an emulator scenario, the setup provided by Google normally provides a specific user (owner) which has unlimited access to the database.

The use one of the assertFirestoreJson() or assertFirestoreYaml() methods (depending on the format of your reference data) to validate the contents of your database. In case the data does not match, an AssertionError will be thrown in a regular JUnit style.


This library has the following limitations:

  • Currently, the Geographical point data type is not supported for validation
  • Binary is not supported for validation
  • The validation is lenient in style validation: additional fields or documents in the database are ignored.

Future extensions

The following extensions may be defined in the future:

  • Strict style validation
  • Specification of executors to use for async execution of data retrieval
  • Functions for dynamic validation of data elements

Contribution guidelines

In case you want to solve bugs or add features, you are encouraged to create a fork and open a merge request. These will be reviewed and if appropriate merged into the main release.

Who do I talk to?

For contact, see the developers section in the pom.xml file.

Releasing a new version

Run: mvn clean deploy -P release