A circular cylinder of diameter
The computational domain is discretized using an stretched Cartesian grid with
For this example, we run the simulation with the immersed-boundary projection method implemented in PetIBM for
⚠️ All commands displayed below assume you are in the directory containing the present README file.
docker pull barbagroup/petibm:0.5.1-GPU-OpenMPI-xenial
nvidia-docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/data barbagroup/petibm:0.5.1-GPU-OpenMPI-xenial /data/run.sh
For reference, the simulation completed 20,000 time steps in about 50 minutes using
- 2 MPI processes (Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz)
- 1 NVIDIA K40 GPU device
Activate your conda
environment (see instructions):
conda activate petibm-examples
Plot the history of the force coefficients:
python scripts/plot_force_coefficients.py
The figure is saved as a PNG file (force_coefficients.png
) in the sub-folder figures
of the present simulation directory.
Figure: History of the force coefficients for the cylinder at Reynolds number
Plot the surface pressure coefficient and compare with numerical data from Li et al. (2016):
python scripts/plot_pressure_coefficient.py
The figure is saved as a PNG file (pressure_coefficient.png
) in the sub-folder figures
of the present simulation directory.
Figure: Pressure coefficient interpolated along the surface of the cylinder for Reynolds number
Plot the contours of the vorticity field after 20,000 time steps:
python scripts/plot_vorticity.py
The figure is saved as a PNG file (wz_0020000.png
) in the sub-folder figures
of the present simulation directory.
Figure: Contours of the vorticity field at Reynolds number
- Li, R. Y., Xie, C. M., Huang, W. X., & Xu, C. X. (2016). An efficient immersed boundary projection method for flow over complex/moving boundaries. Computers & Fluids, 140, 122-135.