React-smart-scroller is a library that allows you to create highly customizable horizontal or vertical scroller in easy way.
You can modify scrollbar track just like you want, adding some styles to it, and change look of scrollbar thumb just simply passing styled JSX Element.
Define your own spacing or columns per scroller width simply passing props.
- Full responsiveness
- Every child is resized dependent on view cols
- Highly customizable track
- Possibility of passing own thumb (own component)
- Vertical scroll
- Spacing between columns
- Draggable content
- Well typed (Typescript)
- Server Side Rendering friendly
- Horizontal Slider with arrows and dots
yarn add react-smart-scroller
or npm install --save react-smart-scroller
Property | Type | Description |
numCols | number | Default: undefined .Number of columns per container width. If 1, width of each child is 100%. If not provided, column has childs width. |
style | React.CssProperties | Default: undefined .Custom styles applied to wrapper. |
spacing | number | Default: 0 .Space in pixels between elements. |
trackProps | React.CssProperties | Default: undefined .CSS styles to original track. |
thumb | JSX.Element | Default: rectangle .Element that if provided overrides default rectangle. |
vertical | boolean | Default: false .Defines direction of scrollbar - horizontal by default. If height of ReactSmartScroller is not defined it will automatically resize to 100% and scroll will not be visible. |
draggable | boolean | Default: false .Allows to scroll by dragging content. |
pagination | boolean | Default: false .Renders Slider with children, arrowRight, arrowLeft and dots (number of dots same as children length) |
startAt | { startIndex: number center?: boolean } |
Default: undefined .Defines start position of scroller (index of element) |
paginationConfig | { infinite?: boolean, unactiveDotsColor?: string, activeDotColor?: string, transitionTime?: number, minOffsetToChangeSlide?: number, draggable?: boolean, withScroll?: boolean } |
Default: undefined .infinite is optional boolean that allows user to scroll to first element from lsat after clicking next and in opposite wayuncativeDotsColor is optional string that defines unactive color of dots, default: gray activeDotColor is optional string that defines active color of dot, default: green transitionTime is optional number that sets transition time between slides Default: 1s minOffsetToChangeSlide is optional number that defines minimal offset needed to change slide in pixels Default: 150px draggable is optional boolean that enables switching slides by dragging them Default: false withScroll is optional boolean that enables -> for horizontal scroll pagination and for pagination scrollable inner wrapperrenderNextToEachOther is optional boolean that enables to render children next to each other |
renderPagination | ({ selectedDot: number, childrenCount: number, onNext(): void, onPrev(): void, onDotClick(index: number): void }) => JSX.Element |
Default: undefined .Replaces original pagination, first element is arrowLeft and last element is arrowRight, elements in between are 'dots' selectedDot is an index of selectedDotchildrenCount number of children onNext function that triggers next slideonPrev function that triggers previous slideonDotClick is a function that requires index of clicked dot, triggers transition to selected slide |
Let's create our first component
import React from 'react'
import { ReactSmartScroller } from 'react-smart-scroller'
const renderImages = () => {
const images = [
return, index) => (
width: '100%',
height: 300,
objectFit: 'cover'
export const Slider = () => (
This is what you'll see in your browser:
export const Slider = () => (
<ReactSmartScroller numCols={3}>
export const Slider = () => (
<ReactSmartScroller spacing={24}>
export const Slider = () => (
height: 25
export const Slider = () => (
width: 20,
height: 20,
borderRadius: '50%',
backgroundColor: 'black'
export const Slider = () => (
width: 500,
height: 600
<ReactSmartScroller vertical>
export const Slider = () => (
<ReactSmartScroller draggable>
export const Slider = () => (
<ReactSmartScroller pagination>
const renderDots = (onDotClick: (index: number) => void, selectedDot: number) =>, index) => {
const backgroundColor = selectedDot === index
? 'black'
: 'gray'
return (
onClick={() => onDotClick(index)}
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
<path fill={backgroundColor} d="M144 268.4V358c0 6.9 4.5 14 11.4 14H184v52c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24s24-10.7 24-24v-52h49v52c0 7.5 3.4 14.2 8.8 18.6 3.9 3.4 9.1 5.4 14.7 5.4h.5c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24v-52h27.6c7 0 11.4-7.1 11.4-13.9V192H144v76.4zM408 176c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v96c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24s24-10.7 24-24v-96c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24zM104 176c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v96c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24s24-10.7 24-24v-96c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24z"/>
<path fill={backgroundColor} d="M311.2 89.1l18.5-21.9c.4-.5-.2-1.6-1.3-2.5-1.1-.8-2.4-1-2.7-.4l-19.2 22.8c-13.6-5.4-30.2-8.8-50.6-8.8-20.5-.1-37.2 3.2-50.8 8.5l-19-22.4c-.4-.5-1.6-.4-2.7.4s-1.7 1.8-1.3 2.5l18.3 21.6c-48.2 20.9-55.4 72.2-56.4 87.2h223.6c-.9-15.1-8-65.7-56.4-87zm-104.4 49.8c-7.4 0-13.5-6-13.5-13.3 0-7.3 6-13.3 13.5-13.3 7.4 0 13.5 6 13.5 13.3 0 7.3-6 13.3-13.5 13.3zm98.4 0c-7.4 0-13.5-6-13.5-13.3 0-7.3 6-13.3 13.5-13.3 7.4 0 13.5 6 13.5 13.3 0 7.3-6.1 13.3-13.5 13.3z"/>
const renderPagination = ({ onNext, onPrev, onDotClick, selectedDot }: RenderPaginationProps) => {
return (
{renderDots(onDotClick, selectedDot)}
export const Slider = () => (
export const Slider = () => (
infinite: true
export const Slider = () => (
draggable: true
export const Slider = () => (
transitionTime: 0.25
export const Slider = () => (
minOffsetToChangeSlide: 25
export const Slider = () => (
unactiveDotsColor: 'gray'
export const Slider = () => (
activeDotColor: 'red'