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202 lines (169 loc) · 10.8 KB

Image Processor

Smita Rosemary and Ben Bishop – CS3500 Fall 2022, Northeastern University


This project represents an Image Processor that allows you to manipulate and enhance a given image.

The Image Processor allows a user to load an Image into the program, save it, and apply transformations such as:

  • Visualizing the red, blue, green, alpha, luma, or intensity channels of each pixel in an image as a greyscale image
  • Vertically or horizontally flipping an image
  • Brightening or darkening an image
  • Blurring or sharpening an image
  • Filtering an image to greyscale or sepia

The user interacts with the Image Processor through the command line interface (CLI). or they can also specify a script file to run as a command line argument, which will run the script and exit the program. More details on interacting with the program can be found in the file.

The program currently supports "PPM" images and any image type supported by the Java ImageIO library. We guarantee support for "PNG", "JPG/JPEG", and "BMP" images. The program will automatically detect the format to save to/load from based on the file extension.

We have provided two test images located in the res folder named ExampleImage.ppm and ExampleImage2.png. We have also processed this image with all available commands to visualize transformations without running the program and saved them to the subfolder res/processed . ExampleImage.ppm was created by Smita Rosemary, and has been used with her permission. ExampleImage2.png was created by Ben Bishop, and has been used with his permission.

How to Use

Instructions on how to use the program can be found in the file.


Assignment 5 (11/10/2022)

Second version. Retained all existing functionality, and added support for new transformations and the ability to run from a script file.


  • Added support for blurring, sharpening, and applying a sepia or greyscale filter to an image.
    • Added more implementations of the ImageTransformation interface in the model (Blur , Sharpen, Sepia, and Greyscale) to apply these filters to Images.
    • Added a new implementation of the ImageProcessorCmd interface in the controller (FilterCmd) to handle the execution of the blur, sharpen, sepia, and greyscale commands.
    • Modified the addCommands method in the ImageProcessorControllerImpl class to add the four new commands to the map of supported commands.
    • Updated the renderMenu method in the ImageProcessorViewImpl to include the new filters in the menu.
    • Added new test methods in both the ImageControllerTest and ImageTransformationTest classes to test the new commands.
    • Added new example images in the res/processed folder to demonstrate the new filters.
  • Added a new higher-resolution example image in the res folder (ExampleImage2.png) to make visualization of the new filters easier.
  • Added support for loading and saving images from more conventional file formats
    • Added a new implementation of the ImageFileHandler interface in the controller (ImageIOHandler) to handle loading and saving images using the Java ImageIO library. This library supports a wide variety of image formats, including "png", "jpg", "jpeg" , and "bmp". These four formats are guaranteed to be supported by the program, but others may be as well.
    • Modified the LoadCmd and SaveCmd classes to check the file format of the image to be loaded/saved and use the ImageIOHandler if it is not a "ppm" image.
    • Added new test methods in the ImageControllerTest class to test loading/saving images using the new file formats.
  • Added support for loading and running a script file as a command line option.
    • Modified the ImageProcessorRunner class to check for the presence of the -script <script text file> command line option, and fallback to the standard CLI if it is not present.
  • Updated the test methods in the ImageProcessorViewImplTest class to ensure the new menu is displayed.
  • Added support for running the program from a JAR file (see for details).
    • Added a new MANIFEST.MF file to the META-INF folder to specify the main class of the program.
    • Built the program into a JAR file located at res/ImageProcessor.jar.
  • Updated the file to include more information about the image processor and the new features implemented in this version.
  • Created a new file to document how to use the program.

Bug Fixes

  • ImagePPMHandler
    • Fixed that the process method would throw an exception if the file was empty.
    • Fixed that the process method did not close scanners it opened.
  • Visualize
    • Replaced typecasting with rounding in the transform method to result in more accurate transformations.
  • Cleaned up JavaDoc comments to be more consistent and accurate.
  • Cleaned up error messages to be more consistent and accurate.

Assignment 4 (11/4/2022)

Initial version. Included the following initial features:

  • Use the image processor within the terminal
  • Load an image into the program
  • Save an image from the program
  • Brighten or darken an image
  • Flip an image horizontally or vertically
  • Visualize the red, blue, green, alpha, luma, or intensity channels of each pixel in an image as a greyscale image
  • View a menu of commands
  • Transform multiple images at once

Class Diagram

To more easily visualize these classes, we have provided a class diagram below:

Class Diagram

Class Overview


  • Interfaces
    • ImageProcessorController : Represents a controller for the image processor. As the user inputs commands, the controller validates the parameters and executes them. The controller also handles the exceptions thrown by the model and view, and displays them as messages to the user via the view.
      • Implementations:
        • ImageProcessorControllerImpl: Implements the ImageProcessorController interface supporting the above transformation commands as well as load, menu, and save.
    • ImageProcessorCmd : Represents a supported command that the image processor can handle. The command is executed by calling the execute method, and implemented subclasses of this interface will handle the execution of the command
      • Implementations:
        • MenuCmd : Implements the ImageProcessorCmd and represents the menu command offered by the processor.
        • LoadCmd : Implements the ImageProcessorCmd and represents the load command offered by the processor.
        • SaveCmd : Implements the ImageProcessorCmd and represents the save command offered by the processor.
        • BrightnessCmd : Implements the ImageProcessorCmd and represents the brighten and darken command offered by the processor.
        • HorizontalFlipCmd : Implements the ImageProcessorCmd and represents the horizontal-flip command offered by the processor.
        • VerticalFlipCmd : Implements the ImageProcessorCmd and represents the vertical-flip command offered by the processor.
        • VisualizeCmd : Implements the ImageProcessorCmd and represents the visualize-<componenet> command offered by the processor.
        • FilterCmd : Implements the ImageProcessorCmd and represents the blur, sharpen , sepia, and greyscale commands offered by the processor.
    • ImageFileHandler : Represents a model used to convert image files into Image objects.
      • Implementations:
        • ImagePPMHandler : Implements the ImageFileHandler interface for converting PPM image files into Image objects, and vice versa.
        • ImageIOHandler : Implements the ImageFileHandler interface for converting images into Image objects using the Java ImageIO library.


  • Interfaces
    • Image : Represents an image and it's pixels.

      • Implementations:
        • ImageImpl : Implements the Image interface, each image is represented by a 2D array of colors.
    • ImageTransformation : Represents a macro that can be applied to an Image to transform its pixels in some way.

      • Implementations:
        • Brightness : Implements the ImageTransformation interface and represents a macro that adjusts the brightness of an image, both up the scale and down.
        • HorizontalFlip : Implements the ImageTransformation interface and represents a macro that flips an image along the horizontal axis.
        • VerticalFlip: Implements the ImageTransformation interface and represents a macro that flips an image along the vertical axis.
        • Visualize : Implements the ImageTransformation interface and represents a macro that transforms the images to visualize the greyscale image by one of the following color components : Red, Blue, Green, Value, Luma, or Intensity.
        • Blur : Implements the ImageTransformation interface and represents a macro that blurs an image.
        • Sharpen : Implements the ImageTransformation interface and represents a macro that sharpens an image.
        • Sepia : Implements the ImageTransformation interface and represents a macro that applies a sepia filter to an image.
        • Greyscale : Implements the ImageTransformation interface and represents a macro that applies a greyscale filter to an image.
    • StoredImages : Represents a collection of Images that have been loaded into the program by the user, identified by the image's file name selected by the user.

      • Implementations:
        • StoredImagesImpl : Implements the StoredImages interface. The stored images are represented by a Map<String, Image>, the string representing a fileName.


  • Interfaces
    • ImageProcessorView : This interface represents the view of the Image Processor. It contains methods that the controller can call to render the view.
      • Implementations:
        • ImageProcessorViewImpl : Implements the ImageProcessorView interface and it's methods. Handles appending all the messages from the controller to the user.

Main Class

  • ImageProcessorRunner : Contains the main method which runs the image processor in the terminal for the user. The class will parse any command line arguments and use them to initialize the controller and view.