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Screen capture

Jeffrey Munowitch edited this page Mar 20, 2018 · 3 revisions

Screen Capture

"Use a picture. It's worth a thousand words." Sometimes, a screenshot can be good to include when discussing potential bugs you encounter.


MacOS has a built in ability to take screenshots.

While the website linked above has many options, it is suggested that you take a screenshot of just the specific part of your screen you want to share:

How to take a screenshot of a selected portion of your screen

  1. Press Shift-Command-4. The pointer changes to a crosshair.
  2. Move the crosshair to where you want to start the screenshot, then drag to select an area.
  3. When you've selected the area you want, release your mouse or trackpad button. To cancel, press the Esc (Escape) key before you release the button.
  4. Find the screenshot as a .png file on your desktop.


Screen Recording

Sometimes a still image just is not enough to convey what is happening on the screen. In this case, try to include a gif or video of what is happening. To do this, follow the directions below:


For screen recording on MacOS, try Kap.

Once you have downloaded and installed Kap, you can use it like this: Kap Example


Attaching the media to an issue:


To attach to a specific issue, you can drag the GIF as shown: Upload of Kap Example
