diff --git a/arches_references/management/commands/controlled_lists.py b/arches_references/management/commands/controlled_lists.py
index 17f9ec3..41c53ca 100644
--- a/arches_references/management/commands/controlled_lists.py
+++ b/arches_references/management/commands/controlled_lists.py
@@ -1,6 +1,20 @@
-from arches.app.models.models import Value, Language
+from arches.app.models.fields.i18n import I18n_JSONField
+from arches.app.models.models import (
+ CardXNodeXWidget,
+ GraphModel,
+ Language,
+ Node,
+ Value,
+ Widget,
+from arches.app.models.graph import Graph
from arches_references.models import List
+from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError
+from django.db import models, transaction
+from django.db.models.expressions import CombinedExpression
+from django.db.models.fields.json import KT
+from django.db.models.functions import Cast
class Command(BaseCommand):
@@ -16,7 +30,10 @@ def add_arguments(self, parser):
- choices=["migrate_collections_to_controlled_lists"],
+ choices=[
+ "migrate_collections_to_controlled_lists",
+ "migrate_concept_nodes_to_reference_datatype",
+ ],
help="The operation to perform",
@@ -26,7 +43,6 @@ def add_arguments(self, parser):
- required=True,
help="One or more collections to migrate to controlled lists",
@@ -57,6 +73,14 @@ def add_arguments(self, parser):
help="The language to use for sorting preferred labels. Default 'en'",
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-g",
+ "--graph",
+ action="store",
+ dest="graph",
+ help="The graphid which associated concept nodes will be migrated to use the reference datatype",
+ )
def handle(self, *args, **options):
if options["operation"] == "migrate_collections_to_controlled_lists":
psl = options["preferred_sort_language"]
@@ -69,6 +93,9 @@ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+ if options["collections_to_migrate"] is None:
+ raise CommandError("No collections provided to migrate.")
if not options["overwrite"]:
for collection_name in options["collections_to_migrate"]:
if List.objects.filter(name=collection_name).exists():
@@ -82,6 +109,8 @@ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+ elif options["operation"] == "migrate_concept_nodes_to_reference_datatype":
+ self.migrate_concept_nodes_to_reference_datatype(options["graph"])
def migrate_collections_to_controlled_lists(
@@ -139,3 +168,123 @@ def migrate_collections_to_controlled_lists(
result = cursor.fetchone()
+ def migrate_concept_nodes_to_reference_datatype(self, graph_id):
+ try:
+ source_graph = GraphModel.objects.get(pk=graph_id)
+ except (GraphModel.DoesNotExist, ValidationError) as e:
+ raise CommandError(e)
+ nodes = (
+ Node.objects.filter(
+ graph_id=source_graph.graphid,
+ datatype__in=["concept", "concept-list"],
+ is_immutable=False,
+ )
+ .annotate(
+ collection_id=Cast(
+ KT("config__rdmCollection"),
+ output_field=models.UUIDField(),
+ )
+ )
+ .prefetch_related("cardxnodexwidget_set")
+ )
+ if len(nodes) == 0:
+ raise CommandError(
+ "No concept/concept-list nodes found for the {0} graph".format(
+ source_graph.name
+ )
+ )
+ REFERENCE_SELECT_WIDGET = Widget.objects.get(name="reference-select-widget")
+ controlled_list_ids = List.objects.all().values_list("id", flat=True)
+ errors = []
+ with transaction.atomic():
+ for node in nodes:
+ if node.collection_id in controlled_list_ids:
+ if node.datatype == "concept":
+ node.config = {
+ "multiValue": False,
+ "controlledList": str(node.collection_id),
+ }
+ elif node.datatype == "concept-list":
+ node.config = {
+ "multiValue": True,
+ "controlledList": str(node.collection_id),
+ }
+ node.datatype = "reference"
+ node.full_clean()
+ node.save()
+ cross_records = (
+ node.cardxnodexwidget_set.annotate(
+ config_without_i18n=Cast(
+ models.F("config"),
+ output_field=models.JSONField(),
+ )
+ )
+ .annotate(
+ without_default=CombinedExpression(
+ models.F("config_without_i18n"),
+ "-",
+ models.Value(
+ "defaultValue", output_field=models.CharField()
+ ),
+ output_field=models.JSONField(),
+ )
+ )
+ .annotate(
+ without_default_and_options=CombinedExpression(
+ models.F("without_default"),
+ "-",
+ models.Value(
+ "options", output_field=models.CharField()
+ ),
+ output_field=I18n_JSONField(),
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ for cross_record in cross_records:
+ # work around for i18n as_sql method issue detailed here: https://github.com/archesproject/arches/issues/11473
+ cross_record.config = {}
+ cross_record.save()
+ cross_record.config = cross_record.without_default_and_options
+ cross_record.widget = REFERENCE_SELECT_WIDGET
+ cross_record.full_clean()
+ cross_record.save()
+ elif node.collection_id not in controlled_list_ids:
+ errors.append(
+ {"node_alias": node.alias, "collection_id": node.collection_id}
+ )
+ if errors:
+ self.stderr.write(
+ "The following collections for the associated nodes have not been migrated to controlled lists:"
+ )
+ for error in errors:
+ self.stderr.write(
+ "Node alias: {0}, Collection ID: {1}".format(
+ error["node_alias"], error["collection_id"]
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ source_graph = Graph.objects.get(pk=graph_id)
+ # Refresh the nodes to ensure the changes are reflected in the serialized graph
+ for node in source_graph.nodes.values():
+ node.refresh_from_db()
+ source_graph.create_editable_future_graph()
+ source_graph.publish(
+ notes="Migrated concept/concept-list nodes to reference datatype"
+ )
+ self.stdout.write(
+ "All concept/concept-list nodes for the {0} graph have been successfully migrated to reference datatype".format(
+ source_graph.name
+ )
+ )
diff --git a/tests/cli_tests.py b/tests/cli_tests.py
index b50ef6c..4b1fb72 100644
--- a/tests/cli_tests.py
+++ b/tests/cli_tests.py
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@
from django.test.utils import captured_stdout
from django.core.management.base import CommandError
-from arches_references.models import List, ListItem, ListItemValue
+from arches.app.models.models import Node
from arches.app.utils.skos import SKOSReader
+from arches_references.models import List, ListItem, ListItemValue
from .test_settings import PROJECT_TEST_ROOT
@@ -155,3 +156,80 @@ def test_no_matching_language_error(self):
self.assertEqual(expected_output, str(e.exception))
+class MigrateConceptNodesToReferenceDatatypeTests(TestCase):
+ # Test data has three models:
+ # - `Concept Node Migration Test`, with four concept nodes
+ # - `Collection Not Migrated`, with one concept node but the collection hasn't been migrated
+ # - `No concept nodes`, only has a string and a number node
+ # Contains a Collection "Top Concept", which has been migrated to a controlled list
+ fixtures = ["concept_node_migration_test_data"]
+ def test_migrate_concept_nodes_to_reference_datatype(self):
+ output = io.StringIO()
+ TEST_GRAPH_ID = "8f7cfa3c-d0e0-4a66-8608-43dd726a1b81"
+ management.call_command(
+ "controlled_lists",
+ operation="migrate_concept_nodes_to_reference_datatype",
+ graph=TEST_GRAPH_ID,
+ stdout=output,
+ )
+ nodes = Node.objects.filter(graph_id=TEST_GRAPH_ID).prefetch_related(
+ "cardxnodexwidget_set"
+ )
+ reference_nodes = nodes.filter(datatype="reference")
+ self.assertEqual(len(nodes.filter(datatype__in=["concept", "concept-list"])), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(len(reference_nodes), 4)
+ expected_node_config_keys = ["multiValue", "controlledList"]
+ expected_widget_config_keys = ["label", "placeholder", "i18n_properties"]
+ for node in reference_nodes:
+ self.assertEqual(expected_node_config_keys, list(node.config.keys()))
+ for widget in node.cardxnodexwidget_set.all():
+ self.assertEqual(
+ expected_widget_config_keys, list(widget.config.keys())
+ )
+ def test_no_matching_graph_error(self):
+ output = io.StringIO()
+ expected_output = "GraphModel matching query does not exist."
+ with self.assertRaises(CommandError) as e:
+ management.call_command(
+ "controlled_lists",
+ operation="migrate_concept_nodes_to_reference_datatype",
+ graph="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
+ stderr=output,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(str(e.exception), expected_output)
+ def test_no_concept_nodes_error(self):
+ output = io.StringIO()
+ expected_output = (
+ "No concept/concept-list nodes found for the No concept nodes graph"
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(CommandError) as e:
+ management.call_command(
+ "controlled_lists",
+ operation="migrate_concept_nodes_to_reference_datatype",
+ graph="fc46b399-c824-45e5-86e2-5b992b8fa619",
+ stderr=output,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(str(e.exception), expected_output)
+ def test_collections_not_migrated_error(self):
+ output = io.StringIO()
+ expected_output = "The following collections for the associated nodes have not been migrated to controlled lists:\nNode alias: concept_not_migrated, Collection ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005"
+ management.call_command(
+ "controlled_lists",
+ operation="migrate_concept_nodes_to_reference_datatype",
+ graph="b974103f-73bb-4f2a-bffb-8303227ba0da",
+ stderr=output,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(output.getvalue().strip(), expected_output)
diff --git a/tests/fixtures/data/concept_node_migration_test_data.json b/tests/fixtures/data/concept_node_migration_test_data.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ff25c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fixtures/data/concept_node_migration_test_data.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6595 @@
+ {
+ "model": "models.cardmodel",
+ "pk": "0e8fe2e3-4148-11e7-aa2d-c4b301baab9f",
+ "fields": {
+ "name": "Project Extent",
+ "description": "Represents a single node in a graph",
+ "instructions": "Draw a polygon representing your project's extent. These bounds will serve as the default for the cache seed bounds, search result grid bounds, and map bounds in search, cards, and reports",
+ "cssclass": "",
+ "helpenabled": false,
+ "helptitle": "",
+ "helptext": "",
+ "nodegroup": "0e8fdef0-4148-11e7-8330-c4b301baab9f",
+ "graph": "ff623370-fa12-11e6-b98b-6c4008b05c4c",
+ "active": true,
+ "visible": true,
+ "sortorder": 1,
+ "component": "f05e4d3a-53c1-11e8-b0ea-784f435179ea",
+ "config": null,
+ "source_identifier": null
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "model": "models.cardmodel",
+ "pk": "0e8fe699-4148-11e7-85ab-c4b301baab9f",
+ "fields": {
+ "name": "Mapbox API",
+ "description": "Represents a single node in a graph",
+ "instructions": "Arches uses the Mapbox mapping library for map display and data creation. Arches also supports Mapbox basemaps and other services",
+ "cssclass": "",
+ "helpenabled": false,
+ "helptitle": "",
+ "helptext": "",
+ "nodegroup": "0e8fe457-4148-11e7-9c10-c4b301baab9f",
+ "graph": "ff623370-fa12-11e6-b98b-6c4008b05c4c",
+ "active": true,
+ "visible": true,
+ "sortorder": 0,
+ "component": "f05e4d3a-53c1-11e8-b0ea-784f435179ea",
+ "config": null,
+ "source_identifier": null
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "model": "models.cardmodel",
+ "pk": "0e8feb0c-4148-11e7-9538-c4b301baab9f",
+ "fields": {
+ "name": "Map Zoom",
+ "description": "Represents a single node in a graph",
+ "instructions": "You can define the zoom behavior of your maps by specifying max/min and default values. Zoom level 0 shows the whole world (and is the minimum zoom level). Most map services support a maximum of 20 or so zoom levels",
+ "cssclass": "",
+ "helpenabled": false,
+ "helptitle": "",
+ "helptext": "",
+ "nodegroup": "0e8fe87a-4148-11e7-aa8b-c4b301baab9f",
+ "graph": "ff623370-fa12-11e6-b98b-6c4008b05c4c",
+ "active": true,
+ "visible": true,
+ "sortorder": 2,
+ "component": "f05e4d3a-53c1-11e8-b0ea-784f435179ea",
+ "config": null,
+ "source_identifier": null
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "model": "models.cardmodel",
+ "pk": "0e8ff54a-4148-11e7-a534-c4b301baab9f",
+ "fields": {
+ "name": "Default Map Settings",
+ "description": "Initial settings for Arches maps displayed in reports, cards, and search",
+ "instructions": "",
+ "cssclass": "",
+ "helpenabled": false,
+ "helptitle": "",
+ "helptext": "",
+ "nodegroup": "0e8ff31c-4148-11e7-998a-c4b301baab9f",
+ "graph": "ff623370-fa12-11e6-b98b-6c4008b05c4c",
+ "active": true,
+ "visible": true,
+ "sortorder": null,
+ "component": "f05e4d3a-53c1-11e8-b0ea-784f435179ea",
+ "config": null,
+ "source_identifier": null
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "model": "models.cardmodel",
+ "pk": "0e8ff861-4148-11e7-aabf-c4b301baab9f",
+ "fields": {
+ "name": "Search Results Grid",
+ "description": "Represents a single node in a graph",
+ "instructions": "Arches aggregates search results and displays them as hexagons. You will need to set default parameters for the hexagon size and its precision.",
+ "cssclass": "",
+ "helpenabled": false,
+ "helptitle": "",
+ "helptext": "",
+ "nodegroup": "0e8ff675-4148-11e7-9c88-c4b301baab9f",
+ "graph": "ff623370-fa12-11e6-b98b-6c4008b05c4c",
+ "active": true,
+ "visible": true,
+ "sortorder": 3,
+ "component": "f05e4d3a-53c1-11e8-b0ea-784f435179ea",
+ "config": null,
+ "source_identifier": null
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "model": "models.cardmodel",
+ "pk": "32f2daa6-fae4-11e6-a8c8-6c4008b05c4c",
+ "fields": {
+ "name": "Settings Time Search",
+ "description": "Configuration Settings for temporal search",
+ "instructions": "Arches supports temporal binning. Define the configuration and colors to use in your time wheel",
+ "cssclass": "",
+ "helpenabled": true,
+ "helptitle": "
You can see the color ramps at:
+ "helptext": "You can see the color ramps at:
+ "nodegroup": "32f2d663-fae4-11e6-83ad-6c4008b05c4c",
+ "graph": "ff623370-fa12-11e6-b98b-6c4008b05c4c",
+ "active": true,
+ "visible": false,
+ "sortorder": null,
+ "component": "f05e4d3a-53c1-11e8-b0ea-784f435179ea",
+ "config": null,
+ "source_identifier": null
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "model": "models.cardmodel",
+ "pk": "4798c86f-7e8a-486d-92c5-ae91b1fead7f",
+ "fields": {
+ "name": "Concept not migrated",
+ "description": "",
+ "instructions": "",
+ "cssclass": null,
+ "helpenabled": false,
+ "helptitle": "",
+ "helptext": "",
+ "nodegroup": "efbeeca8-7b6d-11ef-a937-0aa766c61b64",
+ "graph": "b974103f-73bb-4f2a-bffb-8303227ba0da",
+ "active": true,
+ "visible": true,
+ "sortorder": null,
+ "component": "f05e4d3a-53c1-11e8-b0ea-784f435179ea",
+ "config": null,
+ "source_identifier": null
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "model": "models.cardmodel",
+ "pk": "4e005fbb-92b3-48e6-8dba-30cbbbb0810c",
+ "fields": {
+ "name": "semantic",
+ "description": "",
+ "instructions": "",
+ "cssclass": null,
+ "helpenabled": false,
+ "helptitle": "",
+ "helptext": "",
+ "nodegroup": "c97a05be-7b6d-11ef-a937-0aa766c61b64",
+ "graph": "fc46b399-c824-45e5-86e2-5b992b8fa619",
+ "active": true,
+ "visible": true,
+ "sortorder": null,
+ "component": "f05e4d3a-53c1-11e8-b0ea-784f435179ea",
+ "config": null,
+ "source_identifier": null
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "model": "models.cardmodel",
+ "pk": "6cb769a4-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "fields": {
+ "name": "Saved Searches",
+ "description": "System configuration for saving searches",
+ "instructions": "Arches allows you save a search and present it as convenience for your users.",
+ "cssclass": "",
+ "helpenabled": false,
+ "helptitle": "",
+ "helptext": "",
+ "nodegroup": "6cb76850-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "graph": "6cb767a6-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "active": true,
+ "visible": true,
+ "sortorder": null,
+ "component": "f05e4d3a-53c1-11e8-b0ea-784f435179ea",
+ "config": null,
+ "source_identifier": "feb95d14-fa14-11e6-a66b-6c4008b05c4c"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "model": "models.cardmodel",
+ "pk": "6cb76a9e-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "fields": {
+ "name": "Project Extent",
+ "description": "Represents a single node in a graph",
+ "instructions": "Draw a polygon representing your project's extent. These bounds will serve as the default for the cache seed bounds, search result grid bounds, and map bounds in search, cards, and reports",
+ "cssclass": "",
+ "helpenabled": false,
+ "helptitle": "",
+ "helptext": "",
+ "nodegroup": "6cb76a26-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "graph": "6cb767a6-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "active": true,
+ "visible": true,
+ "sortorder": 1,
+ "component": "f05e4d3a-53c1-11e8-b0ea-784f435179ea",
+ "config": null,
+ "source_identifier": "0e8fe2e3-4148-11e7-aa2d-c4b301baab9f"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "model": "models.cardmodel",
+ "pk": "6cb76be8-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "fields": {
+ "name": "Mapbox API",
+ "description": "Represents a single node in a graph",
+ "instructions": "Arches uses the Mapbox mapping library for map display and data creation. Arches also supports Mapbox basemaps and other services",
+ "cssclass": "",
+ "helpenabled": false,
+ "helptitle": "",
+ "helptext": "",
+ "nodegroup": "6cb76b7a-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "graph": "6cb767a6-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "active": true,
+ "visible": true,
+ "sortorder": 0,
+ "component": "f05e4d3a-53c1-11e8-b0ea-784f435179ea",
+ "config": null,
+ "source_identifier": "0e8fe699-4148-11e7-85ab-c4b301baab9f"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "model": "models.cardmodel",
+ "pk": "6cb76d32-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "fields": {
+ "name": "Map Zoom",
+ "description": "Represents a single node in a graph",
+ "instructions": "You can define the zoom behavior of your maps by specifying max/min and default values. Zoom level 0 shows the whole world (and is the minimum zoom level). Most map services support a maximum of 20 or so zoom levels",
+ "cssclass": "",
+ "helpenabled": false,
+ "helptitle": "",
+ "helptext": "",
+ "nodegroup": "6cb76cba-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "graph": "6cb767a6-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "active": true,
+ "visible": true,
+ "sortorder": 2,
+ "component": "f05e4d3a-53c1-11e8-b0ea-784f435179ea",
+ "config": null,
+ "source_identifier": "0e8feb0c-4148-11e7-9538-c4b301baab9f"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "model": "models.cardmodel",
+ "pk": "6cb76f08-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "fields": {
+ "name": "Default Map Settings",
+ "description": "Initial settings for Arches maps displayed in reports, cards, and search",
+ "instructions": "",
+ "cssclass": "",
+ "helpenabled": false,
+ "helptitle": "",
+ "helptext": "",
+ "nodegroup": "6cb76e86-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "graph": "6cb767a6-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "active": true,
+ "visible": true,
+ "sortorder": null,
+ "component": "f05e4d3a-53c1-11e8-b0ea-784f435179ea",
+ "config": null,
+ "source_identifier": "0e8ff54a-4148-11e7-a534-c4b301baab9f"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "model": "models.cardmodel",
+ "pk": "6cb7703e-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "fields": {
+ "name": "Search Results Grid",
+ "description": "Represents a single node in a graph",
+ "instructions": "Arches aggregates search results and displays them as hexagons. You will need to set default parameters for the hexagon size and its precision.",
+ "cssclass": "",
+ "helpenabled": false,
+ "helptitle": "",
+ "helptext": "",
+ "nodegroup": "6cb76fbc-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "graph": "6cb767a6-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "active": true,
+ "visible": true,
+ "sortorder": 3,
+ "component": "f05e4d3a-53c1-11e8-b0ea-784f435179ea",
+ "config": null,
+ "source_identifier": "0e8ff861-4148-11e7-aabf-c4b301baab9f"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "model": "models.cardmodel",
+ "pk": "6cb7716a-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "fields": {
+ "name": "Settings Time Search",
+ "description": "Configuration Settings for temporal search",
+ "instructions": "Arches supports temporal binning. Define the configuration and colors to use in your time wheel",
+ "cssclass": "",
+ "helpenabled": true,
+ "helptitle": "You can see the color ramps at:
+ "helptext": "You can see the color ramps at:
+ "nodegroup": "6cb770e8-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "graph": "6cb767a6-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "active": true,
+ "visible": false,
+ "sortorder": null,
+ "component": "f05e4d3a-53c1-11e8-b0ea-784f435179ea",
+ "config": null,
+ "source_identifier": "32f2daa6-fae4-11e6-a8c8-6c4008b05c4c"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "model": "models.cardmodel",
+ "pk": "6cb77296-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
+ "fields": {
+ "name": "Web Analytics",
+ "description": "Represents a single node in a graph",
+ "instructions": "Google service used to track application usage and other metrics",
+ "cssclass": "",
+ "helpenabled": false,
+ "helptitle": "",
+ "helptext": "",
+ "nodegroup": "6cb77200-7b6b-11ef-8082-0aa766c61b64",
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+ "description": "System configuration for saving searches",
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