diff --git a/afrc/migrations/0001_initial.py b/afrc/migrations/0001_initial.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61f8bdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/afrc/migrations/0001_initial.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1608 @@
+import uuid
+from django.db import migrations
+from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
+import json
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ initial = True
+ dependencies = [
+ ("models", "11499_add_editlog_resourceinstance_idx"),
+ ]
+ def add_map_layers(apps, schema_editor):
+ MapSource = apps.get_model("models", "MapSource")
+ MapLayer = apps.get_model("models", "MapLayer")
+ ofm_positron_light = {
+ "maplayerid": uuid.UUID("803829fe-b437-40b2-94a4-8ae10fa25b10"),
+ "sortorder": 0,
+ "style": {
+ "name": "Positron",
+ "sources": {
+ "ne2_shaded": {
+ "maxzoom": 6,
+ "tileSize": 256,
+ "tiles": [
+ "https://tiles.openfreemap.org/natural_earth/ne2sr/{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
+ ],
+ "type": "raster"
+ },
+ "openmaptiles": {
+ "type": "vector",
+ "url": "https://tiles.openfreemap.org/planet"
+ }
+ },
+ "layers": [
+ {
+ "id": "background",
+ "type": "background",
+ "layout": {"visibility": "visible"},
+ "paint": {"background-color": "rgb(242,243,240)"}
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "park",
+ "type": "fill",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "park",
+ "filter": ["==", ["geometry-type"], "Polygon"],
+ "layout": {"visibility": "none"},
+ "paint": {"fill-color": "rgb(230, 230, 230)"}
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "water",
+ "type": "fill",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "water",
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "Polygon"],
+ ["!=", ["get", "brunnel"], "tunnel"]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"visibility": "visible"},
+ "paint": {"fill-antialias": True, "fill-color": "rgb(220, 220, 220)"}
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "landcover_ice_shelf",
+ "type": "fill",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "landcover",
+ "maxzoom": 8,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "Polygon"],
+ ["==", ["get", "subclass"], "ice_shelf"]
+ ],
+ "paint": {"fill-color": "hsl(0,0%,98%)", "fill-opacity": 0.7}
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "landcover_glacier",
+ "type": "fill",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "landcover",
+ "maxzoom": 8,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "Polygon"],
+ ["==", ["get", "subclass"], "glacier"]
+ ],
+ "paint": {
+ "fill-color": "hsl(0,0%,98%)",
+ "fill-opacity": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 0, 1, 8, 0.5]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "landuse_residential",
+ "type": "fill",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "landuse",
+ "maxzoom": 16,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "Polygon"],
+ ["==", ["get", "class"], "residential"]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"visibility": "visible"},
+ "paint": {
+ "fill-color": "rgb(230, 230, 230)",
+ "fill-opacity": [
+ "interpolate",
+ ["exponential", 0.6],
+ ["zoom"],
+ 8,
+ 0.8,
+ 9,
+ 0.6
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "landcover_wood",
+ "type": "fill",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "landcover",
+ "minzoom": 10,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "Polygon"],
+ ["==", ["get", "class"], "wood"]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"visibility": "visible"},
+ "paint": {
+ "fill-color": "rgb(220,220,220)",
+ "fill-opacity": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 8, 0, 12, 1]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "waterway",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "waterway",
+ "filter": ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ "layout": {"visibility": "visible"},
+ "paint": {"line-color": "hsl(195,17%,78%)"}
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "building",
+ "type": "fill",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "building",
+ "minzoom": 12,
+ "paint": {
+ "fill-antialias": True,
+ "fill-color": "rgb(234, 234, 229)",
+ "fill-outline-color": "rgb(219, 219, 218)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "tunnel_motorway_casing",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "transportation",
+ "minzoom": 6,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["get", "brunnel"], "tunnel"],
+ ["==", ["get", "class"], "motorway"]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-cap": "butt", "line-join": "miter"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": "rgb(213, 213, 213)",
+ "line-opacity": 1,
+ "line-width": [
+ "interpolate",
+ ["exponential", 1.4],
+ ["zoom"],
+ 5.8,
+ 0,
+ 6,
+ 3,
+ 20,
+ 40
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "tunnel_motorway_inner",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "transportation",
+ "minzoom": 6,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["get", "brunnel"], "tunnel"],
+ ["==", ["get", "class"], "motorway"]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-cap": "round", "line-join": "round"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": "rgb(234,234,234)",
+ "line-width": [
+ "interpolate",
+ ["exponential", 1.4],
+ ["zoom"],
+ 4,
+ 2,
+ 6,
+ 1.3,
+ 20,
+ 30
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "aeroway-taxiway",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "aeroway",
+ "minzoom": 12,
+ "filter": ["match", ["get", "class"], ["taxiway"], True, False],
+ "layout": {"line-cap": "round", "line-join": "round"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": "hsl(0,0%,88%)",
+ "line-opacity": 1,
+ "line-width": [
+ "interpolate",
+ ["exponential", 1.55],
+ ["zoom"],
+ 13,
+ 1.8,
+ 20,
+ 20
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "aeroway-runway-casing",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "aeroway",
+ "minzoom": 11,
+ "filter": ["match", ["get", "class"], ["runway"], True, False],
+ "layout": {"line-cap": "round", "line-join": "round"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": "hsl(0,0%,88%)",
+ "line-opacity": 1,
+ "line-width": [
+ "interpolate",
+ ["exponential", 1.5],
+ ["zoom"],
+ 11,
+ 6,
+ 17,
+ 55
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "aeroway-area",
+ "type": "fill",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "aeroway",
+ "minzoom": 4,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "Polygon"],
+ ["match", ["get", "class"], ["runway", "taxiway"], True, False]
+ ],
+ "paint": {
+ "fill-color": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)",
+ "fill-opacity": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 13, 0, 14, 1]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "aeroway-runway",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "aeroway",
+ "minzoom": 11,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["match", ["get", "class"], ["runway"], True, False],
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-cap": "round", "line-join": "round"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)",
+ "line-opacity": 1,
+ "line-width": [
+ "interpolate",
+ ["exponential", 1.5],
+ ["zoom"],
+ 11,
+ 4,
+ 17,
+ 50
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "road_area_pier",
+ "type": "fill",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "transportation",
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "Polygon"],
+ ["==", ["get", "class"], "pier"]
+ ],
+ "paint": {"fill-antialias": True, "fill-color": "rgb(242,243,240)"}
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "road_pier",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "transportation",
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ ["match", ["get", "class"], ["pier"], True, False]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-cap": "round", "line-join": "round"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": "rgb(242,243,240)",
+ "line-width": [
+ "interpolate",
+ ["exponential", 1.2],
+ ["zoom"],
+ 15,
+ 1,
+ 17,
+ 4
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "highway_path",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "transportation",
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ ["==", ["get", "class"], "path"]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-cap": "round", "line-join": "round"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": "rgb(234, 234, 234)",
+ "line-opacity": 0.9,
+ "line-width": [
+ "interpolate",
+ ["exponential", 1.2],
+ ["zoom"],
+ 13,
+ 1,
+ 20,
+ 10
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "highway_minor",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "transportation",
+ "minzoom": 8,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ ["match", ["get", "class"], ["minor", "service", "track"], True, False]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-cap": "round", "line-join": "round"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": "hsl(0,0%,88%)",
+ "line-opacity": 0.9,
+ "line-width": [
+ "interpolate",
+ ["exponential", 1.55],
+ ["zoom"],
+ 13,
+ 1.8,
+ 20,
+ 20
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "highway_major_casing",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "transportation",
+ "minzoom": 11,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ [
+ "match",
+ ["get", "class"],
+ ["primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "trunk"],
+ True,
+ False
+ ]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-cap": "butt", "line-join": "miter"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": "rgb(213, 213, 213)",
+ "line-dasharray": [12, 0],
+ "line-width": [
+ "interpolate",
+ ["exponential", 1.3],
+ ["zoom"],
+ 10,
+ 3,
+ 20,
+ 23
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "highway_major_inner",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "transportation",
+ "minzoom": 11,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ [
+ "match",
+ ["get", "class"],
+ ["primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "trunk"],
+ True,
+ False
+ ]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-cap": "round", "line-join": "round"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": "#fff",
+ "line-width": [
+ "interpolate",
+ ["exponential", 1.3],
+ ["zoom"],
+ 10,
+ 2,
+ 20,
+ 20
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "highway_major_subtle",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "transportation",
+ "maxzoom": 11,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ [
+ "match",
+ ["get", "class"],
+ ["primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "trunk"],
+ True,
+ False
+ ]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-cap": "round", "line-join": "round"},
+ "paint": {"line-color": "hsla(0,0%,85%,0.69)", "line-width": 2}
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "highway_motorway_casing",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "transportation",
+ "minzoom": 6,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ [
+ "all",
+ ["match", ["get", "brunnel"], ["bridge", "tunnel"], False, True],
+ ["==", ["get", "class"], "motorway"]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-cap": "butt", "line-join": "miter"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": "rgb(213, 213, 213)",
+ "line-dasharray": [2, 0],
+ "line-opacity": 1,
+ "line-width": [
+ "interpolate",
+ ["exponential", 1.4],
+ ["zoom"],
+ 5.8,
+ 0,
+ 6,
+ 3,
+ 20,
+ 40
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "highway_motorway_inner",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "transportation",
+ "minzoom": 6,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ [
+ "all",
+ ["match", ["get", "brunnel"], ["bridge", "tunnel"], False, True],
+ ["==", ["get", "class"], "motorway"]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-cap": "round", "line-join": "round"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": [
+ "interpolate",
+ ["linear"],
+ ["zoom"],
+ 5.8,
+ "hsla(0,0%,85%,0.53)",
+ 6,
+ "#fff"
+ ],
+ "line-width": [
+ "interpolate",
+ ["exponential", 1.4],
+ ["zoom"],
+ 4,
+ 2,
+ 6,
+ 1.3,
+ 20,
+ 30
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "highway_motorway_subtle",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "transportation",
+ "maxzoom": 6,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ ["==", ["get", "class"], "motorway"]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-cap": "round", "line-join": "round"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": "hsla(0,0%,85%,0.53)",
+ "line-width": [
+ "interpolate",
+ ["exponential", 1.4],
+ ["zoom"],
+ 4,
+ 2,
+ 6,
+ 1.3
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "railway_transit",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "transportation",
+ "minzoom": 16,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["get", "class"], "transit"],
+ ["match", ["get", "brunnel"], ["tunnel"], False, True]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-join": "round"},
+ "paint": {"line-color": "#dddddd", "line-width": 3}
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "railway_transit_dashline",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "transportation",
+ "minzoom": 16,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["get", "class"], "transit"],
+ ["match", ["get", "brunnel"], ["tunnel"], False, True]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-join": "round"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": "#fafafa",
+ "line-dasharray": [3, 3],
+ "line-width": 2
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "railway_service",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "transportation",
+ "minzoom": 16,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ ["all", ["==", ["get", "class"], "rail"], ["has", "service"]]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-join": "round"},
+ "paint": {"line-color": "#dddddd", "line-width": 3}
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "railway_service_dashline",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "transportation",
+ "minzoom": 16,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ ["==", ["get", "class"], "rail"],
+ ["has", "service"]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-join": "round"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": "#fafafa",
+ "line-dasharray": [3, 3],
+ "line-width": 2
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "railway",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "transportation",
+ "minzoom": 13,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ ["all", ["!", ["has", "service"]], ["==", ["get", "class"], "rail"]]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-join": "round"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": "#dddddd",
+ "line-width": [
+ "interpolate",
+ ["exponential", 1.3],
+ ["zoom"],
+ 16,
+ 3,
+ 20,
+ 7
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "railway_dashline",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "transportation",
+ "minzoom": 13,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ ["all", ["!", ["has", "service"]], ["==", ["get", "class"], "rail"]]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-join": "round"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": "#fafafa",
+ "line-dasharray": [3, 3],
+ "line-width": [
+ "interpolate",
+ ["exponential", 1.3],
+ ["zoom"],
+ 16,
+ 2,
+ 20,
+ 6
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "highway_motorway_bridge_casing",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "transportation",
+ "minzoom": 6,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["get", "brunnel"], "bridge"],
+ ["==", ["get", "class"], "motorway"]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-cap": "butt", "line-join": "miter"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": "rgb(213, 213, 213)",
+ "line-dasharray": [2, 0],
+ "line-opacity": 1,
+ "line-width": [
+ "interpolate",
+ ["exponential", 1.4],
+ ["zoom"],
+ 5.8,
+ 0,
+ 6,
+ 5,
+ 20,
+ 45
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "highway_motorway_bridge_inner",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "transportation",
+ "minzoom": 6,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["get", "brunnel"], "bridge"],
+ ["==", ["get", "class"], "motorway"]
+ ]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-cap": "round", "line-join": "round"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": [
+ "interpolate",
+ ["linear"],
+ ["zoom"],
+ 5.8,
+ "hsla(0,0%,85%,0.53)",
+ 6,
+ "#fff"
+ ],
+ "line-width": [
+ "interpolate",
+ ["exponential", 1.4],
+ ["zoom"],
+ 4,
+ 2,
+ 6,
+ 1.3,
+ 20,
+ 30
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "boundary_3",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "boundary",
+ "minzoom": 1,
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ [">=", ["get", "admin_level"], 3],
+ ["<=", ["get", "admin_level"], 6],
+ ["!=", ["get", "maritime"], 1],
+ ["!=", ["get", "disputed"], 1],
+ ["!", ["has", "claimed_by"]]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"visibility": "visible"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": "hsl(0,0%,70%)",
+ "line-dasharray": [1, 1],
+ "line-width": ["interpolate", ["linear", 1], ["zoom"], 7, 1, 11, 2]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "boundary_2",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "boundary",
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["==", ["get", "admin_level"], 2],
+ ["!=", ["get", "maritime"], 1],
+ ["!=", ["get", "disputed"], 1],
+ ["!", ["has", "claimed_by"]]
+ ],
+ "layout": {"line-cap": "round", "line-join": "round"},
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": "hsl(0,0%,70%)",
+ "line-opacity": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 0, 0.4, 4, 1],
+ "line-width": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 3, 1, 5, 1.2, 12, 3]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "boundary_disputed",
+ "type": "line",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "boundary",
+ "filter": [
+ "all",
+ ["!=", ["get", "maritime"], 1],
+ ["==", ["get", "disputed"], 1]
+ ],
+ "paint": {
+ "line-color": "hsl(0,0%,70%)",
+ "line-dasharray": [1, 2],
+ "line-width": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 3, 1, 5, 1.2, 12, 3]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "waterway_line_label",
+ "type": "symbol",
+ "source": "openmaptiles",
+ "source-layer": "waterway",
+ "minzoom": 10,
+ "filter": ["==", ["geometry-type"], "LineString"],
+ "layout": {
+ "symbol-placement": "line",
+ "symbol-spacing": 350,
+ "text-field": [
+ "case",
+ ["has", "name:nonlatin"],
+ ["concat", ["get", "name:latin"], " ", ["get", "name:nonlatin"]],
+ ["coalesce", ["get", "name_en"], ["get", "name"]]
+ ],
+ "text-font": ["Noto Sans Italic"],
+ "text-letter-spacing": 0.2,
+ "text-max-width": 5,
+ "text-size": 14
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+ ["==", ["get", "rank"], 2]
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+ ["boolean", ["feature-state", "selected"], False],
+ 6,
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+ "circle-color": "#00f",
+ }
+ }, {
+ "id": "referencecollections-point",
+ "source": "referencecollections",
+ "source-layer": "referencecollections",
+ "type": "circle",
+ "filter": ['all',[
+ "==", "$type", "Point"
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+ "circle-radius": 3,
+ "circle-color": "#aaf"
+ }
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+ "source-layer": "referencecollections"
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+ "type": "line",
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+ "line-color": "#00f",
+ "line-width": [
+ "case",
+ ["boolean", ["feature-state", "selected"], False],
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+ "==",
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+ "layout": {
+ "line-cap": "round",
+ "line-join": "round"
+ },
+ "source": "referencecollections",
+ "source-layer": "referencecollections"
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+ "filter": [
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+ "source": "referencecollections",
+ "source-layer": "referencecollections"
+ },
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+ }
+ ],
+ },
+ "arches_metadata": {"addtomap": True, "icon": "fa fa-globe", "isoverlay": True},
+ }
+ layer_configs = (ofm_positron_light, reference_collections)
+ for config in layer_configs:
+ try:
+ config["style"] = json.loads(config["style"])
+ except:
+ pass
+ layer_name = config["style"]["name"]
+ for layer in config["style"]["layers"]:
+ if "source" in layer:
+ layer["source"] = layer["source"]
+ for source_name, source_dict in config["style"]["sources"].items():
+ MapSource.objects.get_or_create(name=source_name, source=source_dict)
+ map_layer = MapLayer(
+ maplayerid=config["maplayerid"],
+ name=layer_name,
+ sortorder=config["sortorder"],
+ layerdefinitions=config["style"]["layers"],
+ **config["arches_metadata"],
+ )
+ map_layer.save()
+ def remove_map_layers(apps, schema_editor):
+ MapSource = apps.get_model("models", "MapSource")
+ MapLayer = apps.get_model("models", "MapLayer")
+ layerids = (
+ "803829fe-b437-40b2-94a4-8ae10fa25b10",
+ )
+ for layerid in layerids:
+ mapbox_layer = MapLayer.objects.get(maplayerid=layerid)
+ all_sources = [i.get("source") for i in mapbox_layer.layerdefinitions]
+ sources = {i for i in all_sources if i}
+ for source in sources:
+ src = MapSource.objects.get(name=source)
+ src.delete()
+ mapbox_layer.delete()
+ operations = [
+ migrations.RunPython(add_map_layers, remove_map_layers),
+ ]
diff --git a/afrc/migrations/__init__.py b/afrc/migrations/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/afrc/src/afrc/Search/SearchPage.vue b/afrc/src/afrc/Search/SearchPage.vue
index 136efeb..0a57e34 100644
--- a/afrc/src/afrc/Search/SearchPage.vue
+++ b/afrc/src/afrc/Search/SearchPage.vue
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -44,6 +64,10 @@ const props = defineProps({
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
+.result.hovered {
+ background-color: rgb(239 245 252);
+ border: 1px solid rgb(139 145 252);
.result .result-content {
height: 10rem;
overflow: hidden;
diff --git a/afrc/src/afrc/Search/types.ts b/afrc/src/afrc/Search/types.ts
index fddc722..b327bbe 100644
--- a/afrc/src/afrc/Search/types.ts
+++ b/afrc/src/afrc/Search/types.ts
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ export interface Basemap {
name: string;
value: string;
active: boolean;
+ url: string;
export interface MapLayer {
activated?: boolean;
diff --git a/afrc/urls.py b/afrc/urls.py
index 211ce08..ab1df86 100644
--- a/afrc/urls.py
+++ b/afrc/urls.py
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.static import static
from django.conf.urls.i18n import i18n_patterns
-from django.urls import include, path
+from django.urls import include, path, re_path
from afrc.views.settings_api import SettingsAPI
-from afrc.views.map_api import MapDataAPI, FeatureBufferAPI, GeoJSONBoundsAPI
+from afrc.views.map_api import MapDataAPI, FeatureBufferAPI, GeoJSONBoundsAPI, ReferenceCollectionMVT
urlpatterns = [
# project-level urls
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
path("api-map-data", MapDataAPI.as_view(), name="api-map-data"),
path("api-feature-buffer", FeatureBufferAPI.as_view(), name="api-feature-buffer"),
path("api-geojson-bounds", GeoJSONBoundsAPI.as_view(), name="api-geojson-bounds"),
+ re_path(r"^api-reference-collection-mvt/(?P[0-9]+|\{z\})/(?P[0-9]+|\{x\})/(?P[0-9]+|\{y\}).pbf$",
+ ReferenceCollectionMVT.as_view(),
+ name="api-reference-collection-mvt"),
# Ensure Arches core urls are superseded by project-level urls
diff --git a/afrc/views/map_api.py b/afrc/views/map_api.py
index 24452b9..c006de5 100644
--- a/afrc/views/map_api.py
+++ b/afrc/views/map_api.py
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from django.views.generic import View
+from django.http import HttpResponse
+from django.db import connection
-from arches.app.datatypes.datatypes import DataTypeFactory
from arches.app.models import models
-from arches.app.models.concept import Concept
from arches.app.models.system_settings import settings
from arches.app.search.search_engine_factory import SearchEngineFactory
from arches.app.search.mappings import RESOURCES_INDEX
@@ -130,3 +130,31 @@ def post(self, request):
geojson_obj = json.load(feature_file)
return JSONResponse(GeoUtils.shape_geojson_as_feature_collection(geojson_obj))
+class ReferenceCollectionMVT(View):
+ def get(self, request, zoom, x, y):
+ system_settings_resourceid = settings.SYSTEM_SETTINGS_RESOURCE_ID
+ with connection.cursor() as cursor:
+ result = cursor.execute(
+ """
+ SELECT ST_AsMVT(tile, 'referencecollections', 4096, 'geom', 'id')
+ FROM (
+ id,
+ resourceinstanceid,
+ nodeid,
+ ST_AsMVTGeom(
+ geom,
+ TileBBox(%s, %s, %s, 3857),
+ 4096,
+ 256,
+ false
+ ) geom
+ FROM geojson_geometries gg
+ WHERE resourceinstanceid != %s and (gg.geom && ST_TileEnvelope(%s, %s, %s, margin => (64.0 / 4096)))
+ ) tile
+ """,
+ [zoom, x, y, system_settings_resourceid, zoom, x, y],
+ )
+ result = bytes(cursor.fetchone()[0]) if result is None else result
+ return HttpResponse(result, content_type="application/x-protobuf")
\ No newline at end of file