- Assisted Log Enabler for AWS
- Main file
- Subfuction files
- Diagram files
- LICENSE file
- README file
- NOTICE file
- PutPublicAccessBlock for Amazon S3 bucket created (single-account version).
- Step-by-step instructions for running Assisted Log Enabler for AWS in single-account mode using AWS CloudShell within the README file.
- Error handling for AWS Organizations API call within multi-account version.
- Route 53 Resolver Query Logging for single-account mode.
- Issue with Amazon S3 bucket creation.
- IAM Permissions examples.
- Diagram to reflect Route 53 Resolver Query Logging.
- Diagram to correctly reflect Amazon EKS Audit & Authentication logs going to AWS CloudWatch.
- AWS CloudFormation template for deploying multi-account IAM roles.
- README documentation.
- Multi-Account support for Route 53 Resolver Query Logging.
- Multi-Account support for Amazon EKS Audit & Authenticator Logs.
- Step-by-step instructions for running Assisted Log Enabler for AWS in multi-account mode using AWS CloudShell within the README file.
- Issue with log file output.
- IAM Permissions examples.
- AWS CloudFormation template.
- PutPublicAccessBlock for Amazon S3 bucket created (multi-account version).
- Updates to IAM Permissions examples.
- Added examples for both single account and multi-account.
- README documentation.
- Documentation details about iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole.
- Cleanup details in the README file.
- Cost details in the README file.
- ap-northeast-3 Osaka to function code.
- Log output file name to show clear date.
- Datetime output to show UTC time explicitly.
- README documentation.
- Options for running the code for individual supported AWS services.
- Maintained the ability to run for all services currently supported at once.
- Documentation to reflect new supported commands.
- README documentation.
- Code for cleaning up AWS resources created by Assisted Log Enabler for AWS.
- Amazon Route 53 Resolver Query Logging in single account mode is only currently supported.
- Options for running cleanup mode within the main function.
- IAM Permissions example for cleanup operations.
- Information within the Step-by-Step instructions for multi-account to reflect details about AWS CloudFormation StackSets Delegated Administrator.
- README documentation.
- Updated Cleanup section to reflect new cleanup capabilities.
- Updated IAM Permissions examples within the README.
- AWS CloudFormation template for deploying IAM Permissions to run cleanup code.
- Header in files to reflect "Assisted Log Enabler for AWS", instead of "Assisted Log Enabler (ALE)".
- Randomization to the end of the Amazon S3 bucket name in both single and multi account modes.
- Instructions for deploying the AWS CloudFormation Stack individually, within the AWS Organizations root account for multi-account deployment.
- Link for the AWS Security Analytics Bootstrap within the README.
- Feedback section within README to contain link to Issues section.
- README Documentation
- Removed unzip steps from single and multi-account instructions.
- Minor updates to various service names.
- README Documentation
- Added details for the point-and-clock Amazon Athena integration for VPC Flow Logs.
- Dry Run mode for both single and multi-account modes.
- Added README Documentation for Dry Run modes.
- Tagging for VPC Flow Log Resources in single account mode.
- Cleanup options for VPC Flow Logs and CloudTrails created by Assisted Log Enabler for AWS.
- README Documentation
- Added details in the Cleanup section to reflect VPC Flow Logs and CloudTrail commands.
- Added section about the Shared Responsibility Model.
- Condition statements for if no options were selected during Dry Run and Cleanup modes.
- CloudTrail tags to show that the trail is created by Assisted Log Enabler for AWS.
- CloudTrail name to be more descriptive that it's created by Assisted Log Enabler for AWS.
- References to Team DragonCat are now referred to Customer Incident Response Team (CIRT).
- Various argparse help message to be more descriptive.
- Ability to turn on Amazon S3 Server Access logs within single and multi-account modes.
- Added Dry Run capabilities for Amazon S3 Server Access logs within single and multi-account modes.
- Added Cleanup capabilities for Amazon S3 Server Access logs created by Assisted Log Enabler within single account mode.
- Updated help (-h) message example within the README.
- Permissions examples for enabling Amazon S3 Server Access logs within the permissions directory.
- Diagram for Amazon S3 Server Access Logs within the README.