- jails
- containers
- the difference between containers and virtualization
- docker's role
- user vs kernel space memory
- detatched containers
- interactive containers
- daemons or services
- linking containers
- restarting containers
- viewing the logs of containers
- stopping containers
- PID namespaces
- renaming containers
- create containers
- possible container statuses
- starting containers
- readonly filesystems for containers
- adding exceptions to readonly file systems
- injecting environment variables to containers
- recovery strategies
- view proccesses running inside a container
- entrypoint scripts
- removing containers
- inspecting metadata of docker entities
- images
- repositories
- tags
- removing images
- saving images
- loading images
- dockerfiles
- layers
- chroot
- MNT namespaces
- bind mounts
- in memory storage
- creating volumes
- associating volumes to containers
- sharing bind mounts and volumes between containers
- anonymous voluems
- copying volumes directly and transitively
- default docker networks
- network scopes
- creating networks
- attachable networks
- connecting networks to running containers
- the host special network
- the none special network
- bridge network driver
- port publishing
- adding custom hosts to /etc/hosts file in containers
- default resource restrictions for docker containers
- restrincting memory usage
- memory reservation vs protection
- relative CPU restriction
- when relative CPU restrictions are enforced
- explicit core/quota CPU restriction
- sharing devices between a host and a container
- IPC namespaces
- sharing IPC namespaces between processes
- specifying the run as user when creaeting containers
- user id spaces
- adding and dropping linux capabilities from containers
- priviledged containers
- the path way of creating an image from a container
- reviewing filesystem changes on a container
- image attributes
- how layers work and how files are resolved from a UFS
- copy on change mechanism
- explanation of images using the layers concept
- what tags refer to
- examining layers of an image
- exporting flat filesystems
- importing flat filesystems
- dockerfiles
- building images from dockerfiles
- the special empty repository/image
- dockerignore file
- difference between shell and exec command forms
- command instructions for containers and when they are ignored
- COPY instruction side effects
- the default entrypoint
- difference between COPY and ADD instructions
- ONBUILD instruction
- ARG instruction
- multistage dockerfiles
- healthchecks
- appropriate way and time to set the default user
- all in one pattern
- build plus runtime pattern
- build plus multiple runtimes
- semantic versioning