Initial release to include Relation Macro and About and Related Macro.
Accepting following risks with this release:
- Macro rendering could not be fully performance-tested. Table of contents presents most risk.
Added support for multiple formats and altLabel indexing to cover imports of the EU Publication Office controlled lists and support use cases from Atlassian Community Forum questions.
Removes security vulnerabilities reported by OWASP10 Dependency Scanner and Azure Defender for Cloud.
Adds taxonomy snapshots support. Adds user timezone support. Adds instructions for security testing implementation.
Moves to new encryption key for the shared secret. Fixes caching for the relation macro, images and JS files.
Upgrades Java and JavaScript dependencies to latest set of libraries compatible with Atlassian Connect, AtlasKit and Rdf4j.
Improves query performance for retrieving concept schemes. Fixes timeout on QueueClient.receiveMessages to 60 seconds.
Cleans up documentation. Fixes calculation of the impacted content (considers only "current" Statements of "current" content). Speeds up retrieval of the ConceptSchemes and related statistics (Concept and Statement count).
Adds support for both dcterms:type and dcterms:subject. Adds simple taxonomy catalog. Adds SPARQL endpoint limited to content graph. Major functionality upgrade, not backwards-compatible, needs migration.
Switches from skos:prefLabel to dcterms:label for pages and blog posts. Not backwards compatible, needs migration.
Switches to correct content title property ot dcterms:label. Fixes provenance panel title.
Switches to 3.7.5 of rdf4j, 9.0.59 of Tomcat.
Fixes processing of SPARQL with POST requests.
Bumps up file upload limit to 10M and rotates encryption key for sharedSeret.
Removed DELETE scope. Moves to 3.7.7 of Rdf4j server. Moves away from Lucene Sail to simplify the set up, reduce the probability of index corruption due to NativeStore transacation failure and prepare for 4.0.0 migration when it is available.
Moves to Rdf4j 3.0.0-M3 with fixed GH-3806 that resolves slow clean().
Resolves concurrent update issue.
Upgrades to Rdf4j 4.2.0. Implements CSP headers as per Atlassian Security Requirements.
Upgrades to Rdf4j 4.2.3. Adds support for RDFS alongside SKOS. Adds SPARQL macro. Adds graph materialization to support more intuitive querying via SPARQL.
Taxonomies for Confluence add-on makes it faster to adapt Confluence to managing software development lifecycle, enterprise architecture, data governance, regulatory compliance, and risk management documentation. It enables:
Page classification in Confluence by type, subject and related concepts Use of existing controlled vocabularies and reference data such as capability models, industry classifications, risk and control, or other corporate taxonomies for page classification Tables of contents with type, subject and related concepts Improved search by using preferred and alternative concept labels to search for Confluence content Tracking of documentation coverage Using SPARQL to query indexed Confluence content Integration of Confluence into knowledge graphs using structured data and SPARQL federated queries.
Adds support for RDFS Classes and Properties Adds support for SPARQL macro on Confluence pages Adds support for Wikibase-style use of tables
Annotate and query pages with RDFS and SPARQL. Import RDFS Classes and Properties, annotate pages using simple tables and query index pages with SPARQL. In this screenshot, you can see Confluence used as a data catalog.
Upgrades to Rdf4j 4.2.4. Adds support for stable identifiers for resources.
Enables SERVICE in SPARQL Macro. Simplifies copying of taxonomies and schemas between snapshots.
Adds Class byline.
Moves to version 2.0.0 of Data Governance Schema and Taxonomy. Attempts migration to 4.3.2 of RDF4j and 9.0.76 of Tomcat, rolls back changes (needs retest with next Tomcat).