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Brad White edited this page Jan 12, 2016 · 13 revisions

Developer Resources

Tincr is released under the GPL version 2 license.

Please feel free to contribute to Tincr.

Set up Eclipse

  1. Create an account at
  2. Download and install Eclipse
  3. Install the Dynamic Languages Toolkit Tcl plugin for Eclipse
  4. In Eclipse, navigate to "Help" -> "Install new software..."
  5. In the dropdown labeled "Work with:", select "Mars -"
  6. Expand "Programming Languages" and check the box next to "Dynamic Languages Toolkit - TCL Development Tools"
  7. Proceed through the rest of the installer, restart when prompted
  8. Fork the Tincr repo on GitHub
  9. Follow the instructions here to fork the Tincr repo
  10. Clone the Tincr repo from GitHub
  11. In Eclipse, navigate to "File" -> "Import..."
  12. In the dialog that comes up, expand the folder "Git", select "Projects from Git", and press "Next"
  13. Select "Clone URI" and press "Next"
  14. Paste the following into the "URI" textbox: "{username}/tincr.git" (replace {username} with your GitHub username)
  15. Enter your GitHub credentials if you wish and press "Next"
  16. Select the branches you want to clone and press "Next"
  17. Enter the directory where you want to clone the repo (i.e. "C:\code\git\tincr") and press "Next"
  18. Select "Import using the New Project Wizard" and press "Finish"
  19. Create a Tcl project for Tincr
  20. In the "New Project" dialog, expand "Tcl" and select "Tcl Project", and press "Next"
  21. Name your project (i.e. "tincr")
  22. Select "Create project at existing location" and browse to the path to the repo you cloned in the previous step (i.e. "C:\code\git\tincr") and press "Next"
  23. Remove everything from the build path except the "tincr" and "tincr_test" top-level folders
  24. Press "Finish"
  25. Install Tincr
  26. Create an environment variable named TINCR_PATH and set it to the root of the local Tincr repo (i.e. "C:\code\git\tincr")
  27. Copy "pkgIndex.tcl" from the "install" directory in the repo to the following directory in your Vivado installation: "\tps\tcl\tcl8.5"

More Information


  • The tincr::refresh_packages command will reload all Tincr packages. This is useful when testing changes you've made to Tincr without needing to restart Vivado
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