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This is the official repository containing the code to reproduce the experiments shown in "What is the Relationship between Tensor Factorizations and Circuits (and How Can We Exploit it)?", which has been accepted in TMLR with the featured certification.

Abstract: We establish a rigorous connection between circuit representations and tensor factorizations. By doing so, we highlight a series of opportunities that can benefit both communities. Our work generalizes popular tensor factorizations within the circuit language, and unifies various circuit learning algorithms under a single factorization framework. In turn, this allows us to systematically construct and explore various circuit and tensor factorization models while maintaining tractability. We show the effectiveness of our framework through extensive empirical evaluations, and highlight new research opportunities for tensor factorizations in probabilistic modeling.


The current implementation of tensorized circuits in this repository is based on ten-pcs, which has been deprecated in favour of cirkit, a general-purpose circuit framework to build, learn and reason about probabilistic models that is based on PyTorch. The implementation of the pipeline we describe in the paper to build tensorized circuits is entirely supported by cirkit.

Training Circuits

Some examples to train a Probabilistic Circuit

    python src/ --dataset "mnist" --model-dir "out/training" --lr 0.01 --k 512  --rg "QG" --layer "cp" --batch-size 256 --max-num-epochs 200 --gpu 0 --progressbar True
    python src/ --dataset "mnist" --model-dir "out/training" --lr 0.01 --k 64  --rg "QG" --layer "tucker" --batch-size 256 --max-num-epochs 200 --gpu 0 --progressbar True
    python src/ --dataset "fashion_mnist" --model-dir "out/training" --lr 0.01 --k 512  --rg "QG" --layer "cp" --batch-size 256 --max-num-epochs 200 --gpu 0 --progressbar True

Useful parameters:

  • dataset: use mnist, fashion_mnist or celeba
  • rg: the region graph to use. Available options are PD (Poon Domingo's), QG (Quad Graph) and QT (Quad Tree).
  • layer: the parameterization (or layer) to use. Available options are tucker, cp, cp-s, cp-xs, as in the paper.
  • k: is the number of
  • lr: the best learning rate found for QG or QT region graph is 0.01, while the best for PD region graph is 0.1

Example to Run Locally

By training the following small CP model (can be easily executed locally on a laptop): python src/ --dataset "mnist" --model-dir "out/training" --lr 0.01 --k 4 --rg "QG" --layer "cp" --batch-size 256 --max-num-epochs 5 --progressbar True The model is saved as in the following example out/training/models/mnist/QG/cp/cat/clamp/k_4/lr_0.01/b_256/<date_time>.mdl

Note the folder hierarchy:

  1. dataset
  2. region graph
  3. parameterization
  4. leaves type (always cat in our experiments), for categorical leaves
  5. weights re-parameterization (always clamp in our experiments)
  6. hyperparameter K
  7. learning rate
  8. batch size

Compression of Tucker Layers

To compress a model parameterized with Tucker layers:

    python src/ --dataset "mnist" --tucker-model-path "<path_to_tucker_model>" --save-model-dir "out/compressed/mnist/example_QG" --rg "QG" --input-type "cat" --rank 1 --gpu 0

The compressed model is saved as in the following path (basically the --save-model-dir followed by rank_<rank>.mdl): out/compressed/mnist/example_QG/rank_1.mdl

Train a Compressed Circuit Model

To train an existing model (e.g. a compressed one, in our example the previous compressed model) use the following script:

    python src/ --dataset mnist --model-path "out/compressed/mnist/example_QG/rank_1.mdl" --lr 0.01 --rg QG --rank 1 --max-num-epochs 200 --batch-size 256 --progressbar True --gpu 0

The fine-tuned compressed model is saved in the same folder of the starting model, but the file is named as, in this case, rank_1finetuned.mdl.