diff --git a/source/getting-started.rst b/source/getting-started.rst
index 0c345f5..8c71e49 100644
--- a/source/getting-started.rst
+++ b/source/getting-started.rst
@@ -99,9 +99,8 @@ Using Selenium to write tests
Selenium is mostly used for writing test cases. The `selenium` package itself
doesn't provide a testing tool/framework. You can write test cases using
-Python's unittest module. The other options for a tool/framework are `pytest
-`_ and `nose
+Python's unittest module. Alternatively, you may consider `pytest
+`_ for writing tests.
In this chapter, we use `unittest` as the framework of choice. Here is the
modified example which uses the unittest module. This is a test for the `python.org`