If you don't see a config builder here that suits your needs, you can write your own. Referencing the Basic
nuget package for this project will get you the base upon which all of these builders inherit. Most of the heavy-ish lifting and consistent behavior across key/value config builders comes from this base. Take a look at the code for more detail, but in many cases implementing a custom key/value config builder in this same vein is as easy as inheriting the base, and implementing two basic methods.
using Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders;
public class CustomConfigBuilder : KeyValueConfigBuilder
public override string GetValue(string key)
// Key lookup should be case-insensitive, because most key/value collections in .Net config sections are as well.
return "Value for given key, or null.";
public override ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, string>> GetAllValues(string prefix)
// Populate the return collection a little more smartly. ;)
return new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "one", "1" }, { "two", "2" } };
Additionally, there are a few virtual methods that you can take advantage of for more advanced techniques.
public class CustomConfigBuilder : KeyValueConfigBuilder
public override void Initialize(string name, NameValueCollection config)
// Use this initializer only for things that absolutely must be read from
// the 'config' collection immediately upon creation.
// AppSettings parameter substitution is not available at this point.
// Use LazyInitialize(string, NameValueCollection) instead whenever possible.
protected override void LazyInitialize(string name, NameValueCollection config)
// Use this for things that don't need to be initialized until just before
// config values are retrieved.
// *First, set the default values for 'Enabled' and 'CharacterMap' if
// different from the base.
// *Second, be sure to call 'base.LazyInitialize(name, config)'. AppSettings
// parameter substitution via 'UpdateConfigSettingWithAppSettings(parameterName)'
// will be available after that call.
// *Third, check the value of 'Enabled' to see if there is any need to continue.
// *Lastly, read any additional parameters and do any other tasks needed
// in preparation for retrieving config values.
public override bool MapKey(string key)
// If you know the format of the key pulled from *.config files is going to be invalid, but you
// are able to translate the bad format to a known good format to get a value from your
// config source, use this method.
// Ex) AppSettings are commonly named things like "area:feature", but the ':' is not a legal
// character for key names in Azure Key Vault. MapKey() can help translate the ':' to a
// '-' in this case, which will allow the ability to look up a config value for this appSetting
// in Key Vault, even though it's original key name is not valid in Key Vault.
public override bool ValidateKey(string key)
// A no-op by default. If your backing storage cannot handle certain characters, this is a one-stop
// place for screening key names. It is particularly helpful in `Strict` and `Token` modes where
// key names for lookup are taken from *.config files and could potentially contain invalid
// characters that cause exceptions in the backing config store.
public override string UpdateKey(string rawKey)
// Just before replacing retrieved values in a config section, this method gets called.
// 'AzureKeyVaultConfigBuilder' uses this override to strip version tags from keys.