Use --help
to get the full usage info:
$ escalator --help
usage: escalator --nodegroups=NODEGROUPS [<flags>]
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
-v, --loglevel=4 Logging level passed into logrus. 4 for info, 5 for debug.
--logfmt=ascii Set the format of logging output. (json, ascii)
--address=":8080" Address to listen to for /metrics
--scaninterval=60s How often cluster is reevaluated for scale up or down
--kubeconfig=KUBECONFIG Kubeconfig file location
--nodegroups=NODEGROUPS Config file for nodegroups
--drymode master drymode argument. If true, forces drymode on all nodegroups
--cloud-provider=aws Cloud provider to use. Available options: (aws)
AWS role arn to assume. Only usable when using the aws cloud provider. Example: arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/escalator
--leader-elect Enable leader election
Leader election lease duration
Leader election renew deadline
Leader election retry period
Leader election lease object namespace
Leader election lease object name
Determines the log level for Escalator. logrus is being used to handle log format and logging levels. You can see the logrus logging levels here.
In some situations it may be helpful to disable debug logging as it can be quite verbose.
-v 5
show all log levels, including debug-v 4
show info log level and above-v 1
only show fatal log level and above
Defines the log format
INFO[0000] Starting with log level info
INFO[0000] Validating options: [PASS] nodegroup=shared
INFO[0000] Registered with drymode false nodegroup=shared
INFO[0000] Using in cluster config
{"level":"info","msg":"Starting with log level debug","time":"2018-03-09T16:53:33+11:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Validating options: [PASS]","nodegroup":"shared","time":"2018-03-09T16:53:33+11:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Registered with drymode false","nodegroup":"shared","time":"2018-03-09T16:53:33+11:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Using in cluster config","time":"2018-03-09T16:53:33+11:00"}
Address to listen on for /metrics
and /healthz
. Must be in a format that
http.ListenAndServe can interpret.
How often to perform a scan or run. It is recommended to have this configured between 30 seconds to 60 seconds. Too long of a scan interval can lead to Escalator reacting too slow to scaling up the cluster. Too short of a scan interval can lead to to Escalator scaling too quickly and imprecisely.
The path to the config that client-go uses for connecting to Kubernetes. Note: this isn't required when running Escalator inside the cluster as Escalator will get it's credentials from the Kubernetes environment variables.
The path to the nodegroups yaml config file that defines the node groups and options. Full nodegroups configuration can be found here.
Master drymode flag to force "dry mode" on all node groups. Dry mode will log the actions that Escalator will perform without actually running them.
The cloud provider to use. Cloud provider configuration can be found here.
Provides an option to specify an AWS IAM role to assume when Escalator starts. Only works with AWS Cloud Provider.
Enable leader election behaviour. Note that Escalator uses a ConfigMap for the leader lock, not an Endpoint.
Sets how long a nonleader will wait before it attempts to require the leadership. Measured against time of last observed ack.
Sets how long an acting leader will retry refreshing leadership before giving up.
Sets how long all the clients will wait in between attempts of any action.
Sets the namespace where the lease object used for locking will be created or looked for.
Sets the name of the lease object used for locking.