All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Initial project setup with Python 3.10+ support
- Docker-based CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions
- Code quality tools integration:
- Black for code formatting
- isort for import sorting
- flake8 for linting
- mypy for type checking
- pytest for testing
- pre-commit hooks
- Basic project structure with modular design
- Configuration management using YAML
- GPU support with memory efficiency features
- Integration with Weights & Biases for experiment tracking
- Comprehensive test suite with coverage reporting
- Documentation:
- README with installation and usage instructions
- Configuration examples
- Project structure documentation
- Security improvements:
- Pinned third-party GitHub Actions to commit SHAs
- Minimal container permissions in CI/CD
- Dependency management with version constraints
- Switched from CodeLlama to DeepSeek Coder model
- Updated CI/CD workflow for better security and efficiency
- Improved test coverage and type annotations
- CI/CD pipeline issues:
- Build dependencies installation
- Codecov integration
- Docker image caching
- Type checking errors in test files