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Traffic Engineering with RSVP

IMPORTANT: This exercise builds upon the MPLS Stacked. Make sure that your MPLS stacked implementation works before continuing.

In this exercise, we will extend your MPLS (stacked) implementation with RSVP capabilities.

Introduction to (Simplified) RSVP

The Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) allows a sender to reserve resources (e.g., bandwidth) through a network to a destination. If the reservation is granted -- that is, all the routers in the path allocate the requested bandwidth to the flow --, the sender can send traffic at the requested rate and no other flow can occupy this bandwidth.

For the exercise, we will implement a simplified and customized version with the following properties:

  • A source host S reserves resources for a unidirectional flow (identified by source and destination IP address) to a destination D by contacting a central controller C.
  • The reservation (Resv) message contains the following attributes:
    • src: the IP address of the source
    • dst: the IP address of the destination
    • bw: the requested bandwidth (in megabits per second)
    • t: the duration of the flow (in seconds)
  • Reservations are "sent" to the central controller through a CLI interface.
  • Reservations automatically expire after the timeout.
  • The controller grants reservations, configures switches and removes reservations after the timeout. Forwarding packets of the flow happens in the data plane without involving the controller (using MPLS).
  • Without a (granted) reservation, it is not possible to send traffic through the network. Therefore, to send traffic from S to D and back from D to S, two reservations are required (one for each direction). The only exception is when S and D are connected to the same switch. Then, communication is possible without a reservation.
  • The controller has access to all switches and can modify their configuration (including match-action table entries).

Before Starting

We provide you some files that will help you through the exercise.

Amongst others, you will get these files:

  • p4app.json: describes the topology that you will use throughout the exercise. See the figure below. We also added p4app-simple.json topology in case you want to use a smaller (triangle) topology.
  • a Python scripts that initializes the topology using Mininet and P4-Utils. One can use indifferently or p4app.json to start the network.
  • skeleton for the controller (your task will be to implement the missing pieces).
  • CLI to interact with the controller (already implemented).

Note that we do not provide a P4 template this time because you will re-use the code from the previous (MPLS stacked) exercise. Therefore, copy this code to rsvp.p4 (if you did not finish the MPLS exercise, continue with it today):

Network Topology

For this exercise, we provide you with a sample configuration for the topology shown below. However, feel free to test your solution with your own topologies too. For example, you can use a very small topology with 2-3 switches while you develop your solution, and once you have a working prototype move to a bigger topology.

The bandwidth for each link is set to 10 Mbps (see p4app.json).

Control Plane

The focus of this exercise will not be on the data-plane implementation (you will use the MPLS stacked code with a small modification) but on the control plane. To get started, we provide you with a code skeleton for the controller in

The skeleton already implements the following features:

  • Connections to all the switches (self.connect_to_switches())
  • A list of all links and their capacities (self.build_links_capacity()).
  • The topology as a networkx graph (self.topo.network_graph)
  • A function to get all paths between two nodes (self.get_sorted_paths(src, dst))
  • A CLI (

Running the Controller

To start the controller CLI, first start your topology with sudo p4run, and then, simply run:


This will start a CLI we made for the exercise where you can run a set of different commands that will not do anything until you implement them. You can type help to see the commands (add_reservation and del_reservation among the most important ones).

Performance Optimizations

To test the performance of our implementation we will need to send hundreds of thousands of packets through the switch. For that, we need to disable all the debugging that the switch does. Below, we explain how you can increase the performance of bmv2 to achieve higher throughput.

Disabling Debugging in the bmv2 Switch

As you might have already seen in the previous exercises, if you do an iperf between two directly connected hosts you get roughly a bandwidth of 15~20mbps. In order to be able to send fast packets through the switch we can clone the repository again with a different name and compile it with different flags. Since this process can take up to 10 minutes you can just leave it running in the background.

IMPORTANT: It is recommended that you do not run the sudo make install command until you have a working solution. When using this optimized compilation the switch will not generate log files, and thus it will be hard for you to properly debug your program. Also, if you are using our VM you should already have the optimized switch built at the ~/p4-tools/bmv2-opt folder. If so, you can skip the make part and directly run sudo make install & sudo ldconfig instead.

cd ~/p4-tools/
git clone bmv2-opt
cd bmv2-opt
git checkout 62a013a15ed2c42b1063c26331d73c2560d1e4d0
./configure --without-nanomsg --disable-elogger --disable-logging-macros 'CFLAGS=-g -O2' 'CXXFLAGS=-g -O2'
make -j 2
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Since we keep the two compiled versions of bmv2 in different folders, you can enable the one with the debugging enabled by just running the make install command again:

cd ~/p4-tools/bmv2
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Thus by running sudo make install in ~/p4-tools/bmv2 or ~/p4-tools/bmv2-opt you can easily enable each compiled version.

Some Notes on Debugging and Troubleshooting

At this point you probably know how to debug your programs. In any case, we added a small guideline in the documentation section. Use it as a reference when things do not work as expected.

Part 1: RSVP without Bandwidth Guarantees

For the first part of this two-part exercise we will implement a functional RSVP controller. After completion of this part, we should be able to add/delete reservations through the controller's CLI. The controller should make the allocations taking into account src, dst, duration and bw. Furthermore, although the controller will take the reservation bandwidth into consideration when making the path allocations, we will not enforce an actual rate limit until the next part of the exercise (see below).

Configure MPLS from the Controller

Before starting with RSVP, we will configure the network MPLS switches as in the previous exercise (mpls_stacked). For this, we use the MPLS implementation from the previous exercise with a slight modification: Instead of configuring the switches via static entries in the sX-commands.txt files, the controller now adds these entries dynamically.

Task 1: Fix the FEC Table

As a small modification compared to the MPLS implementation, we need to modify the structure of the FEC_tbl table to fix the following problem: Since the table currently only matches on the destination IP address, switches would forward traffic to a destination irrespective of the source address, which is not what RSVP should do. To fix this, we also match on the source IP address and we modify the table structure such that it looks as follows:

table FEC_tbl {
    key = {
        hdr.ipv4.srcAddr: lpm;
        hdr.ipv4.dstAddr: exact;
    actions = {

We will basically add ipv4.srcAddr to the match keys, and optionally, you can extend the mpls_ingress_X_hop actions to support more hops:

NOTE1: you do not have to do anything for this Tasks, the provided code already has the updated version of the FEC_tbl

NOTE2: bmv2 allows only one lpm match per table and you will later see why we do the lpm match on the source IP.

Task 2: Install Rules for MPLS Forwarding

In this task, we will only configure the switches to forward traffic based on the MPLS label and the IP addresses. Later, we will add the configurations to push label stacks onto packets at ingress switches. In other words, we will automatically populate the mpls_tbl table and FEC_tbl for the ipv4_forward action. For this task, you will be required to use some of the controller API helper functions(Topology class). See the hints below.

Remember from the MPLS exercise that we need to add the following entries:

  • For each host, we need a rule to forward traffic from the switch where it is connected. For example: (see we have as source match). Note, that the longest prefix match will match to every IP.

    table_add FEC_tbl ipv4_forward => 00:00:0a:00:00:01 3
  • For each pair of connected switches (both directions), we need rules to forward traffic based on the MPLS label. Furthermore, for each entry we will need a duplicate for the case in which bottom of stack is 1 (in which we have to call penultimate). For example:

    table_add mpls_tbl mpls_forward 2 0 => 00:00:00:06:02:00 2
    table_add mpls_tbl penultimate 2 1 => 00:00:00:06:02:00 2

Your task is now to implement set_mpls_tbl_labels() in such that it adds these entries.

A few hints which will help you to solve this task:

  • Assign each port of a switch one label (label 1 to port 1, label 2 to port 2, and so on). The label stack for a path then becomes the list of the labels associated with the traversed switch egress ports.

  • You can iterate over all switches and their respective controllers like this:

    for sw_name, controller in self.controllers.items():

Useful methods provided by the Topology object that will help you in this task:

  • self.topo.get_hosts_connected_to(name) returns all the hosts connected to name.

  • self.topo.get_switches_connected_to(name) returns all the switches connected to name.

  • self.topo.node_to_node_port_num(node1, node2) Gets the number of the port of node1 that is connected to node2.

  • self.topo.node_to_node_mac(node1, node2) returns the MAC address of the interface on node1 which is connected to node2.

  • self.topo.get_host_ip(name) returns the IP address of name

  • self.topo.get_host_mac(name) returns the MAC address of name

  • controller.table_add(table_name, action, [match1, match2], [action_parameter1, action_parameter2]) inserts a table entry. Note that, table_add expects all parameters in match and action lists to be strings, make sure you cast them before.

For more info about the controller topology functions see the documentation and source code.

Central RSVP Controller

In this part of the exercise, you will implement a central controller which:

  1. Receives reservation requests from hosts, checks whether a request can be satisfied and -- if yes -- computes a path through the network
  2. Configures ingress switches to send traffic belonging to this reservation along the computed path using MPLS
  3. Delete reservations after they time out

Below, we explain each of these steps in more detail.

Task 3: Receive Reservations and Compute Paths

Reservations are sent to the controller through the CLI interface. For example, the following command should add a reservation for a flow from h1 to h2 lasting 10 s with a bandwidth of 3 Mbps:

rsvp-menu> add_reservation h1 h2 10 3

Internally, this CLI command calls the function self.add_reservation(src='h1', dst='h2', duration=10.0, bw=3.0) in

A few hints which will help you to solve this task:

  • Use the predefined dictionary self.links_capacity[link] to keep track of the available capacity in each link. Initially, this dictionary contains the default bandwidth (10 Mbps) for each link (dict: (sw1, sw2) --> bw). This data structure will be provided to you with all the edges already in the dictionary.

  • Use the predefined dictionary self.current_reservations to keep track of existing reservations. Each entry in this dictionary should have the following structure:

    self.current_reservations[(src, dst)] = {
        "timeout": (duration), 
        "bw": (bandwidth), 
        'handle': entry_handle, 
        'path': path

    Thus, every time you need to modify or delete a reservation you will have all the needed information to update the controller state. For example, the timeout will be used by the controller to know when to clear the entry, the bw and the path can be used to restore links capacities. The table handle to update the current entry in the switch.

Your task is now to implement the function add_reservation (and its helper functions). This function should try to allocate bandwidth reservations whenever there is capacity in the network, otherwise should discard them. Furthermore, it should be to receive updated reservations for existing allocations, update its attributes, move them to a new path if required, or even delete them if the updated request can not be fulfilled anymore. We suggest you to implement add_reservation with the following steps:

  1. Compute a path from src to dst which has enough capacity left.

    • Implement self.get_available_path(src, dst, bandwidth) to compute an available path and then call this function in self.add_reservation(...). Remember that self.get_sorted_paths(src, dst) returns you a list of all paths between src and dst. The only remaining task is to select one of these paths which has enough capacity left.

    • Implement self.check_if_reservation_fits(path, bw) to check if there is enough bandwidth available on all links of a given path. This function needs to check if all edges along the path have bw capacity or more.

    • Iterate over the list of paths and using check_if_reservation_fits return the first path that can fit the allocation.

  2. If there is a possible path, determine the required MPLS label stack.

    • Implement build_mpls_path(switches_path) such that it returns the list of MPLS labels that make a packet following the given switches_path. Hint: self.topo.node_to_node_port_num(current_node, next_node) returns you the port number at which current_node is connected to next_node. Take into account that your rsvp.p4 program might add the port-labels in the reverse order, this will depend on your mpls implementation. Thus, make sure you add the labels in the right order.
  3. Prepare all the variables needed to add or modify an entry to the FEC_tbl table using action mpls_ingress_X_hop:

    • Get the ingress switch name (hint: using path) so we can add the table entry to the right switch (self.controllers[sw_name]).

    • Get the action name mpls_ingress_X_hop, where X is the number of labels.

    • Get the source and destination addresses and build a match variable using a list. Note that the source address needs to be specified as an lpm match (e.g.

    • Convert the MPLS labels path to strings and use it as action parameters.

  4. Use all the variables we computed to add a table entry or modify an existing reservation.

    • Implement add_link_capacity(self, path, bw) and sub_link_capacity(self, path, bw). This functions, should be used to update self.links_capacity. sub is used when an allocation is made, add when an allocation is removed.

    • Check if there is an existing reservation from src to dst. If yes, we will later update this reservation instead of creating a new one. It is important that you check this at the very beginning of the function add_reservation before you even select the path. If there is a reservation for this (src,dst) pair, we will undo the previous allocation and replace it with the new requested bandwidth. For example, you can add the bandwidth of the previous reservation with add_link_capacity before you search for a possible new path (so you account for the space you would free with the move).

    • If it's a new reservation (for the given (src, dst) pair), configure the ingress switch to add the MPLS stack. As in the previous exercise, it needs to call the action mpls_ingress_X_hop (where X is the length of the path) in the table FEC_tbl. To add a table entry from the controller, call self.controllers[sw_name].table_add(table_name, action, match, action_parameters). Use all the parameters you created in 3.3. If successful, table_add will return an entry handle that you should save.

    • If there is already a reservation for the same (src,dst) pair, use self.controllers[sw_id].table_modify(table_name, action, entry_handle, action_parameters) to modify it.

    • If the entry insertion or modification was successful (i.e., handle was returned). You will have to store all the information from the reservation. Use the self.current_reservation dictionary to store the timeout, bandwidth, entry_handle and path (as shown in the hint above).

    • Update self.links_capacity using self.sub_links_capacity(path, bw). Such that the reservation is taken into account by the controller.


  • There are two cli functions that can be used to debug the state of the link_capacities and current_reservations. Use print_reservations and print_link_capacity to see those data structures in real time.

Task 4: Delete Reservations

Once you can add reservations, it is time to implement the functions to remove them. If you look in, you will see two functions to delete reservations(del_reservation and del_all_reservations).

  1. Implement del_reservation(src,dst) in the function should remove a reservation from self.current_reservations and delete the corresponding entry in the switch.

    • Check self.current_reservations. If there is an entry for (src,dst), remove it using its handle. Otherwise, print an error message.
    • Update links_capacity.
    • Remove it from self.current_reservations.
  2. Implement del_all_reservations(). Use self.current_reservations to delete all reservations. For each reservation call del_reservation.

  3. Add an extension to add_reservation. If you can not find a path were to allocate the reservation print an error message. Furthermore, if the reservation was trying to modify an existing one, you have to delete it. Note that del_reservation will call add_link_capacity, and for this attempt to modify an entry you already added the capacity back at the beginning of add_reservation. An easy solution would be to call sub_link_capacity before you call del_reservation so you can remove the capacity again before you add it back.

Again a few hints:

  • Remember that self.current_reservations[(src,dst)]['handle'] contains the handle of the switch table entry (which you need to delete now).
  • self.topo.get_host_gateway_name(host) returns the name of the switch to which host is connected.
  • self.controllers[sw].table_delete(table_name, entry_handle, True) deletes the entry with handle entry_handle from table entry_handle on switch sw.
  • Do not forget to update self.links_capacity.

Task 5: Automatically Delete Reservations after a Timeout

So far, we did not remove paths after the reserved duration expired. In this task, we will change that. To do so, we need to do the following:

  • Periodically check for expired reservations
  • Delete the corresponding entries from the switches

In the provided controller skeleton, there is a thread (self.reservations_timeout_thread) that is started when the controller is created. Right now the thread just sleeps every refresh_rate and does nothing.

  1. Implement the reservations_timeout_thread body.

    • For each reservation in self.current_reservations, subtract refresh_rate to the timeout field.
    • If the timeout value reaches 0 or less, delete the entry.

At this point, you should have a working RSVP controller!

Testing your Solution

To test your solution, run P4-Utils:

sudo p4run


sudo python

Then run the controller in a separated terminal (e.g. in two terminal windows or tmux panes).


Start ping in the mininet CLI:

mininet> h1 ping h6
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

You should not see any responses from ping yet.

Now add reservations from h1 to h6 and vice-versa in the controller CLI:

rsvp-menu> add_reservation h1 h6 20 5
Adding entry to lpm match table FEC_tbl
match key:           LPM-0a:01:01:02/32 EXACT-0a:07:06:02
action:              mpls_ingress_3_hop
runtime data:        00:00:03   00:00:03        00:00:04
Entry has been added with handle 16777218

Successful reservation(h1->h6): path: s1->s3->s6->s7
rsvp-menu> add_reservation h6 h1 20 5
Adding entry to lpm match table FEC_tbl
match key:           LPM-0a:07:06:02/32 EXACT-0a:01:01:02
action:              mpls_ingress_3_hop
runtime data:        00:00:01   00:00:01        00:00:02
Entry has been added with handle 16777218

Successful reservation(h6->h1): path: s7->s6->s3->s1

Note that the successful reservation print message is an artifact of our solution. Unless you add your own prints for debugging you should not see such message.

After you added these two reservations, you should see responses from ping during about 20 seconds:

64 bytes from icmp_seq=11 ttl=59 time=12.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=12 ttl=59 time=11.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=13 ttl=59 time=11.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=14 ttl=59 time=11.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=15 ttl=59 time=11.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=16 ttl=59 time=12.6 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=17 ttl=59 time=11.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=18 ttl=59 time=11.7 ms

Afterwards, ping stops working because the reservations expired:

RSVP Deleted/Expired Reservation(h1->h6): path: s1->s3->s6->s7
RSVP Deleted/Expired Reservation(h6->h1): path: s7->s6->s3->s1

Instead of ping, you can also test with iperf.

mininet> iperf h1 h6
*** Iperf: testing TCP bandwidth between h1 and h6

What do you observe when you reserve a small bandwidth of just 1Mbps and run iperf? Can you explain the observation?

Play with adding or modifying reservations, and make sure that the flows get allocated as you expected.

Part 2: Rate Limiting

At this point, you have completed a basic implementation of centralized RSVP. Congratulations!

As you may have noticed, even though the controller takes into account the bandwidth hosts request when computing the reservations, edge switches do not perform any rate limiting. In fact, a host making a 1Mbps reservation is able to get full bandwidth.

In this second part of the exercise, we will improve our implementation and rate limit host reservations using meters at ingress switches.

Task 1: Reservation rate limiting with meters

During the stateful data structures lecture you were taught different P4 stateful data structures. There, we showed you that direct/indirect color meters can be used to rate limit traffic.

The bmv2 software switch implements the so-called two-rate three-color marker meters. You can find more details in the corresponding RFC. The figure below shows how two-rate three-color marker meters work. In the figure we use the packet size as count unit, however bmv2 supports both bytes and packet-based meters.

Two-rate three-color meters are configured using four parameters:

  • CIR(committed information rate): is the rate per unit of time in bytes or packets at which the CBS bucket is filled.
  • PIR(peak information rate): is the rate per unit of time in bytes or packets at which the PBS bucket is filled.
  • CBS(committed burst size): is the size in bytes or packets of the CBS bucket.
  • PBS(peak burst size): is the size in bytes or packets of the PBS bucket.

If we consider a byte-based meter, a packet of size B is colored as follows:

  1. if B > Tp the packet is marked red.
  2. if B < Tp and B > Tc the packet is marked yellow.
  3. otherwise, the packet is marked green.

In this task, you will need to extend your rsvp.p4 program such that each reservation is metered and all non-green packets get dropped. Furthermore, you will have to extend your controller code such that after every reservation (addition or modification) its associated meter is configured properly.

Hint: in the last lecture there are some slides in which you can find how to define and use meters.

Data plane tasks:

  1. Whenever a meter is executed, the color is saved into a metadata field. Define that field in your metadata structure. Since the output can only be three colors, using a 2 bit field will be enough.
  2. Define a direct meter at the beginning of your ingress pipeline. You can find an example in the slides and some documentation in the v1model documentation.
  3. Associate the direct meter with the table FEC_tbl.
  4. Read the meter in all the mpls_ingress_x_hop actions to your metadata field.
  5. Update your ingress control logic and drop all the packets for which the meter is yellow or red (not green).

At this point, you have all the P4 logic to rate limit your traffic reservations. However, you still need to add some small modifications to your controller code such that associated meters get configured with the desired rate.

Control plane tasks:

  1. Understand how two-rate three-color meters work. See the text above, or read the RFC. To configure meters using our control plane API you will have to use meter_set_rates(meter_name, handle, rates). meter_name is the name you called the meter in P4, handle is the table handle for the reservation rule and rates is a list of the form [(CIR, CBS), (PIR, PBS)].

    IMPORTANT: in bmv2 CIR and PIR are the bucket filling rate per microsecond. For example, if CIR=1 the bucket is filled at a rate of 1000000 Bytes/s (or packets). Note that we will be setting our bandwidths in terms of bits per second. So for example to get 1Mbps, you should be setting the CIR and PIR to 0.125.

  2. Implement the function get_meter_rates_from_bw(self, bw, burst_size). This function has to return [(CIR, CBS), (PIR, PBS)]. Use bw (Mbps) to compute CIR and PIR (in bytes). To make it easier, in this exercise we will set the committed and peak parameters the same value. Also, you can set burst_size to default to 700000.

  3. Implement the function set_direct_meter_bandwidth(self, sw_name, meter_name, handle, bw). This function calls get_meter_rates_from_bw and by using the meter name, handle and rates configures the meter associated with a given table entry (use meter_set_rates).

  4. Modify your add_reservation function such that every time you add or modify a reservation you also update its associated meter.

Test if rate limiting works as desired

  1. Start the topology and the controller.

  2. Make 2 bidirectional reservations from h1->h5 and h2->6. For the first one use 2Mbps, for the second one 8Mbps.

Welcome to the RSVP CLI
You can now make reservations for your hosts in the network.
To add a reservation run:
add_reservation <src> <dst> <duration> <bw>

To delete a reservation run:
del_reservation <src> <dst>

rsvp-menu> add_reservation h1 h5 1000 2
Adding entry to lpm match table FEC_tbl
match key:           LPM-0a:01:01:02/32 EXACT-0a:07:05:02
action:              mpls_ingress_3_hop
runtime data:        00:00:03   00:00:03        00:00:04
Entry has been added with handle 2

Successful reservation(h1->h5): path: s1->s3->s6->s7
rsvp-menu> add_reservation h5 h1 1000 2
Adding entry to lpm match table FEC_tbl
match key:           LPM-0a:07:05:02/32 EXACT-0a:01:01:02
action:              mpls_ingress_3_hop
runtime data:        00:00:01   00:00:01        00:00:02
Entry has been added with handle 2

Successful reservation(h5->h1): path: s7->s6->s3->s1
rsvp-menu> add_reservation h2 h6 1000 8
Adding entry to lpm match table FEC_tbl
match key:           LPM-0a:01:02:02/32 EXACT-0a:07:06:02
action:              mpls_ingress_3_hop
runtime data:        00:00:03   00:00:03        00:00:04
Entry has been added with handle 3

Successful reservation(h2->h6): path: s1->s3->s6->s7
rsvp-menu> add_reservation h6 h2 1000 8
Adding entry to lpm match table FEC_tbl
match key:           LPM-0a:07:06:02/32 EXACT-0a:01:02:02
action:              mpls_ingress_3_hop
runtime data:        00:00:01   00:00:01        00:00:02
Entry has been added with handle 3

Successful reservation(h6->h2): path: s7->s6->s3->s1
  1. Start an iperf server in h5, h6:
iperf -s -p 5001
  1. Start an iperf client at h1, h2 and check if each reservation gets the desired bandwidth.

Note: to know the IP addresses of h5 and h6 you can check the mininet CLI.