urlparse can parse a URL and return the specific elements requested (e.g. protocol, hostname, path, query string)
Below are a set of options available.
-H, -host Display the hostname (and port if specified) found in URL.
-P, -protocol Display the protocol of URL (defaults to http)
-base, -basename Display the base filename at the end of the path.
-d, -delimiter Set the output delimited for parsed display. (defaults to tab)
-dir, -dirname Display all but the last element of the path
-examples display example(s)
-ext, -extname Display the filename extension (e.g. .html).
-generate-manpage generate man page
-generate-markdown generate markdown documentation
-h, -help display help
-i, -input input filename
-l, -license display license
-nl, -newline if true add a trailing newline
-o, -output output filename
-p, -path Display the path after the hostname.
-quiet suppress error messages
-v, -version display version
With no options returns "http\texample.com\t/my/page.html"
urlparse http://example.com/my/page.html
Get protocol. Returns "http".
urlparse -protocol http://example.com/my/page.html
Get host or domain name. Returns "example.com".
urlparse -host http://example.com/my/page.html
Get path. Returns "/my/page.html".
urlparse -path http://example.com/my/page.html
Get dirname. Returns "my"
urlparse -dirname http://example.com/my/page.html
Get basename. Returns "page.html".
urlparse -basename http://example.com/my/page.html
Get extension. Returns ".html".
urlparse -extname http://example.com/my/page.html
Without options urlparse returns protocol, host and path fields separated by a tab.
urlparse v0.0.25