- worker d restructuring
- pouch use cache version for local sync docs
- sw cache for between tab sync
- couch sync invalidation race condition
- falcor call invalidation bug
- migrate observables and looped async to async iterables, latest with svelte 4 support of iterables
- ipfs folder listing features
- esbuild > ipfs > workerd
- dont log responses
- return js object from handlers feature
- check bin download feature for workerd ala esbuild
- check platform for esbuild paths permissions
import sdk from '@stackblitz/sdk'; // Import stylesheets import './style.css';
sdk.embedProjectId('embed', 'css-custom-prop-color-values', { openFile: ['index.ts,index.html:L2-L6', 'style.css:L8-L20'], hideExplorer: true, showSidebar: false, theme: 'dark', // 'light', // });