We are using a NoSQL backend, so data duplication and denormalization is expected. Nothing to freak out.
See this wonderful Google I/O 19 talk on Firestore data modelling:
Also this video about structuring data in Firestore:
Note: Subcollections help optimize and secure data. This is because, by default, a document is returned as a shallow record (without subcollections) in Firestore.
id: string,
displayName: string,
email: string,
photoUrl: string,
favoriteRecipes: number, // kept in sync via Cloud Function
playedRecipes: number, // kept in sync via Cloud Function
followers: number, // kept in sync via Cloud Function
following: number, // kept in sync via Cloud Function
private: [ // subcollection
key: string, value: dynamic
// eg. 'isEmailVerified': true
// eg. 'phoneNumber': '9876543210',
This is just a static, one-time master list mostly for typeahead searching.
name: string,
unitOfMeasure: string,
name: string,
unitOfMeasure: string,
quantity: number,
userId: string,
createdAt: string,
updatedAt: string,
removedAt: string,
id: string,
title: string,
desc: string,
photoUrl: string,
ingredients: string[]
sourceRecipeId: string,
sourceName: string,
sourceUrl: string,
difficulty: string,
cookingTime: string,
servings: string,
plays: number, // kept in sync via Cloud Function
favs: number, // kept in sync via Cloud Function
views: number, // kept in sync via Cloud Function
instructions: string[],
recipeId: string,
recipeTitle: string,
userId: string,
userName: string, // kept in sync via Cloud Function
userPhotoUrl: string,
isFavorite: bool,
isPlayed: bool,
favoritedAt: string // timestamp
playedAt: string[] // timestamps
viewedAt: string[], // timestamps
followerId: string,
followerName: string, // kept in sync via Cloud Function
followerPhotoUrl: string, // kept in sync via Cloud Function
followeeId: string,
followeeName: string, // kept in sync via Cloud Function
followeePhotoUrl: string, // kept in sync via Cloud Function
followedAt: string,
userId: string,
type: string, // [ recipe_played, recipe_favorited, custom ]
message: string, // only used with type == custom
photoUrl: string,
recipeId: string,
recipeName: string,
createdAt: string,
code: string,
message: string,
userId: string,
data: map