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Build a clade collection using BASH

In this tutorial, we will create a clade project including all the genomes available for a species in RefSeq as well as any additional genomes you may have. We will use Escherichia coli as the target species, but you can use any species you want. For this tutorial you'll need some *nix utilities, including curl, tail, cut, awk, gzip, and perl.

For a MiGA-only version of this exercise, see the Build a clade collection example.

0. Initialize the project

miga new -P E_coli -t clade
cd E_coli

1. Download publicly available genomes

There two options here: (A) use complete genomes, or (B) use draft genomes. You can use either depending on your needs, or both if you want to get as much data as possible regardless of completeness. These two options are non-redundant, so you can combine them if you want.

Re-running and updating: If the following code fails at any point, for example due to a network interruption, you can simply re-run it, and it will take it from where it failed. If it fails in the last command (miga download_dataset), you can simply re-run that one command (not the whole thing). Also, you can simply re-run the whole code below in the future if you want to update your project with more recently released genomes.

1a. Download complete genomes

The first option is to download complete genomes (and/or chromosome-level) from NCBI, including NCBI taxonomy:

# Specify the organism (use %20 instead of spaces):

# Set level of completeness:
STATUS="50|40" # <- Complete or Chromosome
# STATUS="50" # <- Only complete
# STATUS="40" # <- Only chromosome

# Get the list of genomes:
curl -o ref_genomes.tsv "$NCBI_SCRIPT?$NCBI_PARAMS"

# Format the list for MiGA:
( echo -e "dataset\tids" ;
tail -n +2 ref_genomes.tsv | cut -f 1,11 \
  | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"; OFS="\t"} \
    { gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/,"_",$1); gsub(/[^:;]*:/,"",$2) } \
    { gsub(/\/[^\/;]*/,"",$2) } {print $0}' \
  | tr ";" "," | perl -pe 's/\t([^,\.]+)/_\1\t\1/') \
  > ref_genomes_miga.tsv

# Download remote entries:
miga get -P . --file ref_genomes_miga.tsv \
  --universe ncbi --db nuccore --ignore-dup --verbose -t genome

1b. Download draft genomes

Option B is to download draft genomes from the assembly database in NCBI. Unfortunately, this task doesn't link the entries with NCBI taxonomy because EUtils currently doesn't support WGS assemblies:

# Specify the organism (use %20 instead of spaces):

# Set level of completeness:
STATUS="30|20" # <- Scaffold or contig
# STATUS="30" # <- Only scaffold
# STATUS="20" # <- Only contig

# Get the list of genomes:
curl -o draft_genomes.tsv "$NCBI_SCRIPT?$NCBI_PARAMS"

# Format the list for MiGA:
( echo -e "dataset\tcomments\tids" ;
cat draft_genomes.tsv | tail -n +2 | cut -f 1,8,20 \
  | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"; OFS="\t"} \
    { gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/,"_",$1); gsub(/[^:;]*:/,"",$2) } \
    { gsub(/\/[^\/;]*/,"",$2) } {print $0}' \
  | tr ";" "," | perl -pe 's/\t([^,\.]+)/_\1\tAssembly: \1/' ) \
  | perl -pe 's/\/([^\/\n\r]+)[\n\r]*$/\/\1\/\1_genomic.fna.gz\n/' \
  > draft_genomes_miga.tsv

# Download remote entries:
miga get -P . --file draft_genomes_miga.tsv \
  --universe web --db assembly_gz --ignore-dup --verbose -t genome

2. Add your own genomes

If you have any unreleased genomes, you can simply add them to the same project to be processed together with those publicly available. You can initialize datasets at different points, see input data. For the purposes of this tutorial, we'll assume that you have raw coupled reads from two sequencing lanes (1 and 2) in Gzipped FastQ:

# Set the name of the dataset (only alphanumerics and underscores):

# Copy, cat, or move input files. Something similar to:
gzip -d -c ~/some/file/d1_ACTG_L[12]_R1.fastq.gz > data/01.raw_reads/$DS.1.fastq
gzip -d -c ~/some/file/d1_ACTG_L[12]_R2.fastq.gz > data/01.raw_reads/$DS.2.fastq

# Tell MiGA your transfer is complete
miga date > data/01.raw_reads/$DS.done

# Register the dataset:
miga add -P . -D $DS -t genome

3. Launch the daemon

Now that your data is ready, you can fire up the daemon to start processing the data. For additional details, see launching daemons:

miga daemon start -P .