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Goal - Why replace AStar with Raptor?

We want to make the transit routing in OTP faster and at the same time better by changing from the existing A* (AStar) to a Raptor based algorithm. We want to keep all existing features or replace them with something at least as good. Some of the benefits are:

  • faster travel search (our goal is at least 10 times faster)
  • more and better variation in the result. We want true support for multi-criteria search (arrival time, transfers, travel duration, operator, weight/cost ...)

Changing the algorithm also mean that we will create a new data structure representing transit service which is optimized for Raptor. The existing routing graph will be used for the non transit search, but transit data will be removed from that existing graph.


The Raptor algorithm is described in a paper by Microsoft from 2012. We plan to use the Range Raptor with Multi-criteria pareto-optimal search.


Raptor is a graph algorithm that works in rounds. The search starts from a list of access stops and arrival times (initial stop-arrivals). Then for each route serving these stops the best trip is explored. Each trip will take you to a new set of stops with new stop-arrivals. Then transfers from all stops reached are used to further reach new stops. This process is repeated, each iteration of transit and transfers is called a round. For every round a new list of stop-arrivals are found. This new list of stop-arrivals are used as input for the next round. The algorithm will terminate by itself (when all reachable stops are visited), or can be stopped when you have the desired results. The reason this is much faster than the current OTP A* is that there is no need to maintain a priority queue of edges to explore. For each stop we keep the best stop arrival which has a link to the previous stop-arrival so we can compute the path when the search is complete. The algorithm also operates largely on contiguous lists of numbers, with adjacency in memory (rather than explicit edge objects) implying reachability of one stop from another. This avoids a lot of pointer-chasing and better exploits processor cache and prefetching. Raptor is part of a family of newer algorithms that account for typical processor architecture rather than just theoretical asymptotic complexity.

Range Raptor (RR)

The code for this is found in the org.opentripplanner.transit.raptor.rangeraptor.standard package.

Range Raptor finds results for many different departure times by iterating over a range of minutes. Let say you want to travel from A to B sometime between 12:00 and 13:00. Then Range Raptor start at 13:00, and for each minute it runs the search again: 12:59, 12:58 ... until 12:00. At each minute it retains and builds upon the results from the previous iteration. This combination of backward iteration and reuse of results makes range raptor much more efficient than a series of independent searches at single departure times. Finding results for a whole range of time only degrades overall performance by a small percentage (relative to a single Raptor search). This also make sure that we find the "best" trip with the combination of latest departure time and earliest arrival time, with all legs "packed" towards the beginning of the trip. Raptor grantees finding the best trip in that period with departure time after 12:00 o'clock and leaving no later than 13:00. The "optimal trip" guarantee is only valid for the search-time-window; There might be a trip leaving after 13:00 that is faster than the trips found.

Multi-criteria Range Raptor (McRR)

The code for this is found in the org.opentripplanner.transit.raptor.rangeraptor.multicriteria package.

Raptor gives us the optimal trips considering all trade-offs between arrival time and number of transfers. Range Raptor also gives us the shortest travel duration (within its search-window). The OTP McRangeRaptor adds another criterion: generalized-cost, which is a function of travel-time, waiting-time, walking-distance, transfers and so on. McRR search will return a pareto-optimal set of paths which simultaneously optimize at least these criteria:

  • arrival time (seconds)
  • number of transfers (scalar)
  • travel duration (seconds)
  • generalized cost (scalar) (a function of anything other than the above criteria)

We will also experiment with separating other criteria out from the cost, such as walkingDistance or operator. The goal is to make this configurable so each deployment may tune this to their needs. Due to performance reasons it might not be 100% dynamic.

Because plain Raptor is much faster than multi-criteria Raptor we will provide an option (request parameter) to run both RR and McRR. We use a single iteration Rator search as a heuristic optimization, establishing travel time bounds that then feed into McRR. In a benchmark test(SpeedTest), RR may take 80ms while the McRR with the same configuration typically takes 400ms. If we add walking distance as an extra criteria the average time increase to 1000ms. These times are examples to give you an idea of the exponential growth of adding criteria to Raptor search.

Paths and Itineraries

In this context, Path and Itineraries are almost the same. We use Path to talk about the minimal set of data returned by Raptor. Those paths are decorated with information from the transit-layer and used to create the itineraries, which are returned from the routing code (to the end user).

Pareto optimal/efficiency set

All paths that are considered pareto optimal for a set of criteria are returned by McRR. This can be a large set (like 500 paths), so a filter-chain will be applied to the set of itineraries. The idea here is to have a configurable filter-chain with decorating, mapping, sorting and filtering capabilities.

Pareto-set explained

See Wikipedia A pareto-set of paths/itineraries is a set where all elements are better than (usually less than) than all other elements in the set for at least one criterion. Given a set { [9,2], [5,6], [3, 8] } then [7, 4] would be accepted into the set. This is because 7 < 9 (comparing the 1st criterion of element 1), while 4 < 6 and 8 (comparing with the 2nd criterion of elements 2 and 3). [6,7] would not make it into the set because the existing element [5,6] is better than the new element for both criteria.


Algorithm implementation

  • Algorithms
    • Raptor (Range Raptor with one iteration)
    • Range Raptor
    • Multi-criteria Range Raptor
      • Arrival time
      • Number of transfers
      • Travel duration
      • Generalized Cost
    • Dynamic search-window


Filtering on stops was implemented and tested with heuristics. We tested removing all stops which could not be part of an optimal path, but this did not have a significant performance impact. If Routes, Trips or Stops can be filtered it is probably better to do it in the transit layer, not in Raptor. Hence; We have removed the stop filter (c96d1af0).

Debugging Raptor - accepted, rejected and dropped paths

The Raptor code has build in support for debugging a routing request. A normal travel search follow millions of paths and at each stop each path is ACCEPTED, REJECTED and/or eventually DROPPED. Logging these events make it possible to find out why a path is not making it into the final result. Use the Raptor request to specify a set-of-stops or a path to enable the debugger. You also need to pass in listeners to the debugger. In the test code there is an implementation of the Logger/Event listener which logs to the console standard error, TestDebugLogger. The SpeedTest or the module tests are the easiest way to debug a search. The debugger design support using it from the OTP APIs, but there is no implementation for this.

Debugging implementation notes

The debugger instrument the existing code for the given stops determined by the DebugRequest. If no debug listeners exist, then no debugging code is injected or run; hence the performance overhead under normal execution is minimal. The main Raptor logic will post events to the DebugHandler interface. There are one handler implementation for each event type(stop arrival, pattern ride, and path), all created by the DebugHandlerFactory. The handler implementations are called Adapters because they take the internal Raptor event and convert it and passes it to the listeners passed in using the Raptor debug request.


The Raptor implementation is implemented as a Java library with its own API and has a single point of access theRaptorService.

  • It is self contained and has no dependencies on any other library or code inside OTP (except a few utility functions).
  • It is modular, with several pluggable components. The wiring is done in separate assembly classes (configure classes).
  • To provide Transit data for the algorithm you need to implement a data provider.


As the search progresses, many branches can be pruned if we can establish some bounds on the solution set.

  • A limit on maxAdditionalNumberOfTransfers not maxNumberOfTransfers. We want to change this to be relative to the trip with fewest transfers.
  • A limit on destination pareto-set (not just travel time to destination). Applying this limit the first time (not every time) we arrive at a stop might give the best performance.
  • Use R or RR as a "heuristic optimization", possibly bi-directional, computing a set of stops/routes that can be used as a filter for the McRR. RR is super fast, more than 10x faster than McRR with 4 criteria.

Understanding the search (range-raptor algorithm implementation)

The RangeRaptorWorker and the RoutingStrategy together implement the range-raptor algorithm. There are three RoutingStrategy implementations:

  1. The ArrivalTimeRoutingStrategy is the standard Range Raptor implementation. It supports both forward and reverse search and is used to find the path with the best arrival-time.
  2. The MinTravelDurationRoutingStrategy is the same as the standard, but optimize on travel-duration, eliminating wait-time (except board and alight slack). It supports both forward and reverse search, but only one Range Raptor iteration (no search window). The main usage for this is to compute heuristics used to improve the performance in the multi-criteria search. It is used to compute various heuristics, like minimum-number-of-transfers, minimum-travel-time and earliest-possible-arrival-time.
  3. The McTransitWorker is the Multi-Criteria Range Raptor implementation. It does not support reverse search - so far there has not been a need for it.

The Range Raptor Search supports both Forward and Reverse search. In the diagram below, the same journey is shown using the forward and reverse search. The two trips have the exact same legs, but the calculated times are slightly different. Note! If you remove or time-shift the Wait parts you will get the exact same result.

Raptor Time Line

Some important notes on the diagram above:

  • The Stop Arrival (or Stop Arrival Time) is the decisions points of the algorithm. This is were a path is ACCEPTED, REJECTED or DROPPED, based on the existing Stop Arrival State. The Stop Arrival 1 and Stop Arrival 1' represent the same stop arrival at stop 1 for the same path, but at times are different. A Forward Raptor Search will time-shift the trip to the left, while a Reverse Raptor Search wil time-shift the trip to the right.
  • The Transfer (walk) is calculated by Raptor only if you need to walk from one stop to another. If a transfer between two routes takes place at the same location/stop, then Raptor uses the calculated transit arrival, instead of calculating a new transit arrival. In the diagram you can remove the transit arrow and Stop Arrival 3 and 2'. The Stop Arrival 2 and Stop Arrival 3' then represent the same stop arrival at the same stop.
  • There is no important timing point between the transfer-slack and the board-slack, so the order does not matter. In the algorithm the transfer-slack is eliminated and it is left to the internal Raptor SlackProvider to include the transfer-slack in the bord-slack(forward search) or in the alight_slack(reverse-search).
  • It might look odd that the board-slack comes before the wait part, but this is just a small trick to be able to calculate the earliest-board-time. Remember that the parts between 2 stop-arrivals can technically be swapped around without any effect on the algorithm. Of cause the result paths need to be adjusted to reflect this.
  • The path(itinerary) mapping process should swap the parts between to stop-arrivals into an
    intuitive order seen from a user perspective, this may include time-shifting access or egress.
  • The wait after the access and before the egress leg should be removed by the itinerary mapper.
  • In a reverse-search the Worker code is the same - the exact same algorithm implementation is used. To be able to do this, a special reverse TransitCalculator, SlackProvider and TripScheduleSearch is injected into the RaptorWorker. The terminology in the diagram above is the terminology used in the algorithm (worker). For example the board-time and alight-time is swapped, compared with the RaptorTripSchedule in the transit-layer.
    • So be aware that the ReverseSearchTransitCalculator have some awkward variable names - depending on the point-of-view.
    • The TripScheduleAlightSearch search the alight-times and return it as a board-time.

The transfer-slack is added to the board-slack, why?

The transfer-slack is incorporated into the board-slack, instead of being applied to the transfer for the following reasons:

  • It is valid to do so. The Raptor algorithm branching happens at stop-arrivals where the arrivals are compared. Therefore it is important that the comparison is fare. You can arrive at a stop by access/transfer or transit. So, because the transfer-slack is constant we can safely remove it from transfer-arrivals at a particular stop and add it to all transit-legs leaving from the same stop.
    • This is useful, because we do not have zero distance transfer-stop-arrivals in the state. (The transit-arrival is used in the next round).
    • This also allow using the stop-arrival(transit only) to continue onto the egress-leg - without any transfer-slack added.
  • It does not have any effect on the performance. Adding a constant to the dynamically calculated board-slack does not have any significant influence on the performance.


There are 4 main ways Raptor is tested:

  • UnitTest - The Raptor is written in an object-oriented way, partly to allow good unit testing.
  • Module tests - Together with the unit tests there is a package(moduletests). This is a list of " unit tests" on the RaptorService. Each test testing one feature or use-case.
  • The SpeedTest is used to track Raptor performance. This test must be run manually and used the transit data model in OTP.
  • Various manual tests - With the module tests in palce we should try to minimize the need of other high level testing.