#Ideas for session This will be a session demonstrating the use of the Microsoft Graph from a cross-platform mobile app. Focus will be on a couple of the APIs - Excel and Groups.
- Short introduction to Microsoft Graph
- Short discussion of cross-platform options
- Cordova
- Xamarin
- Adopt Xamarin
- Discuss Forms vs Native UI
- Discuss Auth (ADAL MSAL)
- Discuss direct REST calls vs .NET SDK
- Show architecture ###Demo
- Show scaffold solution
- Build shared and platform-specific auth
- Enumerate Groups
- Select a Group and display data from Excel
- Values
- Charts
- Add/update data and see it updated in real-time on the back-end
- Restrict to Xamarin running either Forms or Native on iOS, Android and Windows (UWP)
- MVVM pattern using a framework to hide some of the complexity? OR Build from scratch and leave "enterprise-ready" as an exercise for the reader?
- Can a group have a tag so we can filter on matching groups in the mobile app?
##User Stories
- As a mobile user I want to log in with my O365 credentials
- As a mobile user I want to choose a group to work with
- As a mobile user I want to view a dashboard of the current values
- As a mobile user I want to have the UI displayed in my language
- As an administrator I want to create a group
- As an administrator I want to adminster (add, remove) users in a group
##More Ideas/Thoughts
- Demo: Show new Application Registration Portal
- Presentation: Converged Auth vs AAD + Live Auth
- Presentation (/Demo): Windows Bridge for iOS (do we consider this x-plat?)
- On REST vs SDK discussion: Fiddler demo of OAuth flow?
- Which level would we target? If more advanced, I believe we should leverage MVVM. MvvmCross/MVVM Light/ReactiveUI?
- Package everything in a Story (e.g. a Health/Collaboration/etc... app) or just showcase functionality?