This package allows to connect to a remote Databricks cluster from a locally running Jupyter Lab:
Operating System
Either Macos or Linux. Windows is currently not supported
Anaconda installation
A recent version of Anaconda with Python >= 3.5 The tool conda must be newer then 4.7.5
Databricks CLI
To install Databricks CLI and configure profile(s) for your cluster(s), please refer to AWS / Azure
is used in this documentation, it refers to a valid Databricks CLI profile name, stored in a shell environment variable. -
SSH access to the Databricks cluster
Configure your Databricks clusters to allow ssh access, see Configure SSH access
Only clusters with valid ssh configuration are visible to databrickslabs_jupyterlab.
Databricks Runtime
The project has been tested with Databricks runtimes 5.5 LTS, 6.0, 6.1 and 6.2 with Python 3 (both ML and standard runtime). Note, it does not support Python 2.7
Install databrickslabs_jupyterlab Create a new conda environment and install databrickslabs_jupyterlab with the following commands:
(base)$ conda create -n db-jlab python=3.6 (base)$ conda activate db-jlab (db-jlab)$ pip install --upgrade databrickslabs-jupyterlab==1.0.9
The prefix
for all command examples in this document assumes that the databrickslabs_jupyterlab conda enviromnentdb-jlab
is activated. -
Bootstrap databrickslabs_jupyterlab Bootstrap the environment for databrickslabs_jupyterlab with the following command, which will finish with showing the usage:
(db-jlab)$ databrickslabs-jupyterlab -b
Ensure, ssh access is correctly configured, see Configure SSH access
Create a kernel specification In the terminal, create a jupyter kernel specification for a Databricks CLI profile
and start Jupyter Lab with the following command:(db-jlab)$ databrickslabs-jupyterlab $PROFILE -k
Start Jupyter Lab Start Jupyter Lab using databrickslabs-jupyterlab
(db-jlab)$ databrickslabs-jupyterlab $PROFILE -l -c
The command with
is a save version for the standard command to start Jupyter Lab (jupyter lab
) that ensures that the kernel specificiation is updated. If-c
is provided it also copies the PAT to the clipboard for the next step in the notebook.A new kernel is available in the kernel change menu (see here for an explanation of the kernel name structure)
Check whether the notebook is properly connected
When the notebook successfully connected to the cluster, the status bar at the bottom of Jupyter lab should show
...|Idle [Connected]
:If this is not the case, see Troubleshooting
Get a remote Spark Session in the notebook
To connect to the remote Spark context, enter the following two lines into a notebook cell:
from databrickslabs_jupyterlab.connect import dbcontext dbcontext()
This will request you to add the token copied to clipboard above:
After pressing Enter, you will see
databrickslabs-jupyterlab $PROFILE -c
let's you quickly copy the token again to the clipboard so that you can simply paste the token to the input box. -
Test the Spark access
To check the remote Spark connection, enter the following lines into a notebook cell:
import socket print(socket.gethostname(), is_remote()) a = sc.range(10000).repartition(100).map(lambda x: x).sum() print(a)
It will show that the kernel is actually running remotely and the hostname of the driver. The second part quickly smoke tests a Spark job.
Success: Your local Jupyter Lab is successfully contected to the remote Databricks cluster
- Switching kernels and restart after cluster auto-termination
- Creating a mirror of a remote Databricks cluster
- Detailed databrickslabs_jupyterlab command overview
- How it works
- Troubleshooting
Please note that all projects in the /databrickslabs github account are provided for your exploration only, and are not formally supported by Databricks with Service Level Agreements (SLAs). They are provided AS-IS and we do not make any guarantees of any kind. Please do not submit a support ticket relating to any issues arising from the use of these projects.
Any issues discovered through the use of this project should be filed as GitHub Issues on the Repo. They will be reviewed as time permits, but there are no formal SLAs for support.
To work with the test notebooks in ./examples
the remote cluster needs to have the following libraries installed:
- mlflow==1.0.0
- spark-sklearn