Here is a cheat sheet of useful items for a mermaid flow diagram. Full documentation can be found at Mermaid.js
participant [name]: [display name] OR actor [name]: [display name] (an actor displays a stick figure and a participant displays a box
%%{init: { 'sequence': {'mirrorActors':false} } }%%
title Actor Diagram
actor you as You
participant store as Pet store
alt [choice] ... else [another choice] ... else [yet another choice] ... end
title Alternate Example Diagram
actor you as You
participant store as Pet store
alt you love cats?
you->>store: Buy a cat
else you love fish
you->>store: Buy a fish
else you do not want a pet
you->>you: stay home
loop [until when] ... end
title Loop Example Diagram
loop until you are full
spoon->>mouth: Insert food on spoon
Theming Mermaid can be done in a variety of ways. See full documentation at Mermaid.js
- rect rgb(255, 255, 240)
- rect rgb(240, 255, 255)
- rect rgb(255, 240, 255)
title Highlight Rectangles Example Diagram
rect rgb(240, 255, 255)
A->>B: I like Green
rect rgb(255, 240, 255)
B->>A: I like Pink
rect rgb(255, 255, 240)
C->>C: Yellow is best
- note [left|right|over] of [the particiapnt]:
title Showing Notes Example Diagram
participant spoon AS #129348;
participant mouth as #128068;
loop until you are full
note over spoon,mouth: Open wide
spoon->>mouth: Insert food on spoon
- Overall themes can be applied like a color theme: forest, dark, neutral
%%{init: { 'theme': 'forest',
'sequence': {'useMaxWidth':false,
'diagramMarginX': 10
title Forest Theme Example Diagram
actor you as You
participant store as Pet store
alt you love cats?
you->>store: Buy a cat
else you love fish
you->>store: Buy a fish
else you do not want a pet
you->>you: stay home