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🧠 Kamin Blocking

This psychological task investigates the Kamin blocking phenomenon, where people learn that (1) cue A predicts an outcome, then that (2) cue A and cue B predicts an outcome. When asked if B alone predicts the outcome, they show a diminished response. A is a already a good predictor of the outcome; the intuition is: 'no need to learn from B, given that A already predicts the outcome.' In short, A blocks B.

In the social version, participants are presented with co-workers (represented as emojis) and need to predict whether they will help or sabotage their efforts. In the non-social version, subjects associate foods with allergic reactions.

🚀 Getting Started

Clone the Repository

To clone the repository with all necessary submodules, run:

git clone --recurse-submodules -j4 [email protected]:belieflab/kaminBlocking.git && cd kaminBlocking && git submodule foreach --recursive 'git checkout $(git config -f $toplevel/.gitmodules submodule.$name.branch || echo main)' && git update-index --assume-unchanged exp/conf.js

Version Information

  • Version: the 'corrected' version was created after an error was discovered in testing_stimuli. The "consistent-allergy" condition had a stimulus 2 pairing, which should never have been the case. Per Phil Corlett, previous data is not compromised for key trial types. However, low-level controls (I-, J+) should not be used in combined analysis of tasks without ensuring the version variable is equal to 'correct'!

🎯 Task Description

In every trial participants are shown with cues (represented with letters) and asked to predict an outcome (e.g., allergy). The meals comprise one or two different foods for the non-social version or emojis representing co-workers for the social version. They then have 1 second to determine if an allergy occurred or if they believe a co-worker will help or sabotage them.

📊 Alternate Versions and Designs

  1. Standard
    • Trials: 154 total (+3 practice trials)
    • Cues: 12 cues including "A1", "A2", "B1", "B2", "C1", "C2", "D1", "D2", "E", "F", "I", "J"
    • Participants imagine they are allergists observing a new patient who has allergic reactions after certain meals.
    • They predict whether the meals will cause allergic reactions based on previous observations of patient reactions.
    • Trial Structure:
      • Learning Phase: 7 trial types each presented 10 times (1:10) / A1+, A2+, C1-, C2-, F-, I+, J-
      • Blocking Phase: 7 trial types each presented 6 times (11:16) / A1B1+, A2B2+, C1D1+, D2D2+, EF-, I+, J-
      • Testing Phase: 7 trial types each presented 6 times (17:22) / B1+, B2-, D1+, D2-, EF-, I+, J-
Learning Phase Blocking Phase Testing Phase
A1+ A1B1+ B1+
A2+ A2B2+ B2-
C1- C1D1+ D1+
C2- C2D2+ D2-
F- EF- EF-
I+ I+ I+
J- J- J-
  1. Short
    • Trials: 112 total (+3 practice trials)
    • Cues: 14 cues including "A1", "A2", "B1", "B2", "C1", "C2", "D1", "D2", "E", "F", "I", "J", "K", "L"
    • Participants imagine starting a new job, where they are evaluated by a boss and rely on co-workers, who may help or sabotage them.
    • They predict whether the co-workers will help or sabotage them after observing their actions during the experiment.
    • Trial Structure:
      • Learning Phase: 4 trial types each presented 10 times (1:10) / A1+, A2+, C1-, C2-
      • Blocking Phase: 7 trial types each presented 6 times (11:16) / A1B1+, A2B2+, C1D1+, C2D2+, EF-, IK-, JL-
      • Testing Phase: 5 trial types each presented 6 times (17:22) / B1+, B2-, D1+, D2-, L-
Learning Phase Blocking Phase Testing Phase
A1+ A1B1+ B1+
A2+ A2B2+ B2-
C1- C1D1+ D1+
C2- C2D2+ D2-
L- EF- L-

🛠 Development Guide

Install and Configure XAMPP

  1. Download XAMPP with PHP version 7.3.19
  2. Open XAMPP and click "Start" to boot the application.
  3. Navigate to "Services" and click "Start All".
  4. Navigate to "Network", select localhost:8080, and click "Enable".
  5. Navigate to "Volumes" and click "Mount".

Clone the Git Repository

  1. Open Terminal and navigate to the htdocs directory:
    • Mac/Linux:
      cd ~/.bitnami/stackman/machines/xampp/volumes/root/htdocs
    • Windows:
      cd C:\xampp\htdocs
  2. Clone into htdocs:
    git clone

Modify Permissions

  1. Copy this text into your terminal from the htdocs folder:
    sudo chmod -R 777 foodAllergy/

Start Experiment

  1. Click this URL: http://localhost:8080/kaminBlocking

View the Source Code

  1. Open the kaminBlocking directory in a text editor of your choice. We prefer Visual Studio Code:
    • Mac/Linux:
      cd ~/.bitnami/stackman/machines/xampp/volumes/root/htdocs/kaminBlocking
    • Windows:
      cd C:\xampp\htdocs\kaminBlocking

🌐 Hosting Guide

Clone the Git Repository

  1. Open Terminal and navigate to your server's default directory:
    • Apache Linux default directory:
      cd /var/www/html
  2. Clone the repository:
    git clone

Modify Permissions

  1. Execute these two chmod commands in terminal from /var/www/html:
    sudo chmod -R 755 foodAllergy/
    sudo chmod -R 777 foodAllergy/data

Note: This version is correct!