Intended to by a quick-start guide, focused on what a client needs to do to get up and running with the Raido API and minting raids.
- send an email to
[email protected]
- you will be required to make an agreement with the ARDC about your usage of RAiD
As part of the business onboarding process, we will create a service-point that identifies your usage of RAiD for your institution.
A description of the relationship between raids, service-points and api-keys can be found in the permission-model.
See the service-level-guide for details about support, maintenance windows, etc.
Testing client-integration functionality should be done against the DEMO environment. The example commands in the minting a raid guide are hardcode for DEMO environment.
DEMO - "pre-production" environment.
- There is only one - we don't currently maintain multiple pre-prod environments.
- The app-client UI is available at
- The API is available at
PROD - production environment
- The app-client UI is available at
- The API is available at
Every endpoint in the Raido OpenAPI definition is tagged as either "stable" or "experimental", client integration targeted at production deployment should use only stable APIs, the service-level-guide talks explicitly about out commitment to supporting stable API endpoints.
Raido has the concept of "closed" and "open" raid data. When you select that a raid should be "closed", it means that no metadata is made available to the public.
For closed raids, the landing page shows only that the raid handle exists, that it is closed and the accompanying "access statement" (required for closed raids) which should describe how to obtain more information about the research project.
In the future, there will be a centralised set of functionality available at that people around the world will be able to use (without signing in) to resolve and search raid data.
The global raid infrastructure should generally not be of too much concern to you as an integrator to Raido. Your agreement is with the ARDC for integration to the Oceania region raid-agency, which is currently maintained and operated by the ARDC.
Once a service-point has been created for you and you have a good grasp of the concepts, follow the minting a raid guide to get started.