A module to enable sticky headers within Framer's Scroll Components.
- Create a new Framer project.
- Download
and put it in themodules
folder. - Add this line at the top of your document.
{StickyHeaders} = require "StickyHeaders"
Demo1 and Demo2 show a list of conference talks grouped by their starting time. The starting times are the sticky headers.
1 - Import the module.
{StickyHeaders} = require "StickyHeaders"
2 - Create a Scroll Component as you normally do.
conferenceTalks = new ScrollComponent
width: Screen.width
height: Screen.height
scrollHorizontal: false
3 - Add the content to your ScrollComponent as you normally do. For this demo, I'm using a .png with the list of talks.
list = new Layer
width: Screen.width
height: 4750
image: 'images/list.png'
superLayer: conferenceTalks.content
4 - Create your sticky headers as sublayers of the content, in this case list
Make sure to add name: 'StickyHeader'
, this tells the module that this is a sticky header.
header1 = new Layer
y: 175, width: Screen.width, height: 140
name: 'StickyHeader'
superLayer: list
Since this is a Layer
as any other, you can use it as a superLayer and add everything you need in it.
5 - Enable sticky headers for your main Scroll Component, in this case conferenceTalks
StickyHeaders.enableFor conferenceTalks
Make sure to plan ahead what you need to show in your prototype. My workflow is:
- Design a complete scroll with headers and list items in Sketch or Photoshop.
- Export the scroll as a .png without the headers (just group the headers in one layer and turn it off).
- Put the .png in the
folder inside the Framer projet. - Install this module.
- Refer to the design comp to get the values needed to create the headers.
Medium - Unlocking ideas with Framer Studio - See this module in action in one of the projects I was working on.
##Contact Twitter: @72mena