We love contributors and people willing to help.
- Report issues
- Fix typos and grammar
- Add new content
- Improve existing chapters
Below is described procedure for contributing to this repository in particular and some extra information about it.
Fork this repository over GitHub
Create a separate branch for instance
so you will not need to rebase your fork if your master branch is mergedgit clone [email protected]:your_username/php-resources cd php-resources git checkout -b patch-1
Make changes, commit them and push to your fork
git add . git commit -m "Fix typo in the FAQ" git push origin patch-1
Open a pull request
This repository uses Markdown syntax and follows cirosantilli/markdown-style-guide style guide.
Code examples follow PSR-1, PSR-2 and extended code style guide proposal.
The preferred spelling of English words is the American English (e.g. behavior, not behaviour).
Titles have capitalized certain words such as nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and subordinate conjunctions.
Use gender-neutral language (instead of he or she use they, them, their, theirs, themselves).
Use second person point of view (instead of I and we, use you). Avoid nosism.
Some images are created with the draw.io tool. They are also located in a separate repository.
Contents include the YAML front matter blocks with the following parameters to define extra content information:
- URL path of the contenttitle
- image used for open graphupdated
- last contextual change dateredirect_from
- 301 redirects of previous URLs
Labels are used to organize issues and pull requests into manageable categories. The following labels are used:
- duplicate - Attached when the same issue or pull request already exists.
- easy pick - Requires simple work.
- enhancement - New feature.
- faq - Attached for FAQ section content.
- hacktoberfest - Attached for open source Hacktoberfest event.
- invalid - Attached when
- needs review - Attached when further review is required.
- new content - For new articles or new FAQs.
- question - Attached for questions or discussions.
- wontfix - Attached when decided that issue will not be fixed.
By contributing to this repository you agree to share knowledge under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International and code under the public domain.
(For repository maintainers)
This repository follows semantic versioning. When new changes
are added, a new version (e.g. 1.x.y
) is released by the following release
- Changelog update:
Create an entry in CHANGELOG.md describing all the changes from previous release.
- Tag new release:
Tag a new version on GitHub, and attach necessary binary file(s).
- Update the git module for the GitHub page.