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+# Table of contents with optional chapter numbering for Scribus
+Generate the table of contents (TOC) with optional chapter numbering for Scribus in the current frame by looking at the styles used in the document.
+## Example Usage
+- 1. Select the text frame you have inserted for the table of contens to show
+- 2. Script > Execute Script...
+- 3. Choose this script file
+- 4. Done. This may take some time, be patient.
+- The new styles h1, h2, ... and toc1, toc2, ... will be generated autoamtically. You can and should change them later.
+- Edit styles h1, h2, h3, etc. custom styles
+- Edit styles toc1, ... custom styles, add 1 or 2 TABs, for chanpter numbering and/or page number at the right.
+- See BEGIN and END user config within the script for setup.
+## The paragraph styles
+By default, the script looks for the styles "h1", "h2", "h3", h4, h5, h6, h7, h8, h9 and h10 styles.
+You can add a prefix if you want. I use undeline ("_") for custom created prefixes. "_h1", etc. See script file.
+headings = ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'h7', 'h8', 'h9', 'h10']
+Also, by default, the script applies the styles "toc1", "toc2", and "toc3".
+toc_styles = ['toc1', 'toc2', 'toc3', 'toc4', 'toc5', 'toc6', 'toc7', 'toc8', 'toc9', 'toc10']
+If you want to track styles with different names (or add more styles), simply modify the `headings` and `toc_styles` variables (or keep the script as is and read the section below about setting the attributes on the table of contents frame).
+## Sections and page numbering
+In Scribus you can define sections and
+- define the starting page number
+- format the page number with different schemas (roman, letters, ...)
+You need a Scribus which is newer than 2023-01-24 (1.5.9, 1.6, 1.7) for this script to be able to read the section's page number settings (for older version, you will get sequential values starting from 1).
+[An older version of this script](https://github.com/aoloe/scribus-script-repository/tree/03c96173d8142c05437c11f09bf2ea759751de75/table-of-contents) has a `sections` variable that let you define the sections' settings and works with older versions of Scribus.
+## Configuration
+### Setting the heading and toc styles from the attributes
+By adding the attributes `heading_styles` or `toc_styles` to the table of contents frame, you can define custom styles to be used.
+Not only you can customize the name of the styles, but you can create multiple table of contents, by tracking different heading styles.
+- In _File > Document Setup > Document Item Attributes_ create the attributes `heading_styles` and / or `toc_styles`, using the type string.
+- Select the frame where you want the table of contents and use the context menu to add the `heading_styles` and / or `toc_styles` attribute, setting the value to a comma separated list with the name of the styles.
+### Other options
+- `toc_new_lines` = None|strip|truncate`
+ - `None` (default): the TOC keeps the newline in the title.
+ - `'strip'`: the newlines are replaced by spaces.
+ - `'truncate'`: remove the part of the heading after the first newline.
diff --git a/table_of_contents_with_chapter_numbers/table_of_contents_with_chapter_numbers--example.pdf b/table_of_contents_with_chapter_numbers/table_of_contents_with_chapter_numbers--example.pdf
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Binary files /dev/null and b/table_of_contents_with_chapter_numbers/table_of_contents_with_chapter_numbers--example.pdf differ
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diff --git a/table_of_contents_with_chapter_numbers/table_of_contents_with_chapter_numbers.py b/table_of_contents_with_chapter_numbers/table_of_contents_with_chapter_numbers.py
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+++ b/table_of_contents_with_chapter_numbers/table_of_contents_with_chapter_numbers.py
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+## -- table_of_contents_with_chapter_numbers.py
+## -- go through all text items in the document, check for heading styles and create a table of contents in the current text frame
+## --
+## -- © mit, ale rimoldi, 2023
+## -- 2024, added chapter numbering (optional), from h1 to h10 flagsoft, mzm
+## -- Usage
+## 1. Select the text frame you have inserted for the table of contens to show
+## 2. Script > Execute Script...
+## 3. Choose this script table_of_contents.py
+## 4. done. This may take some time, be patient.
+## The new styles h1, h2, ... and toc1, toc2, ... will be generated autoamtically. You can and should change them later.
+## Edit styles h1, h2, h3, etc. custom styles
+## Edit styles toc1, ... custom styles, add 1 or 2 TABs, for chanpter numbering and/or page number at the right.
+## -- Known issues and bugs
+## chapter numbering bug
+## at least Scribus version 1.6.1, Build ID: C--T-F-C1.17.6-Mac-64bit, Built: 7 January 2024.
+## As it is, bug:
+## 1.1 A
+## B <-- note the zero, or this number is the last used, but it should be 1
+## 1.? C
+## It should be:
+## 1.1 A
+## B <-- there is a virtual 1.1.1 chapter, this is correct
+## 1.2 C
+import sys
+ import scribus
+except ImportError:
+ print('This script must be run from inside Scribus')
+ sys.exit()
+## -- -------------------
+## -- BEGIN user config
+## --
+## -- set this to False if you do not want chapter numbering
+g_flag__chapter_numbering = True
+## -- set custom style prefix
+## note: it is a good practice to use a prefix for custom defined styles
+g_prefix_str = "" ## 'h1', ... and 'toc1', ...
+#g_prefix_str = "_" ## '_h1', ... and '_toc1', ...
+heading_styles_base = ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'h7', 'h8', 'h9', 'h10']
+toc_styles_base = ['toc1', 'toc2', 'toc3', 'toc4', 'toc5', 'toc6', 'toc7', 'toc8', 'toc9', 'toc10']
+## -- how to handle newlines in headings
+toc_new_lines = None ## None - no newline added
+#toc_new_lines = strip ## strip - newlines will replaced by a single space character
+#toc_new_lines = truncate ## truncate - only the first part of heading til newline will be used
+## -- you can use the item attributes to set the heading and toc styles
+heading_attribute = 'heading_styles'
+toc_attribute = 'toc_styles'
+new_lines_attribute = 'toc_new_lines'
+## --
+## -- /END user config
+## -- -------------------
+## -- add optional prefix
+## example "h1" -> "_h1"
+heading_styles = [g_prefix_str + sub for sub in heading_styles_base]
+toc_styles = [g_prefix_str + sub for sub in toc_styles_base]
+ui_chapter_level_1 = 0
+ui_chapter_level_2 = 0
+ui_chapter_level_3 = 0
+ui_chapter_level_4 = 0
+ui_chapter_level_5 = 0
+ui_chapter_level_6 = 0
+ui_chapter_level_7 = 0
+ui_chapter_level_8 = 0
+ui_chapter_level_9 = 0
+ui_chapter_level_10 = 0
+ui_chapter_level_11 = 0
+# go through all paragraphs in the currently selected frame,
+# and if the style is h1 add the paragraph to the list of headings
+def get_frame_headings_by_style():
+ headings = []
+ paragraphs = scribus.getFrameText().split('\r')
+ start = 0
+ for p in paragraphs:
+ scribus.selectFrameText(start, len(p))
+ p_style = scribus.getParagraphStyle()
+ start += len(p) + 1
+ if p_style == None:
+ continue
+ if hasattr(scribus, 'currentPageNumberForSection'):
+ # introduced in 1.5.9svn on 2023-01-25
+ page_number = scribus.currentPageNumberForSection()
+ else:
+ page_number = scribus.currentPageNumber()
+ if p_style in heading_styles:
+ # remove frame (26) and column (27) breaks
+ p = ''.join([c for c in p if ord(c) not in [26, 27]])
+ # ignore empty lines (most of all if they only contain a frame break)
+ if p == '':
+ continue
+ if toc_new_lines is not None:
+ parts = p.split(chr(8232))
+ if toc_new_lines == 'strip':
+ p = ' '.join(parts)
+ elif toc_new_lines == 'truncate':
+ p = parts[0]
+ headings.append({
+ 'title': p,
+ 'page': page_number,
+ 'level': heading_styles.index(p_style),
+ })
+ return headings
+def main():
+ global heading_styles, toc_styles, toc_new_lines
+ global ui_chapter_level_1, ui_chapter_level_2, ui_chapter_level_3, ui_chapter_level_4, ui_chapter_level_5, ui_chapter_level_6, ui_chapter_level_7, ui_chapter_level_8, ui_chapter_level_9, ui_chapter_level_10, ui_chapter_level_11
+ global g_flag__chapter_numbering
+ if not scribus.haveDoc():
+ return
+ if scribus.selectionCount() == 0:
+ return
+ if scribus.getObjectType() != 'TextFrame':
+ return
+ toc_item = scribus.getSelectedObject()
+ # read the heading and toc styles from the toc frame attributes
+ for attribute in scribus.getObjectAttributes():
+ if attribute['Name'] == heading_attribute:
+ heading_styles = [style.strip() for style in attribute['Value'].split(',')]
+ elif attribute['Name'] == toc_attribute:
+ toc_styles = [style.strip() for style in attribute['Value'].split(',')]
+ elif attribute['Name'] == new_lines_attribute:
+ toc_new_lines = attribute['Value'].strip()
+ # ensure that the styles exist
+ for style in set(heading_styles + toc_styles).difference(scribus.getParagraphStyles()):
+ scribus.createParagraphStyle(style)
+ headings = []
+ scribus.setRedraw(False)
+ for page in range(1, scribus.pageCount() + 1):
+ scribus.gotoPage(page)
+ # get the text and linked frames, sorted by the position on the page
+ page_text_frames = [(item[0], scribus.getPosition(item[0])) for item in scribus.getPageItems()
+ if item[1] == 4]
+ page_text_frames.sort(key= lambda item: (item[1][1], item[1][0]))
+ for item, _ in page_text_frames:
+ scribus.deselectAll()
+ scribus.selectObject(item)
+ headings += get_frame_headings_by_style()
+ scribus.deselectAll()
+ scribus.setRedraw(True)
+ scribus.selectObject(toc_item)
+ scribus.deleteText()
+ start = 0
+ for heading in headings:
+ if start > 0:
+ scribus.insertText('\r', -1)
+ if (g_flag__chapter_numbering == False):
+ ## -- headings without chapter numbering
+ scribus.insertText(heading['title'] + '\t' + str(heading['page']), -1)
+ scribus.selectText(start, len(heading['title']))
+ scribus.setParagraphStyle(toc_styles[heading['level']])
+ start += len(heading['title']) + 1 + len(str(heading['page'])) + 1
+ else:
+ ## -- headings with chapter numbering
+ ## 1
+ ## <-- virtual chapter 1.1 here. (Scribus has bug it uses 1.0 here will end up in 1.0.1 or worse)
+ ## 1.1.1
+ ## 1.1.2
+ ## 1.2
+ if ( heading['level'] == 0 ):
+ ui_chapter_level_1 += 1
+ ui_chapter_level_2 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_3 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_4 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_5 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_6 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_7 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_8 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_9 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_10 = 0
+ if ( heading['level'] == 1 ):
+ if ui_chapter_level_1 == 0: ui_chapter_level_1 = 1 ## virtual
+ ui_chapter_level_2 += 1
+ ui_chapter_level_3 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_4 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_5 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_6 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_7 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_8 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_9 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_10 = 0
+ if ( heading['level'] == 2 ):
+ if ui_chapter_level_1 == 0: ui_chapter_level_1 = 1 ## virtual
+ if ui_chapter_level_2 == 0: ui_chapter_level_2 = 1 ## virtual
+ ui_chapter_level_3 += 1
+ ui_chapter_level_4 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_5 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_6 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_7 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_8 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_9 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_10 = 0
+ if ( heading['level'] == 3 ):
+ if ui_chapter_level_1 == 0: ui_chapter_level_1 = 1 ## virtual
+ if ui_chapter_level_2 == 0: ui_chapter_level_2 = 1 ## virtual
+ if ui_chapter_level_3 == 0: ui_chapter_level_3 = 1 ## virtual
+ ui_chapter_level_4 += 1
+ ui_chapter_level_5 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_6 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_7 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_8 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_9 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_10 = 0
+ if ( heading['level'] == 4 ):
+ if ui_chapter_level_1 == 0: ui_chapter_level_1 = 1 ## virtual
+ if ui_chapter_level_2 == 0: ui_chapter_level_2 = 1 ## virtual
+ if ui_chapter_level_3 == 0: ui_chapter_level_3 = 1 ## virtual
+ if ui_chapter_level_4 == 0: ui_chapter_level_4 = 1 ## virtual
+ ui_chapter_level_5 += 1
+ ui_chapter_level_6 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_7 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_8 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_9 = 0
+ ui_chapter_level_10 = 0
+ if ( heading['level'] == 5 ):
+ ui_chapter_level_6 += 1
+ ui_chapter_level_7 = 0
+ if ( heading['level'] == 6 ):
+ ui_chapter_level_7 += 1
+ ui_chapter_level_8 = 0
+ if ( heading['level'] == 7 ):
+ ui_chapter_level_8 += 1
+ ui_chapter_level_9 = 0
+ if ( heading['level'] == 8 ):
+ ui_chapter_level_9 += 1
+ ui_chapter_level_10 = 0
+ if ( heading['level'] == 9 ):
+ ui_chapter_level_10 += 1
+ ui_chapter_level_11 = 0
+ ## 1.1.1.
+ tmp_ui_heading_120_str = \
+ str(ui_chapter_level_1) + '.' + \
+ str(ui_chapter_level_2) + '.' + \
+ str(ui_chapter_level_3) + '.' + \
+ str(ui_chapter_level_4) + '.' + \
+ str(ui_chapter_level_5) + '.' + \
+ str(ui_chapter_level_6) + '.' + \
+ str(ui_chapter_level_7) + '.' + \
+ str(ui_chapter_level_8) + '.' + \
+ str(ui_chapter_level_9) + '.' + \
+ str(ui_chapter_level_10) + '.'
+ ## Remove the trailing characters if they are dot ('.'), or zero ('0')
+ ## 1.0.0. -> 1
+ ## 1.2. -> 1.2
+ ## 10.0.0. -> 10
+ tmp_ui_heading_12_str = tmp_ui_heading_120_str.replace('.0', '')
+ tmp_ui_heading_12_str = tmp_ui_heading_12_str.rstrip(".") ## re move last dot
+ #tmp_ui_heading_12_str = tmp_ui_heading_120_str.rstrip(".0") ## does not work for "10." will give "1" instaed of "10"
+ ## 1.2.3
+ tmp_ui_heading_str = tmp_ui_heading_12_str + '\t' + heading['title'] + '\t' + str(heading['page'])
+ scribus.insertText(tmp_ui_heading_str, -1)
+ scribus.selectText(start, len(heading['title']))
+ scribus.setParagraphStyle(toc_styles[heading['level']]) ## apply style
+ start += len(tmp_ui_heading_str) + 1 ## calc starting position for next heading
+ scribus.layoutText()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/table_of_contents_with_chapter_numbers/toc-01.png b/table_of_contents_with_chapter_numbers/toc-01.png
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Binary files /dev/null and b/table_of_contents_with_chapter_numbers/toc-01.png differ