Buttercup uses special format vaults to store secret groups and entries. This document details the active vault formats that Buttercup uses in its current software.
? -> Current
The second format, utilising a JSON structure for vault data:
"id": "fb31b4a6-1e54-4460-ae03-5441a8083be5",
"a": {},
"g": [
"id": "c5f76882-6d5d-4348-b3fd-222608670af0",
"t": "General",
"a": {},
"g": "0"
"id": "e494bd0a-4c91-48c0-85c7-59ff8387dd87",
"t": "Websites",
"a": {},
"g": "c5f76882-6d5d-4348-b3fd-222608670af0"
"e": [
"id": "9f051bef-e6c5-4b85-a135-5ff7ddfc4cb2",
"g": "e494bd0a-4c91-48c0-85c7-59ff8387dd87",
"a": {},
"p": {
"title": {
"value": "My Entry",
"created": 1598298143533,
"updated": 1598298143533,
"history": []
"username": {
"value": "[email protected]",
"created": 1598298178114,
"updated": 1598298178114,
"history": []
"password": {
"value": "passw0rd",
"created": 1598298153538,
"updated": 1598298178114,
"history": [
"value": "old-password",
"updated": 1598298177010
"deleted item": {
"value": "some value",
"created": 1598298362682,
"updated": 1598298362682,
"deleted": 1598298411608,
"history": []
"c": "2020-08-24T19:40:12.609Z"
September 2015 -> 2020
The first format for Butttercup vaults. Uses a line-by-line delta structure to modify the vault. Supported step-by-step updates to the vault.:
aid df553df1-9096-4e97-b321-5cda5a761922
cmm "Buttercup archive created (2017-1-7)"
fmt "buttercup/a"
cgr 0 ddb5bed5-00d5-4b5d-96a2-1a36511ac538
tgr ddb5bed5-00d5-4b5d-96a2-1a36511ac538 "test-group-main"
pad 6b78b1bc-66f9-4f67-ac9b-92862c8bb1f7
cen ddb5bed5-00d5-4b5d-96a2-1a36511ac538 ce86c59b-0290-476a-8121-8a6e5381c528
sep ce86c59b-0290-476a-8121-8a6e5381c528 title "test-entry-main"
pad 46fb579e-561f-434c-a9f3-7464f49f63a9
sep ce86c59b-0290-476a-8121-8a6e5381c528 username "user123\\@test.@D"
pad 4da334e8-c9e5-464d-9a91-393188972bbb
sep ce86c59b-0290-476a-8121-8a6e5381c528 password "* \u0002\u0006\u0000\u0003\u0007\u0004\u0006\u0000͡! "
pad 764cad08-2bc8-4ea3-a728-f38ac9aa2f78
sem ce86c59b-0290-476a-8121-8a6e5381c528 "test-meta" "test-value 8"
pad a1673764-c34b-481e-ae73-b09a56f85ba6