This project folder is mostly created for references relevant documents.
Large Scale Air Pollution Modeling (LSAPM) provides rich sets of problems and modeling approaches. This project has references to LSAPM articles and models. The articles and PhD thesis related to my LSAPM studies can be found in project's sub-folders.
[AA1] Anton Antonov, Object-oriented framework for large scale air pollution models, (2001), Danish Technical University.
Additional links:
[AA2] Anton Antonov,
Framework for Parallel Simulations in Air Pollution Modeling with Local Refinements.
December 2002
In book: Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2001
Project: Danish Eulerian Air Pollution Model
[AA4] Anton Antonov,
Galerkin and Control Volume Finite Element Methods for Large Scale Air Pollution Simulations: A Comparison,
August 2002,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2542:149-157.
Conference: Numerical Methods and Applications, 5th International Conference, NMA 2002, Borovets, Bulgaria, August 20-24, 2002, Revised Papers
Project: Danish Eulerian Air Pollution Model.
[AA7] Anton Antonov, "Air pollution modeling with gridMathematica", (2006), Wolfram Technology Conference.
[ZZ1] Zahari Zlatev, Computer Treatment of Large Air Pollution Models. 1995. Kluwer.