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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0611fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/chxdoc.js
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+function showInherited(name, visibile) {
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+ // document.styleSheets[0].rules
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+ document.styleSheets[0].addRule(".hideInherited" + name, visibile ? "display:inline" : "display:none");
+ document.styleSheets[0].addRule(".showInherited" + name, visibile ? "display:none" : "display:inline");
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+ if (r[i].selectorText == ".showInherited" + name)
+ r[i].style.display = visibile ? "none" : "inline";
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+ "showInherited" + name,
+ visibile ? "true" : "false",
+ 10000,
+ "/",
+ document.location.domain);
+function initShowInherited() {
+ showInherited("Var", getCookie("showInheritedVar") == "true");
+ showInherited("Method", getCookie("showInheritedMethod") == "true");
+function setCookie(name, value, days, path, domain, secure) {
+ var endDate=new Date();
+ endDate.setDate(endDate.getDate() + days);
+ document.cookie =
+ name + "=" + escape(value) +
+ ((days==null) ? "" : ";expires=" + endDate.toGMTString()) +
+ ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") +
+ ((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "") +
+ ((secure) ? "; secure" : "");
+function getCookie(name) {
+ if (document.cookie.length>0) {
+ begin=document.cookie.indexOf(name + "=");
+ if (begin != -1) {
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+ end = document.cookie.indexOf(";",begin);
+ if(end==-1)
+ end=document.cookie.length;
+ return unescape(document.cookie.substring(begin,end));
+ }
+ }
+ return "";
+function isIE() {
+ if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1)
+ return true;
+ return false;
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diff --git a/docs/cpp.xml b/docs/cpp.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9373ff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/cpp.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2962 @@
+ <__path>
+ <__data>
+ * This class provides a haXe remoting adapter using the zeroMQ message
+ * library (via hxzmq) as the transport layer
+ * Enumeration of 0MQ socket types
+ * Enumeration of 0MQ error types
+ * Enumeration of 0MQ send and receive flags
+ * Enumeration of 0MQ socket types
+ * See: http://api.zeromq.org/master:zmq-setsockopt
+ * Used to pass 64 bit ints to setlongsockopt
+ Load and return a Cpp primitive from a DLL library.
+ Tries to load, and always returns a valid function, but the function may throw
+ if called.
+ Print the specified value on the default output.
+ This function is used to make porting from neko to cpp easy.
+ It does not need to do anything because the c-code can work with any Dynamic
+ This function is used to make porting from neko to cpp easy.
+ It does not need to do anything because the c-code can work with any Dynamic
+ Print the specified value on the default output followed by a newline character.
+ * Flag to specify a STREAMER device.
+ * Flag to specify a FORWARDER device.
+ * Flag to specify a QUEUE device.
+ * Gets complete 0MQ library version
+ * @return 0MQ library version in form MMmmpp (MM=major, mm=minor, pp=patch)
+ * Gets 0MQ library major version
+ * @return 0MQ major library version (2, 3 etc)
+ * Gets 0MQ library minor version
+ * @return 0MQ minor library version
+ * Gets 0MQ library patch version
+ * @return 0MQ library patch version
+ * Creates an integer in same form as given by versionFull()
+ * @param major
+ * @param minor
+ * @param patch
+ * @return
+ * Returns a human-readable description from a ZMQException object errNo number
+ * @param errNo A valid 0MQ error number.
+ * Use the errorTypeToErrNo method to convert a ZMQ.ErrorType
+ * @return A short description of the error
+ * Converts a SocketType enum into a ZMQ socket type integer value
+ * @param type
+ * @return
+ * Converts a SocketOptionsType enum into a ZMQ int
+ * @param option
+ * @return
+ * Converts a SendReceiveFlagType enum value into the corresponding 0MQ library int value
+ * @param type
+ * @return
+ * Converts Haxe ErrorType enum value to ZMQ errNo integer value
+ * @param e
+ * @return
+ * Converts ZMQ errNo integer value to Haxe ErrorType enum value
+ * @param e
+ * @return
+ * Sets up interrupt signal handling.
+ * Use isInterrupted() to subsequwnrly test for interruption
+ * Indicates if 0MQ has been interrupted by a system signal (SIGINT or SIGTERM)
+ * Use this method to detect interrupt, and exit cleanly (close 0MQ sockets and contexts),
+ * particularly after recvMsg() and poll() calls.
+ * See: http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all#Handling-Interrupt-Signals
+ *
+ * @return True if 0MQ has been interrupted
+ <_hx_zmq_version_full line="453" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_version_major line="454" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_version_minor line="455" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_version_patch line="456" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_make_version line="457" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_str_error line="458" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_catch_signals line="459" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_interrupted line="460" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_PUB line="462" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_SUB line="463" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_PAIR line="464" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_REQ line="465" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_REP line="466" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_DEALER line="467" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_ROUTER line="468" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_PULL line="469" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_PUSH line="470" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_LINGER line="472" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_HWM line="473" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_RCVMORE line="474" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE line="475" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_UNSUBSCRIBE line="476" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_SWAP line="477" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_AFFINITY line="478" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_IDENTITY line="479" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_RATE line="481" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_RECOVERY_IVL line="482" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_RECOVERY_IVL_MSEC line="483" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP line="484" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_SNDBUF line="485" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_RCVBUF line="486" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_RECONNECT_IVL line="487" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_RECONNECT_IVL_MAX line="488" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_BACKLOG line="489" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_FD line="490" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_EVENTS line="491" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_TYPE line="492" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_POLLIN line="494" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_POLLOUT line="495" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ZMQ_POLLERR line="496" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_DONTWAIT line="498" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_SNDMORE line="499" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_EINVAL line="501" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ENOTSUP line="502" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_EPROTONOSUPPORT line="503" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_EAGAIN line="504" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ENOMEM line="505" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ENODEV line="506" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ENOBUFS line="507" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ENETDOWN line="508" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_EADDRINUSE line="509" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_EADDRNOTAVAIL line="510" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ECONNREFUSED line="511" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_EINPROGRESS line="512" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_EMTHREAD line="513" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_EFSM line="514" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ENOCOMPATPROTO line="515" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_ETERM line="516" static="1">
+ * Core class for 0MQ Haxe bindings
+ An abstract type that represents an Enum.
+ See [Type] for the haXe Reflection API.
+ Encode an URL by using the standard format.
+ Decode an URL using the standard format.
+ Escape HTML special characters of the string.
+ Unescape HTML special characters of the string.
+ Tells if the string [s] starts with the string [start].
+ Tells if the string [s] ends with the string [end].
+ Tells if the character in the string [s] at position [pos] is a space.
+ Removes spaces at the left of the String [s].
+ Removes spaces at the right of the String [s].
+ Removes spaces at the beginning and the end of the String [s].
+ Pad the string [s] by appending [c] at its right until it reach [l] characters.
+ Pad the string [s] by appending [c] at its left until it reach [l] characters.
+ Replace all occurences of the string [sub] in the string [s] by the string [by].
+ Encode a number into a hexadecimal representation, with an optional number of zeros for left padding.
+ Provides a fast native string charCodeAt access. Since the EOF value might vary depending on the platforms, always test with StringTools.isEOF.
+ Only guaranteed to work if index in [0,s.length] range. Might not work with strings containing \0 char.
+ The StringTools class contains some extra functionalities for [String]
+ manipulation. It's stored in a different class in order to prevent
+ the standard [String] of being bloated and thus increasing the size of
+ each application using it.
+ Tells if an object has a field set. This doesn't take into account the object prototype (class methods).
+ Returns the field of an object, or null if [o] is not an object or doesn't have this field.
+ Set an object field value.
+ Call a method with the given object and arguments.
+ Returns the list of fields of an object, excluding its prototype (class methods).
+ Tells if a value is a function or not.
+ Generic comparison function, does not work for methods, see [compareMethods]
+ Compare two methods closures. Returns true if it's the same method of the same instance.
+ Does not work on Neko platform.
+ Tells if a value is an object or not.
+ Delete an object field.
+ Make a copy of the fields of an object.
+ Transform a function taking an array of arguments into a function that can
+ be called with any number of arguments.
+ The Reflect API is a way to manipulate values dynamicly through an
+ abstract interface in an untyped manner. Use with care.
+ * Returns ZMQ - specified human-readable error description
+ * @return
+ * Encapsulates ZMQ Errors
+ * Provides the ZMQ - specified errno and a human - readable description
+ ZeroMQ - based socket protocol for haXe remoting.
+ Heavily based on the haxe.remoting.SocketProtocol class implementation.
+ The ZeroMQ haXe Remoting Socket Protocol is composed of serialized strings converted into byte data exchanges.
+ Eeach message (request or answer) is sent as a single-part zeroMQ message.
+ A request string is composed of the following serialized values :
+ - the boolean true for a request
+ - an array of strings representing the object+method path
+ - an array of parameters
+ A response string is composed of the following serialized values :
+ - the boolean false for a response
+ - a serialized value representing the result
+ Exceptions are serialized with [serializeException] so they will be thrown immediatly
+ when they are unserialized.
+ <_instance static="1">
+ <_hasInstance static="1">
+ * Returns a global ZMQContext instance, or null
+ *
+ * @param ?ioThreads = 1
+ <_hx_zmq_construct line="120" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_term line="121" static="1">
+ Opaque data used by hxzmq driver
+ Records if context has been terminated
+ * Close or terminate the context
+ *
+ * This can be called to close the context by hand. If this is not
+ * called, the context will automatically be closed when it is
+ * garbage collected.
+ * Create a Socket associated with this Context
+ * @param socketType The socket type which can be any of the ZMQ socket types
+ * @return A ZMQSocket object
+ * Convenience method to create a ZMQPoller object.
+ * Raises a ENOTSUP ZMQException if context is closed
+ * @return A ZMQPoller object
+ * Creates a ZMQ Context
+ *
+ * Can throw EINVAL if invalid number of iothreads requested
+ *
+ * See: http://api.zeromq.org/master:zmq-init
+ Adds the representation of any value to the string buffer.
+ Adds a part of a string to the string buffer.
+ Adds a character to the string buffer.
+ Returns the content of the string buffer.
+ The buffer is not emptied by this operation.
+ Creates a new string buffer.
+ A String buffer is an efficient way to build a big string by
+ appending small elements together.
+ <_hx_zmq_poll line="221" static="1">
+ * Provides the last-polled set of rececived events
+ * Adds a socket to the internak list of polled sockets
+ * @param socket A ZMQScxket object
+ * @param event Bitmasked Int for polled events (ZMQ_POLLIN, ZMQ_POLLOUT)
+ * Removes a previously registered socket
+ * @param socket
+ * @return
+ * Removes all current registered sockets
+ * Poll a set of 0MQ sockets,
+ * @param ?timeout Timeout in microseconds, or 0 to return immediately, or -1 to block indefintely (default)
+ * @return how many objects signalled, or 0 if none, or -1 if failure
+ * Test if the s'th registered socket has a registered POLLIN event.
+ * Call this after a poll() method call to test the results.
+ *
+ * @param s Valid s parameter range from 1 to revents.length
+ * @return True if specified registered socket has a current POLLIN event, else False
+ * Test if the s'th registered socket has a registered POLLOUT event.
+ * Call this after a poll() method call to test the results.
+ *
+ * @param s Valid s parameter range from 1 to revents.length
+ * @return True if specified registered socket has a current POLLOUT event, else False
+ * Test of the s'th registered socket has no received polled events
+ * @param s Valid s parameter range from 1 to revents.length
+ * @return True if no received polled events on the socket
+ * Constructor
+ * Encapsulates ZMQ Poller functions.
+ *
+ * Statefull class, maintaining a set of sockets to poll, events to poll for
+ <_socket>
+ <_event>
+ <_revents>
+ <_ret>
+ <_hx_zmq_construct_socket line="449" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_close line="450" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_bind line="451" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_connect line="452" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_send line="453" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_rcv line="454" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_setintsockopt line="455" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_setint64sockopt line="456" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_setbytessockopt line="457" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_getintsockopt line="458" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_getint64sockopt line="459" static="1">
+ <_hx_zmq_getbytessockopt line="460" static="1">
+ Records if socket has been closed
+ * Hold reference to context associated with socket, to stop it being garbage collected
+ <_socketHandle public="1" set="null">
+ Opaque data used by hxzmq driver
+ * Close the socket
+ *
+ * This can be called to close the socket by hand. If this is not
+ * called, the socket will automatically be closed when it is
+ * garbage collected.
+ * Bind a socket to an address
+ *
+ * This causes the socket to listen on a network port. Sockets on the
+ * other side of this connection will use ``Socket.connect(addr)`` to
+ * connect to this socket.
+ *
+ * @param addr The address string.
+ * This has the form 'protocol://interface:port',
+ * for example 'tcp://'. Protocols supported are
+ * tcp, upd, pgm, inproc and ipc. If the address is unicode, it is
+ * encoded to utf-8 first.
+ * Connect to a remote ZMQ socket
+ *
+ * @param addr The address string
+ * This has the form 'protocol://interface:port',
+ * for example 'tcp://'. Protocols supported are
+ * tcp, upd, pgm, inproc and ipc. If the address is unicode, it is
+ * encoded to utf-8 first.
+ * Set socket options.
+ *
+ * See the ZMQ documentation for details on specific options:
+ * http://api.zeromq.org/master:zmq-setsockopt
+ *
+ * C Parameter type optval haXe type expected
+ * ================= ==========================
+ * int Int
+ * int64_t, uint64_t ZMQInt64Type (if neko or cpp)
+ * Int (if php - will be 64bits on 64bit platforms, else 32 bit)
+ * binary haxe.io.Bytes
+ *
+ * @param option SocketOptionsType (defined in ZMQ.hx)
+ * @param optval Either Int or String or Bytes
+ * Return a previously set socket option
+ *
+ * @param option
+ * @return
+ * Send a message on this socket
+ *
+ * This queues the message to be sent by the IO thread at a later time.
+ *
+ * @param data The content of the message
+ * @param ?flags Any supported SocketFlag DONTWAIT, SNDMORE
+ * Receive a message on this socket
+ *
+ * Will return either a message, null (if DONTWAIT was used and there was no data received) or a ZMQException
+ *
+ * @param ?flags
+ * @return
+ * Convenience method to test if socket has more parts of a multipart message to read
+ * @return
+ * Constructor.
+ *
+ * Creates a new ZMQ socket
+ * @param context A ZMQ Context previously created
+ * @param type A ZMQ socket type
+ * A 0MQ socket
+ *
+ * These objects will generally be created via the socket() method of a ZMQContext object.
+ *
+ * Class based on code from pyzmq project
+ * See: https://github.com/zeromq/pyzmq/blob/master/zmq/core/socket.pyx
+ Returns a Date representing the current local time.
+ Returns a Date from a timestamp [t] which is the number of
+ milliseconds elapsed since 1st January 1970.
+ Returns a Date from a formated string of one of the following formats :
+ [YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss] or [YYYY-MM-DD] or [hh:mm:ss]. The first two formats
+ are expressed in local time, the third in UTC Epoch.
+ Returns the timestamp of the date. It's the number of milliseconds
+ elapsed since 1st January 1970. It might only have a per-second precision
+ depending on the platforms.
+ Returns the hours value of the date (0-23 range).
+ Returns the minutes value of the date (0-59 range).
+ Returns the seconds of the date (0-59 range).
+ Returns the full year of the date.
+ Returns the month of the date (0-11 range).
+ Returns the day of the date (1-31 range).
+ Returns the week day of the date (0-6 range).
+ Returns a string representation for the Date, by using the
+ standard format [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS]. See [DateTools.format] for
+ other formating rules.
+ The Date class is used for date manipulation. There is some extra functions
+ available in the [DateTools] class.
+ Returns true if the iterator has other items, false otherwise.
+ Moves to the next item of the iterator.
+ Integer iterator. Used for interval implementation.
+ An integer value is outside its allowed range
+ An operation on Bytes is outside of its valid range
+ Other errors
+ The IO is set into nonblocking mode and some data cannot be read or written
+ The possible IO errors that can occur
+ Returns the class of a value or [null] if this value is not a Class instance.
+ Returns the enum of a value or [null] if this value is not an Enum instance.
+ Returns the super-class of a class, or null if no super class.
+ Returns the complete name of a class.
+ Returns the complete name of an enum.
+ Evaluates a class from a name. The class must have been compiled
+ to be accessible.
+ Evaluates an enum from a name. The enum must have been compiled
+ to be accessible.
+ Creates an instance of the given class with the list of constructor arguments.
+ Similar to [Reflect.createInstance] excepts that the constructor is not called.
+ This enables you to create an instance without any side-effect.
+ Create an instance of an enum by using a constructor name and parameters.
+ Create an instance of an enum by using a constructor index and parameters.
+ Returns the list of instance fields.
+ Returns the list of a class static fields.
+ Returns all the available constructor names for an enum.
+ Returns the runtime type of a value.
+ Recursively compare two enums constructors and parameters.
+ Returns the constructor of an enum
+ Returns the parameters of an enum
+ Returns the index of the constructor of an enum
+ The haXe Reflection API enables you to retreive informations about any value,
+ Classes and Enums at runtime.
+ Unserialize a single value and return it.
+ Tells if a value v is of the type t.
+ Convert any value to a String
+ Convert a Float to an Int, rounded down.
+ Convert a String to an Int, parsing different possible representations. Returns [null] if could not be parsed.
+ Convert a String to a Float, parsing different possible reprensations.
+ Return a random integer between 0 included and x excluded.
+ The Std class provides standard methods for manipulating basic types.
+ The standard Void type. Only [null] values can be of the type [Void].
+ The standard Float type, this is a double-precision IEEE 64bit float.
+ The standard Int type. Its precision depends on the platform.
+ [Null] can be useful in two cases. In order to document some methods
+ that accepts or can return a [null] value, or for the Flash9 compiler and AS3
+ generator to distinguish between base values that can be null and others that
+ can't.
+ The standard Boolean type is represented as an enum with two choices.
+ Dynamic is an internal compiler type which has special behavior.
+ See the haXe language reference for more informations.
+ An Iterator is a structure that permits to list a given container
+ values. It can be used by your own data structures. See the haXe
+ documentation for more informations.
+ An Iterable is a data structure which has an iterator() method.
+ See [Lambda] for generic functions on iterable structures.
+ ArrayAccess is used to indicate a class that can be accessed using brackets.
+ The type parameter represent the type of the elements stored.
+ Creates an [Array] from an [Iterable]
+ Creates a [List] from an [Iterable]
+ Similar to [map], but also pass an index for each item iterated.
+ Tells if the element is part of an iterable. The comparison
+ is made using the [==] operator. Optionally you can pass as
+ a third parameter a function that performs the comparison.
+ That function must take as arguments the two items to
+ compare and returns a boolean value.
+ Tells if at least one element of the iterable is found by using the specific function.
+ Tells if all elements of the iterable have the specified property defined by [f].
+ Call the function 'f' on all elements of the [Iterable] 'it'.
+ Return the list of elements matching the function 'f'
+ Functional 'fold' using an [Iterable]
+ Count the number of elements in an [Iterable] having [pred] returning true.
+ Tells if an iterable does not contain any element.
+ Returns the index of the item in the given Iterable, depending on the order of the Iterator.
+ Returns -1 if the item was not found.
+ Returns a list containing all items of 'a' followed by all items of 'b'
+ The [Lambda] class is a collection of functional methods in order to
+ use functional-style programming with haXe.
+ This class defines mathematical functions and constants.
+ If the values you are serializing can contain
+ circular references or objects repetitions, you should
+ set USE_CACHE to true to prevent infinite loops.
+ Use constructor indexes for enums instead of names.
+ This is less reliable but more compact.
+ Serialize a single value and return the string.
+ The number of elements in this list.
+ Add an element at the end of the list.
+ Push an element at the beginning of the list.
+ Returns the first element of the list, or null
+ if the list is empty.
+ Returns the last element of the list, or null
+ if the list is empty.
+ Removes the first element of the list and
+ returns it or simply returns null if the
+ list is empty.
+ Tells if a list is empty.
+ Makes the list empty.
+ Remove the first element that is [== v] from the list.
+ Returns [true] if an element was removed, [false] otherwise.
+ Returns an iterator on the elements of the list.
+ Returns a displayable representation of the String.
+ Join the element of the list by using the separator [sep].
+ Returns a list filtered with [f]. The returned list
+ will contain all elements [x] for which [f(x) = true].
+ Creates a new empty list.
+ A linked-list of elements. The list is composed of two-elements arrays
+ that are chained together. It's optimized so that adding or removing an
+ element doesn't imply to copy the whole array content everytime.
+ Set a value for the given key.
+ Get a value for the given key.
+ Tells if a value exists for the given key.
+ In particular, it's useful to tells if a key has
+ a [null] value versus no value.
+ Removes a hashtable entry. Returns [true] if
+ there was such entry.
+ Returns an iterator of all keys in the hashtable.
+ Returns an iterator of all values in the hashtable.
+ Returns an displayable representation of the hashtable content.
+ Hashtable over a set of elements, using [Int] as keys.
+ On Flash and Javascript, the underlying structure is an Object.
+ An abstract type that represents a Class.
+ See [Type] for the haXe Reflection API.
+ The number of characters in the String.
+ Returns an String where all characters have been uppercased.
+ Returns an String where all characters have been lowercased.
+ Returns the character at the given position.
+ Returns the empty String if outside of String bounds.
+ Returns the character code at the given position.
+ Returns [null] if outside of String bounds.
+ Returns the index of first occurence of [value]
+ Returns [1-1] if [value] is not found.
+ The optional [startIndex] parameter allows you to specify at which character to start searching.
+ The position returned is still relative to the beginning of the string.
+ Similar to [indexOf] but returns the latest index.
+ Split the string using the specified delimiter.
+ Returns a part of the String, taking [len] characters starting from [pos].
+ If [len] is not specified, it takes all the remaining characters.
+ Returns the String itself.
+ Creates a copy from a given String.
+ The basic String class.
+ The length of the Array
+ Returns a new Array by appending [a] to [this].
+ Returns a representation of an array with [sep] for separating each element.
+ Removes the last element of the array and returns it.
+ Adds the element [x] at the end of the array.
+ Reverse the order of elements of the Array.
+ Removes the first element and returns it.
+ Copies the range of the array starting at [pos] up to,
+ but not including, [end]. Both [pos] and [end] can be
+ negative to count from the end: -1 is the last item in
+ the array.
+ 0] if [x > y]
+ and [<0] if [x < y].
+ ]]>
+ Removes [len] elements starting from [pos] an returns them.
+ Returns a displayable representation of the Array content.
+ Adds the element [x] at the start of the array.
+ Inserts the element [x] at the position [pos].
+ All elements after [pos] are moved one index ahead.
+ Removes the first occurence of [x].
+ Returns false if [x] was not present.
+ Elements are compared by using standard equality.
+ Returns a copy of the Array. The values are not
+ copied, only the Array structure.
+ Returns an iterator of the Array values.
+ Creates a new Array.
+ An Array is a storage for values. You can access it using indexes or
+ with its API. On the server side, it's often better to use a [List] which
+ is less memory and CPU consuming, unless you really need indexed access.
+ <_sleep line="93" static="1">
+ <__Internal>
+ Set a value for the given key.
+ Get a value for the given key.
+ Tells if a value exists for the given key.
+ In particular, it's useful to tells if a key has
+ a [null] value versus no value.
+ Removes a hashtable entry. Returns [true] if
+ there was such entry.
+ Returns an iterator of all keys in the hashtable.
+ Returns an iterator of all values in the hashtable.
+ Returns an displayable representation of the hashtable content.
+ Hashtable over a set of elements, using [String] as keys.
+ Other kind of keys are not possible on all platforms since they
+ can't always be implemented efficiently.
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+ Haxe Application
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+ Haxe Application
Haxe Application
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+ Package zeromq Type List
+ Converts Haxe ErrorType enum value to ZMQ errNo integer value
+ isInterrupted() : Bool
True if 0MQ has been interrupted
+ Indicates if 0MQ has been interrupted by a system signal (SIGINT or SIGTERM)
+ Use this method to detect interrupt, and exit cleanly (close 0MQ sockets and contexts),
+ particularly after recvMsg() and poll() calls.
+ See: http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all#Handling-Interrupt-Signals
+ makeVersion(major : Int, minor : Int, patch : Int) : Int
+ Creates an integer in same form as given by versionFull()
socketType The socket type which can be any of the ZMQ socket types
A ZMQSocket object
+ Create a Socket associated with this Context
+ term() : Void
+ Close or terminate the context
+ This can be called to close the context by hand. If this is not
+ called, the context will automatically be closed when it is
+ garbage collected.
+ A 0MQ socket
+ These objects will generally be created via the socket() method of a ZMQContext object.
+ Class based on code from pyzmq project
+ See: https://github.com/zeromq/pyzmq/blob/master/zmq/core/socket.pyx
+ Hold reference to context associated with socket, to stop it being garbage collected
Instance Methods
+ bind(addr : String) : Void
addr The address string. This has the form 'protocol://interface:port', for example 'tcp://'. Protocols supported are tcp, upd, pgm, inproc and ipc. If the address is unicode, it is encoded to utf-8 first.
+ Bind a socket to an address
+ This causes the socket to listen on a network port. Sockets on the
+ other side of this connection will use ``Socket.connect(addr)`` to
+ connect to this socket.
+ close() : Void
+ Close the socket
+ This can be called to close the socket by hand. If this is not
+ called, the socket will automatically be closed when it is
+ garbage collected.
+ connect(addr : String) : Void
addr The address string This has the form 'protocol://interface:port', for example 'tcp://'. Protocols supported are tcp, upd, pgm, inproc and ipc. If the address is unicode, it is encoded to utf-8 first.
+ Set socket options.
+ See the ZMQ documentation for details on specific options:
+ http://api.zeromq.org/master:zmq-setsockopt
+ C Parameter type optval haXe type expected
+ ================= ==========================
+ int Int
+ int64_t, uint64_t ZMQInt64Type (if neko or cpp)
+ Int (if php - will be 64bits on 64bit platforms, else 32 bit)
+ binary haxe.io.Bytes
+ ZeroMQ - based socket protocol for haXe remoting.
+ Heavily based on the haxe.remoting.SocketProtocol class implementation.
+ The ZeroMQ haXe Remoting Socket Protocol is composed of serialized strings converted into byte data exchanges.
+ Eeach message (request or answer) is sent as a single-part zeroMQ message.
+ A request string is composed of the following serialized values :
+ - the boolean true for a request
+ - an array of strings representing the object+method path
+ - an array of parameters
+ A response string is composed of the following serialized values :
+ - the boolean false for a response
+ - a serialized value representing the result
+ Exceptions are serialized with serializeException so they will be thrown immediatly
+ when they are unserialized.
diff --git a/org/zeromq/IncludeAll.hx b/org/zeromq/IncludeAll.hx
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/org/zeromq/IncludeAll.hx
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * (c) 2011 Richard J Smith
+ *
+ * This file is part of hxzmq
+ *
+ * hxzmq is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * hxzmq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see .
+ */
+package org.zeromq;
+import org.zeromq.ZMQ;
+import org.zeromq.ZMQContext;
+import org.zeromq.ZMQException;
+import org.zeromq.ZMQPoller;
+import org.zeromq.ZMQSocket;
+import org.zeromq.remoting.ZMQConnection;
+import org.zeromq.remoting.ZMQSocketProtocol;
+#if php
+import org.zeromq.externals.phpzmq.ZMQException;
+import org.zeromq.externals.phpzmq.ZMQSocketException;