Introduced in .Net 4.7.1, ConfigurationBuilders
is a feature that can be quite flexible. Applications can use the Configuration Builder concept to construct incredibly complex configuration on the fly. But for the most common usage scenarios, a basic key/value replacement mechanism is all that is needed. The config builders in this project are designed to be such simple key/value builders.
The basic concept of these config builders is to draw on an external source of key/value information to populate parts of the config system that are key/value in nature. By default, the appSettings
and connectionStrings
sections receive special treatment from these key/value config builders. These builders can be set to run in three different modes:
- This is the default. In this mode, the config builder will only operate on well-known key/value-centric configuration sections. It will enumerate each key in the section, and if a matching key is found in the external source, it will replace the value in the resulting config section with the value from the external source.Greedy
- This mode is closely related toStrict
mode, but instead of being limited to keys that already exist in the original configuration, the config builders will dump all key/value pairs from the external source into the resulting config section.Token
- This last mode operates on both the key and the value read from a config section. It can be thought of as a basic expansion of tokens in a string. Any part of the key or value string that matches the pattern${token}
is a candidate for token expansion. If no corresponding value is found in the external source, then the token is left alone.
Another feature of these key/value Configuration Builders is prefix handling. Because full-framework .Net configuration is complex and nested, and external key/value sources are by nature quite basic and flat, leveraging key prefixes can be useful. For example, if you want to inject both App Settings and Connection Strings into your configuration via environment variables, you could accomplish this in two ways. Use the EnvironmentConfigBuilder
in the default Strict
mode and make sure you have the appropriate key names already coded into your config file. OR you could use two EnvironmentConfigBuilder
s in Greedy
mode with distinct prefixes so they can slurp up any setting or connection string you provide without needing to update the raw config file in advance. Like this:
<add name="AS_Environment" mode="Greedy" prefix="AppSetting_" type="Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.EnvironmentConfigBuilder, Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.Environment" />
<add name="CS_Environment" mode="Greedy" prefix="ConnStr_" type="Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.EnvironmentConfigBuilder, Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.Environment" />
<appSettings configBuilders="AS_Environment" />
<connectionStrings configBuilders="CS_Environment" />
This way the same flat key/value source can be used to populate configuration for two different sections.
ℹ️ NOTE: 'Prefix' is used to filter which Key/Value pairs the builder will fetch from the external config source. In
modes, this means builders will not ask the external config source for any keys that do not start with the prefix. InGreedy
mode, builders still ask for all the keys, but only save the ones that start with the prefix.
A related setting that is common among all of these key/value builders is stripPrefix
. The code above does a good job of separating app settings from connection strings... but now all the keys in AppSettings start with "AppSetting_". Maybe this is fine for code you wrote. Chances are that prefix is better off stripped from the key name before being inserted into AppSettings. stripPrefix
is a boolean value, and accomplishes just that. It's default value is false
This is a setting that controls whether a config builder gets executed or not, and if it fails silently or not. Supported values are enabled
, disabled
, and optional
. (As well as true
and false
as equivallents of enabled/disabled.) If 'enabled', then the builder will execute and throw exceptions when it fails. When 'disabled', builders will not execute. When set to 'optional', builders will execute but failures will be silent. This can be useful in cases like "User Secrets" where the backing secrets file is only likely to exist on a dev machine and not in a staging or test environment. The default value is optional
, though some config builders (such as the KeyPerFile and Azure-based builders) will use enabled
As processing of multiple configuration sections becomes entwined, the chances of falling into a recursive cycle of config loading increases. Especially due to the appSettings as parameters feature, this issue has a higher likelihood of striking and can be difficult to diagnose. This is where 'RecrusionGuard' comes in. It will try to keep track of config sections that are being processed to detect any potential loops. When a loop is detected, it can either throw an exception to call attention to the bad configuration, or it can stop the loop and silently unwind, or it can do nothing and allow the loop to continue. The latter two options is not recommended as it may result in non-deterministic results and overflows. Options for this setting are Throw
, Stop
, or Allow
. The default is Throw
This is a setting that defines which characters from a config key need to be replaced with which alternate characters when querying for a value in a particular config source. This feature actually maps strings, and is not restricted to single character replacement. The format for charMap parameter is a comma-separated list of string=string
. To include comma or equals in your mappings, you can escape them by doubling. The base default value is to not map any characters, but a number of builders such as the Environment and Azure builders do populate this mapping by default.
Somewhat of a remnant from earlier versions that allowed operating on raw XML, this flag can be used to specify whether or not to XML-escape values when replacing tokens in 'Token' mode. The default value is false
A setting that is shared between all KeyValueConfigBuilder-derived builders is tokenPattern
. When builders are in Token
mode, section handlers are used to iterate through the Key/Value pairs of a config section. The builder then searches the full text of each 'Value' for any 'tokens' to expand. (In the old Expand
mode, this search was done on the entire raw xml definition of the section before the .Net config system turns that into an object.) This token search is done with a regular expression, and the format of the token is given by this tokenPattern
setting. The current default pattern is @"\$\{(\w[\w-_$@#+,.:~]*)\}"
, which is the familiar "${TOKEN}" pattern we frequently see in other places.
allows developers to change the regex that is used for token matching. It is a string argument, and no validation is done to make sure it is a well-formed non-dangerous regex - so use it wisely. The only real restriction is that is must contain a capture group. The entire regex must match the entire token, and the first capture must be the token name to look up in the config source.
ℹ️ NOTE: In v3.1, pattern recognition has been updated to look for a second capture within the
match. If one is found, then that second capture will be used as a default value if no value can be found in the backing configuration store for the builder. The out-of-boxtokenPattern
is still as it was in the previous version, not capturing default values. But v3.1 builders will light up with this new feature simply by updating thetokenPattern
in builder definitions like so:<configBuilders> <builders> <!-- This will find tokens like "${TOKEN}" and "${TOKEN:default}" --> <add name="DefaultEnv" mode="Token" tokenPattern="\$\{(\w[\w-_$@#+,.~]*)(?:\:([^}]*))?\}" type="Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.EnvironmentConfigBuilder, Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.Environment" /> </builders> </configBuilders>The SampleConsoleApp has been updated to demonstrate this new feature.
Starting with version 2, initialization parameters for key/value config builders can be drawn from appSettings
instead of being hard-coded in the config file. This should allow for greater flexibility when deploying solutions with config builders where connection strings need to be kept secure, or deployment environments are swappable. Eg:
<add name="Env" type="Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.EnvironmentConfigBuilder, Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.Environment" />
<add name="KeyVault" vaultName="${KeyVaultName}" mode="Greedy" prefix="Settings_" type="Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.AzureKeyVaultConfigBuilder, Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.Azure" />
<appSettings configBuilders="Env,KeyVault">
<add key="KeyVaultName" value="First filled in by 'Env'. Could be a dev, test, staging, or production vault." />
<!-- Other settings from KeyVault will come in from the 'KeyVaultName' specified in the environment. -->
The way this feature works is that instead of directly reading an initialization parameter, each KeyValueConfigBuilder
class has the option to run it through UpdateConfigSettingWithAppSettings(string)
the first time they read it. If this happens, the parameter value will go through a token-replacement that reads from appSettings
and return the updated value. This updated value is also kept in the underlying 'config' dictionary, so subsequent direct reads will get the updated value as well. (For config builders taking advantage of this feature, note that this method only works after base lazy initialization has started. Be sure to call base.LazyInitialize()
before using this method.)
Because this feature is somewhat recursive (afterall, it is reading configuration values for builders - that are used to build configuration sections - from a configuration section) there are limitations when using this feature on the appSettings
section itself. If a builder is currently processing the appSettings
section when using this feature, then the feature is still enabled - but it can only draw on values that were hard-coded, or inserted into appSettings
by config builders that execute before it in the builder chain.
Although most initialization parameters can take advantage of this flexibility, it might not always make sense to apply this technique to all parameters. Of the base parameters defined for all key/value config builders, tokenPrefix
stands out as the common setting that does not allow reading from appSettings
ℹ️ NOTE: Parameters inside
s are optional. Parameters grouped in()
s are mutually exclusive. Parameters beginning with@
allow appSettings substitution. The first line of parameters are common to all builders and optional. Their meaning and use are documented above and they are grouped on one line for brevity. Whenever a builder has a different default value for a given parameter, the differing default is also listed.
<add name="Environment"
type="Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.EnvironmentConfigBuilder, Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.Environment" />
This is the most basic of the config builders. It draws its values from Environment, and it does not have any additional configuration options.
ℹ️ NOTE: In a Windows container environment, variables set at run time are only injected into the EntryPoint process environment. Applications that run as a service or a non-EntryPoint process will not pick up these variables unless they are otherwise injected through some mechanism in the container. For IIS/ASP.Net-based containers, the current version of ServiceMonitor.exe handles this in the DefaultAppPool only. Other Windows-based container variants may need to develop their own injection mechanism for non-EntryPoint processes.
<add name="UserSecrets"
(@userSecretsId="12345678-90AB-CDEF-1234-567890" | @userSecretsFile="~\secrets.file")
type="Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.UserSecretsConfigBuilder, Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.UserSecrets" />
To enable a feature similar to .Net Core's user secrets you can use this config builder. Microsoft is adding better secrets management in future releases of Visual Studio, and this config builder will be a part of that plan. Web Applications are the initial target for this work in Visual Studio, but this configuration builder can be used in any full-framework project if you specify your own secrets file. (Or define the 'UserSecretsId' property in your project file and create the raw secrets file in the correct location for reading.) In order to keep external dependencies out of the picture, the actual secret file will be xml formatted - though this should be considered an implementation detail, and the format should not be relied upon. (If you need to share a secrets.json file with Core projects, you could consider using the SimpleJsonConfigBuilder
below... but as with this builder, the json format for Core secrets is technically an implementation detail subject to change as well.)
There are two additional configuration attributes for this config builder:
- This is the preferred method for identifying an xml secrets file. It works similar to .Net Core, which uses a 'UserSecretsId' project property to store this identifier. (The string does not have to be a Guid. Just unique. The VS "Manage User Secrets" experience produces a Guid.) With this attribute, theUserSecretsConfigBuilder
will look in a well-known local location (%APPDATA%\Microsoft\UserSecrets\<userSecretsId>\secrets.xml in Windows environments) for a secrets file belonging to this identifier.userSecretsFile
- An optional attribute specifying the file containing the secrets. The '~' character can be used at the start to reference the app root. One of this attribute or the 'userSecretsId' attribute is required. If both are specified, 'userSecretsFile' takes precedence.
The next Visual Studio update will include "Manage User Secrets..." support for WebForms projects. When using this feature, Visual Studio will create an empty secrets file outside of the solution folder and allow editing the raw content to add/remove secrets. This is similar to the .Net Core experience, and currently exposes the format of the file which, as mentioned above, should be considered an implementation detail. A non-empty secrets file would look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<secrets ver="1.0">
<secret name="secretFoo" value="valueBar" />
This repo contains two different configuration builders that draw from two different Azure stores: Key Vault and App Configuration. These stores have differences and were developed to accommodate different usage scenarios. But they both draw on some similar capabilities from the Azure SDK - Authentication in particular.
Both builders make use of DefaultAzureCredential
for connecting to their respective service. This is a powerful yet easy-to-use method for connecting to Azure services and it provides these builders with quite a bit of flexibility. DefaultAzureCredential
searches through a list of different types of Azure credential sources until it finds one to use, which gives applications that use these providers quite a few options. For User-Assigned Managed Identity, or Client Certificate-based authorization, applications can take advantage of the abilities of EnvironmentalCredential
to read the necessary options for these methods via environment variables. Builders who require more complexity in the selection of their Azure credential for these builders can extend and override the GetCredential()
method of either builder to supply the correct TokenCredential
for connecting to Azure.
In a similar vein to GetCredential()
, builders who need finer control over the way it connects to Azure, the GetConfigurationClientOptions()
and GetSecretClientOptions()
virtual methods have been added to the Azure config builders to support special scenarios. (For example, connecting to Azure through a proxy.)
ℹ️ NOTE: These packages both currently depend on version 1.2 of the
nuget package. This version was chosen because it has a fairly comprehensive list of capabilities forDefaultAzureCredential
but also is a relatively early version of this SDK package. This way these builders won't be responsible for forcing unwanted package upgrades when not necessary. However,DefaultAzureCredential
frequently picks up new capabilies, and users are encouraged to manually update the version ofAzure.Identity
their application uses if they want to take advantage of new features.
<add name="AzureAppConfig"
(@endpoint="" | <del>@connectionString="Endpoint=;Id=XXXXXXXXXX;Secret=XXXXXXXXXX"</del>)
type="Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.AzureAppConfigurationBuilder, Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.AzureAppConfiguration" />
ℹ️ NOTE: When connecting to an Azure App Configuration store, the identity that is being used must be assigned either the
Azure App Configuration Data Reader
role or theAzure App Configuration Data Owner
role. Otherwise the config builder will encounter a "403 Forbidden" response from Azure and throw an exception if notoptional
AppConfiguration is a new offering from Azure. If you wish to use this new service for managing your configuration, then use this AzureAppConfigurationBuilder. Either endpoint
or connectionString
are required, but all other attributes are optional. If both endpoint
and connectionString
are used, then preference is given to the connection string.
- This specifies the AppConfiguration store to connect to.- The recommendation is to useconnectionString
in conjunction with DefaultAzureCredential.This specifies the AppConfiguration store to connect to, along with the Id and Secret necessary to access the service. Be careful not to expose any secrets in your code, repos, or App Configuration stores if you use this method for connecting.keyFilter
- Use this to select a set of configuration values matching a certain key pattern.ℹ️ NOTE: This filter is conceptually similar to the
attribute, but this filter is handled by the AppConfiguration service on the server side, whereasprefix
filtering is done directly by the config builder in the application. They achieve the same goal through different mechanisms which have tradeoffs and merits according to the situation.labelFilter
- Only retrieve configuration values that match a certain label.acceptDateTime
- Instead of versioning ala Azure Key Vault, AppConfiguration uses timestamps. Use this attribute to go back in time to retrieve configuration values from a past state.useAzureKeyVault
- Enable this feature to allow AzureAppConfigurationBuilder to connect to and retrieve secrets from Azure Key Vault for config values that are stored in Key Vault. The same managed service identity that is used for connecting to the AppConfiguration service will be used to connect to Key Vault. The Key Vault uri is retrieved as part of the data from AppConfiguration and does not need to be specified here. Default isfalse
<add name="AzureKeyVault"
(@vaultName="MyVaultName" | @uri="")
[@version="secrets version"]
type="Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.AzureKeyVaultConfigBuilder, Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.Azure" />
If your secrets are kept in Azure Key Vault, then this config builder is for you. There are four additional attributes for this config builder. The vaultName
attribute (or uri
) is required. Previous iterations of this config builder allowed for a connectionString
as a way to supply credential information for connecting to Azure Key Vault. This method is no longer allowed as it is not a supported scenario for the current Azure.Identity
SDK which is used for connecting to Azure services. Instead, this iteration of the config builder exclusively uses DefaultAzureCredential from the Azure.Identity
package to handle credentials for connecting to Azure Key Vault.
- This (oruri
) is a required attribute. It specifies the name of the vault in your Azure subscription from which to read key/value pairs.uri
- Connect to non-Azure Key Vault providers with this attribute. If not specified, Azure is the assumed Vault provider. If the uri is specified, then vaultName` is no longer a required parameter.version
- Azure Key Vault provides a versioning feature for secrets. If this is specified, the builder will only retrieve secrets matching this version.preloadSecretNames
- By default, this builder will query all the key names in the key vault when it is initialized to improve performance. If this is a concern, set this attribute to 'false', and secrets will be retrieved one at a time. This could also be useful if the vault allows "Get" access but not "List" access. (NOTE: Disabling preload is incompatible with Greedy mode.)
ℹ️ NOTE: Azure Key Vault uses random per-secret Guid assignments for versioning, which makes specifying a secret
tag on this builder rather limiting, as it will only ever update one config value. To make version handling more useful, V2 of this builder takes advantage of the new key-updating feature to allow users to specify version tags in key names rather than on the config builder declaration. That way, the same builder can handle multiple keys with specific versions instead of needing to redefine multiple builders. When requesting a specific version for a particular key, the key name in the original config file should look likekeyName/versionId
. The AzureKeyVaultConfigBuilder will only substitue values for 'keyName' if the specified 'versionId' exists in the vault. When that happens, the AzureKeyVaultConfigBuilder will remove the/versionId
from the original key, and the resulting config section will only containkeyName
. For example:<appSettings configBuilders="AzureKeyVault"> <add key="item1" value="Replaced with latest value from the key vault." /> <add key="item2/0123456789abcdefdeadbeefbadf00d" value="Replaced with specific version only." /> </appSettings>Assuming both of these items exist in the vault, and the version tag for
is valid, this would result in an collection of appSettings with two entries:item1
<add name="KeyPerFile"
type="Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.KeyPerFileConfigBuilder, Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.KeyPerFile" />
This config builder uses a directory's files as a source of values. A file's name is the key, and the contents are the value. This config builder can be useful when running in an orchestrated container environment, as systems like Docker Swarm and Kubernetes provide 'secrets' to their orchestrated windows containers in this key-per-file manner.
- This is a required attribute. It specifies a path to the source directory to look in for values. Docker for Windows secrets are stored in the 'C:\ProgramData\Docker\secrets' directory by default.ignorePrefix
- Files that start with this prefix will be excluded. Defaults to "ignore.".keyDelimiter
- If specified, the config builder will traverse multiple levels of the directory, building key names up with this delimeter. If this value is leftnull
however, the config builder only looks at the top-level of the directory.null
is the default.
<add name="SimpleJson"
type="Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.SimpleJsonConfigBuilder, Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.Json" />
Because .Net Core projects can rely heavily on json files for configuration, it makes some sense to allow those same files to be used in full-framework configuration as well. You can imagine that the heirarchical nature of json might enable some fantastic capabilities for building complex configuration sections. But this config builder is meant to be just a simple mapping from a flat key/value source into specific key/value areas of full-framework configuration. Thus its name begins with 'Simple.' Think of the backing json file as a basic dictionary, rather than a complex heirarchical object.
(A multi-level heirarchical file can be used. This provider will simply 'flatten' the depth by appending the property name at each level using ':' as a delimiter.)
There are two additional attributes that can be used to configure this builder:
- A required attribute specifying the json file to draw from. The '~' character can be used at the start to reference the app root.jsonMode
. 'Flat' is the default.- This attribute requires a little more explanation. It says above to think of the json file as a single flat key/value source. This is the usual that applies to other key/value config builders like
because those sources provide no other option. If theSimpleJsonConfigBuilder
is configured in 'Sectional' mode, then the json file is conceptually divided - at the top level only - into multiple simple dictionaries. Each one of those dictionaries will only be applied to the config section that matches the top-level property name attached to them. For example:
- This attribute requires a little more explanation. It says above to think of the json file as a single flat key/value source. This is the usual that applies to other key/value config builders like
"appSettings" : {
"setting1" : "value1",
"setting2" : "value2",
"complex" : {
"setting1" : "complex:value1",
"setting2" : "complex:value2",
"connectionStrings" : {
"mySpecialConnectionString" : "Dont_check_connection_information_into_source_control"