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185 lines (109 loc) · 7.99 KB
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Project in Python (Libs: OpenCV, NumPy, CuPy, imutils)

!!! The list of features exposed bellow is NOT complete, it simply represents the task with the highest priority !!!


1. Basic features of an HDRI builder:

  • Create an HDRI from a set of bracketed pictures

  • Basic noise and (motion) blur reduction

  • Ghosting removal

  • Color correction

  • Tone-mapping

  • Reading & writting files at .hdr format

  • Non-destructive twiking of HDRI before saving

  • Fake HDRI "color enhancement" from single picture

The purpose of this project is to create an HDRI Builder with as uncommon/unexisting features:

2. Global features:

  • Create an animated HDRI from (360-HDRI-canvas + HDR-Videos)

  • Create a HDRI "ready-to-use", that doesn't require previous tone-mapping

  • Generation / usage LUTs

A. PC Application:

  • AI boost to create HDRI from a single picture

  • Create a HDRI (simple or animated patches)

B. Mobile Application:

  • Create real HDRI images on cellphone

  • Create an HDRI from a video, given a capture protocol

  • Create 360° HDRI without 360° camera

  • Easy transfer from mobile app to PC

2. Current tasks:

  • Make correct projection of stitched image

  • Process influence weight for each pixel of each bracketed image

  • Process Harris points for future image stitching

  • Build Laplacian pyramid for RGB images

  • Build Gaussian pyramid for RGB images

  • Build Gaussian pyramid for single-channel images

3. Implementation of the tone-mapping-less HDRI generator:

A. Original pictures with bracketed exposure time:

Set of 6 original images bracketed to different exposure times

B. Weight maps :


Creation of an HDRI requires to process a set of values for each image of the original set. A tuple of three values is attached to each pixel of each input image, to determine how a pixel is interesting. A pixel interests us if it is not burnt (too white or black), has a highly saturated color, and represents a detailed area.

These values will be used as weights, to mix our inputs into the final image.

In the following images, a black (0.0) pixel has no importance at all, while a white (1.0) one will widely influence the final result. A weight map is exactly the same size as the images that we are working on, since they are generated from pixels values.

a. Contrast map (detailed areas):

This map is generated by convolution with a Laplacian filter. The shape of this filter highlights edges of objects contained in the image as well as areas with a lot of details.
Kernel of the Laplacian filter:

0 -1 0
-1 4 -1
0 -1 0

Contrast maps

b. Exposure map :

In this map, we want to give a high importance to non-extreme pixels values (black or white). In order to do so, we will use a fonction mapping each value according a Gaussian repartition: with i, the pixel's value Exposure maps

c. Saturation map:

A pixel is gray when its R, G & B components are equals. Those pixels often part of dark areas in pictures, and we are not very interested in them. The saturation of a pixel increases as its three components are far from the average. This is the processing of the standard deviation. Saturation maps

d. Blended weight maps:

Given the fact that each value on these maps is included between 0.0 and 1.0, we can use some kind of boolean operations on them (1.0 * 0.0 = 0.0 True and False = False ). So we get our final maps by multiplying the three previous maps.

Final blended weights maps We notice that the acquired results are consistent:

  • Most of the color comes from the first image
  • The outdoor by night is from the first picture as well
  • Areas of the pilars close from the ceiling lamps are more important on the second image (higher shutter speed)
  • Extremely bright areas (bodies of lamps) are represented on maps with least exposure time

Noise on those maps doesn't matter, as it will be explained right below.

C. Blending with Laplacian pyramid :

a. Generating final L-pyramid :

If we produce our output image naively by making a weighted average of our maps with corresponding input images, we will get a noisy result presenting very visible seams. However, we a satisfying result can be achieved by using a Laplacian pyramid.

On a L-pyramid, each floor contains only details of a precise range of size. All the remaining data is took over by the next floor. As index is incremented, details are bigger. When we build the L-pyramid of an image, we can rebuild the original by simply collapsing all floors (summing) On the following examples, gray-128 areas testifies to a data-less spot, as darker and brighter areas supply fluctuations on the produced HDRI.

If we build the L-pyramid of each input image, and the Gaussian pyramid of each weight map (a Gaussian pyramid is simply a Laplacian pyramid from the one redundant data was not removed on each floor), we have enough data to generate a brand new Laplacian pyramid, of which each floor is a weighted average of the whole i-th floor of input images' pyramids with i-th floor of weight-maps' Gaussian pyramids.

The new 6-floored L-pyramid generated: Laplacian pyramid

Through the multiple resolutions proposed by each floor of the pyramid, we can achieve a seamless mixing.

b. Collapsing pyramid (final HDRI) :

Final HDR Image, without editing nor tone-mapping. Final HDR Image If we look at our output compared to the pool of inputs, we notice that colors are good looking and bright as dark areas are detailed.

4. Image stitching for 360°x180° image [WIP] :

To generate an 360°x180° HDRI from a video, add details to an existing HDRI or even make animated patches on a dome HDRI, we need to be abble to spacially recreate a landscape from a buntch of pictures.

Input images: input

Output stitched image: output