Regarding a conversion from measured reflectance values with Lambertian reflector target to BRDF values #236
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A separate discussion started within Issue #167 about using measured reflectance values referenced to a Lambertian reflector target within a BRDF.
Research done so far
If anything of the information we gathered on this topic is missing, please include them with a comment below!
BRDF definition
With the Assumptions below, we define a function$f_r$ that is the basic quantity that characterizes (geometrically) the reflecting properties of a surface called "Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function", abbreviated BRDF:
Since for a given pair of directions, the BRDF$f_r$ is a concentration of reflectance (per steradian) it may take on any value from zero to infinity.
BRDF properties
Positivity:$f_r(\theta_i , \phi_i ; \theta_r , \phi_r) \ge 0$ $\forall\omega_i; \int_{\omega_r} \int_{\omega_i} f_r(\theta_i , \phi_i ; \theta_r , \phi_r) cos(\theta_r)d\Omega_i d\Omega_r \le 1$ $f_r(\theta_i , \phi_i ; \theta_r , \phi_r) = f_r(\theta_r , \phi_r ; \theta_i , \phi_i)$
Energy conservation:
Helmholtz reciprocity:
Reflectance Factor
Continue by using the definition of the reflectance factor$R_F$ by Nicodemus et al.[1] which is the ratio of the radiant flux actually reflected by a sample surface to the radiant flux reflected by the ideal diffuse Lambertian reflector denoted as "id" ($\rho = 1$ ) in the same reflected-beam geometry, irradiated in exactly the same ways as the sample.
Combining equation (12) for the reflected flux by the surface element$dA$ into the solid angle $\omega_r$
and equation (C8), the BRDF for an ideal standard diffuse reflector surface
including our assumptions, we arrive at the following reflectance factor$R_F$ :
This is in accordance with the definition of the Ocean Optics Web Book [4]:
and the derivation of a BRDF from a difusse reflectance: or albedo defined for a Lambertian surface within the Computer Vision book by Forsyth and Ponce, p.13, chapter 1.3.3 [2]:
It should be noted, that for converting measurement values with respect to Lambertian reflectors / surfaces to a BRDF, the assumptions below need to be kept in mind. It is import to consider them and carefully evaluate the use of the converted BRDF values regarding the use case.
Therefore, the assumptions should be stated in the documentation where applicable to inform the user.
Important notes
Further researches on Reflectance & BRDF
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