You can run the logstash container by adding another compose file to the docker-compose target.
COMPOSE_OPTS="-f tools/docker-compose/logstash-override.yaml" COMPOSE_TAG=devel make docker-compose
POST the following content to /api/v2/settings/logging/
(this uses
authentication set up inside of the logstash configuration file).
"LOG_AGGREGATOR_HOST": "http://logstash",
"LOG_AGGREGATOR_TYPE": "logstash",
"LOG_AGGREGATOR_TOWER_UUID": "991ac7e9-6d68-48c8-bbde-7ca1096653c6",
Note: HTTP must be specified in the
if you are using the docker development environment.
An example of how to view the most recent logs from the container:
docker exec -i -t $(docker ps -aqf "name=tools_logstash_1") tail -n 50 /logstash.log
Add any plugins you need in tools/elastic/logstash/Dockerfile
before running the container.