We have lots of opportunities besides hacking code: Check our page on how to [Get Involved] (http://www.unknown-horizons.org/get-involved/)!
- Browse the [existing tickets] (https://github.com/unknown-horizons/unknown-horizons/issues): Maybe someone reported the bug already.
- If there is a ticket, add a comment with additional information if you think it helps us spot the problem.
- If there is no ticket covering your problem, please create one following some simple rules:
- Short and meaningful headline. [Example] (unknown-horizons#1627)
- Describe what is wrong or missing. How did you realize that? Include a step by step description so we can try to reproduce the problem. If something does not behave like you expected, please also tell us what you expected to happen. [Example] (unknown-horizons#1845)
- Logs, Savegames, screenshots and/or videos help a lot for understanding what is going on. Use the [awesome uploader] (http://up.unknown-horizons.org/) (login via github account) and link the additional files in your ticket.
- Our repository hoster, bug tracker and otherwise awesome development platform is GitHub. [Sign up] (https://github.com/signup/free) if you have no account yet to get started!
- Find something you want to improve or fix
- Check whether our [bug tracker] (https://github.com/unknown-horizons/unknown-horizons/issues) contains a ticket for this particular something
- If not, you can either open it or (for smaller fixes) submit a pull request describing the issue
- [Fork us] (https://github.com/unknown-horizons/unknown-horizons) and start working in a topic branch for the fork
- Make sure to check the Coding style and Pull requests sections below
We closely follow [PEP-8] (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/). Things that are handled differently:
- Tabs only, no spaces for indentation
- We do not strictly enforce a line length of 79 characters, usually our code stays at around 90 columns per line
- String formatting should prefer the [Python3-style
] (http://svn.python.org/view/sandbox/trunk/pep3101/doctests/basic_examples.txt?revision=54966&view=markup) over the%
Commit in small, logical sections instead of assembling one huge patch. Use the power of pull requests :)
The commit messages in your pull request should follow these common guidelines:
- First line is a short summary, followed by a blank line and a more detailed description
- If you are referring to a bug in our tracker, the short summary should should contain that issue number:
- Remember to explain why you do something and why you chose a certain way of doing it!
- Wrap the commit message at 72 chars per line. If your summary is longer than that, it is no summary!
Our developers are available on IRC for all your questions: #unknown-horizons @ irc.freenode.net or via webchat.
We wrote an in-code tutorial to give you a code architecture overview before you start coding on Unknown Horizons.
You find the first tutorial in [run_uh.py
] (https://github.com/unknown-horizons/unknown-horizons/blob/master/run_uh.py).
Starting there, just follow the instruction comments (and ask us if something is unclear or outdated!).
We are pretty good at standing our ground against documentation, but here you go: [Epydoc] (http://epydoc.unknown-horizons.org/). We recommend you check the in-code tutorial first however :)
A better example is [FIFE epydoc] (http://www.fifengine.net/epydoc) which helps understanding the engine glue.
- [Wiki overview page] (http://wiki.unknown-horizons.org/w/Tests)
- [Writing GUI tests] (http://wiki.unknown-horizons.org/w/Writing_GUI_tests)
- [General GitHub documentation] (http://help.github.com/)
- [GitHub pull request documentation] (http://help.github.com/send-pull-requests/)