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Reuse |
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- Use as a self paced learning activity or as a refresher
- Adopt it as suggested training for all staff
- Contextualise it for your discipline or situation
- Adapt it to meet your specific research data knowledge needs
The possibilities are endless! The materials developed for this workshop can be used however you wish. Some ideas and suggestions include:
Individuals or small groups can work through the program at their own pace.
- Work through the module in your own time
- Complete activities as a group, or work separately and compare your answers
- Hold a post workshop discussion or show and tell with participants
- Augment this workshop to showcase your data services and workflows
- Adapt for specific audiences and disciplines
- Check out lesson materials from Library Carpentry or The Carpentries to match for your audience
If you have questions or comments about any of this material you can share them by tweeting to @ardc_au or in the Data Librarians Slack Workspace.
All materials are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence (CC-BY), meaning you can reuse and republish with attribution to the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC).
We want you to use, adopt, adapt and contextualise the activities and materials. If you do adapt the materials, and are willing to share what you’ve done, please submit an issue or a pull request and we’ll add them to the tool-kit. Let’s share as much as we can!
A snapshot of this repository is periodically saved to Zenodo, after major updates. Please use the suggested citation from the latest version of the Zenodo record if you wish to cite any of these materials.
Have you adapted these materials for your organisation? Let us know so we can feature your program here.