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File metadata and controls

116 lines (98 loc) · 4.47 KB


This is an irssi script that sends all highlights and queries to your telegram account via the telegram bot API

This means that you need to register a telegram bot to use this plugin.


I'll assume you have telegram installed on your mobile device and registered a personal account (called e.g. you_in_telegram). I'll also assume that you have installed irssi somewhere and that irssi is currently running, connected to one or more IRC networks, etc.

  1. First, copy into your irssi scripts directory, usually ~/.irssi/scripts/. Install libfile-slurp-perl and libwww-telegram-botapi-perl or whatever your Distro packages the perl modules File::Slurp or WWW::Telegram::BotAPI as. Your irssi should include the irssi perl API, the Debian packages do at least. If you can't find libwww-telegram-botapi-perl (no surprise, since its not in the official debian repos) create it yourself:

    $ dh-make-perl --cpan WWW::Telegram::BotAPI
    <if in doubt: press enter a few times>
    $ cd libwww-telegram-botapi-perl
    $ fakeroot debian/rules binary
    $ cd ..
    # dpkg -i libwww-telegram-botapi-perl_0.03-1_all.deb

    Maybe the version number in the last command will be higher by now. As always, # means: execute as root.

  2. In telegram, talk to @botfather. This is the special telegram bot that creates all other bots. Type /newbot to create your bot, pick a display name and username (which must end in bot, so e.g. you_in_telegram_bot) and remember those along with the token displayed there. The token will look similar to 110201543:AAHdqTcvCH1vGWJxfSeofSAs0K5PALDsaw. Treat this token like a password, so keep it secret, but remember it, you'll need it later on.

  3. Execute the following:

    # mkdir -p ~/.irssi2telegram
    # chmod -R go-rwx ~/.irssi2telegram
    # echo "110201543:AAHdqTcvCH1vGWJxfSeofSAs0K5PALDsaw" > ~/.irssi2telegram/token
    # echo "you_in_telegram" > ~/.irssi2telegram/destination_user

    Replace your telegram user (your personal one, not the bot!) and your bot token in the code above.

  4. Now you can test your bot by running

    # ./
    I am $VAR1 = {
    	'result' => {
    		'username' => 'you_in_telegram_bot',
    		'first_name' => 'you_in_telegram's bot',
    		'id' => 23984295
    	'ok' => bless( do{\(my $o = 1)}, 'JSON::XS::Boolean' )

    Talk to @you_in_telegram_bot in telegram and send a message to your bot (content does not matter). You should see something like this:

    Message from you_in_telegram
    $VAR1 = {
        'update_id' => 47110815,
        'message' => {
     	   'text' => 'Test text you sent',
     	   'chat' => {
     		   'username' => 'you_in_telegram',
     		   'id' => 123456789,
     		   'type' => 'private',
     		   'first_name' => 'you'
     	   'date' => 1469634270,
     	   'message_id' => 1,
     	   'from' => {
     		   'id' => 123456789,
     		   'first_name' => 'you',
     		   'username' => 'you_in_telegram'

    Note that {message}->{chat}->{type} should be private and the value of {message}->{chat}->{id} should equal the value of {message}->{from}->{id}, here e.g. 123456789.

    Abort via Ctrl-C.

  5. Execute the following:

    echo "123456789" > ~/.irssi2telegram/destination_channel

    You need to replace the id by your value of {message}->{from}->{id}.

  6. Now you just need to load the script in irssi. For this, type /script load ~/.irssi/scripts/ in irssi. You should not see any error messages. After typing /script list in irssi, a line like the following should appear:

    17:59 Loaded scripts:
    17:59 irssi2telegram  /home/arw/.irssi/scripts/
  7. Done. Test your setup by having someone highlight you in IRC. Your bot should forward all hightlight messages to your mobile device.


The telegram bot API is very useful and one of the nicest things abour telegram: I think this API is something where the competition is sorely lacking.

Half of the code is taken from and ananlogous to the WWW::Telegram::BotAPI usage examples:

The other half is inspired by the irssi script: